# NES Input Test ROM This is simple NES/Famicom ROM to test different input accessories. After standard strobe on $4016.0 it reads $4016.0-$4016.7 and $4017.0-$4017.7 (yes, all 8 data lines including not connected on most consoles) 24 times (yes, not only 8 times). So you can test and reverse-engineer almost any input device. This ROM optimized to update screen with all 384 bits every frame. ## Examples NES Four Score: ![NES Four Score](screenshots/four_score.png) You can see signature in third byte on $4016.0 and $4017.0 and pressed buttons on the first two bytes. Hori 4-Players Adapter: ![Hori 4-Players Adapter](screenshots/hori4.png) Same here but using D1 line. You can see signature in third byte on $4016.1 and $4017.1 and pressed buttons on the first two bytes.