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github.com/10se1ucgo/DisableWinTracking.git - Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
diff options
2 files changed, 397 insertions, 248 deletions
diff --git a/hosts.txt b/hosts.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b68c354
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hosts.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+www.msftncsi.com \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/run.py b/run.py
index cc253f3..b21b665 100644
--- a/run.py
+++ b/run.py
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
-# Sorry if it looks messy
import sys
import subprocess
import _winreg
@@ -7,256 +5,301 @@ import ctypes
import os
import wx
-from wx.lib.wordwrap import wordwrap
+from wx.lib.wordwrap import wordwrap
import win32serviceutil
import pywintypes
+# ----------------------------------------------------
class WinFrame(wx.Frame):
- def __init__(self, parent, title):
- super(WinFrame, self).__init__(parent, title=title, size=[375, 250],
- wxpanel = wx.Panel(self)
- menuBar = wx.MenuBar()
- fileMenu = wx.Menu()
- aboutMenuItem = fileMenu.Append(wx.NewId(), "About",
- "About the application")
- menuBar.Append(fileMenu, "&Info")
- self.SetMenuBar(menuBar)
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.about, aboutMenuItem)
- self.debug = wx.TextCtrl(wxpanel, wx.ID_ANY, size=(349, 92),
- style=wx.TE_MULTILINE | wx.TE_READONLY, pos=(10, 99))
- self.redir = RedirectText(self.debug)
- sys.stdout = self.redir
- if ctypes.windll.shell32.IsUserAnAdmin() != 1:
- self.warn = wx.MessageDialog(parent=wxpanel,
- message="Program requires elevation, please run it as an administrator",
- caption="ERROR", style=wx.OK | wx.ICON_WARNING)
- self.warn.ShowModal()
- self.warn.Destroy()
- sys.exit()
- self.shell32file = os.path.join(os.environ['SYSTEMROOT'], 'System32\\shell32.dll')
- self.icon = wx.Icon(self.shell32file + ";315", wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ICO)
- self.SetIcon(self.icon)
- self.telebox = wx.CheckBox(wxpanel, label="Telemetry", pos=(10, 15))
- self.telebox.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX, self.hostcheck)
- self.telebox.SetToolTip(
- wx.ToolTip("Set \'AllowTelemetry\' to 0. On non-Enterprise OS versions, requires HOSTS file modification."))
- self.telebox.Set3StateValue(0)
- self.servicebox = wx.CheckBox(wxpanel, label="Services", pos=(10, 30))
- self.servicebox.SetToolTip(wx.ToolTip("Enable \'Service Method\' box, select an option"))
- self.servicebox.Set3StateValue(0)
- self.servicebox.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX, self.serviceradcheck)
- self.diagbox = wx.CheckBox(wxpanel, label="Clear DiagTrack log", pos=(10, 45))
- self.diagbox.SetToolTip(wx.ToolTip("Clear DiagTrack log and prevents modification to it."))
- self.diagbox.Set3StateValue(0)
- self.hostbox = wx.CheckBox(wxpanel, label="Block tracking servers with HOSTS file",
- pos=(10, 60))
- self.hostbox.SetToolTip(wx.ToolTip("Add known tracking domains to HOSTS file. Required for Telemetry"))
- self.hostbox.Set3StateValue(0)
- self.onedrivebox = wx.CheckBox(wxpanel, label="Remove OneDrive", pos=(10, 75))
- self.onedrivebox.Set3StateValue(0)
- self.servicerad = wx.RadioBox(wxpanel, label="Service Method", pos=(135, 10), choices=["Disable", "Delete"])
- self.servicerad.Disable()
- self.okbutton = wx.Button(wxpanel, -1, "Go Private!", (275, 25))
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.onok, self.okbutton)
- self.Centre()
- self.Show()
- def serviceradcheck(self, event):
- self.servicerad.Enable(self.servicebox.IsChecked()) # If Service box is ticked enable Service radio box
- def hostcheck(self, event):
- self.hostbox.Set3StateValue(self.telebox.IsChecked())
- def about(self, event):
- licensetext = "Copyright 2015 10se1ucgo\r\n\r\nLicensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0" \
- " (the \"License\");\r\nyou may not use this file except in compliance with the License" \
- ".\r\nYou may obtain a copy of the License at\r\n\r\n" \
- " http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\r\n\r\nUnless required by applicable law or" \
- " agreed to in writing, software\r\ndistributed under the License is distributed on an" \
- " \"AS IS\" BASIS,\r\nWITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied." \
- "\r\nSee the License for the specific language governing permissions and\r\nlimitations under the License."
