import PassLinkAction from './PassLinkAction'; import HttpRequest from '../../Network/HttpRequest'; export default class Connect extends PassLinkAction { /** * @param {Object} parameters */ constructor(parameters) { if(!parameters.hasOwnProperty('id') && parameters.path.length > 8) { = parameters.path.substr(8, 36); } super(parameters); this._codes = null; this._clientLabel = null; this._theme = null; this._promise = null; } /** * Get the suggested name of the client * * @return {(null|String)} */ getClientLabel() { return this._clientLabel; } /** * Set the suggested name of the client * * @param {String} value * @return {Connect} */ setClientLabel(value) { this._clientLabel = value; return this; } /** * Get the theme from the link * * @return {Promise|null} */ async getTheme() { if(this._theme !== null) return this._theme; return await this._loadTheme(); } /** * * @return {[]} */ getCodes() { if(this._codes !== null) return this._codes; let codes = [], spec = new RegExp('^(?=\\S*[a-z])(?=\\S*[A-Z])(?=\\S*[\\d])\\S*$'); while(codes.length < 4) { let code = Array(4) .fill('0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz') .map(x => x[Math.floor(crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint32Array(1))[0] / (0xffffffff + 1) * x.length)]) .join(''); if(spec.test(code)) codes.push(code); } this._codes = codes; return codes; } /** * Apply for the registration * * @return {Promise} */ apply() { if(this._promise === null) { this._promise = this._sendRequest(); } return this._promise; } /** * * @return {Promise} * @private */ async _sendRequest() { let url = `${this._parameters.baseUrl}index.php/apps/passwords/link/connect/apply`, request = new HttpRequest(url); let data = { id :, codes: this.getCodes() }; if(this._clientLabel !== null) data.label = this._clientLabel; let response = await request.setData(data).send(); return response.getData(); } /** * * @private */ async _loadTheme() { let url = `${this._parameters.baseUrl}index.php/apps/passwords/link/connect/theme`, request = new HttpRequest(url); let data = {id:}; try { let response = await request.setData(data).send(); this._theme = response.getData(); return response.getData(); } catch(e) { return null; } } }