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github.com/CarnetApp/CarnetNextcloud.git - Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-06-08fix nextcloud 24HEADv0.24.5stable-0.24.5stablemainAlexandre R d'anzi
2022-01-30bumo 0.24.4Alexandre Roux D'Anzi
2022-01-30change release scriptAlexandre Roux D'Anzi
2022-01-30fix full screenAlexandre Roux D'Anzi
2022-01-24Merge pull request #176 from CarnetApp/in-a-framev0.24.4v0.24.3stable-0.24.4stable-0.24.3nextcloud-stable-0.24.4masterPhieF
2022-01-23Carnet is now in an iframe to avoid style conflictsold_mainAlexandre Roux D'Anzi
2022-01-12Merge pull request #168 from gjanssens/patch-1PhieF
2022-01-12put carnet in a frame to avoid conflicting cssAlexandre Roux D'Anzi
2021-09-14Fix runtime error in NextCloud 20.0.11Geert Janssens
2021-07-11bump version 0.24.2v0.24.2stable-0.24.2Phie
2021-07-11migrate from database.xml to migration filesPhie
2021-05-22updating version codePhie
2021-05-22updating translatersv0.24.1stable-0.24.1Phie
2021-05-21changelog and update to stable branch script to create new branch on CarnetEl...v0.24.0stable-0.24.0Phie
2021-05-21bump 0.24 + nextcloud version 21Phie
2021-05-21align Carnet ElectronPhie
2021-05-09nextcloud isn't rising exceptions right, try to fix it'Phie
2021-05-09Merge pull request #154 from yamanq/yamanq/exportPhieF
2021-05-09Fix "Export all notes" buttonYaman Qalieh
2021-04-24correction thanks to hobbseckyPhie
2021-02-24avoid issue with nextcloud when extracting an archive with a symlinkPhie
2021-01-24import folder note from archivePhie
2021-01-22fix export note folderPhie
2021-01-20fix search in folder notesPhie
2021-01-20new option to create folder notes by defaultPhie
2020-11-07echo link to nextcloud release + checkout masterPhie
2020-11-07bump 0.23.6 for new recorder libsv0.23.6stable-0.23.6Phie
2020-11-07fix recording + bump versionPhie
2020-11-06disable minify for nowv0.23.2stable-0.23.2Phie
2020-11-06update relase scriptPhie
2020-11-05execute minified when releasingv0.23.0stable-0.23.0Phie
2020-11-05update changelogPhie
2020-11-05update version numberPhie
2020-11-05fix note exportPhie
2020-11-05fix stuffsPhie
2020-11-05update changelogPhie
2020-10-25brand new import archive methodPhie
2020-10-16transmit as real arrayPhie
2020-10-08Merge pull request #127 from vacy/patch-1PhieF
2020-10-07new exporter urlPhie
2020-09-20take nextcloud installation directory into accountvacy
2020-09-19fix lower case textPhie
2020-09-17index low case text for faster searchPhie
2020-09-13introducing html exporter pagePhie