using LibUsbDotNet; using LibUsbDotNet.Main; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading; namespace com.clusterrr.FelLib { public class Fel : IDisposable { public byte[] Fes1Bin; byte[] uBootBin; public enum CurrentAction { RunningCommand, ReadingMemory, WritingMemory } public delegate void OnFelProgress(CurrentAction action, string command); UsbDevice device = null; UsbEndpointReader epReader = null; UsbEndpointWriter epWriter = null; const int ReadTimeout = 1000; const int WriteTimeout = 1000; public const int MaxBulkSize = 0x10000; UInt16 vid, pid; bool DramInitDone = false; int cmdOffset = -1; public const UInt32 fes1_base_m = 0x2000; public const UInt32 dram_base = 0x40000000; public const UInt32 uboot_base_m = dram_base + 0x7000000u; public const UInt32 uboot_base_f = 0x100000u; public const UInt32 sector_size = 0x20000u; public const UInt32 uboot_maxsize_f = (sector_size * 0x10); public const UInt32 kernel_base_f = sector_size * 0x30; public const UInt32 kernel_max_size = sector_size * 0x20; public const UInt32 transfer_base_m = dram_base + 0x7400000u; public const UInt32 transfer_max_size = sector_size * 0x100; const string fastboot = "efex_test"; public byte[] UBootBin { get { return uBootBin; } set { uBootBin = value; var prefix = "bootcmd="; for (int i = 0; i < uBootBin.Length - prefix.Length; i++) if (Encoding.ASCII.GetString(uBootBin, i, prefix.Length) == prefix) { cmdOffset = i + prefix.Length; break; } } } public static bool DeviceExists(UInt16 vid, UInt16 pid) { var fel = new Fel(); try { if (fel.Open(vid, pid)) { Debug.WriteLine("Device detection successful"); return true; } else { return false; } } finally { fel.Close(); } } public bool Open(UInt16 vid, UInt16 pid) { try { this.vid = vid; = pid; Close(); //Debug.WriteLine("Trying to open device..."); var devices = UsbDevice.AllDevices; device = null; foreach (UsbRegistry regDevice in devices) { if (regDevice.Vid == vid && regDevice.Pid == pid) { regDevice.Open(out device); break; } } if (device == null) { #if VERY_DEBUG Debug.WriteLine("Device with such VID and PID not found"); #endif return false; } IUsbDevice wholeUsbDevice = device as IUsbDevice; if (!ReferenceEquals(wholeUsbDevice, null)) { // This is a "whole" USB device. Before it can be used, // the desired configuration and interface must be selected. // Select config #1 wholeUsbDevice.SetConfiguration(1); // Claim interface #0. wholeUsbDevice.ClaimInterface(0); } int inEndp = -1; int outEndp = -1; int inMax = 0; int outMax = 0; Debug.WriteLine("Checking USB endpoints..."); foreach (var config in device.Configs) foreach (var @interface in config.InterfaceInfoList) foreach (var endp in @interface.EndpointInfoList) { if ((endp.Descriptor.EndpointID & 0x80) != 0) { inEndp = endp.Descriptor.EndpointID; inMax = endp.Descriptor.MaxPacketSize; Debug.WriteLine("IN endpoint found: " + inEndp); Debug.WriteLine("IN endpoint maxsize: " + inMax); } else { outEndp = endp.Descriptor.EndpointID; outMax = endp.Descriptor.MaxPacketSize; Debug.WriteLine("OUT endpoint found: " + outEndp); Debug.WriteLine("OUT endpoint maxsize: " + outMax); } } if (inEndp != 0x82 || outEndp != 0x01) { Debug.WriteLine("Uncorrect FEL device/mode"); return false; } epReader = device.OpenEndpointReader((ReadEndpointID)inEndp, 65536); epWriter = device.OpenEndpointWriter((WriteEndpointID)outEndp); Debug.WriteLine("Trying to verify device"); if (VerifyDevice().Board != 0x00166700) { Debug.WriteLine("Invalid board ID: " + VerifyDevice().Board); return false; } return true; } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine("Error: " + ex.Message + ex.StackTrace); return false; } } public void Close() { if (device != null) device.Close(); device = null; if (epReader != null) epReader.Dispose(); epReader = null; if (epWriter != null) epWriter.Dispose(); epWriter = null; } private void WriteToUSB(byte[] buffer) { #if VERY_DEBUG Debug.WriteLine("->[FEL] " + BitConverter.ToString(buffer)); #endif Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("-> {0} bytes", buffer.Length)); int pos = 0; int l; while (pos < buffer.Length) { epWriter.Write(buffer, pos, buffer.Length - pos, WriteTimeout, out l); if (l > 0) pos += l; else throw new Exception("Can't write to USB"); } } private int ReadFromUSB(byte[] buffer, int offset, int length) { int l; var result = epReader.Read(buffer, offset, length, ReadTimeout, out l); if (result != ErrorCode.Ok) throw new Exception("USB read error: " + result.ToString()); #if VERY_DEBUG Debug.WriteLine("<-[FEL] " + BitConverter.ToString(buffer)); #endif Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("<- {0} bytes", length)); return l; } private byte[] ReadFromUSB(UInt32 length) { var result = new byte[length]; int pos = 0; while (pos < length) { pos += ReadFromUSB(result, pos, (int)(length - pos)); } return result; } private void FelWrite(byte[] buffer) { var req = new AWUSBRequest(); req.Cmd = AWUSBRequest.RequestType.AW_USB_WRITE; req.Len = (uint)buffer.Length; WriteToUSB(req.Data); WriteToUSB(buffer); var resp = new AWUSBResponse(ReadFromUSB(13)); if (resp.CswStatus != 0) throw new FelException("FEL write error"); } private byte[] FelRead(UInt32 length) { var req = new AWUSBRequest(); req.Cmd = AWUSBRequest.RequestType.AW_USB_READ; req.Len = length; WriteToUSB(req.Data); var result = ReadFromUSB(length); var resp = new AWUSBResponse(ReadFromUSB(13)); if (resp.CswStatus != 0) throw new FelException("FEL read error"); return result; } private void FelRequest(AWFELStandardRequest.RequestType command) { var req = new AWFELStandardRequest(); req.Cmd = command; FelWrite(req.Data); } private void FelRequest(AWFELStandardRequest.RequestType command, UInt32 address, UInt32 length) { var req = new AWFELMessage(); req.Cmd = command; req.Address = address; req.Len = length; FelWrite(req.Data); } public AWFELVerifyDeviceResponse VerifyDevice() { FelRequest(AWFELStandardRequest.RequestType.FEL_VERIFY_DEVICE); byte[] resp; try { resp = FelRead(32); } catch { resp = new byte[32]; } var status = new AWFELStatusResponse(FelRead(8)); return new AWFELVerifyDeviceResponse(resp); } public void WriteMemory(UInt32 address, byte[] buffer, OnFelProgress callback = null) { if (address >= dram_base) InitDram(); UInt32 length = (UInt32)buffer.Length; if (length != (length & ~((UInt32)3))) { length = (length + 3) & ~((UInt32)3); var newBuffer = new byte[length]; Array.Copy(buffer, 0, newBuffer, 0, buffer.Length); buffer = newBuffer; } int pos = 0; while (pos < buffer.Length) { callback?.Invoke(CurrentAction.WritingMemory, null); var buf = new byte[Math.Min(buffer.Length - pos, MaxBulkSize)]; Array.Copy(buffer, pos, buf, 0, buf.Length); FelRequest(AWFELStandardRequest.RequestType.FEL_DOWNLOAD, (UInt32)(address + pos), (uint)buf.Length); FelWrite(buf); var status = new AWFELStatusResponse(FelRead(8)); if (status.State != 0) throw new FelException("FEL write error"); pos += buf.Length; } } private byte[] ReadMemory(UInt32 address, UInt32 length, OnFelProgress callback = null) { if (address >= dram_base) InitDram(); length = (length + 3) & ~((UInt32)3); var result = new List(); while (length > 0) { callback?.Invoke(CurrentAction.ReadingMemory, null); var l = Math.Min(length, MaxBulkSize); FelRequest(AWFELStandardRequest.RequestType.FEL_UPLOAD, address, l); var r = FelRead((UInt32)l); result.AddRange(r); var status = new AWFELStatusResponse(FelRead(8)); if (status.State != 0) throw new FelException("FEL read error"); length -= l; address += l; } return result.ToArray(); } public bool InitDram(bool force = false) { if (DramInitDone && !force) return true; if (DramInitDone) return true; const UInt32 testSize = 0x80; if (Fes1Bin == null || Fes1Bin.Length < testSize) throw new FelException("Can't init DRAM, incorrect Fes1 binary"); var buf = ReadMemory((UInt32)(fes1_base_m + Fes1Bin.Length - testSize), testSize); var buf2 = new byte[testSize]; Array.Copy(Fes1Bin, Fes1Bin.Length - buf.Length, buf2, 0, testSize); if (buf.SequenceEqual(buf2)) { return DramInitDone = true; } WriteMemory(fes1_base_m, Fes1Bin); Exec(fes1_base_m); Thread.Sleep(2000); return DramInitDone = true; } public byte[] ReadFlash(UInt32 address, UInt32 length, OnFelProgress callback = null) { var result = new List(); string command; if ((address % sector_size) != 0) throw new FelException(string.Format("Invalid flash address : 0x{0:X8}", address)); if ((length % sector_size) != 0) throw new FelException(string.Format("Invalid flash length: 0x{0:X8}", length)); while (length > 0) { var reqLen = Math.Min(length, transfer_max_size); command = string.Format("sunxi_flash phy_read {0:x} {1:x} {2:x};{3}", transfer_base_m, address / sector_size, (int)Math.Floor((double)reqLen / (double)sector_size), fastboot); RunUbootCmd(command, false, callback); var buf = ReadMemory(transfer_base_m + address % sector_size, reqLen, callback); result.AddRange(buf); address += (uint)buf.Length; length -= (uint)buf.Length; } return result.ToArray(); } public void WriteFlash(UInt32 address, byte[] buffer, OnFelProgress callback = null) { var length = (uint)buffer.Length; uint pos = 0; if ((address % sector_size) != 0) throw new FelException(string.Format("Invalid flash address : 0x{0:X8}", address)); if ((length % sector_size) != 0) throw new FelException(string.Format("Invalid flash length: 0x{0:X8}", length)); while (length > 0) { var wrLength = Math.Min(length, transfer_max_size / 8); var newBuf = new byte[wrLength]; Array.Copy(buffer, pos, newBuf, 0, wrLength); WriteMemory(transfer_base_m, newBuf, callback); var command = string.Format("sunxi_flash phy_write {0:x} {1:x} {2:x};{3}", transfer_base_m, address / sector_size, (int)Math.Floor((double)wrLength / (double)sector_size), fastboot); RunUbootCmd(command, false, callback); pos += (uint)wrLength; address += (uint)wrLength; length -= (uint)wrLength; } } public void Exec(UInt32 address) { FelRequest(AWFELStandardRequest.RequestType.FEL_RUN, address, 0); var status = new AWFELStatusResponse(FelRead(8)); if (status.State != 0) throw new FelException("FEL run error"); } public void RunUbootCmd(string command, bool noreturn = false, OnFelProgress callback = null) { callback?.Invoke(CurrentAction.RunningCommand, command); if (cmdOffset < 0) throw new Exception("Invalid Uboot binary, command variable not found"); const UInt32 testSize = 0x20; if (UBootBin == null || UBootBin.Length < testSize) throw new FelException("Can't init Uboot, incorrect Uboot binary"); var buf = ReadMemory(uboot_base_m, testSize); var buf2 = new byte[testSize]; Array.Copy(UBootBin, 0, buf2, 0, testSize); if (!buf.SequenceEqual(buf2)) WriteMemory(uboot_base_m, UBootBin); var cmdBuff = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(command + "\0"); WriteMemory((uint)(uboot_base_m + cmdOffset), cmdBuff); Exec((uint)uboot_base_m); if (noreturn) return; Close(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { Thread.Sleep(500); callback?.Invoke(CurrentAction.RunningCommand, command); } int errorCount = 0; while (true) { if (!Open(vid, pid)) { errorCount++; if (errorCount >= 10) { Close(); throw new Exception("No answer from device"); } Thread.Sleep(2000); } else break; } } public void Dispose() { Close(); } } }