import logging import asyncio from time import monotonic from homeassistant.components import bluetooth from bleak import BleakScanner, BleakClient from .const import * from .skykettle import SkyKettle import traceback _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) class KettleConnection(SkyKettle): UUID_SERVICE = "6e400001-b5a3-f393e-0a9e-50e24dcca9e" UUID_TX = "6e400002-b5a3-f393-e0a9-e50e24dcca9e" UUID_RX = "6e400003-b5a3-f393-e0a9-e50e24dcca9e" CONNECTION_TIMEOUT = 10 BLE_RECV_TIMEOUT = 1.5 MAX_TRIES = 3 TRIES_INTERVAL = 0.5 STATS_INTERVAL = 15 TARGET_TTL = 30 def __init__(self, mac, key, persistent=True, adapter=None, hass=None, model=None): super().__init__(model) self._device = None self._client = None self._mac = mac self._key = key self.persistent = persistent self.adapter = adapter self.hass = hass self._auth_ok = False self._sw_version = None self._iter = 0 self._update_lock = asyncio.Lock() self._last_set_target = 0 self._last_get_stats = 0 self._last_connect_ok = False self._last_auth_ok = False self._successes = [] self._target_state = None self._target_boil_time = None self._status = None self._stats = None self._lamp_auto_off_hours = None self._light_switch_boil = None self._light_switch_sync = None self._fresh_water = None self._colors = {} self._disposed = False self._last_data = None async def command(self, command, params=[]): if self._disposed: raise DisposedError() if not self._client or not self._client.is_connected: raise IOError("not connected") self._iter = (self._iter + 1) % 256 _LOGGER.debug(f"Writing command {command:02x}, data: [{' '.join([f'{c:02x}' for c in params])}]") data = bytes([0x55, self._iter, command] + list(params) + [0xAA]) # _LOGGER.debug(f"Writing {data}") await self._client.write_gatt_char(KettleConnection.UUID_TX, data) timeout_time = monotonic() + KettleConnection.BLE_RECV_TIMEOUT self._last_data = None while True: await asyncio.sleep(0.05) if self._last_data: r = self._last_data if r[0] != 0x55 or r[-1] != 0xAA: raise IOError("Invalid response magic") if r[1] == self._iter: break else: self._last_data = None if monotonic() >= timeout_time: raise IOError("Receive timeout") if r[2] != command: raise IOError("Invalid response command") clean = bytes(r[3:-1]) _LOGGER.debug(f"Received: {' '.join([f'{c:02x}' for c in clean])}") return clean def _rx_callback(self, sender, data): # _LOGGER.debug(f"Received (full): {' '.join([f'{c:02x}' for c in data])}") self._last_data = data async def _connect(self): if self._disposed: raise DisposedError() if self._client and self._client.is_connected: return self._device = bluetooth.async_ble_device_from_address(self.hass, self._mac) self._client = BleakClient(self._device) _LOGGER.debug("Connecting to the Kettle...") await asyncio.wait_for( # Bluez connection timeout is not working actually self._client.connect(timeout=KettleConnection.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT), timeout=KettleConnection.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT ) _LOGGER.debug("Connected to the Kettle") await self._client.start_notify(KettleConnection.UUID_RX, self._rx_callback) _LOGGER.debug("Subscribed to RX") auth = lambda self: super().auth(self._key) async def _disconnect(self): try: if self._client: was_connected = self._client.is_connected await self._client.disconnect() if was_connected: _LOGGER.debug("Disconnected") finally: self._auth_ok = False self._device = None self._client = None async def disconnect(self): try: await self._disconnect() except: pass async def _connect_if_need(self): if self._client and not self._client.is_connected: _LOGGER.debug("Connection lost") await self.disconnect() if not self._client or not self._client.is_connected: try: await self._connect() self._last_connect_ok = True except Exception as ex: await self.disconnect() self._last_connect_ok = False raise ex if not self._auth_ok: self._last_auth_ok = self._auth_ok = await self.auth() if not self._auth_ok: _LOGGER.error(f"Auth failed. You need to enable pairing mode on the kettle.") raise AuthError("Auth