- aboutpg = wx.AboutDialogInfo()
- aboutpg.Name = "Windows 10 Tracking Disable Tool"
- aboutpg.Version = "v1.5"
- aboutpg.Copyright = "(c) 2015 10se1ucgo"
- aboutpg.Description = "A tool to disable nasty tracking in Windows 10"
- aboutpg.WebSite = ("https://github.com/10se1ucgo/DisableWinTracking", "GitHub Project Page")
- aboutpg.License = wordwrap(licensetext, 500, wx.ClientDC(self))
- wx.AboutBox(aboutpg)
- def onok(self, event):
- if self.telebox.IsChecked():
- self.telekeypath = r'SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\DataCollection' # Path to Telemetry key
- self.telekey2path = r'SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\DataCollection' # 2nd path
- try:
- self.telekey = _winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, self.telekeypath, 0, _winreg.KEY_ALL_ACCESS)
- _winreg.SetValueEx(self.telekey, "AllowTelemetry", 0, _winreg.REG_SZ, "0") # Disable Telemetry
- _winreg.CloseKey(self.telekey)
- print "Telemetry key succesfully modified."
- except WindowsError:
- print "Unable to modify Telemetry key. Deleted, or is the program not elevated? Trying another method"
- try:
- self.telekey2 = _winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, self.telekey2path, 0,
- _winreg.KEY_ALL_ACCESS)
- _winreg.SetValueEx(self.telekey2, "AllowTelemetry", 0, _winreg.REG_SZ, "0") # Disable Telemetry
- _winreg.CloseKey(self.telekey2)
- print "2nd Telemetry key succesfully modified."
- except WindowsError:
- print "Unable to modify 2nd Telemetry key. Deleted, or is the program not elevated?"
- if self.diagbox.IsChecked():
- self.logfile = os.path.join(os.environ['SYSTEMDRIVE'],
- '\\ProgramData\\Microsoft\\Diagnosis\\ETLLogs\\AutoLogger\\AutoLogger-Diagtrack-Listener.etl')
- try:
- win32serviceutil.StopService('Diagnostics Tracking Service') # Stop Diagnostics Tracking Service
- print "Stopping DiagTrack service."
- except pywintypes.error:
- print "Couldn't stop DiagTrack service. Deleted, or is the program not elevated?"
- try:
- open(self.logfile).close() # Clear the AutoLogger file
- subprocess.Popen(
- ["echo", "y|cacls", self.logfile, "/d", "SYSTEM"],
- shell=True) # Prevent modification to file
- print "DiagTrack log succesfully cleared and locked."
- except IOError:
- print "Unable to clear DiagTrack log. Deleted, or is the program not elevated?"
