# ##### BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # """ blender -b -noaudio --factory-startup --python tests/python/bl_rigging_symmetrize.py -- --testdir /path/to/lib/tests/animation """ import pathlib import sys import unittest import bpy def check_loc_rot_scale(self, bone, exp_bone): # Check if posistions are the same self.assertEqualVector( bone.head, exp_bone.head, "Head position", bone.name) self.assertEqualVector( bone.tail, exp_bone.tail, "Tail position", bone.name) # Scale self.assertEqualVector( bone.scale, exp_bone.scale, "Scale", bone.name) # Rotation rot_mode = exp_bone.rotation_mode self.assertEqual(bone.rotation_mode, rot_mode, "Rotations mode does not match on bone %s" % (bone.name)) if rot_mode == 'QUATERNION': self.assertEqualVector( bone.rotation_quaternion, exp_bone.rotation_quaternion, "Quaternion rotation", bone.name) elif rot_mode == 'AXIS_ANGLE': self.assertEqualVector( bone.axis_angle, exp_bone.axis_angle, "Axis Angle rotation", bone.name) else: # Euler rotation self.assertEqualVector( bone.rotation_euler, exp_bone.rotation_euler, "Euler rotation", bone.name) def check_parent(self, bone, exp_bone): self.assertEqual(type(bone.parent), type(exp_bone.parent), "Missmatching types in pose.bones[%s].parent" % (bone.name)) self.assertTrue(bone.parent is None or bone.parent.name == exp_bone.parent.name, "Bone parent does not match on bone %s" % (bone.name)) def check_bendy_bones(self, bone, exp_bone): bone_variables = bone.bl_rna.properties.keys() bendy_bone_variables = [ var for var in bone_variables if var.startswith("bbone_")] for var in bendy_bone_variables: value = getattr(bone, var) exp_value = getattr(exp_bone, var) self.assertEqual(type(value), type(exp_value), "Missmatching types in pose.bones[%s].%s" % (bone.name, var)) if isinstance(value, str): self.assertEqual(value, exp_value, "Missmatching value in pose.bones[%s].%s" % (bone.name, var)) elif hasattr(value, "name"): self.assertEqual(value.name, exp_value.name, "Missmatching value in pose.bones[%s].%s" % (bone.name, var)) else: self.assertAlmostEqual(value, exp_value, "Missmatching value in pose.bones[%s].%s" % (bone.name, var)) def check_ik(self, bone, exp_bone): bone_variables = bone.bl_rna.properties.keys() prefixes = ("ik_", "lock_ik", "use_ik") ik_bone_variables = ( var for var in bone_variables if var.startswith(prefixes) ) for var in ik_bone_variables: value = getattr(bone, var) exp_value = getattr(exp_bone, var) self.assertAlmostEqual(value, exp_value, "Missmatching value in pose.bones[%s].%s" % (bone.name, var)) def check_constraints(self, input_arm, expected_arm, bone, exp_bone): const_len = len(bone.constraints) expo_const_len = len(exp_bone.constraints) self.assertEqual(const_len, expo_const_len, "Constraints missmatch on bone %s" % (bone.name)) for exp_constraint in exp_bone.constraints: const_name = exp_constraint.name # Make sure that the constraint exists self.assertTrue(const_name in bone.constraints, "Bone %s is expected to contain constraint %s, but it does not." % ( bone.name, const_name)) constraint = bone.constraints[const_name] const_variables = constraint.bl_rna.properties.keys() for var in const_variables: if var == "is_override_data": # This variable is not used for local (non linked) data. # For local object it is not initialized, so don't check this value. continue value = getattr(constraint, var) exp_value = getattr(exp_constraint, var) self.assertEqual(type(value), type(exp_value), "Missmatching constraint value types in pose.bones[%s].constraints[%s].%s" % ( bone.name, const_name, var)) if isinstance(value, str): self.assertEqual(value, exp_value, "Missmatching constraint value in pose.bones[%s].constraints[%s].%s" % ( bone.name, const_name, var)) elif hasattr(value, "name"): # Some constraints targets the armature itself, so the armature name should missmatch. if value.name == input_arm.name and exp_value.name == expected_arm.name: continue self.assertEqual(value.name, exp_value.name, "Missmatching constraint value in pose.bones[%s].constraints[%s].%s" % ( bone.name, const_name, var)) elif isinstance(value, bool): self.assertEqual(value, exp_value, "Missmatching constraint boolean in pose.bones[%s].constraints[%s].%s" % ( bone.name, const_name, var)) else: self.assertAlmostEqual(value, exp_value, "Missmatching constraint value in pose.bones[%s].constraints[%s].%s" % ( bone.name, const_name, var)) class AbstractAnimationTest: @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): cls.testdir = args.testdir def setUp(self): self.assertTrue(self.testdir.exists(), 'Test dir %s should exist' % self.testdir) class ArmatureSymmetrizeTest(AbstractAnimationTest, unittest.TestCase): def test_symmetrize_operator(self): """Test that the symmetrize operator is working correctly.""" bpy.ops.wm.open_mainfile(filepath=str( self.testdir / "symm_test.blend")) # T81541 (D9214) arm = bpy.data.objects['transform_const_rig'] expected_arm = bpy.data.objects['expected_transform_const_rig'] self.assertEqualSymmetrize(arm, expected_arm) # T66751 (D6009) arm = bpy.data.objects['dragon_rig'] expected_arm = bpy.data.objects['expected_dragon_rig'] self.assertEqualSymmetrize(arm, expected_arm) def assertEqualSymmetrize(self, input_arm, expected_arm): # Symmetrize our input armature bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = input_arm bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT') bpy.ops.armature.select_all(action='SELECT') bpy.ops.armature.symmetrize() bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') # Make sure that the bone count is the same bone_len = len(input_arm.pose.bones) expected_bone_len = len(expected_arm.pose.bones) self.assertEqual(bone_len, expected_bone_len, "Expected bone count to match") for exp_bone in expected_arm.pose.bones: bone_name = exp_bone.name # Make sure that the bone exists self.assertTrue(bone_name in input_arm.pose.bones, "Armature is expected to contain bone %s, but it does not." % (bone_name)) bone = input_arm.pose.bones[bone_name] # Loc Rot Scale check_loc_rot_scale(self, bone, exp_bone) # Parent settings check_parent(self, bone, exp_bone) # Bendy Bones check_bendy_bones(self, bone, exp_bone) # IK check_ik(self, bone, exp_bone) # Constraints check_constraints(self, input_arm, expected_arm, bone, exp_bone) def assertEqualVector(self, vec1, vec2, check_str, bone_name) -> None: for idx, value in enumerate(vec1): self.assertAlmostEqual( value, vec2[idx], 3, "%s does not match with expected value on bone %s" % (check_str, bone_name)) def main(): global args import argparse if '--' in sys.argv: argv = [sys.argv[0]] + sys.argv[sys.argv.index('--') + 1:] else: argv = sys.argv parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--testdir', required=True, type=pathlib.Path) args, remaining = parser.parse_known_args(argv) unittest.main(argv=remaining) if __name__ == "__main__": main()