#!/bin/sh ################################################################################# # # Lynis # ------------------ # # Copyright 2007-2016 Michael Boelen, CISOfy (michael.boelen@cisofy.com) # Web site: https://cisofy.com # # Lynis comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, and you are # welcome to redistribute it under the terms of the GNU General Public License. # See LICENSE file for usage of this software. # # Lynis is licensed under GPLv3, Plugins are licensed differently (see plugins) # ################################################################################# # # Lynis is an automated auditing tool for Unix based operating systems. # ################################################################################# # # Quit when commands exit with code greater than zero (-e) #set -e # Strict mode (-u) #set -u # Program information PROGRAM_name="Lynis" PROGRAM_NAME="Lynis" PROGRAM_version="2.1.8" PROGRAM_releasedate="2016-01-10" PROGRAM_author="CISOfy" PROGRAM_author_contact="lynis-dev@cisofy.com" PROGRAM_website="https://cisofy.com" PROGRAM_copyright="Copyright 2007-2016 - ${PROGRAM_author}, ${PROGRAM_website}" PROGRAM_license="${PROGRAM_NAME} comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under the terms of the GNU General Public License. See the LICENSE file for details about using this software." PROGRAM_extrainfo="Enterprise support and plugins available via CISOfy" # Release version (beta or final) PROGRAM_releasetype="final" PROGRAM_NAME="Lynis" PROGRAM_SOURCE="https://github.com/CISOfy/lynis" # Version number of report files (when format changes in future) REPORT_version_major="1"; REPORT_version_minor="0" REPORT_version="${REPORT_version_major}.${REPORT_version_minor}" # ################################################################################# # # Configure Include path and files # ################################################################################# # # Test from which directories we can use all functions and tests INCLUDEDIR="" # Set default include directory to none tINCLUDE_TARGETS="/usr/local/include/lynis /usr/local/lynis/include /usr/share/lynis/include ./include" # Default paths to check (CWD as last option, in case we run from standalone) for I in ${tINCLUDE_TARGETS}; do if [ -d ${I} ]; then INCLUDEDIR=${I}; fi; done # Drop out if our include directory can't be found if [ "${INCLUDEDIR}" = "" ]; then echo "Fatal error: can't find include directory" echo "Make sure to execute ${PROGRAM_name} from untarred directory or check your installation." exit 1 fi # Test for database directory DBDIR=""; tDB_TARGETS="/usr/local/share/lynis/db /usr/local/lynis/db /usr/share/lynis/db ./db" for I in ${tDB_TARGETS}; do if [ -d ${I} ]; then DBDIR=${I}; fi; done # ################################################################################# # MYID="" # Check user to determine file permissions later on. If we encounter Solaris, use related id binary instead if [ -x /usr/xpg4/bin/id ]; then MYID=`/usr/xpg4/bin/id -u 2> /dev/null` else MYID=`id -u 2> /dev/null` fi if [ "${MYID}" = "" ]; then Display "Could not find user ID with id command. Want to help improving Lynis? Raise a ticket at ${PROGRAM_SOURCE}"; ExitFatal; fi # ################################################################################# # # Consts # (bin paths, text strings, colors) # ################################################################################# # # Perform a basic check for permissions. After including functions, using SafePerms() # Optimization: remove ls -l for owner and only do UID check, reducing one getpwent PERMS=`ls -l ${INCLUDEDIR}/consts | cut -c 2-10` PERMS2=`ls -l ${INCLUDEDIR}/functions | cut -c 2-10` OWNER=`ls -l ${INCLUDEDIR}/consts | awk -F" " '{ print $3 }'` OWNER2=`ls -l ${INCLUDEDIR}/functions | awk -F" " '{ print $3 }'` OWNERID=`ls -n ${INCLUDEDIR}/consts | awk -F" " '{ print $3 }'` OWNER2ID=`ls -n ${INCLUDEDIR}/functions | awk -F" " '{ print $3 }'` ISSUE=0 SHOWPERMERROR=0 # Check permissions of include/consts file (400, 600, 640, 