- if self.hostbox.IsChecked():
- self.MSHosts = ['adnxs.com', 'c.msn.com', 'g.msn.com', 'h1.msn.com', 'msedge.net',
- 'ads.msn.com', 'adnexus.net', 'ac3.msn.com', 'c.atdmt.com', 'm.adnxs.com', 'rad.msn.com',
- 'sO.2mdn.net', 'ads1.msn.com', 'ec.atdmt.com', 'flex.msn.com', 'rad.live.com',
- 'ui.skype.com', 'msftncsi.com', 'a-msedge.net', 'a.rad.msn.com', 'b.rad.msn.com',
- 'cdn.atdmt.com', 'm.hotmail.com', 'ads1.msads.net', 'a.ads1.msn.com', 'a.ads2.msn.com',
- 'apps.skype.com', 'b.ads1.msn.com', 'view.atdmt.com', 'watson.live.com',
- 'aidps.atdmt.com', 'preview.msn.com', 'static.2mdn.net', 'a.ads2.msads.net',
- 'b.ads2.msads.net', 'db3aqu.atdmt.com', 'secure.adnxs.com', 'www.msftncsi.com',
- 'cs1.wpc.v0cdn.net', 'live.rads.msn.com', 'ad.doubleclick.net', 'bs.serving-sys.com',
- 'a-0001.a-msedge.net', 'pricelist.skype.com', 'a-0001.a-msedge.net', 'a-0002.a-msedge.net',
- 'a-0003.a-msedge.net', 'a-0004.a-msedge.net', 'a-0005.a-msedge.net', 'a-0006.a-msedge.net',
- 'a-0007.a-msedge.net', 'a-0008.a-msedge.net', 'a-0009.a-msedge.net', 'choice.microsoft.com',
- 'watson.microsoft.com', 'feedback.windows.com', 'aka-cdn-ns.adtech.de',
- 'cds26.ams9.msecn.net', 'lb1.www.ms.akadns.net', 'corp.sts.microsoft.com',
- 'az361816.vo.msecnd.net', 'az512334.vo.msecnd.net', 'telemetry.microsoft.com',
- 'msntest.serving-sys.com', 'secure.flashtalking.com', 'telemetry.appex.bing.net',
- 'pre.footprintpredict.com', 'vortex.data.microsoft.com',
- 'statsfe2.ws.microsoft.com', 'statsfe1.ws.microsoft.com', 'df.telemetry.microsoft.com',
- 'oca.telemetry.microsoft.com', 'sqm.telemetry.microsoft.com', 'telemetry.urs.microsoft.com',
- 'survey.watson.microsoft.com', 'compatexchange.cloudapp.net', 'feedback.microsoft-hohm.com',
- 's.gateway.messenger.live.com', 'vortex-win.data.microsoft.com',
- 'feedback.search.microsoft.com', 'schemas.microsoft.akadns.net ',
- 'watson.telemetry.microsoft.com', 'choice.microsoft.com.nsatc.net',
- 'wes.df.telemetry.microsoft.com', 'sqm.df.telemetry.microsoft.com',
- 'settings-win.data.microsoft.com', 'redir.metaservices.microsoft.com',
- 'i1.services.social.microsoft.com', 'vortex-sandbox.data.microsoft.com',
- 'diagnostics.support.microsoft.com', 'watson.ppe.telemetry.microsoft.com',
- 'msnbot-65-55-108-23.search.msn.com', 'telecommand.telemetry.microsoft.com',
- 'settings-sandbox.data.microsoft.com', 'sls.update.microsoft.com.akadns.net',
- 'fe2.update.microsoft.com.akadns.net', 'vortex-bn2.metron.live.com.nsatc.net',
- 'vortex-cy2.metron.live.com.nsatc.net', 'oca.telemetry.microsoft.com.nsatc.net',
- 'sqm.telemetry.microsoft.com.nsatc.net', 'reports.wes.df.telemetry.microsoft.com',
- 'corpext.msitadfs.glbdns2.microsoft.com', 'services.wes.df.telemetry.microsoft.com',
- 'watson.telemetry.microsoft.com.nsatc.net', 'statsfe2.update.microsoft.com.akadns.net',
- 'i1.services.social.microsoft.com.nsatc.net',
- 'telecommand.telemetry.microsoft.com.nsatc.net']
- self.IP = ' '
- self.MSHosts2 = [self.IP + x for x in self.MSHosts]
- self.hostslocation = os.path.join(os.environ['SYSTEMROOT'], 'System32\\drivers\\etc\\hosts')
- try:
- with open(self.hostslocation, 'ab') as f:
- f.write('\n' + '\n'.join(self.MSHosts2))
- print "Domains successfully appended to HOSTS file."
