:man source:   cgit
:man manual:   cgit


cgitrc - runtime configuration for cgit

Cgitrc contains all runtime settings for cgit, including the list of git
repositories, formatted as a line-separated list of NAME=VALUE pairs. Blank
lines, and lines starting with '#', are ignored.

The default location of cgitrc, defined at compile time, is /etc/cgitrc. At
runtime, cgit will consult the environment variable CGIT_CONFIG and, if
defined, use its value instead.

	Specifies a command which will be invoked to format the content of
	about pages (both top-level and for each repository). The command will
	get the content of the about-file on its STDIN, the name of the file
	as the first argument, and the STDOUT from the command will be
	included verbatim on the about page. Default value: none. See
	also: "FILTER API".

	Specifies a path, relative to each repository path, which can be used
	to specify the date and time of the youngest commit in the repository.
	The first line in the file is used as input to the "parse_date"
	function in libgit. Recommended timestamp-format is "yyyy-mm-dd
	hh:mm:ss". You may want to generate this file from a post-receive
	hook. Default value: "info/web/last-modified".

	Specifies a command that will be invoked for authenticating repository
	access. Receives quite a few arguments, and data on both stdin and
	stdout for authentication processing. Details follow later in this
	document. If no auth-filter is specified, no authentication is
	performed. Default value: none. See also: "FILTER API".

	Flag which, when set to "age", enables date ordering in the branch ref
	list, and when set to "name" enables ordering by branch name. Default
	value: "name".

	Path used to store the cgit cache entries. Default value:
	"/var/cache/cgit". See also: "MACRO EXPANSION".

	Number which specifies the time-to-live, in minutes, for the cached
	version of repository pages accessed with a fixed SHA1. See also:
	"CACHE". Default value: -1".

	Number which specifies the time-to-live, in minutes, for the cached
	version of repository pages accessed without a fixed SHA1. See also:
	"CACHE". Default value: "5".

	Number which specifies the time-to-live, in minutes, for the cached
	version of the repository summary page. See also: "CACHE". Default
	value: "5".

	Number which specifies the time-to-live, in minutes, for the cached
	version of the repository index page. See also: "CACHE". Default
	value: "5".

	Number which specifies the time-to-live, in minutes, for the result
	of scanning a path for git repositories. See also: "CACHE". Default
	value: "15".

	Number which specifies the time-to-live, in minutes, for the cached
	version of the repository about page. See also: "CACHE". Default
	value: "15".

	Number which specifies the time-to-live, in minutes, for the cached
	version of snapshots. See also: "CACHE". Default value: "5".

	The maximum number of entries in the cgit cache. When set to "0",
	caching is disabled. See also: "CACHE". Default value: "0"

	Sort items in the repo list case sensitively. Default value: "1".
	See also: repository-sort, section-sort.

	Space-separated list of common prefixes which, when combined with a
	repository url, generates valid clone urls for the repository. This
	setting is only used if `repo.clone-url` is unspecified. Default value:

	Space-separated list of clone-url templates. This setting is only
	used if `repo.clone-url` is unspecified. Default value: none. See

	Specifies a command which will be invoked to format commit messages.
	The command will get the message on its STDIN, and the STDOUT from the
	command will be included verbatim as the commit message, i.e. this can
	be used to implement bugtracker integration. Default value: none.
	See also: "FILTER API".

	Flag which, when set to "date", enables strict date ordering in the
	commit log, and when set to "topo" enables strict topological
	ordering. If unset, the default ordering of "git log" is used. Default
	value: unset.

	Url which specifies the css document to include in all cgit pages.
	Default value: "/cgit.css".

	Specifies a command which will be invoked to format names and email
	address of committers, authors, and taggers, as represented in various
	places throughout the cgit interface. This command will receive an
	email address and an origin page string as its command line arguments,
	and the text to format on STDIN. It is to write the formatted text back
	out onto STDOUT. Default value: none. See also: "FILTER API".

