# # This file is the default set of rules to compile a Pebble project. # # Feel free to customize this to your needs. # import os.path try: from sh import CommandNotFound, jshint, cat, ErrorReturnCode_2 hint = jshint except (ImportError, CommandNotFound): hint = None top = '.' out = 'build' def options(ctx): ctx.load('pebble_sdk') def configure(ctx): ctx.load('pebble_sdk') global hint if hint is not None: hint = hint.bake(['--config', 'pebble-jshintrc']) def build(ctx): if False and hint is not None: try: hint([node.abspath() for node in ctx.path.ant_glob("src/**/*.js")], _tty_out=False) # no tty because there are none in the cloudpebble sandbox. except ErrorReturnCode_2 as e: ctx.fatal("\nJavaScript linting failed (you can disable this in Project Settings):\n" + e.stdout) # Concatenate all our JS files (but not recursively), and only if any JS exists in the first place. ctx.path.make_node('src/js/').mkdir() js_paths = ctx.path.ant_glob(['src/*.js', 'src/**/*.js']) if js_paths: ctx(rule='cat ${SRC} > ${TGT}', source=js_paths, target='pebble-js-app.js') has_js = True else: has_js = False ctx.load('pebble_sdk') ctx.pbl_program(source=ctx.path.ant_glob('src/**/*.c'), target='pebble-app.elf') if os.path.exists('worker_src'): ctx.pbl_worker(source=ctx.path.ant_glob('worker_src/**/*.c'), target='pebble-worker.elf') ctx.pbl_bundle(elf='pebble-app.elf', worker_elf='pebble-worker.elf', js='pebble-js-app.js' if has_js else []) else: ctx.pbl_bundle(elf='pebble-app.elf', js='pebble-js-app.js' if has_js else [])