- except WindowsError:
- print "Could not access HOSTS file. Is the program not elevated?"
- if self.onedrivebox.IsChecked():
- self.onedkeypath = r'SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\OneDrive' # Path to OneDrive key
- try:
- self.onedkey = _winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, self.onedkeypath, 0, _winreg.KEY_ALL_ACCESS)
- _winreg.SetValueEx(self.onedkey, "DisableFileSyncNGSC", 0, _winreg.REG_DWORD, 1) # Disable Telemetry
- _winreg.CloseKey(self.onedkey)
- print "OneDrive key succesfully modified."
- except WindowsError:
- print "Unable to modify OneDrive key. Deleted, or is the program not elevated?"
- if self.servicerad.Selection == 1 and self.servicebox.IsChecked():
- try:
- win32serviceutil.RemoveService('dmwappushsvc') # Delete dmwappushsvc
- print "dmwappushsvc successfully deleted."
- except pywintypes.error:
- print "dmwappushsvc unable to be deleted. Deleted already, or is the program not elevated?"
- try:
- win32serviceutil.RemoveService('Diagnostics Tracking Service') # Delete the DiagnosticsTracking Service
- print "Diagnostics Tracking Service successfully deleted."
- except pywintypes.error:
- print "Diagnostics Tracking Service unable to be deleted. Deleted already, or is the program not elevated?"
- elif self.servicerad.Selection == 0 and self.servicebox.IsChecked():
- self.diagkeypath = r'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\DiagTrack'
- self.dmwakeypath = r'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\dmwappushsvc'
- try:
- self.diagkey = _winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, self.diagkeypath, 0, _winreg.KEY_ALL_ACCESS)
- _winreg.SetValueEx(self.diagkey, "Start", 0, _winreg.REG_DWORD, 0x0000004)
- _winreg.CloseKey(self.diagkey)
- except WindowsError:
- print "Unable to modify DiagTrack key. Deleted, or is the program not elevated?"
- try:
- self.dmwakey = _winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, self.dmwakeypath, 0, _winreg.KEY_ALL_ACCESS)
- _winreg.SetValueEx(self.dmwakey, "Start", 0, _winreg.REG_DWORD, 0x0000004)
- _winreg.CloseKey(self.dmwakey)
- print "dmwappushsvc key successfully modified"
- except WindowsError:
- print "Unable to modify dmwappushsvc key. Deleted, or is the program not elevated?"
- try:
- win32serviceutil.StopService('Diagnostics Tracking Service') # Disable Diagnostics Tracking Service
- print "Diagnostics Tracking Service successfully stopped"
- except pywintypes.error:
- print "Diagnostics Tracking Service unable to be stopped. Deleted, or is the program not elevated?"
- try:
- win32serviceutil.StopService('dmwappushsvc') # Disable dmwappushsvc
- print "dmwappushsvc successfully stopped"
- except pywintypes.error:
- print "dmwappushsvc unable to be stopped. Deleted, or is the program not elevated?"
- print "Done. You can close this window after reading the log."
+ # ----------------------------------------------------
+ def __init__(self, parent, title):
+ super(WinFrame, self).__init__(parent, title=title, size=[375, 250],
+ wxpanel = wx.Panel(self)
+ # Create the menus
+ menuBar = wx.MenuBar()
+ fileMenu = wx.Menu()
+ aboutMenuItem = fileMenu.Append(wx.NewId(), "About",
+ "About the application")
+ menuBar.Append(fileMenu, "&Info")
+ self.SetMenuBar(menuBar)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.about, aboutMenuItem)
+ # Debug window
+ self.debug = wx.TextCtrl(wxpanel, wx.ID_ANY, size=(349, 92),
+ style=wx.TE_MULTILINE | wx.TE_READONLY, pos=(10, 99))
+ # Redirect stdout to the debug log window
+ self.redir = RedirectText(self.debug)
+ sys.stdout = self.redir
+ # Check if admin and leave otherwise
+ if ctypes.windll.shell32.IsUserAnAdmin() != 1:
+ self.warn = wx.MessageDialog(parent=wxpanel,
+ message="Program requires elevation, please run it as an administrator",
+ caption="ERROR", style=wx.OK | wx.ICON_WARNING)
+ self.warn.ShowModal()
+ self.warn.Destroy()
+ sys.exit()
+ # Get icon for the app
+ self.shell32file = os.path.join(os.environ['SYSTEMROOT'], 'System32\\shell32.dll')
+ self.icon = wx.Icon(self.shell32file + ";315", wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ICO)
+ self.SetIcon(self.icon)
+ #
+ # Add all the options (checkboxes)
+ # Telemetry
+ self.telebox = wx.CheckBox(wxpanel, label="Telemetry", pos=(10, 15))
+ self.telebox.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX, self.hostcheck)
+ self.telebox.SetToolTip(
+ wx.ToolTip("Set \'AllowTelemetry\' to 0. On non-Enterprise OS versions, requires HOSTS file modification."))