644) if [ ! "${PERMS}" = "r--------" -a ! "${PERMS}" = "rw-------" -a ! "${PERMS}" = "rw-r-----" -a ! "${PERMS}" = "rw-r--r--" ]; then ISSUE=1; echo "[!] Change file permissions of ${INCLUDEDIR}/consts to 640."; echo " Command: chmod 640 ${INCLUDEDIR}/consts" fi # Check permissions of include/functions file if [ ! "${PERMS2}" = "r--------" -a ! "${PERMS2}" = "rw-------" -a ! "${PERMS}" = "rw-r-----" -a ! "${PERMS}" = "rw-r--r--" ]; then ISSUE=1; echo "[!] Change file permissions of ${INCLUDEDIR}/functions to 640."; echo " Command: chmod 640 ${INCLUDEDIR}/functions" fi # Check if owner of both files is root user, or the same user which is running Lynis (for pentester mode) # Consts if [ ! "${OWNER}" = "root" -a ! "${OWNERID}" = "0" ]; then if [ ! "${MYID}" = "${OWNER2ID}" ]; then ISSUE=1; SHOWPERMERROR=1; FILE="consts" fi fi # Functions if [ ! "${OWNER2}" = "root" -a ! "${OWNER2ID}" = "0" ]; then if [ ! "${MYID}" = "${OWNER2ID}" ]; then ISSUE=1; SHOWPERMERROR=1; FILE="functions" fi fi if [ ${SHOWPERMERROR} -eq 1 ]; then echo "" echo "[!] Change ownership of ${INCLUDEDIR}/${FILE} to 'root' or similar (found: ${OWNER} with UID ${OWNERID})." echo "" echo " Command:" echo " # chown root:root ${INCLUDEDIR}/${FILE}" echo "" echo " Note: on some systems the default group might be 'wheel'. Use 'chown root:wheel' instead on the files." echo "" fi if [ ${ISSUE} -eq 0 ]; then . ${INCLUDEDIR}/consts . ${INCLUDEDIR}/functions else echo ""; echo ""; echo "[X] Security check failed: See action above, to correct this issue." echo "" echo " Why do I see this error?" echo " -------------------------------" echo " This is a protection mechanism, to prevent the root user from executing user created files." echo ""; echo "" echo " What can I do?" echo " ---------------------" echo " 1) Check if a trusted user created the files (e.g. you, by using Git, Homebrew or similar)" echo "" echo " 2) Change ownership and permissions of the related files (or full directory)." echo "" echo " Commands (full directory):" echo " # cd .." echo " # chown -R root: lynis" echo "" echo " 3) Start Lynis again (cd lynis && ./lynis)." echo ""; echo ""; exit 1 fi # ################################################################################# # # Traps # ################################################################################# # trap Maid INT # Use safe umask for the files we create umask 027 # Drop out on unintialised variables / fatal errors #set -u # # ################################################################################# # # Parameter checks # ################################################################################# # SafePerms ${INCLUDEDIR}/parameters . ${INCLUDEDIR}/parameters # Now determine if we are root (UID = 0) if [ ${MYID} -eq 0 ]; then PRIVILEGED=1 else echo "Start Lynis non-privileged"; echo ""; # Implied pentesting mode if not performed by root user PENTESTINGMODE=1 fi # Disable logging if no alternative was provided if [ ${PRIVILEGED} -eq 0 ]; then if [ "${LOGFILE}" = "" ]; then LOGFILE="/dev/null" fi if [ "${REPORTFILE}" = "" ]; then REPORTFILE="/dev/null"; fi fi # ################################################################################# # # Plugins # ################################################################################# # # Plugin directory test if [ "${PLUGINDIR}" = "" ]; then #logtext "Result: Searching for plugindir" tPLUGIN_TARGETS="/usr/local/lynis/plugins /usr/local/share/lynis/plugins /usr/share/lynis/plugins /etc/lynis/plugins ./plugins" for I in ${tPLUGIN_TARGETS}; do if [ -d ${I} ]; then PLUGINDIR=${I} Debug "Result: found plugindir ${PLUGINDIR}" fi done fi # Drop out if our plugin directory can't be found if [ ! -d ${PLUGINDIR} ]; then echo "Fatal error: can't find plugin directory ${PLUGINDIR}" echo "Make sure to execute ${PROGRAM_name} from untarred directory or check your installation." exit 1 fi # ################################################################################# # # Program information # ################################################################################# # # CV - Current Version PROGRAM_AC=`echo ${PROGRAM_version} | awk '{ print $1 }' | sed 's/[.]