bundle.*:: The `bundle.*` keys may appear in a bundle list file found via the `git clone --bundle-uri` option. These keys currently have no effect if placed in a repository config file, though this will change in the future. See link:technical/bundle-uri.html[the bundle URI design document] for more details. bundle.version:: This integer value advertises the version of the bundle list format used by the bundle list. Currently, the only accepted value is `1`. bundle.mode:: This string value should be either `all` or `any`. This value describes whether all of the advertised bundles are required to unbundle a complete understanding of the bundled information (`all`) or if any one of the listed bundle URIs is sufficient (`any`). bundle.heuristic:: If this string-valued key exists, then the bundle list is designed to work well with incremental `git fetch` commands. The heuristic signals that there are additional keys available for each bundle that help determine which subset of bundles the client should download. The only value currently understood is `creationToken`. bundle..*:: The `bundle..*` keys are used to describe a single item in the bundle list, grouped under `` for identification purposes. bundle..uri:: This string value defines the URI by which Git can reach the contents of this ``. This URI may be a bundle file or another bundle list.