+ self.telebox.Set3StateValue(0)
+ # Services
+ self.servicebox = wx.CheckBox(wxpanel, label="Services", pos=(10, 30))
+ self.servicebox.SetToolTip(wx.ToolTip("Enable \'Service Method\' box, select an option"))
+ self.servicebox.Set3StateValue(0)
+ self.servicebox.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX, self.serviceradcheck)
+ # Clear DiagTrack
+ self.diagbox = wx.CheckBox(wxpanel, label="Clear DiagTrack log", pos=(10, 45))
+ self.diagbox.SetToolTip(wx.ToolTip("Clear DiagTrack log and prevents modification to it."))
+ self.diagbox.Set3StateValue(0)
+ # Block tracking servers
+ self.hostbox = wx.CheckBox(wxpanel, label="Block tracking servers with HOSTS file",
+ pos=(10, 60))
+ self.hostbox.SetToolTip(wx.ToolTip("Add known tracking domains to HOSTS file. Required for Telemetry"))
+ self.hostbox.Set3StateValue(0)
+ # Remove OneDrive
+ self.onedrivebox = wx.CheckBox(wxpanel, label="Remove OneDrive", pos=(10, 75))
+ self.onedrivebox.Set3StateValue(0)
+ # Service action mode radio boxes
+ self.servicerad = wx.RadioBox(wxpanel, label="Service Method", pos=(135, 10), choices=["Disable", "Delete"])
+ self.servicerad.Disable()
+ # Apply button
+ self.okbutton = wx.Button(wxpanel, -1, "Go Private!", (275, 25))
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.onok, self.okbutton)
+ self.Centre()
+ # Go!
+ self.Show()
+ # ----------------------------------------------------
+ def serviceradcheck(self, event):
+ self.servicerad.Enable(self.servicebox.IsChecked()) # If Service box is ticked enable Service radio box
+ # ----------------------------------------------------
+ def hostcheck(self, event):
+ self.hostbox.Set3StateValue(self.telebox.IsChecked())
+ # ----------------------------------------------------
+ def about(self, event):
+ """Simple about dialog with copyright and license information"""
+ licensetext = "Copyright 2015 10se1ucgo\r\n\r\nLicensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0" \
+ " (the \"License\");\r\nyou may not use this file except in compliance with the License" \
+ ".\r\nYou may obtain a copy of the License at\r\n\r\n" \
+ " http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\r\n\r\nUnless required by applicable law or" \
+ " agreed to in writing, software\r\ndistributed under the License is distributed on an" \
+ " \"AS IS\" BASIS,\r\nWITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied." \
+ "\r\nSee the License for the specific language governing permissions and\r\nlimitations under the License."
