# SCFBuild configuration file for EmojiOne Color SVGinOT output_file: build/EmojiOneColor-SVGinOT.ttf verbose: False glyph_svg_dir: build/svg-trace color_svg_dir: build/svg-color # Translate the SVGs on import into glyphs. # y+150 for correct emoji-only vertical alignment. glyph_translate_x: 0 glyph_translate_y: 150 # y-9.6 for correct emoji-only vertical alignment. # Glyphs height is 2048, SVGs height is 64 x 2.048. color_transform: translate(0 -9.6) # Space width matching DejaVu Sans and Bitstream Vera Sans. width_space: 561 table_name: copyright: > Copyright 2016 Brad Erickson CC-BY-4.0 Copyright 2015 Ranks.com Inc. CC-BY-4.0 family: EmojiOne Color # Subfamily is also called Style or Weight. Often set to: Regular subfamily: Regular unique_id: EmojiOne Color SVGinOT eosrei.net full_name: EmojiOne Color SVGinOT # No spaces in PostScript Names postscript_name: EmojiOneColorSVGinOT #trademark: manufacturer: eosrei.net designer: Ranks.com Inc. description: > A SVGinOT color emoji font using the EmojiOne set: https://github.com/eosrei/emojione-color-font/ Please review the attribution requirements for commercial use of EmojiOne graphics: http://emojione.com/licensing/ url_vendor: https://github.com/eosrei/emojione-color-font/ url_designer: http://emojione.com/ license: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International url_license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/