/*global module :false*/ module.exports = function( grunt ) { 'use strict'; var pkg = grunt.file.readJSON( 'package.json' ), config = { // key in root directory - **not shared publically** chromeKey : 'chrome.pem', settings : grunt.file.readJSON( 'src/options.json' ), // misc variables printliminatorJs : 'printliminator', printliminatorFunctionName : 'thePrintliminator', // temporary file bookmarkletJs : 'bookmarklet', // bookmarklet builder URLs indexHtml : 'index.html', bookmarkHtml : 'bookmark.html', production : { printliminator : '//css-tricks.github.io/The-Printliminator/printliminator.min.js' }, dev : { printliminator : 'dist/bookmarklet/printliminator.js' }, // note to add to dynamically created index.html in the root folder note : '' }; grunt.file.defaultEncoding = 'utf8'; grunt.file.preserveBOM = false; // Project configuration. grunt.initConfig({ pkg : pkg, config : config, jshint : { options : { globals : { '<%= config.printliminatorFunctionName %>' : false }, browser : true, undef : true, esnext : true }, files : { src : [ 'test/spec.js', 'dist/**/*.js' ] } }, uglify : { options : { report : 'gzip' }, main : { files : { '<%= config.printliminatorJs %>.min.js' : [ 'dist/bookmarklet/<%= config.printliminatorJs %>.js' ] } }, bookmarklet : { files : { '<%= config.bookmarkletJs %>.min.js' : [ 'src/bookmarklet/<%= config.bookmarkletJs %>.js' ] } } }, clean : { build : { src : [ 'dist/**/*', config.indexHtml, '*.min.js', 'updates.xml' ] }, cleanup : { src : [ config.bookmarkletJs + '.min.js', 'src/printliminator.css', 'src/chrome/popup.css', 'src/*-temp.*', 'src/chrome/*-temp.*', 'src/bookmarklet/*-temp.*' ] } }, copy : { chrome : { files : [{ expand : true, dot : true, flatten : true, src : [ 'src/printliminator.css', 'src/icons/*.png', 'src/chrome/manifest.json' ], dest : 'dist/chrome/' }] }, chromeLocales : { expand : true, src : [ '_locales/**/*.json' ], dest : 'dist/chrome' }, chromeUpdate : { files : [{ expand : true, flatten : true, src : [ 'src/chrome/updates.xml' ], dest : './' }] }, // Opera can use chrome.crx; just renamed opera : { src : 'dist/chrome.crx', dest : 'dist/opera.nex' } }, sass : { dist : { options : { style : 'expanded', sourcemap : 'none', noCache : true }, files : { 'src/printliminator.css' : 'src/printliminator-temp.scss', 'src/bookmarklet/printliminator-temp.css' : 'src/bookmarklet/printliminator-temp.scss', 'dist/chrome/popup.css' : 'src/chrome/popup-temp.scss', 'src/bookmarklet/iframe-temp.css' : 'src/bookmarklet/iframe-temp.scss' } } }, preprocess : { extMainScss : { src : 'src/printliminator.scss', dest : 'src/printliminator-temp.scss', options : { context : { MODE : 'EXT', settings : '<%= config.settings %>' } } }, extBookmarkletScss : { src : 'src/printliminator.scss', dest : 'src/bookmarklet/printliminator-temp.scss', options : { context : { MODE : 'BOOKMARKLET', settings : '<%= config.settings %>' } } }, extPopupScss : { src : 'src/chrome/popup.scss', dest : 'src/chrome/popup-temp.scss', options : { context : '<%= config.settings %>' } }, bookmarkletPopupScss : { src : 'src/bookmarklet/iframe.scss', dest : 'src/bookmarklet/iframe-temp.scss', options : { context : '<%= config.settings %>' } }, extHtml : { src : 'src/chrome/popup.html', dest : 'dist/chrome/popup.html', options : { context : '<%= config.settings %>' } }, bookmarkletHtml : { src : 'src/bookmarklet/iframe.html', dest : 'src/bookmarklet/iframe-temp.html', options : { context : '<%= config.settings %>' } }, extPopupJs : { src : 'src/chrome/popup.js', dest : 'dist/chrome/popup.js', options : { context : '<%= config.settings %>' } }, extJs : { src : 'src/printliminator.js', dest : 'dist/chrome/printliminator.js', options : { // inline : true, context : { MODE : 'EXT', settings : '<%= config.settings %>' } } }, bookmarkletJs : { src : 'src/printliminator.js', dest : 'dist/bookmarklet/printliminator.js', options : { // inline : true, context : { MODE : 'BOOKMARKLET', settings : '<%= config.settings %>' } } } }, jasmine : { src : 'dist/chrome/printliminator.js', options : { specs : 'test/*Spec.js' } }, compress : { chrome : { options : { archive : 'dist/chrome.zip' }, files : [{ expand : true, cwd : 'dist/chrome/', src : ['**'], dest : '', filter : 'isFile' }] } }, crx : { chrome : { options : { privateKey : '<%= config.chromeKey %>', }, src : 'dist/chrome/*.