+ aboutpg = wx.AboutDialogInfo()
+ aboutpg.Name = "Windows 10 Tracking Disable Tool"
+ aboutpg.Version = "v1.5"
+ aboutpg.Copyright = "(c) 2015 10se1ucgo"
+ aboutpg.Description = "A tool to disable nasty tracking in Windows 10"
+ aboutpg.WebSite = ("https://github.com/10se1ucgo/DisableWinTracking", "GitHub Project Page")
+ aboutpg.License = wordwrap(licensetext, 500, wx.ClientDC(self))
+ wx.AboutBox(aboutpg)
+ # ----------------------------------------------------
+ def HandleTelemetry(self):
+ self.telekeypath = r'SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\DataCollection' # Path to Telemetry key
+ self.telekey2path = r'SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\DataCollection' # 2nd path
+ try:
+ self.telekey = _winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, self.telekeypath, 0, _winreg.KEY_ALL_ACCESS)
+ _winreg.SetValueEx(self.telekey, "AllowTelemetry", 0, _winreg.REG_SZ, "0") # Disable Telemetry
+ _winreg.CloseKey(self.telekey)
+ print "Telemetry key succesfully modified."
+ except WindowsError:
+ print "Unable to modify Telemetry key. Deleted, or is the program not elevated? Trying another method"
+ try:
+ self.telekey2 = _winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, self.telekey2path, 0,
+ _winreg.KEY_ALL_ACCESS)
+ _winreg.SetValueEx(self.telekey2, "AllowTelemetry", 0, _winreg.REG_SZ, "0") # Disable Telemetry
+ _winreg.CloseKey(self.telekey2)
+ print "2nd Telemetry key succesfully modified."
+ except WindowsError:
+ print "Unable to modify 2nd Telemetry key. Deleted, or is the program not elevated?"
+ # ----------------------------------------------------
+ def HandleClearDiagTrackLog(self):
+ self.logfile = os.path.join(os.environ['SYSTEMDRIVE'],
+ '\\ProgramData\\Microsoft\\Diagnosis\\ETLLogs\\AutoLogger\\AutoLogger-Diagtrack-Listener.etl')
+ try:
+ win32serviceutil.StopService('Diagnostics Tracking Service') # Stop Diagnostics Tracking Service
+ print "Stopping DiagTrack service."
+ except pywintypes.error:
+ print "Couldn't stop DiagTrack service. Deleted, or is the program not elevated?"
+ try:
+ open(self.logfile).close() # Clear the AutoLogger file
+ subprocess.Popen(
+ ["echo", "y|cacls", self.logfile, "/d", "SYSTEM"],
+ shell=True) # Prevent modification to file
+ print "DiagTrack log succesfully cleared and locked."
+ except IOError:
+ print "Unable to clear DiagTrack log. Deleted, or is the program not elevated?"
+ # ----------------------------------------------------
+ def HandleOneDrive(self):
+ self.onedkeypath = r'SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\OneDrive' # Path to OneDrive key
+ try:
+ self.onedkey = _winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, self.onedkeypath, 0, _winreg.KEY_ALL_ACCESS)
+ _winreg.SetValueEx(self.onedkey, "DisableFileSyncNGSC", 0, _winreg.REG_DWORD, 1) # Disable Telemetry
+ _winreg.CloseKey(self.onedkey)
+ print "OneDrive key succesfully modified."
+ except WindowsError:
+ print "Unable to modify OneDrive key. Deleted, or is the program not elevated?"
+ # ----------------------------------------------------
+ def GetHostsList(self):
+ with open('hosts.txt') as f:
+ return [x.strip() for x in f]
+ # ----------------------------------------------------
+ def HandleTrackOneDrive(self):
+ self.MSHosts = self.GetHostsList();
+ # Redirect IP
+ self.IP = ' '
+ # Build the HOSTS redirection rule
+ self.MSHosts2 = [self.IP + x for x in self.MSHosts]
+ # Compute HOSTS file location
+ self.hostslocation = os.path.join(os.environ['SYSTEMROOT'], 'System32\\drivers\\etc\\hosts')
+ # Append the rules to the HOSTS file
+ try:
+ with open(self.hostslocation, 'ab') as f:
+ f.write('\n' + '\n'.join(self.MSHosts2))
+ print "Domains successfully appended to HOSTS file."
+ except WindowsError:
+ print "Could not access HOSTS file. Is the program not elevated?"
