**Notice:An update of sidebar is coming soon.(Details in [Projects](https://github.com/AmazingRise/hugo-theme-diary/projects/3))** **Then you can customize the sidebar!** This theme originally supports two kind of taxonomy page: tag index and category index. ## How to Add Tag (or Category) Index to the sidebar? Please edit the `config.toml` in the root directory. Modify the section `[taxonomies]` as follows. ``` [taxonomies] tag = "tags" category = "categories" ``` *No more modification.* Then you will see the two index in the sidebar. (In the mobile view, it's the drawer.) ## How about other taxonomies? Sure, this theme supports other taxonomies. You can add it as I said in the previous section. But different with tag & category, the taxonomy you add will not shown in the top of the post. It will only shown in the sidebar (or the drawer).