#include "irda-app-file-parser.h" #include "irda-app-remote-manager.h" #include "irda-app-signal.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define TAG "IrdaFileParser" bool IrdaAppFileParser::open_irda_file_read(const char* name) { std::string full_filename; if(name[0] != '/') full_filename = make_full_name(name); else full_filename = name; return file_worker.open(full_filename.c_str(), FSAM_READ, FSOM_OPEN_EXISTING); } bool IrdaAppFileParser::open_irda_file_write(const char* name) { std::string dirname(irda_directory); auto full_filename = make_full_name(name); if(!file_worker.mkdir(dirname.c_str())) return false; return file_worker.open(full_filename.c_str(), FSAM_WRITE, FSOM_CREATE_ALWAYS); } size_t IrdaAppFileParser::stringify_message( const IrdaAppSignal& signal, const char* name, char* buf, size_t buf_size) { auto message = signal.get_message(); auto protocol = message.protocol; size_t written = 0; written += sniprintf( buf, buf_size, "%.31s %.31s A:%0*lX C:%0*lX\n", name, irda_get_protocol_name(protocol), ROUND_UP_TO(irda_get_protocol_address_length(protocol), 4), message.address, ROUND_UP_TO(irda_get_protocol_command_length(protocol), 4), message.command); furi_assert(written < buf_size); if(written >= buf_size) { written = 0; } return written; } size_t IrdaAppFileParser::stringify_raw_signal( const IrdaAppSignal& signal, const char* name, char* buf, size_t buf_size) { size_t written = 0; int duty_cycle = 100 * IRDA_COMMON_DUTY_CYCLE; written += sniprintf( &buf[written], max_line_length - written, "%.31s RAW F:%d DC:%d", name, IRDA_COMMON_CARRIER_FREQUENCY, duty_cycle); auto& raw_signal = signal.get_raw_signal(); for(size_t i = 0; i < raw_signal.timings_cnt; ++i) { written += sniprintf(&buf[written], buf_size - written, " %ld", raw_signal.timings[i]); if(written > buf_size) { return false; } } written += snprintf(&buf[written], buf_size - written, "\n"); furi_assert(written < buf_size); if(written >= buf_size) { written = 0; } return written; } bool IrdaAppFileParser::save_signal(const IrdaAppSignal& signal, const char* name) { char* buf = new char[max_line_length]; size_t buf_cnt = 0; bool write_result = false; if(signal.is_raw()) { buf_cnt = stringify_raw_signal(signal, name, buf, max_line_length); } else { buf_cnt = stringify_message(signal, name, buf, max_line_length); } if(buf_cnt) { write_result = file_worker.write(buf, buf_cnt); } delete[] buf; return write_result; } std::unique_ptr IrdaAppFileParser::read_signal(void) { string_t line; string_init(line); string_reserve(line, max_line_length); std::unique_ptr file_signal; while(!file_signal && file_worker.read_until_buffered(line, file_buf, &file_buf_cnt, sizeof(file_buf))) { if(string_empty_p(line)) { continue; } auto c_str = string_get_cstr(line); file_signal = parse_signal(c_str); if(!file_signal) { file_signal = parse_signal_raw(c_str); } } string_clear(line); return file_signal; } std::unique_ptr IrdaAppFileParser::parse_signal(const std::string& str) const { char protocol_name[32]; uint32_t address; uint32_t command; auto irda_file_signal = std::make_unique(); int parsed = std::sscanf( str.c_str(), "%31s %31s A:%lX C:%lX", irda_file_signal->name, protocol_name, &address, &command); if(parsed != 4) { return nullptr; } IrdaProtocol protocol = irda_get_protocol_by_name(protocol_name); if(!irda_is_protocol_valid((IrdaProtocol)protocol)) { size_t end_of_str = MIN(str.find_last_not_of(" \t\r\n") + 1, (size_t)30); FURI_LOG_E( TAG, "Unknown protocol(\'%.*s...\'): \'%s\'", end_of_str, str.c_str(), protocol_name); return nullptr; } uint32_t address_length = irda_get_protocol_address_length(protocol); uint32_t address_mask = (1LU << address_length) - 1; if(address != (address & address_mask)) { size_t end_of_str = MIN(str.find_last_not_of(" \t\r\n") + 1, (size_t)30); FURI_LOG_E( TAG, "Signal(\'%.*s...\'): address is too long (mask for this protocol is 0x%08X): 0x%X", end_of_str, str.c_str(), address_mask, address); return nullptr; } uint32_t command_length = irda_get_protocol_command_length(protocol); uint32_t command_mask = (1LU << command_length) - 1; if(command != (command & command_mask)) { size_t end_of_str = MIN(str.find_last_not_of(" \t\r\n") + 1, (size_t)30); FURI_LOG_E( TAG, "Signal(\'%.*s...