+ # ----------------------------------------------------
+ def DeleteService(self):
+ try:
+ win32serviceutil.RemoveService('dmwappushsvc') # Delete dmwappushsvc
+ print "dmwappushsvc successfully deleted."
+ except pywintypes.error:
+ print "dmwappushsvc unable to be deleted. Deleted already, or is the program not elevated?"
+ try:
+ win32serviceutil.RemoveService('Diagnostics Tracking Service') # Delete the DiagnosticsTracking Service
+ print "Diagnostics Tracking Service successfully deleted."
+ except pywintypes.error:
+ print "Diagnostics Tracking Service unable to be deleted. Deleted already, or is the program not elevated?"
+ # ----------------------------------------------------
+ def DisableService(self):
+ self.diagkeypath = r'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\DiagTrack'
+ self.dmwakeypath = r'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\dmwappushsvc'
+ try:
+ self.diagkey = _winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, self.diagkeypath, 0, _winreg.KEY_ALL_ACCESS)
+ _winreg.SetValueEx(self.diagkey, "Start", 0, _winreg.REG_DWORD, 0x0000004)
+ _winreg.CloseKey(self.diagkey)
+ except WindowsError:
+ print "Unable to modify DiagTrack key. Deleted, or is the program not elevated?"
+ try:
+ self.dmwakey = _winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, self.dmwakeypath, 0, _winreg.KEY_ALL_ACCESS)
+ _winreg.SetValueEx(self.dmwakey, "Start", 0, _winreg.REG_DWORD, 0x0000004)
+ _winreg.CloseKey(self.dmwakey)
+ print "dmwappushsvc key successfully modified"
+ except WindowsError:
+ print "Unable to modify dmwappushsvc key. Deleted, or is the program not elevated?"
+ try:
+ win32serviceutil.StopService('Diagnostics Tracking Service') # Disable Diagnostics Tracking Service
+ print "Diagnostics Tracking Service successfully stopped"
+ except pywintypes.error:
+ print "Diagnostics Tracking Service unable to be stopped. Deleted, or is the program not elevated?"
+ try:
+ win32serviceutil.StopService('dmwappushsvc') # Disable dmwappushsvc
+ print "dmwappushsvc successfully stopped"
+ except pywintypes.error:
+ print "dmwappushsvc unable to be stopped. Deleted, or is the program not elevated?"
+ # ----------------------------------------------------
+ def onok(self, event):
+ """Execute the appropriate actions for all the selected options"""
+ # Telemetry
+ if self.telebox.IsChecked():
+ self.HandleTelemetry();
+ # DiagTrack log
+ if self.diagbox.IsChecked():
+ self.HandleClearDiagTrackLog();
+ # HOSTS tracking
+ if self.hostbox.IsChecked():
+ self.HandleTracking()
+ # OneDrive sync
+ if self.onedrivebox.IsChecked():
+ self.HandleOneDrive()
+ # Tracking and diagnostic services
+ if self.servicebox.IsChecked():
+ # Delete
+ if self.servicerad.Selection == 1:
+ self.DeleteService()
+ # Disable
+ elif self.servicerad.Selection == 0 and self.servicebox.IsChecked():
+ self.DisableService()
+ print "Done. You can close this window after reading the log."
+# ----------------------------------------------------
class RedirectText(object):
- def __init__(self, aWxTextCtrl):
- self.out = aWxTextCtrl
- def write(self, string):
- self.out.WriteText(string)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- wxwindow = wx.App(False)
- WinFrame(None, title='Disable Windows 10 Tracking') # Create Window
- wxwindow.MainLoop()
+ """i/o redirection to a wx control"""
+ def __init__(self, aWxTextCtrl):
+ self.out = aWxTextCtrl
+ def write(self, string):
+ self.out.WriteText(string)
+# ----------------------------------------------------
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ wxwindow = wx.App(False)
+ WinFrame(None, title='Disable Windows 10 Tracking') # Create Window
+ wxwindow.MainLoop()