	Flag which, when set to "1", will make cgit generate a html fragment
	suitable for embedding in other html pages. Default value: none. See
	also: "noheader".

	Flag which, when set to "1", will make cgit print an ASCII-art commit
	history graph to the left of the commit messages in the repository
	log page. Default value: "0".

	Flag which, when set to "1", allows all filter settings to be
	overridden in repository-specific cgitrc files. Default value: none.

	If set to "1", cgit will act as an dumb HTTP endpoint for git clones.
	You can add "http://$HTTP_HOST$SCRIPT_NAME/$CGIT_REPO_URL" to clone-url
	to expose this feature. If you use an alternate way of serving git
	repositories, you may wish to disable this. Default value: "1".

	Flag which, when set to "1", will make cgit generate extra links for
	each repo in the repository index (specifically, to the "summary",
	"commit" and "tree" pages). Default value: "0".

	Flag which, when set to "1", will make cgit display the owner of
	each repo in the repository index. Default value: "1".

	Flag which, when set to "1", will make cgit print the number of
	modified files for each commit on the repository log page. Default
	value: "0".

	Flag which, when set to "1", will make cgit print the number of added
	and removed lines for each commit on the repository log page. Default
	value: "0".

	Flag which, when set to "1", will make cgit display remote branches
	in the summary and refs views. Default value: "0". See also:

	Flag which, when set to "1", will make cgit use the subject of the
	parent commit as link text when generating links to parent commits
	in commit view. Default value: "0". See also:

	Flag which, when set to "1", will make cgit generate linenumber links
	for plaintext blobs printed in the tree view. Default value: "1".

	Flag which, when set to "1", will allow cgit to use git config to set
	any repo specific settings. This option is used in conjunction with
	"scan-path", and must be defined prior, to augment repo-specific
	settings. The keys gitweb.owner, gitweb.category, and gitweb.description
	will map to the cgit keys repo.owner, repo.section, and repo.desc,
	respectively. All git config keys that begin with "cgit." will be mapped
	to the corresponding "repo." key in cgit. Default value: "0". See also:
	scan-path, section-from-path.

	Url used as link to a shortcut icon for cgit. It is suggested to use
	the value "/favicon.ico" since certain browsers will ignore other
	values. Default value: "/favicon.ico".

	The content of the file specified with this option will be included
	verbatim at the bottom of all pages (i.e. it replaces the standard
	"generated by..." message. Default value: none.

	The content of the file specified with this option will be included
	verbatim in the html HEAD section on all pages. Default value: none.

	The content of the file specified with this option will be included
	verbatim at the top of all pages. Default value: none.

	Name of a configfile to include before the rest of the current config-
	file is parsed. Default value: none. See also: "MACRO EXPANSION".

	The content of the file specified with this option will be included
	verbatim above the repository index. This setting is deprecated, and
	will not be supported by cgit-1.0 (use root-readme instead). Default
	value: none.

	The content of the file specified with this option will be included
	verbatim below the heading on the repository index page. This setting
	is deprecated, and will not be supported by cgit-1.0 (use root-desc
	instead). Default value: none.

	Flag which, if set to "1", makes cgit print commit and tag times in the
	servers timezone. Default value: "0".

	Url which specifies the source of an image which will be used as a logo
	on all cgit pages. Default value: "/cgit.png".

	Url loaded when clicking on the cgit logo image. If unspecified the
	calculated url of the repository index page will be used. Default
	value: none.

	Specifies a command which will be invoked to format the Owner
	column of the main page.  The command will get the owner on STDIN,
	and the STDOUT from the command will be included verbatim in the
	table.  This can be used to link to additional context such as an
	owners home page.  When active this filter is used instead of the
	default owner query url.  Default value: none.
	See also: "FILTER API".

	Specifies the number of items to display in atom feeds view. Default
	value: "10".

	Specifies the number of entries to list per page in "log" view. Default
	value: "50".

	Specifies the maximum number of commit message characters to display in
	"log" view. Default value: "80".

	Specifies the number of entries to list per page on the	repository
	index page. Default value: "50".