*', dest : 'dist/chrome.crx', } } }); grunt.loadNpmTasks( 'grunt-contrib-clean' ); grunt.loadNpmTasks( 'grunt-contrib-compress' ); grunt.loadNpmTasks( 'grunt-contrib-copy' ); grunt.loadNpmTasks( 'grunt-contrib-jasmine' ); grunt.loadNpmTasks( 'grunt-contrib-jshint' ); grunt.loadNpmTasks( 'grunt-contrib-sass' ); grunt.loadNpmTasks( 'grunt-contrib-uglify' ); grunt.loadNpmTasks( 'grunt-crx' ); grunt.loadNpmTasks( 'grunt-preprocess' ); grunt.registerTask( 'update', 'update dist files', function() { grunt.task.run([ 'default', 'updateVersions', 'compress', // make Chrome extension 'crx', // Opera extension 'copy:opera', // Firefox extension will match Chrome files in v43+ // http://techcrunch.com/2015/08/21/chrome-extensions-are-coming-to-firefox/ ]); }); grunt.registerTask( 'default', 'Default build', function() { grunt.task.run([ 'clean:build', 'preprocess', 'sass', 'bookmarklet-addStyles', 'uglify', 'bookmarklet-create', 'copy:chrome', 'copy:chromeLocales', 'copy:chromeUpdate', 'jshint', 'jasmine', 'clean:cleanup' ]); }); grunt.registerTask( 'bookmarklet-addStyles', function() { // string replace settings in css & html; add to bookmarklet var printliminator = grunt.file.read( 'dist/bookmarklet/printliminator.js' ), styles = grunt.file.read( 'src/bookmarklet/printliminator-temp.css' ).replace( /\s+/g, ' ' ), popupHTML = grunt.file.read( 'src/bookmarklet/iframe-temp.html' ).replace( /\s+/g, ' ' ), popupCSS = grunt.file.read( 'src/bookmarklet/iframe-temp.css' ).replace( /\s+/g, ' ' ), printliminator = printliminator .replace( /\{styles\}/, styles ) .replace( /\{popupHTML\}/, popupHTML ) .replace( /\{popupCSS\}/, popupCSS ); grunt.file.write( 'dist/bookmarklet/printliminator.js', printliminator ); }); grunt.registerTask( 'bookmarklet-create', function(){ // Add bookmarklet code for both production & development // load bookmarket min file var content = grunt.file.read( config.bookmarkletJs + '.min.js' ), // load index.html template baseHtml = grunt.file.read( 'src/bookmarklet/' + config.indexHtml ), bookmarkHtml = grunt.file.read( 'src/bookmarklet/' + config.bookmarkHtml ), modFile = function( mode ) { var regex = new RegExp('\\{' + mode + '\\}'), file = content .replace( /\{printliminator\}/, config[ mode ].printliminator ) .replace( /\"/g, "'" ) // not using encodeURI because it changes "{}" into "%7B%7D" // and just makes the bookmarklet bigger & harder to read .replace( /\x20/g, '%20' ); // add javascript to HTML baseHtml = baseHtml.replace( regex, file ); if ( mode === 'production' ) { bookmarkHtml = bookmarkHtml.replace( regex, file ); } }; // update production & dev bookmarklet href modFile( 'production' ); modFile( 'dev' ); // add note so we don't mistakingly update the wrong index.html // then lose all our changes when grunt is run! baseHtml = baseHtml.replace( '', config.note ); // write modified index.html grunt.file.write( config.indexHtml, baseHtml ); grunt.file.write( config.bookmarkHtml, bookmarkHtml ); }); // update version numbers to match the package.json version grunt.registerTask( 'updateVersions', function() { var i, project, result, projectFile = [ 'dist/chrome/manifest.json', 'dist/chrome/printliminator.js', 'dist/bookmarklet/printliminator.js', 'updates.xml' ], len = projectFile.length; for ( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { if ( !grunt.file.exists( projectFile[ i ] ) ) { grunt.log.error( 'file ' + projectFile[ i ] + ' not found' ); return true; // return false to abort the execution } if ( /json$/i.test( projectFile[ i ] ) ) { project = grunt.file.readJSON( projectFile[ i ] ); // get file as json object project.version = pkg.version; result = JSON.stringify( project, null, 2 ); // write manifest back to src & dist folders grunt.file.write( projectFile[ i ], result ); grunt.file.write( projectFile[ i ].replace( /^dist/, 'src' ), result ); } else { project = grunt.file.read( projectFile[ i ] ); result = project.replace( /\{version\}/g, pkg.version ); grunt.file.write( projectFile[ i ], result ); } } }); };