\'): command is too long (mask for this protocol is 0x%08X): 0x%X", end_of_str, str.c_str(), command_mask, command); return nullptr; } IrdaMessage message = { .protocol = protocol, .address = address, .command = command, .repeat = false, }; irda_file_signal->signal.set_message(&message); return irda_file_signal; } const char* find_first_not_of(const char* str, char symbol) { const char* str_start = nullptr; while(str != str_start) { str_start = str; str = strchr(str, symbol); } return str; } static int remove_args32(std::string_view& str, size_t num) { int removed_length = 0; while(num--) { char buf[32]; size_t index = str.find_first_not_of(" \t"); if(index == std::string_view::npos) break; removed_length += index; str.remove_prefix(index); if(str.empty()) break; int parsed = std::sscanf(str.data(), "%31s", buf); if(!parsed) break; size_t len = strlen(buf); if(!len) break; removed_length += len; str.remove_prefix(len); if(str.empty()) break; } return removed_length; } std::unique_ptr IrdaAppFileParser::parse_signal_raw(const std::string& string) const { uint32_t frequency; uint32_t duty_cycle; std::string_view str(string.c_str()); auto irda_file_signal = std::make_unique(); int parsed = std::sscanf( str.data(), "%31s RAW F:%ld DC:%ld", irda_file_signal->name, &frequency, &duty_cycle); if(parsed != 3) { return nullptr; } if((frequency < IRDA_MIN_FREQUENCY) || (frequency > IRDA_MAX_FREQUENCY)) { size_t end_of_str = MIN(string.find_last_not_of(" \t\r\n") + 1, (size_t)30); FURI_LOG_E( TAG, "RAW signal(\'%.*s...\'): frequency is out of bounds (%ld-%ld): %ld", end_of_str, string.c_str(), IRDA_MIN_FREQUENCY, IRDA_MAX_FREQUENCY, frequency); return nullptr; } if((duty_cycle == 0) || (duty_cycle > 100)) { size_t end_of_str = MIN(string.find_last_not_of(" \t\r\n") + 1, (size_t)30); FURI_LOG_E( TAG, "RAW signal(\'%.*s...\'): duty cycle is out of bounds (0-100): %ld", end_of_str, string.c_str(), duty_cycle); return nullptr; } int header_len = remove_args32(str, 4); size_t last_valid_ch = str.find_last_not_of(" \t\r\n"); if(last_valid_ch != std::string_view::npos) { str.remove_suffix(str.size() - last_valid_ch - 1); } else { FURI_LOG_E(TAG, "RAW signal(\'%.*s\'): no timings", header_len, string.c_str()); return nullptr; } /* move allocated timings into raw signal object */ IrdaAppSignal::RawSignal raw_signal = { .timings_cnt = 0, .timings = new uint32_t[max_raw_timings_in_signal]}; bool result = false; while(!str.empty()) { char buf[10]; size_t index = str.find_first_not_of(" \t", 1); if(index == std::string_view::npos) { break; } str.remove_prefix(index); parsed = std::sscanf(str.data(), "%9s", buf); if(parsed != 1) { FURI_LOG_E( TAG, "RAW signal(\'%.*s...\'): failed on timing[%ld] \'%*s\'", header_len, string.c_str(), raw_signal.timings_cnt, str.size(), str.data()); result = false; break; } str.remove_prefix(strlen(buf)); int value = atoi(buf); if(value <= 0) { FURI_LOG_E( TAG, "RAW signal(\'%.*s...\'): failed on timing[%ld] \'%s\'", header_len, string.c_str(), raw_signal.timings_cnt, buf); result = false; break; } if(raw_signal.timings_cnt >= max_raw_timings_in_signal) { FURI_LOG_E( TAG, "RAW signal(\'%.*s...\'): too much timings (max %ld)", header_len, string.c_str(), max_raw_timings_in_signal); result = false; break; } raw_signal.timings[raw_signal.timings_cnt] = value; ++raw_signal.timings_cnt; result = true; } if(result) { /* copy timings instead of moving them to occupy less than max_raw_timings_in_signal */ irda_file_signal->signal.copy_raw_signal(raw_signal.timings, raw_signal.timings_cnt); } else { irda_file_signal.reset(); } delete[] raw_signal.timings; return irda_file_signal; } bool IrdaAppFileParser::is_irda_file_exist(const char* name, bool* exist) { std::string full_path = make_full_name(name); return file_worker.is_file_exist(full_path.c_str(), exist); } std::string IrdaAppFileParser::make_full_name(const std::string& remote_name) const { return std::string("") + irda_directory + "/" + remote_name + irda_extension; } std::string IrdaAppFileParser::make_name(const std::string& full_name) const { std::string str(full_name, full_name.find_last_of('/') + 1, full_name.size()); str.erase(str.find_last_of('.')); return str; } bool IrdaAppFileParser::remove_irda_file(const char* name) { std::string full_filename = make_full_name(name); return file_worker.remove(full_filename.c_str()); } bool IrdaAppFileParser::rename_irda_file(const char* old_name, const char* new_name) { std::string old_filename = make_full_name(old_name); std::string new_filename = make_full_name(new_name); return file_worker.rename(old_filename.c_str(), new_filename.c_str()); } bool IrdaAppFileParser::close() { return file_worker.close(); } bool IrdaAppFileParser::check_errors() { return file_worker.check_errors(); } std::string IrdaAppFileParser::file_select(const char* selected) { auto filename_ts = std::make_unique(IrdaAppRemoteManager::max_remote_name_length); bool result; result = file_worker.file_select( irda_directory, irda_extension, filename_ts->text, filename_ts->text_size, selected); return result ? std::string(filename_ts->text) : std::string(); }