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github.com/ArthurSonzogni/nlohmann_json_cmake_fetchcontent.git - Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
tag namev2.1.1 (03d54b148bcb3282a7b8dea1dbbedf6eeccc048a)
tag date2020-06-28 14:43:49 +0300
tagged byGitHub Actions <action@github.com>
tagged objectcommit fed50540e8...
Release date: 2017-02-25
SHA-256: faa2321beb1aa7416d035e7417fcfa59692ac3d8c202728f9bcc302e2d558f57 This release **fixes a locale-related bug in the parser**. To do so, the whole number handling (lexer, parser, and also the serialization) have been overworked. Furthermore, a lot of small changes added up that were added to this release. All changes are backward-compatible. - :bug: Locales that have a different character than `.` as decimal separator (e.g., the Norwegian locale `nb_NO.UTF-8`) led to truncated number parsing or parse errors. The library now has been fixed to work with **any locale**. Note that `.` is still the only valid decimal separator for JSON input. - :bug: Numbers like `1.0` were correctly parsed as floating-point number, but serialized as integer (`1`). Now, **floating-point numbers correctly round trip**. - :bug: Parsing incorrect JSON numbers with leading 0 (`0123`) could yield a [buffer overflow](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/issues/452). This is fixed now by detecting such errors directly by the lexer. - :bug: Constructing a JSON value from a pointer was incorrectly interpreted as a Boolean; such code will now yield a compiler error. - :bug: Comparing a JSON number with `0` led to a comparison with `null`. This is fixed now. - :bug: All throw calls are now wrapped in macros. - :lock: Starting during the preparation of this release (since 8 February 2017), commits and released files are **cryptographically signed** with [this GPG key](https://keybase.io/nlohmann/pgp_keys.asc?fingerprint=797167ae41c0a6d9232e48457f3cea63ae251b69). Previous releases have also been signed. - :sparkles: The parser for MessagePack and CBOR now supports an optional start index parameter to define a byte offset for the parser. - :rotating_light: Some more warnings have been fixed. With Clang, the code compiles **without warnings** with `-Weverything` (well, it needs `-Wno-documentation-unknown-command` and `-Wno-deprecated-declarations`, but you get the point). - :hammer: The code can be compiled easier with many Android NDKs by avoiding macros like `UINT8_MAX` which previously required defining a preprocessor macro for compilation. - :zap: The unit tests now compile two times faster. - :heavy_plus_sign: [Cotire](https://github.com/sakra/cotire) is used to speed up the build. - :pencil2: Fixed a lot of typos in the documentation. - :memo: Added a section to the README file that lists all used [third-party code/tools](https://github.com/nlohmann/json#used-third-party-tools). - :memo: Added a note on constructing a string value vs. parsing. - :white_check_mark: The test suite now contains 11202597 unit tests. - :memo: Improved the [Doxygen documentation](https://nlohmann.github.io/json/) by shortening the template parameters of class `basic_json`. - :construction_worker: Removed Doozer. - :construction_worker: Added Codacity. - :arrow_up: Upgraded Catch to version 1.7.2.