//g'` PROGRAM_LV=0 # ################################################################################# # # Initialize and default settings # ################################################################################# # if [ ${QUIET} -eq 0 ]; then echo "" echo "${WHITE}[ ${PROGRAM_name} ${PROGRAM_version} ]${NORMAL}" echo "" echo "################################################################################" echo " ${PROGRAM_license}" echo "" echo " ${PROGRAM_copyright}" echo " ${PROGRAM_extrainfo}" echo "################################################################################" fi if [ "${PROGRAM_releasetype}" = "beta" ]; then echo "${WHITE}" echo " #########################################################" echo " # ${YELLOW}BETA VERSION${WHITE} #" echo " #########################################################" echo "" echo " Thank you for testing a beta release. Make sure to read" echo " all available documentation before proceeding and/or" echo " requesting support. Due the nature of beta releases, it" echo " is possible new features give unexpected warnings." echo "" echo "" echo " #########################################################" echo "${NORMAL}"; echo "" fi # ################################################################################# # InsertSection "Initializing program" # Try to find a default profile file, if none is specified if [ "${PROFILE}" = "" ]; then tPROFILE_TARGETS="/usr/local/etc/lynis/default.prf /etc/lynis/default.prf /usr/local/lynis/default.prf ./default.prf" for I in ${tPROFILE_TARGETS}; do if [ -f ${I} ]; then PROFILE=${I}; fi done fi if [ "${PROFILE}" = "" ]; then echo "${RED}Fatal error: ${WHITE}No profile defined and could not find default profile${NORMAL}" echo "Search paths used --> ${tPROFILE_TARGETS}" ExitCustom 66 fi # Initialize and check profile file, auditor name, log file and report file if [ ! -r ${PROFILE} ]; then echo "Fatal error: Can't open profile file (${PROFILE})"; exit 1; fi if [ "${AUDITORNAME}" = "" ]; then AUDITORNAME="[Unknown]"; fi if [ "${LOGFILE}" = "" ]; then LOGFILE="/var/log/lynis.log"; fi if [ "${REPORTFILE}" = "" ]; then REPORTFILE="/var/log/lynis-report.dat"; fi # ################################################################################# # # PID :: Check PID file, to avoid multiple instances running at the same time. # ################################################################################# # # Decide where to write our PID file. For unprivileged users this will be in their home directory, or /tmp if their # home directory isn't set. For root it will be /var/run, or the current workign directory if /var/run doesn't exist. MYHOMEDIR=`echo ~ 2> /dev/null` if [ "${MYHOMEDIR}" = "" ]; then MYHOMEDIR="/tmp"; fi if [ ${PRIVILEGED} -eq 0 ]; then PIDFILE="${MYHOMEDIR}/lynis.pid" elif [ -d /var/run ]; then PIDFILE="/var/run/lynis.pid" else PIDFILE="./lynis.pid" fi # Check if there is already a PID file in any of the locations (incorrect termination of previous instance) if [ -f "${MYHOMEDIR}/lynis.pid" -o -f "./lynis.pid" -o -f "/var/run/lynis.pid" ]; then echo "" echo " ${WARNING}Warning${NORMAL}: ${WHITE}PID file exists, probably another Lynis process is running.${NORMAL}" echo " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo " If you are unsure another Lynis process is running currently, you are advised " echo " to stop current process and check the process list first. If you cancelled" echo " (by using CTRL+C) a previous instance, you can ignore this message." echo " " echo " You are advised to check for temporary files after program completion." echo " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "" echo " ${YELLOW}Note: ${WHITE}Cancelling the program can leave temporary files behind${NORMAL}" echo "" wait_for_keypress # Deleting any stale PID files that might exist. Note: Display function does not work yet at this point if [ -f "${MYHOMEDIR}/lynis.pid" ]; then rm -f "${MYHOMEDIR}/lynis.pid"; fi if [ -f "./lynis.pid" ]; then rm -f "./lynis.pid"; fi if [ -f "/var/run/lynis.pid" ]; then rm -f "/var/run/lynis.pid"; fi fi # Ensure symlink attack is not possible, by confirming there is no symlink of the file already OURPID=`echo $$` if [ -L ${PIDFILE} ]; then echo "Found symlinked PID file (${PIDFILE}), quitting" ExitFatal else # Create new PID file writable only by owner echo "${OURPID}" > ${PIDFILE} chmod 600 ${PIDFILE} fi # ################################################################################# # # Check program parameters # ################################################################################# # # Bail out if we didn't get any parameter, or incorrect ones if [ ${PARAMCOUNT} -eq 0 -o ${WRONGOPTION} -eq 1 -o ${VIEWHELP} -eq 1 ]; then echo "" echo " Usage: lynis ${WHITE}[options] ${CYAN}mode${NORMAL}" echo "" echo "" echo " ${CYAN}Mode:${NORMAL}" echo "" echo " ${GREEN}audit${NORMAL}" echo " audit system : Perform security scan" echo " audit dockerfile : Analyze Dockerfile" echo "" echo " ${GREEN}update${NORMAL}" echo " update info : Show update details" echo " update release : Update Lynis release" echo "" echo "" echo " ${WHITE}Scan options:${NORMAL}" echo " --auditor \"\" : Auditor name" echo " --dump-options : See all available options" echo " --no-log : Don't create a log file" echo " --pentest : Non-privileged scan (useful for pentest)" echo " --profile : Scan the system with the given profile file" echo " --quick (-Q) : Quick mode, don't wait for user input" echo " --tests \"\" : Run only tests defined by " echo " --tests-category \"\" : Run only tests defined by " echo "" echo " ${WHITE}Layout options:${NORMAL}" echo " --no-colors : Don't use colors in output" echo " --quiet (-q) : No output, except warnings" echo " --reverse-colors : Optimize color display for light backgrounds" echo "" echo " ${WHITE}Misc options:${NORMAL}" echo " --debug : Debug logging to screen" echo " --view-manpage (--man) : View man page" echo " --version (-V) : Display version number and quit" echo "" echo " ${WHITE}Enterprise options:${NORMAL}" echo " --plugin-dir \"\" : Define path of available plugins" echo " --upload : Upload data to central node" echo "" echo "" if [ ${WRONGOPTION} -eq 1 ]; then echo " ${RED}Error${NORMAL}: ${WHITE}Invalid option '${WRONGOPTION_value}'${NORMAL}" else if [ ${VIEWHELP} -eq 0 ]; then echo " ${RED}Error${NORMAL}: ${WHITE}No scanning mode specified!${NORMAL}" fi fi echo " More scan options are available. See man page and online documentation for details." echo "" echo "Exiting.." # Cleanup PID file if we drop out earlier RemovePIDFile # Exit with exit code 1 exit 64 fi # ################################################################################# # if [ ${PRIVILEGED} -eq 0 ]; then echo "${WHITE}" echo " ###################################################################" echo " # #" echo " # ${PURPLE}NON-PRIVILEGED SCAN MODE${WHITE} #" echo " # #" echo " ###################################################################" echo "${NORMAL}" echo " ${YELLOW}NOTES:${NORMAL}" echo " --------------" echo " ${WHITE}*${NORMAL} Some tests will be skipped (as they require root permissions)" echo " ${WHITE}*${NORMAL} Some tests might fail silently or give different results" echo "" if [ "${LOGFILE}" = "" -o "${LOGFILE}" = "/dev/null" ]; then echo " ${RED}WARNING:${NORMAL}" echo " ${WHITE}*${NORMAL} No suggestions or warnings will be displayed in report (due to missing log file)" echo "" fi echo "" echo " ${WHITE}Press [ENTER] to continue or [CTRL] + C to break${NORMAL}" echo "" echo " ###################################################################" echo "${NORMAL}"; echo "" if [ ${QUICKMODE} -eq 0 ]; then read void; fi fi # ################################################################################# # # OS Detection # ################################################################################# # SafePerms ${INCLUDEDIR}/osdetection . ${INCLUDEDIR}/osdetection Display --indent 2 --text "- Detecting OS... " --result DONE --color