/*globals chrome */ // inject printliminator from popup & control from there. var commands = { remove : function() { chrome.tabs.executeScript( null, { code: 'thePrintliminator.removeGraphics();' }); }, print : function() { document.querySelector( 'li.print' ).classList.add( '/* @echo busy */' ); // ready state is delayed when a file on the page is not found chrome.tabs.executeScript( null, { code : 'document.readyState === "complete";' }, function( result ) { if ( result && result[ 0 ] === true ) { window.close(); chrome.tabs.executeScript( null, { code : 'thePrintliminator.print();' }); } else { // keep checking ready state for 20 seconds // if still not ready, abort, but still call print function var loopy = function( i ) { setTimeout(function () { chrome.tabs.executeScript( null, { code : 'document.readyState === "complete";' }, function( result ) { if ( result && result[ 0 ] === true || i === 1 ) { i = 0; window.close(); chrome.tabs.executeScript( null, { code : 'thePrintliminator.print();' }); } if ( --i > 0 ) { loopy(i); } }); }, 1000); }; // repeat 20 times (20 seconds), then just close the popup loopy( 20 ); } }); }, stylize : function() { chrome.tabs.executeScript( null, { code : 'thePrintliminator.stylize();' }); }, keyboard : function() { var indx, table = document.querySelector( '#/* @echo keyboard */' ), mode = table.style.display === 'none'; table.style.display = mode ? '' : 'none'; this.innerHTML = chrome.i18n.getMessage( mode ? 'hideKeyboardCommands' : 'viewKeyboardCommands' ); }, undo : function() { chrome.tabs.executeScript( null, { code : 'thePrintliminator.undo();' }); }, setLanguage : function(){ // update all text content commands.getMsg( document.querySelectorAll( '[i18n-text]' ), 'text' ); commands.getMsg( document.querySelectorAll( '[i18n-title]' ), 'title' ); }, getMsg : function( elms, target ) { var indx, msgKey, message, len = elms.length; for ( indx = 0; indx < len; indx++ ) { msgKey = elms[ indx ].getAttribute( 'i18n-' + target ); message = chrome.i18n.getMessage( msgKey ); if ( target === 'text' ) { elms[ indx ].innerHTML += message; } else { elms[ indx ].title = message.replace( '
', ' ' ); } } } }; chrome.windows.getCurrent( function( win ) { chrome.tabs.query({ windowId : win.id, active : true }, function( tabArray ) { // don't try to open a popup on chrome settings pages if ( tabArray && /^chrome/.test( tabArray[ 0 ].url || '' ) ) { return false; } // inject css & js only on initial click chrome.tabs.executeScript( null, { code : 'document.querySelector( "body" ).classList.contains( "/* @echo enabled */" );', matchAboutBlank : true }, function( result ) { if ( result && !result[ 0 ] ) { chrome.tabs.insertCSS( null, { file : 'printliminator.css', matchAboutBlank : true }); chrome.tabs.executeScript( null, { file: 'printliminator.js', matchAboutBlank : true }, function() { chrome.tabs.executeScript( null, { code : 'thePrintliminator.init();' }); }); } // update Language commands.setLanguage(); }); // Remove graphics var el = document.querySelector( './* @echo noGraphics */' ); el.removeEventListener( 'click', commands.remove ); el.addEventListener( 'click', commands.remove ); // Print el = document.querySelector( './* @echo print */' ); el.removeEventListener( 'click', commands.print ); el.addEventListener( 'click', commands.print ); // Add print stylesheet el = document.querySelector( './* @echo stylize */' ); el.removeEventListener( 'click', commands.stylize ); el.addEventListener( 'click', commands.stylize ); // Undo el = document.querySelector( './* @echo undo */' ); el.removeEventListener( 'click', commands.undo ); el.addEventListener( 'click', commands.undo ); // keyboard el = document.querySelector( './* @echo toggle */' ); el.removeEventListener( 'click', commands.keyboard ); el.addEventListener( 'click', commands.keyboard ); }); });