failed") _LOGGER.debug("Auth ok") self._sw_version = await self.get_version() await self.sync_time() async def _disconnect_if_need(self): if not self.persistent and self.target_mode != SkyKettle.MODE_GAME: await self.disconnect() async def update(self, tries=MAX_TRIES, force_stats=False, extra_action=None, commit=False): try: async with self._update_lock: if self._disposed: return _LOGGER.debug(f"Updating") if not self.available: force_stats = True # Update stats after unavailable state await self._connect_if_need() if extra_action: await extra_action # Is there scheduled boil_time? self._status = await self.get_status() boil_time = self._status.boil_time if self._target_boil_time != None and self._target_boil_time != boil_time: try: _LOGGER.debug(f"Need to update boil time from {boil_time} to {self._target_boil_time}") boil_time = self._target_boil_time if self._target_state == None: # To return previous state self._target_state = self._status.mode if self._status.is_on else None, self._status.target_temp self._last_set_target = monotonic() if self._status.is_on: await self.turn_off() await asyncio.sleep(0.2) await self.set_main_mode(self._status.mode, self._status.target_temp, boil_time)"Boil time is succesfully set to {boil_time}") except Exception as ex: _LOGGER.error(f"Can't update boil time ({type(ex).__name__}): {str(ex)}") self._status = await self.get_status() self._target_boil_time = None if commit: await self.commit() # If there is scheduled state if self._target_state != None: target_mode, target_temp = self._target_state # How to set mode? if target_mode == None and self._status.is_on:"State: {self._status} -> {self._target_state}")"Need to turn off the kettle...") await self.turn_off()"The kettle was turned off") await asyncio.sleep(0.2) self._status = await self.get_status() elif target_mode != None and not self._status.is_on:"State: {self._status} -> {self._target_state}")"Need to set mode and turn on the kettle...") await self.set_main_mode(target_mode, target_temp, boil_time)"New mode was set") await self.turn_on()"The kettle was turned on") await asyncio.sleep(0.2) self._status = await self.get_status() elif target_mode != None and ( target_mode != self._status.mode or (target_mode in [SkyKettle.MODE_HEAT, SkyKettle.MODE_BOIL_HEAT] and target_temp != self._status.target_temp)):"State: {self._status} -> {self._target_state}")"Need to switch mode of the kettle and restart it") await self.turn_off()"The kettle was turned off") await asyncio.sleep(0.2) await self.set_main_mode(target_mode, target_temp, boil_time)"New mode was set") await self.turn_on()"The kettle was turned on") await asyncio.sleep(0.2) self._status = await self.get_status() else: _LOGGER.debug(f"There is no reason to update state") # Not scheduled anymore self._target_state = None if self._last_get_stats + KettleConnection.STATS_INTERVAL < monotonic() or force_stats: self._last_get_stats = monotonic() self._stats = await self.get_stats() self._light_switch_boil = await self.get_light_switch(SkyKettle.LIGHT_BOIL) self._light_switch_sync = await self.get_light_switch(SkyKettle.LIGHT_SYNC) self._lamp_auto_off_hours = await self.get_lamp_auto_off_hours() self._fresh_water = await self.get_fresh_water() for lt in [SkyKettle.LIGHT_BOIL, SkyKettle.LIGHT_LAMP]: self._colors[lt] = await self.get_colors(lt) await self._disconnect_if_need() self.add_stat(True) return True except Exception as ex: await self.disconnect() if self._target_state != None and self._last_set_target + KettleConnection.TARGET_TTL < monotonic(): _LOGGER.warning(f"Can't set mode to {self._target_state} for {KettleConnection.TARGET_TTL} seconds, stop trying") self._target_state = None if type(ex) == AuthError: return self.add_stat(False) if tries > 1 and extra_action == None: _LOGGER.debug(f"{type(ex).__name__}: {str(ex)}, retry #{KettleConnection.MAX_TRIES - tries + 1}") await asyncio.sleep(KettleConnection.TRIES_INTERVAL) return await self.update(tries=tries-1, force_stats=force_stats, extra_action=extra_action, commit=commit) else: _LOGGER.warning(f"Can't update status, {type(ex).