	Specifies the maximum number of repo description characters to display
	on the repository index page. Default value: "80".

	Specifies the maximum size of a blob to display HTML for in KBytes.
	Default value: "0" (limit disabled).

	Set the default maximum statistics period. Valid values are "week",
	"month", "quarter" and "year". If unspecified, statistics are
	disabled. Default value: none. See also: "repo.max-stats".

	Set the mimetype for the specified filename extension. This is used
	by the `plain` command when returning blob content.

	Specifies the file to use for automatic mimetype lookup. If specified
	then this field is used as a fallback when no "mimetype.<ext>" match is
	found. If unspecified then no such lookup is performed. The typical file
	to use on a Linux system is /etc/mime.types. The format of the file must
	comply to:
	- a comment line is an empty line or a line starting with a hash (#),
	  optionally preceded by whitespace
	- a non-comment line starts with the mimetype (like image/png), followed
	  by one or more file extensions (like jpg), all separated by whitespace
	Default value: none. See also: "mimetype.<ext>".

	Text which will be used as the formatstring for a hyperlink when a
	submodule is printed in a directory listing. The arguments for the
	formatstring are the path and SHA1 of the submodule commit. Default
	value: none.

	If set to the value "1" caching will be disabled. This settings is
	deprecated, and will not be honored starting with cgit-1.0. Default
	value: "0".

	If set to "1" showing full author email addresses will be disabled.
	Default value: "0".

	Flag which, when set to "1", will make cgit omit the standard header
	on all pages. Default value: none. See also: "embedded".

	A list of subdirectories inside of scan-path, relative to it, that
	should loaded as git repositories. This must be defined prior to
	scan-path. Default value: none. See also: scan-path, "MACRO

	Text which will be used as default value for "repo.readme". Multiple
	config keys may be specified, and cgit will use the first found file
	in this list. This is useful in conjunction with scan-path. Default
	value: none. See also: scan-path, repo.readme.

	If set to "1" and scan-path is enabled, if any repositories are found
	with a suffix of ".git", this suffix will be removed for the url and
	name. This must be defined prior to scan-path. Default value: "0".
	See also: scan-path.

	Maximum number of files to consider when detecting renames. The value
	 "-1" uses the compiletime value in git (for further info, look at
	  `man git-diff`). Default value: "-1".

	Legacy alias for "section". This option is deprecated and will not be
	supported in cgit-1.0.

	The way in which repositories in each section are sorted. Valid values
	are "name" for sorting by the repo name or "age" for sorting by the
	most recently updated repository. Default value: "name". See also:
	section, case-sensitive-sort, section-sort.

	Text used as content for the "robots" meta-tag. Default value:
	"index, nofollow".

	Text printed below the heading on the repository index page. Default
	value: "a fast webinterface for the git dscm".

	The content of the file specified with this option will be included
	verbatim below the "about" link on the repository index page. Default
	value: none.

	Text printed as heading on the repository index page. Default value:
	"Git Repository Browser".

	If set to "1" and scan-path is enabled, scan-path will recurse into
	directories whose name starts with a period ('.'). Otherwise,
	scan-path will stay away from such directories (considered as
	"hidden"). Note that this does not apply to the ".git" directory in
	non-bare repos. This must be defined prior to scan-path.
	Default value: 0. See also: scan-path.

	A path which will be scanned for repositories. If caching is enabled,
	the result will be cached as a cgitrc include-file in the cache
	directory. If project-list has been defined prior to scan-path,
	scan-path loads only the directories listed in the file pointed to by
	project-list. Be advised that only the global settings taken
	before the scan-path directive will be applied to each repository.
	Default value: none. See also: cache-scanrc-ttl, project-list,

	The name of the current repository section - all repositories defined
	after this option will inherit the current section name. Default value:

	Flag which, when set to "1", will sort the sections on the repository
	listing by name. Set this flag to "0" if the order in the cgitrc file should
	be preserved. Default value: "1". See also: section,
	case-sensitive-sort, repository-sort.

