## Change color scheme (From *theme*'s root directory) Go to `assets/scss/journal.scss`. And modify the color value in the first line. ``` $color-accent: #1976d2; ``` Then re-generate the website. You can see the new color scheme now. ## Customize sidebar The items in the sidebar should be added manully. Here is an example of appeding "Categories" and "Tags" to the sidebar: ``` [[menu.main]] url = "/categories" name = "Categories" weight = 2 [[menu.main]] url = "/tags" name = "Tags" weight = 1 ``` Note: `weight` is the priority of each item. **The lowest the weight is, the higher the priority is.** ## Enable or disable comment area ### Enabling #### Gitalk Edit your `config.toml` in the hugo website's root directory. Add the following line to the section `[params]` ``` enableGitalk = true ``` Then add following lines behind: ``` [params.gitalk] owner = "user" repo = "repo name" client_id = "your client id" client_secret = "your client secret" ``` (Modify to suit your condition.) Notice: Gitalk will not shown in offline preview server.(Launched by `hugo server`) #### Disqus Hugo originally supports Disqus, and I added the disqus to the theme. But due to my network environment, I haven't had it tested. To add a disqus comment service, please add a line to `config.toml` in the root directory: ``` disqusShortname = "Your disqus short name." ``` #### Other comment service Welcome to open an issue or Pull Request for adding a new comment service. If I'm free then, I will add it. :P --- ### Disabling #### Disable the comment area in one post If you wanna to disable the comment area in a specific post, please add a line in the metadata area of the post: ``` comment : false ``` A more detailed description of the posts' meta data is [here](https://github.com/AmazingRise/hugo-theme-diary/wiki/Post's-meta-data). #### Disable it globally Please remove the settings item referred in "Add comment area". The comment area will not be shown. ## Add Google Analytics Please add this line to your site's "config.toml": ``` googleAnalytics = "UA-123-45" ``` UA-123-45 is your Google Analytics code. Please modify it to your own Analytics code. ## Add Google Site Verification Please add this line to your site's "config.toml": ``` googleSiteVerification = "xxxx-xxxx" ``` xxxx-xxxx is your Google Site Verification code. Please modify it to your own code.