__name__}: {str(ex)}") _LOGGER.debug(traceback.format_exc()) return False def add_stat(self, value): self._successes.append(value) if len(self._successes) > 100: self._successes = self._successes[-100:] @staticmethod def limit_temp(temp): if temp != None and temp > SkyKettle.MAX_TEMP: return SkyKettle.MAX_TEMP elif temp != None and temp < SkyKettle.MIN_TEMP: return SkyKettle.MIN_TEMP else: return temp @staticmethod def get_mode_name(mode_id): if mode_id == None: return "off" return SkyKettle.MODE_NAMES[mode_id] @property def success_rate(self): if len(self._successes) == 0: return 0 return int(100 * len([s for s in self._successes if s]) / len(self._successes)) async def _set_target_state(self, target_mode, target_temp = 0): self._target_state = target_mode, target_temp self._last_set_target = monotonic() await self.update() async def cancel_target(self): self._target_state = None def stop(self): if self._disposed: return self._disconnect() self._disposed = True"Stopped.") @property def available(self): return self._last_connect_ok and self._last_auth_ok @property def current_temp(self): if self._status: return self._status.current_temp return None @property def current_mode(self): if self._status and self._status.is_on: return self._status.mode return None @property def target_temp(self): if self._target_state: target_mode, target_temp = self._target_state if target_mode in [SkyKettle.MODE_BOIL_HEAT, SkyKettle.MODE_HEAT]: return target_temp if target_mode == SkyKettle.MODE_BOIL: return BOIL_TEMP if target_mode == None: return ROOM_TEMP if self._status: if self._status.is_on: if self._status.mode in [SkyKettle.MODE_BOIL_HEAT, SkyKettle.MODE_HEAT]: return self._status.target_temp if self._status.mode == SkyKettle.MODE_BOIL: return BOIL_TEMP else: # Off return ROOM_TEMP return None @property def target_mode(self): if self._target_state: target_mode, target_temp = self._target_state return target_mode else: if self._status and self._status.is_on: return self._status.mode return None @property def target_mode_str(self): return self.get_mode_name(self.target_mode) async def set_target_temp(self, target_temp): """Set new temperature.""" if target_temp == self.target_temp: return # already set"Setting target temperature to {target_temp}") target_mode = self.target_mode # Some checks for mode if target_temp < SkyKettle.MIN_TEMP: # Just turn off target_mode = None elif target_temp > SkyKettle.MAX_TEMP: # If set to ~100 - just boiling target_mode = SkyKettle.MODE_BOIL # or BOIL_HEAT? elif target_mode == None: # Kittle is off now, need to turn on some mode target_mode = SkyKettle.MODE_HEAT # or BOIL_HEAT? elif target_mode == SkyKettle.MODE_BOIL: # Replace boiling with... target_mode = SkyKettle.MODE_HEAT # or BOIL_HEAT? if target_mode != self.current_mode:"Mode autoswitched to {target_mode} ({self.get_mode_name(target_mode)})") await self._set_target_state(target_mode, target_temp) async def set_target_mode(self, operation_mode): """Set new operation mode.""" if operation_mode == self.target_mode_str: return # already set"Setting target mode to {operation_mode}") target_mode = None # Get target mode ID vs = [k for k, v in SkyKettle.MODE_NAMES.items() if v == operation_mode] if len(vs) > 0: target_mode = vs[0] # Set heating temperature if not set target_temp = self.target_temp # Some checks for temperature if target_mode in [SkyKettle.MODE_BOIL]: target_temp = 0 elif target_mode in [SkyKettle.MODE_LAMP, SkyKettle.MODE_GAME]: target_temp = 85 elif target_temp == None: target_temp = SkyKettle.MAX_TEMP else: target_temp = self.limit_temp(target_temp) if target_temp != self.target_temp:"Target temperature autoswitched to {target_temp}") await self._set_target_state(target_mode, target_temp) @property def connected(self): return True if self._client and self._client.is_connected else False @property def auth_ok(self): return self._auth_ok @property def sw_version(self): return self._sw_version @property def sound_enabled(self): if not self._status: return