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github.com/CSS-Tricks/The-Printliminator.git - Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
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authorRob G <wowmotty@gmail.com>2015-10-13 20:27:52 +0300
committerRob G <wowmotty@gmail.com>2015-10-13 20:27:52 +0300
commit83c888a3d3a95880e474fcc4544f3a4f3162c9eb (patch)
parente1ba089e03bc9b5c70e22334a175752a4ba4bf4c (diff)
parent9d5c63d584fc3b578b8f157a243360429d5b3446 (diff)
Merge pull request #10 from icaromh/master
Added Brazilian Portuguese to Locales
1 files changed, 198 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/_locales/pt-BR/messages.json b/_locales/pt-BR/messages.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..246d505
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_locales/pt-BR/messages.json
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+ "printliminatorName" : {
+ "message" : "The Printliminator",
+ "description" : "Extension name"
+ },
+ "printliminatorDescription" : {
+ "message" : "Uma ferramenta simples para tornar a impressão de sites melhor",
+ "description" : "Extension Description"
+ },
+ "commandButtons" : {
+ "message" : "Outros Superpoderes Úteis",
+ "description" : "Command buttons: undo, stylize, remove graphics & print"
+ },
+ "clickToRemove" : {
+ "message" : "Apenas clique em algo na página para removê-la",
+ "description" : "Click highlight to remove item"
+ },
+ "altClickRemove" : {
+ "message" : "Alt-clique para remover o oposto",
+ "description" : "Alt-click highlight to remove everything expect the item"
+ },
+ "undoLast" : {
+ "message" : "Desfazer<br>Último",
+ "description" : "Undo the last action"
+ },
+ "addStylize" : {
+ "message" : "Adicionar estilos<br>de impressão",
+ "description" : "Add print stylesheet"
+ },
+ "removeGraphics" : {
+ "message" : "Remover<br>Gráficos",
+ "description" : "Removes all images, iframes and video from the page"
+ },
+ "sendToPrint" : {
+ "message" : "Enviar para<br>impressão",
+ "description" : "Print the page"
+ },
+ "viewKeyboardCommands" : {
+ "message" : "Ver atalhos de teclado",
+ "description" : "Open a list of keyboard commands"
+ },
+ "hideKeyboardCommands" : {
+ "message" : "Esconder atalhos de teclado",
+ "description" : "Close list of keyboard commands"
+ },
+ "keyColumn" : {
+ "message" : "Chave",
+ "description" : "Key name column"
+ },
+ "descriptionColumn" : {
+ "message" : "Descrição",
+ "description" : "Description of key action"
+ },
+ "orText" : {
+ "message" : "ou",
+ "description" : "or text"
+ },
+ "keyPageUp" : {
+ "message" : "PageUp",
+ "description" : "Page up key"
+ },
+ "keyUpArrow" : {
+ "message" : "Seta para cima",
+ "description" : "Up arrow key text added to title"
+ },
+ "upDescription" : {
+ "message" : "Encontrar o elemento que envolve a caixa destacada",
+ "description" : "Find parent element of current highlight"
+ },
+ "keyPageDown" : {
+ "message" : "PageDown",
+ "description" : "Page down key"
+ },
+ "keyDownArrow" : {
+ "message" : "Seta para baixo",
+ "description" : "Down arrow key text added to title"
+ },
+ "downDescription" : {
+ "message" : "Encontrar o conteúdo da caixa destacada",
+ "description" : "Find first visible child element of highlight"
+ },
+ "keyRightArrow" : {
+ "message" : "Seta para Direita",
+ "description" : "Right arrow text added to title"
+ },
+ "rightDescription" : {
+ "message" : "Encontrar o próximo elemento no mesmo container",
+ "description" : "Find next visible sibling element of highlight"
+ },
+ "keyLeftArrow" : {
+ "message" : "Seta para Esquerda",
+ "description" : "Left arrow text added to title"
+ },
+ "leftDescription" : {
+ "message" : "Encontrar o elemento anterior no mesmo container",
+ "description" : ""
+ },
+ "keyEnter" : {
+ "message" : "Enter",
+ "description" : "Press enter to remove highlight"
+ },
+ "removeHighlight" : {
+ "message" : "Remove a caixa selecionada",
+ "description" : "Remove highlighted box"
+ },
+ "keyBackspace" : {
+ "message" : "Backspace",
+ "description" : "Press backspace to undo last action"
+ },
+ "undoAction" : {
+ "message" : "Desfazer a última ação",
+ "description" : "Undo last action"
+ },
+ "keyNumpad" : {
+ "message" : "Numpad",
+ "description" : "Numpad key text description"
+ },
+ "keyNumpadPlus" : {
+ "message" : "+(mais) do teclado numérico",
+ "description" : "Numpad+ key"
+ },
+ "fontUp" : {
+ "message" : "Aumenta o tamanho da fonte em 1",
+ "description" : "Use keyNumpad+ to increase font size"
+ },
+ "keyNumpadMinus" : {
+ "message" : "-(menos) do teclado numério",
+ "description" : "Numpad- key"
+ },
+ "fontDown" : {
+ "message" : "Diminui o tamanho da fonte em 1",
+ "description" : "Use keyNumpad- to decrease font size"
+ },
+ "keyNumpadAsterisk" : {
+ "message" : "*(asterisco) do teclado numérico",
+ "description" : ""
+ },
+ "fontReset" : {
+ "message" : "Resetar tamanho da fonte",
+ "description" : "Reset font size to original"
+ },
+ "mouseLeftClick" : {
+ "message" : "Clique com o botão esquerdo do mouse",
+ "description" : "left mouse click"
+ },
+ "keyAlt" : {
+ "message" : "Alt",
+ "description" : "Alt-key used with mouse-click"
+ },
+ "removeOpposite" : {
+ "message" : "Remover tudo menos a caixa selecionada",
+ "description" : "Remove opposite of highlight"
+ },
+ "keyShift" : {
+ "message" : "Shift",
+ "description" : "Shift-key used with mouse-click"
+ },
+ "fullWidth" : {
+ "message" : "Muda a largura da caixa para 100% &amp; margem para zero (destaque se torna azul)",
+ "description" : "Make highlighted element full width & add blue outline"
+ },
+ "keyF1" : {
+ "message" : "F1",
+ "description" : "F1 key name"
+ },
+ "keyF1Title" : {
+ "message" : "Função Um",
+ "description" : "F1 key used to toggle messages"
+ },
+ "toggleMessages" : {
+ "message" : "Alternar mensagens de ação",
+ "description" : "Action message display is toggled by the F1 key"
+ },
+ "keyPS" : {
+ "message" : "PrtScn",
+ "description" : "Print Screen key (abbreviation)"
+ },
+ "keyPSTitle" : {
+ "message" : "Print Screen",
+ "description" : "Print Screen key full name added to title"
+ },
+ "printPage" : {
+ "message" : "Imprimir Página",
+ "description" : "Print the current page"
+ },
+ "keyEsc" : {
+ "message" : "Esc",
+ "description" : "Escape key to close Printliminator"
+ },
+ "keyEscTitle" : {
+ "message" : "Escape",
+ "description" : "Escape key full name"
+ },
+ "abort" : {
+ "message" : "Desabilita Printliminator, mas salva o histórico",
+ "description" : "Disable Printliminator, but save undo history."
+ }