	A number which, if defined prior to scan-path, specifies how many
	path elements from each repo path to use as a default section name.
	If negative, cgit will discard the specified number of path elements
	above the repo directory. Default value: "0".

	If set to "1" shows side-by-side diffs instead of unidiffs per
	default. Default value: "0".

	Text which specifies the default set of snapshot formats that cgit
	generates links for. The value is a space-separated list of zero or
	more of the values "tar", "tar.gz", "tar.bz2", "tar.xz" and "zip".
	Default value: none.

	Specifies a command which will be invoked to format plaintext blobs
	in the tree view. The command will get the blob content on its STDIN
	and the name of the blob as its only command line argument. The STDOUT
	from the command will be included verbatim as the blob contents, i.e.
	this can be used to implement e.g. syntax highlighting. Default value:
	none. See also: "FILTER API".

	Specifies the number of branches to display in the repository "summary"
	view. Default value: "10".

	Specifies the number of log entries to display in the repository
	"summary" view. Default value: "10".

	Specifies the number of tags to display in the repository "summary"
	view. Default value: "10".

	Filename which, if specified, needs to be present within the repository
	for cgit to allow access to that repository. This can be used to emulate
	gitweb's EXPORT_OK and STRICT_EXPORT functionality and limit cgit's
	repositories to match those exported by git-daemon. This option must
	be defined prior to scan-path.

	Url which, if specified, will be used as root for all cgit links. It
	will also cause cgit to generate 'virtual urls', i.e. urls like
	'/cgit/tree/README' as opposed to '?r=cgit&p=tree&path=README'. Default
	value: none.
	NOTE: cgit has recently learned how to use PATH_INFO to achieve the
	same kind of virtual urls, so this option will probably be deprecated.

	Override the default about-filter. Default value: none. See also:
	"enable-filter-overrides". See also: "FILTER API".

	Flag which, when set to "age", enables date ordering in the branch ref
	list, and when set to "name" enables ordering by branch name. Default
	value: "name".

	A list of space-separated urls which can be used to clone this repo.
	Default value: none. See also: "MACRO EXPANSION".

	Override the default commit-filter. Default value: none. See also:
	"enable-filter-overrides". See also: "FILTER API".

	Flag which, when set to "date", enables strict date ordering in the
	commit log, and when set to "topo" enables strict topological
	ordering. If unset, the default ordering of "git log" is used. Default
	value: unset.

	The name of the default branch for this repository. If no such branch
	exists in the repository, the first branch name (when sorted) is used
	as default instead. Default value: branch pointed to by HEAD, or
	"master" if there is no suitable HEAD.

	The value to show as repository description. Default value: none.

	Override the default email-filter. Default value: none. See also:
	"enable-filter-overrides". See also: "FILTER API".

	A flag which can be used to disable the global setting
	`enable-commit-graph'. Default value: none.

	A flag which can be used to disable the global setting
	`enable-log-filecount'. Default value: none.

	A flag which can be used to disable the global setting
	`enable-log-linecount'. Default value: none.

	Flag which, when set to "1", will make cgit display remote branches
	in the summary and refs views. Default value: <enable-remote-branches>.

	A flag which can be used to override the global setting
	`enable-subject-links'. Default value: none.

	Url which specifies the source of an image which will be used as a logo
	on this repo's pages. Default value: global logo.

	Url loaded when clicking on the cgit logo image. If unspecified the
	calculated url of the repository index page will be used. Default
	value: global logo-link.

	Override the default owner-filter. Default value: none. See also:
	"enable-filter-overrides". See also: "FILTER API".

	Text which will be used as the formatstring for a hyperlink when a
	submodule is printed in a directory listing. The arguments for the
	formatstring are the path and SHA1 of the submodule commit. Default
	value: <module-link>

	Text which will be used as the formatstring for a hyperlink when a
	submodule with the specified subdirectory path is printed in a
	directory listing. The only argument for the formatstring is the SHA1
	of the submodule commit. Default value: none.