GREEN # Check hostname case ${OS} in HP-UX) HOSTNAME=`hostname` ;; Solaris) HOSTNAME=`uname -n` ;; *) HOSTNAME=`hostname -s 2> /dev/null` ;; esac FQDN=`hostname 2> /dev/null` if [ "${OS}" = "Linux" -a "${HOSTNAME}" = "${FQDN}" ]; then FQDN=`hostname -f 2> /dev/null` fi # ################################################################################# # # Clear log and report files # ################################################################################# # # Clear log file and test if it's writable logtext "### Starting ${PROGRAM_name} ${PROGRAM_version} with PID ${OURPID}, build date ${PROGRAM_releasedate} ###" > ${LOGFILE} if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then Display --indent 2 --text "- Clearing log file (${LOGFILE})... " --result WARNING --color RED echo "${WARNING}Fatal error${NORMAL}: problem while writing to log file. Check location and permissions." RemovePIDFile exit 1 fi logtextbreak logtext "### ${PROGRAM_copyright} ###" # Clear report file (to avoid appending to an existing file) echo "# ${PROGRAM_name} Report" > ${REPORTFILE} report "report_version_major=${REPORT_version_major}" report "report_version_minor=${REPORT_version_minor}" CDATE=`date "+%F %H:%M:%S"` report "report_datetime_start=${CDATE}" report "auditor=${AUDITORNAME}" report "lynis_version=${PROGRAM_version}" report "os=${OS}" report "os_name=${OS_NAME}" report "os_fullname=${OS_FULLNAME}" report "os_version=${OS_VERSION}" if [ "${OS}" = "Linux" ]; then report "linux_version=${LINUX_VERSION}"; fi report "hostname=${HOSTNAME}" # ################################################################################# # # Show program information to display # ################################################################################# # if [ ${QUIET} -eq 0 -a ${SHOW_PROGRAM_DETAILS} -eq 1 ]; then echo "" echo " ---------------------------------------------------" echo " Program version: ${PROGRAM_version}" echo " Operating system: ${OS}" echo " Operating system name: ${OS_NAME}" echo " Operating system version: ${OS_VERSION}" if [ ! "${OS_MODE}" = "" ]; then echo " Operating system mode: ${OS_MODE}"; fi echo " Kernel version: ${OS_KERNELVERSION}" echo " Hardware platform: ${HARDWARE}" echo " Hostname: ${HOSTNAME}" echo " Auditor: ${AUDITORNAME}" echo " Profile: ${PROFILE}" echo " Log file: ${LOGFILE}" echo " Report file: ${REPORTFILE}" echo " Report version: ${REPORT_version}" echo " Plugin directory: ${PLUGINDIR}" echo " ---------------------------------------------------" fi logtext "Program version: ${PROGRAM_version}" logtext "Operating system: ${OS}" logtext "Operating system name: ${OS_NAME}" logtext "Operating system version: ${OS_VERSION}" if [ ! "${OS_MODE}" = "" ]; then logtext "Operating system mode: ${OS_MODE}"; fi logtext "Kernel version: ${OS_KERNELVERSION}" if [ ! "${OS_KERNELVERSION_FULL}" = "" ]; then logtext "Kernel version (full): ${OS_KERNELVERSION_FULL}" fi logtext "Hardware platform: ${HARDWARE}" logtext "-----------------------------------------------------" logtext "Hostname: ${HOSTNAME}" logtext "Auditor: ${AUDITORNAME}" logtext "Profile: ${PROFILE}" logtext "Include directory: ${INCLUDEDIR}" logtext "Plugin directory: ${PLUGINDIR}" logtext "-----------------------------------------------------" logtext "Log file: ${LOGFILE}" logtext "Report file: ${REPORTFILE}" logtext "Report version: ${REPORT_version}" logtext "-----------------------------------------------------" logtext "BusyBox used: ${SHELL_IS_BUSYBOX}" logtextbreak # ################################################################################# # # Read profile/template/plugins # ################################################################################# # SafePerms ${INCLUDEDIR}/profiles . ${INCLUDEDIR}/profiles # ################################################################################# # # Check for program update (people tend to be lazy and don't perform updates =)) # ################################################################################# # logtext "Test: Checking for program