# bincopy target import sys import os import shutil import bs_globals def docopyit(env, target, source): """ Copy the blender binaries to a specified location """ if bs_globals.docopy==0 or bs_globals.copyto=='': print "The bincopy target has been activated with corrupt data" sys.exit() blender = 'blender' blenderplayer = 'blenderplayer' # make sure bs_globals.copyto exists if os.path.isdir(bs_globals.copyto) == 0: os.makedirs(bs_globals.copyto) if sys.platform in ['win32', 'cygwin']: blender = 'blender.exe' blenderplayer = 'blenderplayer.exe' shutil.copy(blender, bs_globals.copyto + os.sep + blender) if bs_globals.user_options_dict['BUILD_BLENDER_PLAYER'] == 1: shutil.copy(blenderplayer, bs_globals.copyto + os.sep + blenderplayer) def BlenderCopy(target): #~ if sys.platform == 'darwin': #~ copy_env = bs_globals.init_env.Copy() #~ Mappit = app_env.Command('appit', bs_globals.appname, appit) #~ if bs_globals.user_options_dict['BUILD_BLENDER_PLAYER'] == 1: #~ app_env.Depends(Mappit, bs_globals.playername) #~ app_env.Alias("release", Mappit) if sys.platform in ['win32', 'linux2', 'linux-i386', 'freebsd4', 'freebsd5','cygwin']: copy_env = bs_globals.init_env.Copy() copyit = copy_env.Command('blendercopy', bs_globals.appname, docopyit) if bs_globals.user_options_dict['BUILD_BLENDER_PLAYER'] == 1: copy_env.Depends(copyit, bs_globals.playername) copy_env.Alias("bincopy", copyit) else: print "Check the scons implementation for bincopy, copydo if everything is setup correctly for your platform"