	Override the default maximum statistics period. Valid values are equal
	to the values specified for the global "max-stats" setting. Default
	value: none.

	The value to show as repository name. Default value: <repo.url>.

	A value used to identify the owner of the repository. Default value:

	An absolute path to the repository directory. For non-bare repositories
	this is the .git-directory. Default value: none.

	A path (relative to <repo.path>) which specifies a file to include
	verbatim as the "About" page for this repo. You may also specify a
	git refspec by head or by hash by prepending the refspec followed by
	a colon. For example, "master:docs/readme.mkd". If the value begins
	with a colon, i.e. ":docs/readme.rst", the default branch of the
	repository will be used. Sharing any file will expose that entire
	directory tree to the "/about/PATH" endpoints, so be sure that there
	are no non-public files located in the same directory as the readme
	file. Default value: <readme>.

	A mask of snapshot formats for this repo that cgit generates links for,
	restricted by the global "snapshots" setting. Default value:

	Override the current section name for this repository. Default value:

	Override the default source-filter. Default value: none. See also:
	"enable-filter-overrides". See also: "FILTER API".

	The relative url used to access the repository. This must be the first
	setting specified for each repo. Default value: none.

When the option "scan-path" is used to auto-discover git repositories, cgit
will try to parse the file "cgitrc" within any found repository. Such a
repo-specific config file may contain any of the repo-specific options
described above, except "repo.url" and "repo.path". Additionally, the "filter"
options are only acknowledged in repo-specific config files when
"enable-filter-overrides" is set to "1".

Note: the "repo." prefix is dropped from the option names in repo-specific
config files, e.g. "repo.desc" becomes "desc".

By default, filters are separate processes that are executed each time they
are needed.  Alternative technologies may be used by prefixing the filter
specification with the relevant string; available values are:

	The default "one process per filter" mode.

	Executes the script using a built-in Lua interpreter. The script is
	loaded once per execution of cgit, and may be called multiple times
	during cgit's lifetime, making it a good choice for repeated filters
	such as the 'email filter'. It responds to three functions:

	'filter_open(argument1, argument2, argument3, ...)'::
		This is called upon activation of the filter for a particular
		set of data.
		This is called whenever cgit writes data to the webpage.
		This is called when the current filtering operation is
		completed. It must return an integer value. Usually 0
		indicates success.

	Additionally, cgit exposes to the Lua the following built-in functions:

		Writes 'str' to the webpage.
		HTML escapes and writes 'str' to the webpage.
		HTML escapes for an attribute and writes "str' to the webpage.
		URL escapes for a path and writes 'str' to the webpage.
		URL escapes for an argument and writes 'str' to the webpage.
		Includes 'file' in webpage.

Parameters are provided to filters as follows.

about filter::
	This filter is given a single parameter: the filename of the source
	file to filter. The filter can use the filename to determine (for
	example) the type of syntax to follow when formatting the readme file.
	The about text that is to be filtered is available on standard input
	and the filtered text is expected on standard output.

commit filter::
	This filter is given no arguments. The commit message text that is to
	be filtered is available on standard input and the filtered text is
	expected on standard output.

email filter::
	This filter is given two parameters: the email address of the relevent
	author and a string indicating the originating page. The filter will
	then receive the text string to format on standard input and is
	expected to write to standard output the formatted text to be included
	in the page.

owner filter::
	This filter is given no arguments.  The owner text is avilable on
	standard input and the filter is expected to write to standard
	output.  The output is included in the Owner column.

source filter::
	This filter is given a single parameter: the filename of the source
	file to filter. The filter can use the filename to determine (for
	example) the syntax highlighting mode. The contents of the source
	file that is to be filtered is available on standard input and the
	filtered contents is expected on standard output.

auth filter::
	The authentication filter receives 12 parameters:
	  - filter action, explained below, which specifies which action the
	    filter is called for
	  - http cookie
	  - http method
	  - http referer
	  - http path
	  - http https flag
	  - cgit repo
	  - cgit page
	  - cgit url
	  - cgit login url
	When the filter action is "body", this filter must write to output the
	HTML for displaying the login form, which POSTs to the login url. When
	the filter action is "authenticate-cookie", this filter must validate
	the http cookie and return a 0 if it is invalid or 1 if it is invalid,
	in the exit code / close function. If the filter action is
	"authenticate-post", this filter receives POST'd parameters on
	standard input, and should write a complete CGI response, preferably
	with a 302 redirect, and write to output one or more "Set-Cookie"
	HTTP headers, each followed by a newline.