update..." UPDATE_AVAILABLE=0 if [ ${SKIP_UPGRADE_TEST} -eq 1 ]; then logtext "Upgrade test skipped due profile option set (skip_upgrade_test)" PROGRAM_LV="${PROGRAM_AC}" else CheckUpdates fi if [ "${PROGRAM_AC}" = "" -o "${PROGRAM_LV}" = "" ]; then Display --indent 2 --text "- Program update status... " --result UNKNOWN --color YELLOW logtext "Result: Update check failed. No network connection?" logtext "Info: to perform an automatic update check, outbound DNS connections should be allowed (TXT record)." # Set both to safe values PROGRAM_AC=0; PROGRAM_LV=0 else logtext "Current installed version : ${PROGRAM_AC}" logtext "Latest stable version : ${PROGRAM_LV}" if [ ${PROGRAM_LV} -gt ${PROGRAM_AC} ]; then # Check if current version is REALLY outdated (10 versions ago) PROGRAM_MINVERSION=`expr ${PROGRAM_LV} - 10` logtext "Minimum required version : ${PROGRAM_MINVERSION}" if [ ${PROGRAM_MINVERSION} -gt ${PROGRAM_AC} ]; then Display --indent 2 --text "- Program update status... " --result "WARNING" --color RED logtext "Result: This version is VERY outdated. Newer ${PROGRAM_name} release available!" ReportWarning "NONE" "Version of Lynis is very old and should be updated" report "lynis_update_available=1" UPDATE_AVAILABLE=1 else Display --indent 2 --text "- Program update status... " --result "UPDATE AVAILABLE" --color YELLOW logtext "Result: newer ${PROGRAM_name} release available!" ReportSuggestion "NONE" "Version of Lynis outdated, consider upgrading to the latest version" report "lynis_update_available=1" UPDATE_AVAILABLE=1 fi echo "" echo " ===============================================================================" echo " ${NOTICE}${PROGRAM_name} update available${NORMAL}" echo " ===============================================================================" echo "" echo " Current version : ${YELLOW}${PROGRAM_AC}${NORMAL} Latest version : ${GREEN}${PROGRAM_LV}${NORMAL}" echo "" echo " ${WHITE}Please update to the latest version for new features, bug fixes, tests" echo " and baselines.${NORMAL}" echo "" echo " https://cisofy.com/downloads/" echo "" echo " ===============================================================================" echo "" sleep 5 #wait_for_keypress else if [ ${UPDATE_CHECK_SKIPPED} -eq 0 ]; then Display --indent 2 --text "- Program update status... " --result "NO UPDATE" --color GREEN logtext "No ${PROGRAM_name} update available." report "lynis_update_available=0" else Display --indent 2 --text "- Program update status... " --result "SKIPPED" --color YELLOW logtext "Update check skipped due to constraints (e.g. missing dig binary)" report "lynis_update_available=-1" fi fi fi logtextbreak # ################################################################################# # # Check which binaries are available to the scanning process if [ -f ${INCLUDEDIR}/binaries ]; then SafePerms ${INCLUDEDIR}/binaries . ${INCLUDEDIR}/binaries fi logtextbreak # ################################################################################# # # Check if this is a virtual machine (after the appropriate binaries are found) IsVirtualMachine # ################################################################################# # if [ ${RUN_PLUGINS} -eq 1 ]; then # Plugins function RunPlugins() { if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then echo "RunPlugins should be started with phase number"; ExitFatal; fi PLUGIN_PHASE=$1 if [ ${PLUGIN_PHASE} -eq 0 -o ${PLUGIN_PHASE} -gt 2 ]; then echo "Incorrect phase number when calling RunPlugins"; ExitFatal; fi logtextbreak InsertPluginSection "Plugins (phase ${PLUGIN_PHASE})" if [ ${PLUGIN_PHASE} -eq 1 ]; then Display --text "Note: plugins have more extensive tests, which may take a few minutes to complete" Display --text " " logtext "Searching plugins..." fi N_PLUGIN=0 N_PLUGIN_ENABLED=0 # Search plugins FIND_PLUGINS=`find ${PLUGINDIR} -type f -name "plugin_[a-z]*" -exec echo \{\} \; | sort` for PLUGIN_FILE in ${FIND_PLUGINS}; do logtext "Found plugin file: ${PLUGIN_FILE}" # Double check if output is a valid file name if [ -f ${PLUGIN_FILE} ]; then FIND2=`grep "^# PLUGIN_NAME=" ${PLUGIN_FILE} | awk -F= '{ print $2 }'` if [ ! "${FIND2}" = "" -a ! "${FIND2}" = "[plugin_name]" ]; then N_PLUGIN=`expr ${N_PLUGIN} + 1` FIND3=`grep "^plugin=${FIND2}" ${PROFILE}` if [ ! "${FIND3}" = "" ]; then logtext "Plugin ${FIND2} is enabled" # Plugins should have at least a _phase1 part, _phase2 is optional at this moment PLUGINFILE="${PLUGINDIR}/plugin_${FIND2}_phase${PLUGIN_PHASE}" if [ -f ${PLUGINFILE} ]; then PLUGIN_VERSION=`grep "^# PLUGIN_VERSION=" ${PLUGIN_FILE} | awk -F= '{ print $2 }'` PLUGIN_VERSION_NODOTS=`echo ${PLUGIN_VERSION} | sed 's/.