# archive targets ('scons release') # and extra functions # # Mac OS: appit # Unices: zipit -> .tar.gz # Windows: zipit -> .zip # import os import sys import string import bs_dirs import bs_globals def add2arc(arc, file): """ Add file to arc. For win32 arc is a Zipfile, for unices it's a Tarfile """ if sys.platform == 'win32': arc.write(file) else: arc.add(file) def appit(target, source, env): if sys.platform == 'darwin': import shutil import commands import os.path target = 'blender' sourceinfo = "source/darwin/%s.app/Contents/Info.plist"%target targetinfo = "%s.app/Contents/Info.plist"%target cmd = '%s.app'%target if os.path.isdir(cmd): shutil.rmtree('%s.app'%target) shutil.copytree("source/darwin/%s.app"%target, '%s.app'%target) cmd = "cat %s | sed s/VERSION/`cat release/VERSION`/ | sed s/DATE/`date +'%%Y-%%b-%%d'`/ > %s"%(sourceinfo,targetinfo) commands.getoutput(cmd) cmd = 'cp %s %s.app/Contents/MacOS/%s'%(target, target, target) commands.getoutput(cmd) if bs_globals.user_options_dict['BUILD_BINARY'] == 'debug': print "building debug" else : cmd = 'strip -u -r %s.app/Contents/MacOS/%s'%(target, target) commands.getoutput(cmd) cmd = '%s.app/Contents/Resources/'%target shutil.copy('bin/.blender/.bfont.ttf', cmd) shutil.copy('bin/.blender/.Blanguages', cmd) cmd = 'cp -R bin/.blender/locale %s.app/Contents/Resources/'%target commands.getoutput(cmd) cmd = 'mkdir %s.app/Contents/MacOS/.blender'%target commands.getoutput(cmd) cmd = 'cp -R release/scripts %s.app/Contents/MacOS/.blender/'%target commands.getoutput(cmd) cmd = 'cp -R release/plugins %s.app/Contents/Resources/'%target commands.getoutput(cmd) cmd = 'chmod +x %s.app/Contents/MacOS/%s'%(target, target) commands.getoutput(cmd) cmd = 'find %s.app -name CVS -prune -exec rm -rf {} \;'%target commands.getoutput(cmd) cmd = 'find %s.app -name .DS_Store -exec rm -rf {} \;'%target commands.getoutput(cmd) if bs_globals.user_options_dict['BUILD_BLENDER_PLAYER'] == 1: target = 'blenderplayer' sourceinfo = "source/darwin/%s.app/Contents/Info.plist"%target targetinfo = "%s.app/Contents/Info.plist"%target cmd = '%s.app'%target if os.path.isdir(cmd): shutil.rmtree('%s.app'%target) shutil.copytree("source/darwin/%s.app"%target, '%s.app'%target) cmd = "cat %s | sed s/VERSION/`cat release/VERSION`/ | sed s/DATE/`date +'%%Y-%%b-%%d'`/ > %s"%(sourceinfo,targetinfo) commands.getoutput(cmd) cmd = 'cp %s %s.app/Contents/MacOS/%s'%(target, target, target) commands.getoutput(cmd) if bs_globals.user_options_dict['BUILD_BINARY'] == 'debug': print "building debug player" else : cmd = 'strip -u -r %s.app/Contents/MacOS/%s'%(target, target) commands.getoutput(cmd) cmd = '%s.app/Contents/Resources/'%target shutil.copy('bin/.blender/.bfont.ttf', cmd) shutil.copy('bin/.blender/.Blanguages', cmd) cmd = 'cp -R bin/.blender/locale %s.app/Contents/Resources/'%target commands.getoutput(cmd) cmd = 'cp -R release/scripts %s.app/Contents/MacOS/.blender/'%target commands.getoutput(cmd) cmd = 'cp -R release/plugins %s.app/Contents/Resources/'%target commands.getoutput(cmd) cmd = 'chmod +x %s.app/Contents/MacOS/%s'%(target, target) commands.getoutput(cmd) cmd = 'find %s.app -name CVS -prune -exec rm -rf {} \;'%target commands.getoutput(cmd) cmd = 'find %s.app -name .DS_Store -exec rm -rf {} \;'%target commands.getoutput(cmd) else: print "This target is for the Os X platform only" def zipit(env, target, source): try: if