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github.com/ArthurSonzogni/nlohmann_json_cmake_fetchcontent.git - Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
tag namev3.5.0 (3edfa1a91c06359fa52156605d7815340c205cdb)
tag date2020-06-28 14:43:53 +0300
tagged byGitHub Actions <action@github.com>
tagged objectcommit 292370c1cf...
Release date: 2018-12-22
SHA-256: 8a6dbf3bf01156f438d0ca7e78c2971bca50eec4ca6f0cf59adf3464c43bb9d5 (json.hpp), 3564da9c5b0cf2e032f97c69baedf10ddbc98030c337d0327a215ea72259ea21 (include.zip) This release introduces the support for **structured bindings** and reading from **`FILE*`**. Besides, a few bugs have been fixed. All changes are backward-compatible. - **Structured bindings** are now supported for JSON objects and arrays via the [`items()`](https://nlohmann.github.io/json/classnlohmann_1_1basic__json_afe3e137ace692efa08590d8df40f58dd.html#afe3e137ace692efa08590d8df40f58dd) member function, so finally this code is possible: ```cpp for (auto& [key, val] : j.items()) { std::cout << key << ':' << val << '\n'; } ``` #1388 #1391 - Added support for **reading from `FILE*`** to support situations in which streams are nit available or would require too much RAM. #1370 #1392 - The `eofbit` was not set for input streams when the end of a stream was reached while parsing. #1340 #1343 - Fixed a bug in the SAX parser for BSON arrays. - Added support for Clang 5.0.1 (PS4 version). #1341 #1342 - Added a warning for implicit conversions to the documentation: It is not recommended to use implicit conversions when reading **from** a JSON value. Details about this recommendation can be found [here](https://www.github.com/nlohmann/json/issues/958). #1363 - Fixed typos in the documentation. #1329 #1380 #1382 - Fixed a C4800 warning. #1364 - Fixed a `-Wshadow` warning #1346 - Wrapped `std::snprintf` calls to avoid error in MSVC. #1337 - Added code to allow installation via Meson. #1345 This release does not deprecate any functions. As an overview, the following functions have been deprecated in earlier versions and will be removed in the next major version (i.e., 4.0.0): - Function [`iterator_wrapper`](http://nlohmann.github.io/json/classnlohmann_1_1basic__json_af1592a06bc63811886ade4f9d965045e.html#af1592a06bc63811886ade4f9d965045e) are deprecated. Please use the member function [`items()`](http://nlohmann.github.io/json/classnlohmann_1_1basic__json_afe3e137ace692efa08590d8df40f58dd.html#afe3e137ace692efa08590d8df40f58dd) instead. - Functions [`friend std::istream& operator<<(basic_json&, std::istream&)`](http://nlohmann.github.io/json/classnlohmann_1_1basic__json_ab7285a92514fcdbe6de505ebaba92ea3.html#ab7285a92514fcdbe6de505ebaba92ea3) and [`friend std::ostream& operator>>(const basic_json&, std::ostream&)`](http://nlohmann.github.io/json/classnlohmann_1_1basic__json_a9e06deabe69262c3ffc5533d32856983.html#a9e06deabe69262c3ffc5533d32856983) are deprecated. Please use [`friend std::istream& operator>>(std::istream&, basic_json&)`](http://nlohmann.github.io/json/classnlohmann_1_1basic__json_aaf363408931d76472ded14017e59c9e8.html#aaf363408931d76472ded14017e59c9e8) and [`friend operator<<(std::ostream&, const basic_json&)`](http://nlohmann.github.io/json/classnlohmann_1_1basic__json_a5e34c5435e557d0bf666bd7311211405.html#a5e34c5435e557d0bf666bd7311211405) instead.