	Please see `filters/simple-authentication.lua` for a clear example
	script that may be modified.

All filters are handed the following environment variables:

- CGIT_REPO_URL (from repo.url)
- CGIT_REPO_NAME (from repo.name)
- CGIT_REPO_PATH (from repo.path)
- CGIT_REPO_OWNER (from repo.owner)
- CGIT_REPO_DEFBRANCH (from repo.defbranch)
- CGIT_REPO_SECTION (from repo.section)
- CGIT_REPO_CLONE_URL (from repo.clone-url)

If a setting is not defined for a repository and the corresponding global
setting is also not defined (if applicable), then the corresponding
environment variable will be unset.

The following cgitrc options support a simple macro expansion feature,
where tokens prefixed with "$" are replaced with the value of a similarly
named environment variable:

- cache-root
- include
- project-list
- scan-path

Macro expansion will also happen on the content of $CGIT_CONFIG, if

One usage of this feature is virtual hosting, which in its simplest form
can be accomplished by adding the following line to /etc/cgitrc:


The following options are expanded during request processing, and support
the environment variables defined in "FILTER API":

- clone-url
- repo.clone-url


All cache ttl values are in minutes. Negative ttl values indicate that a page
type will never expire, and thus the first time a URL is accessed, the result
will be cached indefinitely, even if the underlying git repository changes.
Conversely, when a ttl value is zero, the cache is disabled for that
particular page type, and the page type is never cached.


# Enable caching of up to 1000 output entries

# Specify some default clone urls using macro expansion
clone-url=git://foo.org/$CGIT_REPO_URL git@foo.org:$CGIT_REPO_URL

# Specify the css url

# Show owner on index page

# Allow http transport git clone

# Show extra links for each repository on the index page

# Enable ASCII art commit history graph on the log pages

# Show number of affected files per commit on the log pages

# Show number of added/removed lines per commit on the log pages

# Sort branches by date

# Add a cgit favicon

# Use a custom logo

# Enable statistics per week, month and quarter

# Set the title and heading of the repository index page
root-title=example.com git repositories

# Set a subheading for the repository index page
root-desc=tracking the foobar development

# Include some more info about example.com on the index page

# Allow download of tar.gz, tar.bz2 and zip-files
snapshots=tar.gz tar.bz2 zip

## List of common mimetypes


# Highlight source code with python pygments-based highlighter

# Format markdown, restructuredtext, manpages, text files, and html files
# through the right converters

## Search for these files in the root of the default branch of repositories
## for coming up with the about page:

## List of repositories.
## PS: Any repositories listed when section is unset will not be
##     displayed under a section heading
## PPS: This list could be kept in a different file (e.g. '/etc/cgitrepos')
##      and included like this:
##        include=/etc/cgitrepos

repo.desc=the master foo repository

repo.desc=the bars for your foo

# The next repositories will be displayed under the 'extras' heading

repo.desc=a set of extensions for bar users

repo.desc=the wizard of foo

# Add some mirrored repositories

repo.desc=the dscm

repo.desc=the kernel

# Disable adhoc downloads of this repo

# Disable line-counts for this repo

# Restrict the max statistics period for this repo

Comments currently cannot appear on the same line as a setting; the comment
will be included as part of the value. E.g. this line:

	robots=index  # allow indexing

will generate the following html element:

	<meta name='robots' content='index  # allow indexing'/>

Lars Hjemli <hjemli@gmail.com>
Jason A. Donenfeld <Jason@zx2c4.com>