# Emoji One Color SVGinOT Font A color and B&W emoji SVGinOT font built primarily from [Emoji One][1] artwork with support for [ZWJ][2], [skin tone diversity][3] and [country flags][4]. The font works in all operating systems, but will *currently* only show color emoji in Mozilla Firefox and Thunderbird. This is not a limitation of the font, but of the operating systems and applications. Regular B&W outline emoji are included for backwards/fallback compatibility. [Do you prefer Twitter Emoji for Everyone graphics?][5] [1]: http://emojione.com/ [2]: http://unicode.org/emoji/charts/emoji-zwj-sequences.html [3]: http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr51/#Diversity [4]: http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr51/#Flags [5]: https://github.com/eosrei/twemoji-color-font ## Table of Contents * [Examples](#examples) * [What is SVGinOT?](#what-is-svginot) * [Install on Linux](#install-on-linux) * [Install on OS X](#install-on-os-x) * [Install on Windows](#install-on-windows) * [Known issues](#known-issues) * [Building](#building) * [License](#license) ## Examples **Before**: Firefox in Ubuntu Linux. [![Before Emoji One Color in Firefox Linux](images/demo-before.png?raw=true)](images/before-linux-firefox.png?raw=true) **After**: Firefox in all three operating systems, plus fall back outline characters in the other browsers. ![Firefox color emoji in Linux, OS X, and Firefox](images/demo.png?raw=true) See before and after on your machine: * http://eosrei.github.io/emojione-color-font/full-demo.html ## What is SVGinOT? *SVG in Open Type* is a standard by Adobe and Mozilla for color OpenType and Open Font Format fonts. It allows font creators to embed complete SVG files within a font enabling full color and even animations. There are more details in the [SVGinOT proposal][6] and the [OpenType SVG table specifications][7]. SVGinOT Demos (Firefox only): * https://www.adobe.com/devnet-apps/type/svgopentype.html * https://hacks.mozilla.org/2014/10/svg-colors-in-opentype-fonts/ [6]: https://www.w3.org/2013/10/SVG_in_OpenType/ [7]: https://www.microsoft.com/typography/otspec/svg.htm ## Install on Linux The font can be installed for a user or system-wide. Get the latest version from releases: https://github.com/eosrei/emojione-color-font/releases Install for the current user without root: ```sh # 1. Download the latest version wget https://github.com/eosrei/emojione-color-font/releases/download/v1.0-beta3/EmojiOneColor-SVGinOT-Linux-1.0-beta3.zip # 2. Uncompress the zip file unzip -o EmojiOneColor-SVGinOT-Linux-1.0-beta3.zip # 3. Run the installer ./install.sh ``` *Note: This requires `Bitstream Vera` is installed and will change your systems default serif, sans-serif and monospace fonts.* ### Why Bitstream Vera The default serif, sans-serif and monospace font for most Linux distributions is `DejaVu`. `DejaVu` includes a wide range of symbols which override the `Emoji One Color` characters. The previous solution was to make `Emoji One Color` the default system font, but that causes a number of issues. A better solution is a different font that doesn't override any emoji characters such as `Bitstream Vera`. `Bitstream Vera` is the source of the glyphs used in `DejaVu`, so it's not very different. ### Options The `Noto` and `Roboto` font families conflict far less than `DejaVu`. You may want to try them. Primary issues are the 0x2639 and 0x263a characters. ### Arch Linux An AUR package is available: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/emojione-color-font/ ```sh $ yaourt -S emojione-color-font ``` ## Install on OS X There are three install options for OS X. Both SVGinOT versions are available from releases: https://github.com/eosrei/emojione-color-font/releases 1. `EmojiOneColor-SVGinOT-1.0-beta3.zip` - The regular version of the font installs like any other font and can be specifically selected, but OS X will default to the `Apple Color Emoji` font for emojis. 2. ` EmojiOneColor-SVGinOT-OSX-1.0-beta3.zip` - A hack to replace the `Apple Color Emoji` font by [using the same internal name][8]. Install and accept the warning in Font Book. 3. `emojione-apple.ttf` - A SBIX bitmap Apple-format Emoji One color font is [available in the emojione project][9]. [8]:http://www.macissues.com/2014/11/21/how-to-change-the-default-system-font-in-mac-os-x/ [9]:https://github.com/Ranks/emojione/tree/master/assets/fonts *Reiterating: Only FireFox supports the SVGinOT color emoji for now. Safari and Chrome will use the fallback black and white emoji.* ## Install on Windows The font installs like any other font and can be specifically selected, but the system will default to the `Segoe UI Emoji` font. It can be manually selected in CSS, but making it the default is still TBD. ## Known issues * [Symbols/emoji in monospace formatted text cause incorrect character alignment][10]. The whitespace character widths from the most recently selected fallback font are used in Pango/GTK applications. * [Some font families are not matched correctly in Linux Firefox <47][11] Workaround: Open `about:config` set `gfx.font_rendering.fontconfig.fontlist.enabled` to `false`. Fixed in Firefox 47+. [[issue #31][12]] [10]:https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=757785 [11]:https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1245811 [12]:https://github.com/eosrei/emojione-color-font/issues/31 ## Building Overview: 1. B&W SVGs are generated on-the-fly from the color SVGs 2. The B&W SVGs are imported based on their filename to create either regular glyphs or ligature glyphs. 3. The color SVGs are imported to override both types of glyphs. Requires: * Inkscape * Imagemagick * potrace/mkbitmap * FontTools 3.0+ * FontForge 20160405+ * SVGO * make * [SCFBuild][13] *(Created for this project!)* [13]: https://github.com/eosrei/scfbuild Setup and build on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS: ```sh sudo add-apt-repository ppa:fontforge/fontforge sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install inkscape potrace npm nodejs nodejs-legacy fontforge \ python-fontforge python-pip imagemagick git make sudo npm install -g svgo sudo pip install fonttools git clone https://github.com/eosrei/emojione-color-font.git cd emojione-color-font git clone https://github.com/eosrei/scfbuild.git SCFBuild make -j 4 ``` ## License The artwork and TTF fonts are licensed CC-BY-4.0. Please see [LICENSE.md](LICENSE.md) for details.