//g'` FIND4=`ls -l ${PLUGINFILE} | cut -c 2-10` if [ "${FIND4}" = "rw-r--r--" -o "${FIND4}" = "rw-r-----" -o "${FIND4}" = "rw-------" -o "${FIND4}" = "r--------" ]; then logtext "Including plugin file: ${PLUGINFILE} (version: ${PLUGIN_VERSION})" report "plugin_enabled_phase1[]=${FIND2}|${PLUGIN_VERSION}|" N_PLUGIN_ENABLED=`expr ${N_PLUGIN_ENABLED} + 1` Display --indent 2 --text "- ${CYAN}Plugin${NORMAL}: ${WHITE}${FIND2}${NORMAL}" if [ ${PLUGIN_PHASE} -eq 1 ]; then Progress " ["; fi . ${PLUGINFILE} if [ ${PLUGIN_PHASE} -eq 1 ]; then Progress "]"; Progress --finish; fi logtextbreak logtext "Result: ${FIND2} plugin (phase ${PLUGIN_PHASE}) finished" else logtext "Plugin ${FIND2}: Skipped (bad file permissions, should be 640, 600 or 400)" fi else logtext "Plugin ${FIND2}: Skipped (can't find file ${PLUGINFILE})" fi else logtext "Plugin ${FIND2}: Skipped (not enabled)" fi else logtext "Skipping plugin file ${PLUGIN_FILE} (no valid plugin name found)" fi fi logtext "--" done logtext "Result: Found ${N_PLUGIN} plugins of which ${N_PLUGIN_ENABLED} are enabled" logtext "Result: Plugins ${PLUGIN_PHASE} finished" } RunPlugins 1 if [ ${N_PLUGIN_ENABLED} -eq 0 ]; then Display --indent 2 --text "- Plugins enabled " --result "NONE" --color WHITE report "plugins_enabled=0" else report "plugins_enabled=1" fi fi # ################################################################################# # # Get host ID logtextbreak GetHostID # Check if result is not empty (no blank, or hash of blank value, or minus, or zeros) if [ ! "${HOSTID}" = "-" -a ! "${HOSTID}" = "" -a ! "${HOSTID}" = "adc83b19e793491b1c6ea0fd8b46cd9f32e592fc" -a ! "${HOSTID}" = "6ef1338f520d075957424741d7ed35ab5966ae97" ]; then logtext "Info: found valid HostID ${HOSTID}" report "hostid=${HOSTID}" else logtext "Info: no HostID found or invalid one" fi if [ ! "${MACHINEID}" = "" ]; then logtext "Info: found a machine ID ${MACHINEID}" report "machineid=${MACHINEID}" else logtext "Info: no machine ID found" fi # ################################################################################# # if [ ${RUN_TESTS} -eq 1 ]; then logtextbreak # Test sections if [ "${TESTS_CATEGORY_TO_PERFORM}" = "" ]; then logtext "Info: perform tests from all categories" INCLUDE_TESTS="boot_services kernel memory_processes authentication shells \ filesystems storage storage_nfs nameservices ports_packages networking printers_spools \ mail_messaging firewalls webservers ssh snmp databases ldap php squid logging \ insecure_services banners scheduling accounting time crypto virtualization containers \ mac_frameworks file_integrity tooling malware file_permissions homedirs \ kernel_hardening hardening" else INCLUDE_TESTS="${TESTS_CATEGORY_TO_PERFORM}" logtext "Info: only performing tests from categories: ${TESTS_CATEGORY_TO_PERFORM}" fi # Include available tests for INCLUDE_TEST in ${INCLUDE_TESTS}; do # Test if file exists, then if permissions are correct if [ -f ${INCLUDEDIR}/tests_${INCLUDE_TEST} ]; then FIND=`ls -l ${INCLUDEDIR}/tests_${INCLUDE_TEST} | cut -c 2-10` if [ "${FIND}" = "rw-r--r--" -o "${FIND}" = "rw-r-----" -o "${FIND}" = "rw-------" -o "${FIND}" = "r--------" ]; then . ${INCLUDEDIR}/tests_${INCLUDE_TEST} else logtext "Exception: skipping test category ${INCLUDE_TEST}, file ${INCLUDEDIR}/tests_${INCLUDE_TEST} has bad permissions (should be 640, 600 or 400)" ReportWarning "NONE" "H" "Invalid permissions on tests file tests_${INCLUDE_TEST}" # Insert a section and warn user also