# Apache License, Version 2.0 import fnmatch import json import pathlib import sys from dataclasses import dataclass, field from typing import Dict, List from .test import TestCollection def get_build_hash(args: None) -> str: import bpy import sys build_hash = bpy.app.build_hash.decode('utf-8') return '' if build_hash == 'Unknown' else build_hash @dataclass class TestEntry: """Test to run, a combination of revision, test and device.""" test: str = '' category: str = '' revision: str = '' git_hash: str = '' environment: Dict = field(default_factory=dict) executable: str = '' date: int = 0 device_type: str = 'CPU' device_id: str = 'CPU' device_name: str = 'Unknown CPU' status: str = 'queued' error_msg: str = '' output: Dict = field(default_factory=dict) benchmark_type: str = 'comparison' def to_json(self) -> Dict: json_dict = {} for field in self.__dataclass_fields__: json_dict[field] = getattr(self, field) return json_dict def from_json(self, json_dict): for field in self.__dataclass_fields__: if field in json_dict: setattr(self, field, json_dict[field]) class TestQueue: """Queue of tests to be run or inspected. Matches JSON file on disk.""" def __init__(self, filepath: pathlib.Path): self.filepath = filepath self.has_multiple_revisions_to_build = False self.has_multiple_categories = False self.entries = [] if self.filepath.is_file(): with open(self.filepath, 'r') as f: json_entries = json.load(f) for json_entry in json_entries: entry = TestEntry() entry.from_json(json_entry) self.entries.append(entry) def rows(self, use_revision_columns: bool) -> List: # Generate rows of entries for printing and running. entries = sorted(self.entries, key=lambda entry: (entry.revision, entry.device_id, entry.category, entry.test)) if not use_revision_columns: # One entry per row. return [[entry] for entry in entries] else: # Multiple revisions per row. rows = {} for entry in entries: key = (entry.device_id, entry.category, entry.test) if key in rows: rows[key].append(entry) else: rows[key] = [entry] return [value for _, value in sorted(rows.items())] def find(self, revision: str, test: str, category: str, device_id: str) -> Dict: for entry in self.entries: if entry.revision == revision and \ entry.test == test and \ entry.category == category and \ entry.device_id == device_id: return entry return None def write(self) -> None: json_entries = [entry.to_json() for entry in self.entries] with open(self.filepath, 'w') as f: json.dump(json_entries, f, indent=2) class TestConfig: """Test configuration, containing a subset of revisions, tests and devices.""" def __init__(self, env, name: str): # Init configuration from config.py file. self.name = name self.base_dir = env.base_dir / name self.logs_dir = self.base_dir / 'logs' config = TestConfig._read_config_module(self.base_dir) self.tests = TestCollection(env, getattr(config, 'tests', ['*']), getattr(config, 'categories', ['*'])) self.revisions = getattr(config, 'revisions', {}) self.builds = getattr(config, 'builds', {}) self.queue = TestQueue(self.base_dir / 'results.json') self.benchmark_type = getattr(config, 'benchmark_type', 'comparison') self.devices = [] self._update_devices(env, getattr(config, 'devices', ['CPU'])) self._update_queue(env) def revision_names(self) -> List: return sorted(list(self.revisions.keys()) + list(self.builds.keys())) def device_name(self, device_id: str) -> str: for device in self.devices: if device.id == device_id: return device.name return "Unknown" @staticmethod def write_default_config(env, config_dir: pathlib.Path) -> None: config_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) default_config = """devices = ['CPU']\n""" default_config += """tests = ['*']\n""" default_config += """categories = ['*']\n""" default_config += """builds = {\n""" default_config += """ 'master': '/home/user/blender-git/build/bin/blender',""" default_config += """ '2.93': '/home/user/blender-2.93/blender',""" default_config += """}\n""" default_config += """revisions = {\n""" default_config += """}\n""" config_file = config_dir / 'config.py' with open(config_file, 'w') as f: f.write(default_config) @staticmethod def read_blender_executables(env, name) -> List: config = TestConfig._read_config_module(env.base_dir / name) builds = getattr(config, 'builds', {}) executables = [] for executable in builds.values(): executable, _ = TestConfig._split_environment_variables(executable) executables.append(pathlib.Path(executable)) return executables @staticmethod def _read_config_module(base_dir: pathlib.Path) -> None: # Import config.py as a module. import importlib.util spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location("testconfig", base_dir / 'config.py') mod = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) spec.loader.exec_module(mod) return mod def _update_devices(self, env, device_filters: List) -> None: # Find devices matching the filters. need_gpus = device_filters != ['CPU'] machine = env.get_machine(need_gpus) self.devices = [] for device in machine.devices: for device_filter in device_filters: if fnmatch.fnmatch(device.id, device_filter): self.devices.append(device) break def _update_queue(self, env) -> None: # Update queue to match configuration, adding and removing entries # so that there is one entry for each revision, device and test # combination. entries = [] # Get entries for specified commits, tags and branches. for revision_name, revision_commit in self.revisions.items(): revision_commit, environment = self._split_environment_variables(revision_commit) git_hash = env.resolve_git_hash(revision_commit) date = env.git_hash_date(git_hash) entries += self._get_entries(revision_name, git_hash, '', environment, date) # Optimization to avoid rebuilds. revisions_to_build = set() for entry in entries: if entry.status in ('queued', 'outdated'): revisions_to_build.add(entry.git_hash) self.queue.has_multiple_revisions_to_build = len(revisions_to_build) > 1 # Get entries for revisions based on existing builds. for revision_name, executable in self.builds.items(): executable, environment = self._split_environment_variables(executable) executable_path = env._blender_executable_from_path(pathlib.Path(executable)) if not executable_path: sys.stderr.write(f'Error: build {executable} not found\n') sys.exit(1) env.set_blender_executable(executable_path) git_hash, _ = env.run_in_blender(get_build_hash, {}) env.set_default_blender_executable() mtime = executable_path.stat().st_mtime entries += self._get_entries(revision_name, git_hash, executable, environment, mtime) # Detect number of categories for more compact printing. categories = set() for entry in entries: categories.add(entry.category) self.queue.has_multiple_categories = len(categories) > 1 # Replace actual entries. self.queue.entries = entries def _get_entries(self, revision_name: str, git_hash: str, executable: pathlib.Path, environment: str, date: int) -> None: entries = [] for test in self.tests.tests: test_name = test.name() test_category = test.category() for device in self.devices: entry = self.queue.find(revision_name, test_name, test_category, device.id) if entry: # Test if revision hash or executable changed. if entry.git_hash != git_hash or \ entry.executable != executable or \ entry.environment != environment or \ entry.benchmark_type != self.benchmark_type or \ entry.date != date: # Update existing entry. entry.git_hash = git_hash entry.environment = environment entry.executable = executable entry.benchmark_type = self.benchmark_type entry.date = date if entry.status in ('done', 'failed'): entry.status = 'outdated' else: # Add new entry if it did not exist yet. entry = TestEntry( revision=revision_name, git_hash=git_hash, executable=executable, environment=environment, date=date, test=test_name, category=test_category, device_type=device.type, device_id=device.id, device_name=device.name, benchmark_type=self.benchmark_type) entries.append(entry) return entries @staticmethod def _split_environment_variables(revision): if isinstance(revision, str): return revision, {} else: return revision[0], revision[1]