baseURL = "" title = "Site Title" copyright = "Copyright © 2018, Copyright Owner Name" languageCode = "en-US" theme = "indigo" [params] Author = "Site Author Name" Description = "Description of website for head meta tag" Subtitle = "A subtitle for your site" Avatar = "images/site-logo.svg" Biography = "A short description, a few sentences describing the author. Set the 'ShowBio' parameter to false to hide this." ShowBio = true PermalinkText = "🔗" mainSections = ["post"] # Contact/social-network identifiers for social icons EmailAddress = "" FacebookUser = "FacebookUserName" FlickrUser = "FlickrUserName" GitHubUser = "GitHubUserName" GitLabUser = "GitLabUserName" GlitchUser = "GlitchUserName" KeybaseUser = "KeybaseUserName" LinkedInUser = "LinkedInUserName" MediumUser = "MediumUserName" MicroBlogUser = "MicroBlogUserName" RedditUser = "RedditUserName" StackOverflowUser = "StackOverflowUserName" TumblrUser = "TumblrUserName" TwitterUser = "TwitterUserName" # These are parameters used for indieweb identity. You should set these along # with the above email/social network parameters. [params.indieWeb] EmailAddress = "" FlickrUser = "FlickrUserName" GitHubUser = "GitHubUserName" TwitterUser = "TwitterUserName" MicroBlogUser = "MicroBlogUserName" Country = "CountryName" City = "CityName" [params.endpoints] Auth = "" Token = "" # To get webmention support, just register at and paste the link for endpoint here. #Webmention = "" # To get micropub support, you'll need to install a Micropub endpoint at your site and put its link there. # To get an endpoint with Hugo support, use nanopub: # It will probably require some PHP hackery though, as it's fairly basic. #Micropub = "" # To get microsub support, you can use Aperture from p3k. Either go to or self-host it (it's open source!) #Microsub = ""