# AlwaysOnTopper Simple app for Windows, adds 'Always on top' item to system menu of every window. ![Screenshot](screenshot.png) ## How to use Make sure that .NET Framework 4.5.2 is installed. Just run **AlwaysOnTopper.exe**. It doesn't have any GUI. Every window should have "Always on top" in menu now. It's recommended to add this app to autorun. ## Author/contacts **Alexey 'Cluster' Avdyukhin** clusterrr@clusterrr.com [https://github.com/ClusterM](https://github.com/ClusterM "https://github.com/ClusterM") [http://clusterrr.com](http://clusterrr.com "http://clusterrr.com") PayPal for donations: clusterrr@clusterrr.com