sys.platform == 'win32': import zipfile else: import tarfile except: if sys.platform == 'win32': print "no zipfile module found" else: print "no tarfile module found" print "make sure you use python 2.3" print return import shutil import glob import time startdir = os.getcwd() pf="" zipext = "" zipname = "" today = time.strftime("%Y%m%d", time.gmtime()) # get time in the form 20040714 if bs_dirs.preparedist()==0: print "check output for error" return if sys.platform == 'win32': zipext += ".zip" pf = "windows" elif sys.platform == 'linux2' or sys.platform == 'linux-i386': zipext += ".tar.gz" pf = "linux" elif sys.platform == 'freebsd4': zipext += ".tar.gz" pf = "freebsd4" elif sys.platform == 'freebsd5': zipext += ".tar.gz" pf = "freebsd5" elif sys.platform == 'cygwin': zipext += ".tar.gz" pf = "cygwin" if bs_globals.user_options_dict['BUILD_BINARY'] == 'release': if sys.platform == 'cygwin': blendname = "blender-" + bs_globals.version + "-" + pf else: blendname = "blender-" + bs_globals.version + "-" + bs_globals.config_guess else: blendname = "bf_blender_" + pf + "_" + today zipname = blendname + zipext if os.path.isdir(blendname): shutil.rmtree(blendname) shutil.move(startdir + os.sep + "dist", blendname) print if sys.platform == 'win32': print "Create the zip!" else: print "Create the tarball!" print if sys.platform == 'win32': thezip = zipfile.ZipFile(zipname, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) else: thezip = tarfile.open(zipname, 'w:gz') for root, dirs, files in os.walk(blendname, topdown=False): for name in files: if name in [zipname]: print "skipping self" else: file = root + "/" + name print "adding: " + file add2arc(thezip, file) thezip.close() os.chdir(startdir) shutil.move(blendname, startdir + os.sep + "dist") if bs_dirs.finalisedist(zipname)==0: print "encountered an error in finalisedist" print return print print "Blender has been successfully packaged" print "You can find the file %s in the root source directory"%zipname print def printadd(env, target, source): """ Print warning message if platform hasn't been added to zipit() yet """ print print "############" print print "Make sure zipit() works for your platform:" print " - binaries to copy (naming?)" print " - possible libraries?" print " - archive format?" print print "/Nathan Letwory (jesterKing)" print def BlenderRelease(target): """ Make a Release package (tarball, zip, bundle). target = Name of package to make (string) eg: BlenderRelease('blender') """ if sys.platform == 'darwin': app_env = bs_globals.init_env.Copy() Mappit = app_env.Command('appit', bs_globals.appname, appit) if bs_globals.user_options_dict['BUILD_BLENDER_PLAYER'] == 1: app_env.Depends(Mappit, bs_globals.playername) app_env.Alias("release", Mappit) elif sys.platform in ['win32', 'linux2', 'linux-i386', 'freebsd4', 'freebsd5','cygwin']: release_env = bs_globals.init_env.Copy() releaseit = release_env.Command('blenderrelease', bs_globals.appname, zipit) if bs_globals.user_options_dict['BUILD_BLENDER_PLAYER'] == 1: release_env.Depends(releaseit, bs_globals.playername) release_env.Alias("release", releaseit) else: release_env = bs_globals.init_env.Copy() releaseit = release_env.Command('blender.tar.gz', bs_globals.appname, printadd) if bs_globals.user_options_dict['BUILD_BLENDER_PLAYER'] == 1: release_env.Depends(releaseit, bs_globals.playername) release_env.Alias("release", releaseit)