on screen InsertSection "General" Display --indent 2 --text "- Running test category ${INCLUDE_TEST}... " --result "SKIPPED" --color RED fi else echo "Error: Can't find file (category: ${INCLUDE_TEST})" fi done fi # ################################################################################# # if [ ${RUN_TESTS} -eq 1 ]; then InsertSection "Custom Tests" logtext "Test: Checking for tests_custom file" # Custom tests if [ -f ${INCLUDEDIR}/tests_custom ]; then logtext "Result: tests_custom file found in include directory" logtext "Test: checking file permissions of tests_custom file" FIND=`ls -l ${INCLUDEDIR}/tests_custom | cut -c 2-10` if [ "${FIND}" = "rw-r--r--" -o "${FIND}" = "rw-r-----" -o "${FIND}" = "rw-------" -o "${FIND}" = "r--------" ]; then Display --indent 2 --text "- Start custom tests... " logtext "Result: file permissions fine, running custom tests" SafePerms ${INCLUDEDIR}/tests_custom . ${INCLUDEDIR}/tests_custom else logtext "Exception: skipping custom tests, file has bad permissions (should be 640, 600 or 400)" ReportWarning "NONE" "H" "Invalid permissions on custom tests file" Display --indent 2 --text "- Running custom tests... " --result "WARNING" --color RED fi else Display --indent 2 --text "- Running custom tests... " --result "NONE" --color WHITE fi fi # ################################################################################# # # Run helpers # ################################################################################# # if [ ${RUN_HELPERS} -eq 1 ]; then if [ ! "${HELPER}" = "" ]; then logtext "Helper tool is $HELPER" if [ -f ${INCLUDEDIR}/helper_${HELPER} ]; then SafePerms ${INCLUDEDIR}/helper_${HELPER} logtext "Running helper tool ${HELPER} with params: ${HELPER_PARAMS}" InsertPluginSection "Helper: ${HELPER}" . ${INCLUDEDIR}/helper_${HELPER} ${HELPER_PARAMS} else echo "Error, could not find helper" fi fi fi # ################################################################################# # # Run phase 2 of plugins # ################################################################################# # if [ ${RUN_PLUGINS} -eq 1 ]; then RunPlugins 2 fi # ################################################################################# # # Show test results overview # ################################################################################# # # Store total performed tests report "lynis_tests_done=${CTESTS_PERFORMED}" CDATE=`date "+%F %H:%M:%S"` report "report_datetime_end=${CDATE}" # Show report if [ -f ${INCLUDEDIR}/report ]; then SafePerms ${INCLUDEDIR}/report; . ${INCLUDEDIR}/report; fi # Show tool tips if [ -f ${INCLUDEDIR}/hints_tips ]; then SafePerms ${INCLUDEDIR}/hints_tips; . ${INCLUDEDIR}/hints_tips; fi logtext "================================================================================" logtext "Tests performed: ${CTESTS_PERFORMED}" logtext "Total tests: ${TOTAL_TESTS}" logtext "Active plugins: ${N_PLUGIN_ENABLED}" logtext "Total plugins: ${N_PLUGIN}" logtext "================================================================================" report "tests_executed=${TESTS_EXECUTED}" report "tests_skipped=${TESTS_SKIPPED}" report "finish=true" # Upload data if [ ${UPLOAD_DATA} -eq 1 ]; then if [ -f ${INCLUDEDIR}/data_upload ]; then SafePerms ${INCLUDEDIR}/data_upload . ${INCLUDEDIR}/data_upload else echo "Fatal error: can't find upload_data script" fi fi logtext "${PROGRAM_name} ${PROGRAM_version}" logtext "${PROGRAM_copyright}" logtext "${PROGRAM_extrainfo}" logtext "Program ended successfully" logtext "================================================================================" # Clean exit (Delete PID file) if [ ${TOTAL_WARNINGS} -gt 0 ]; then ExitCustom 78 else ExitClean fi # The End ########################################################################### ##%HASH-SHA1%----------------------------% ########################################################################### # #================================================================================ # Lynis - Copyright 2007-2016, Michael Boelen, CISOfy - https://cisofy.com