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git.zx2c4.com/cgit.git - Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2009-02-12cgitrc.5.txt: make the cgitrc options a valid asciidoc labeled listLars Hjemli
2009-02-12make cgitrc.5.txt asciidoc manpage compatibleMatt McCormick (thewtex)
2009-01-29Add support for a custom headerLars Hjemli
2009-01-27Merge branch 'lh/stats'Lars Hjemli
2009-01-12Fix tar.bz2 snapshot exampleTodd Zullinger
2008-12-07ui-stats: replace 'enable-stats' setting with 'max-stats'Lars Hjemli
2008-12-06Add a 'stats' page to each repoLars Hjemli
2008-10-05Replace cgitrc with cgitrc.5.txtLars Hjemli