None return self._status.sound_enabled @property def color_interval(self): if not self._status: return None return self._status.color_interval @property def boil_time(self): if not self._status: return None return self._status.boil_time @property def lamp_auto_off_hours(self): return self._lamp_auto_off_hours @property def light_switch_boil(self): return self._light_switch_boil @property def light_switch_sync(self): return self._light_switch_sync @property def colors_boil(self): return self._colors.get(SkyKettle.LIGHT_BOIL, None) @property def colors_lamp(self): return self._colors.get(SkyKettle.LIGHT_LAMP, None) @property def parental_control(self): if not self._status: return None return self._status.parental_control @property def error_code(self): if not self._status: return None return self._status.error_code def get_color(self, light_type, n): if light_type not in self._colors: return None colors = self._colors[light_type] if n == 0: return colors.r_low, colors.g_low, colors.b_low if n == 1: return colors.r_mid, colors.g_mid, colors.b_mid if n == 2: return colors.r_high, colors.g_high, colors.b_high def get_brightness(self, light_type): if light_type not in self._colors: return None colors = self._colors[light_type] return colors.brightness def get_temperature(self, light_type, n): if light_type not in self._colors: return None colors = self._colors[light_type] if n == 0: return colors.temp_low if n == 1: return colors.temp_mid if n == 2: return colors.temp_high @property def water_freshness_hours(self): if not self._fresh_water: return None return self._fresh_water.water_freshness_hours @property def ontime(self): if not self._stats: return None return self._stats.ontime @property def energy_wh(self): if not self._stats: return None return self._stats.energy_wh @property def heater_on_count(self): if not self._stats: return None return self._stats.heater_on_count @property def user_on_count(self): if not self._stats: return None return self._stats.user_on_count async def set_boil_time(self, value): value = int(value)"Setting boil time to {value}") self._target_boil_time = value await self.update(commit=True) async def impulse_color(self, r, g, b, brightness): await self.update(extra_action=super().impulse_color(r, g, b, brightness)) async def set_sound(self, value): if await self.update(force_stats=False, extra_action=super().set_sound(value), commit=True):"Sound is set to {value}") else: _LOGGER.error(f"Can't set sound to {value}") async def set_light_switch(self, light_type, value): if await self.update(force_stats=True, extra_action=super().set_light_switch(light_type, value), commit=True):"Light 0x{light_type:02X} is set to {value}") else: _LOGGER.error(f"Can't set light 0x{light_type:02X} to {value}") async def set_color(self, light_type, n, color): if light_type not in self._colors: return self._last_get_stats = monotonic() # To avoid race condition colors = self._colors[light_type] r, g, b = color if n == 0: colors = colors._replace(r_low=int(r), g_low=int(g), b_low=int(b)) if n == 1: colors = colors._replace(r_mid=int(r), g_mid=int(g), b_mid=int(b)) if n == 2: colors = colors._replace(r_high=int(r), g_high=int(g), b_high=int(b)) self._colors[light_type] = colors if await self.update(extra_action=super().set_colors(colors), commit=True):"Color 0x{light_type:02X}/{n} is set to {color}") else: _LOGGER.error(f"Can't set color 0x{light_type:02X}/{n} to {color}") async def set_brightness(self, light_type, brightness): brightness = int(brightness) if light_type not in self._colors: return self._last_get_stats = monotonic() # To avoid race condition colors = self._colors[light_type] colors = colors._replace(brightness=brightness, unknown1=brightness, unknown2=brightness) self._colors[light_type] = colors if await self.update(extra_action=super().set_colors(colors), commit=True):"Color 0x{light_type:02X} brightness is set to {brightness}") else: _LOGGER.error(f"Can't set color 0x{light_type:02X} brightness to {brightness}") async def set_temperature(self, light_type, n, temp): temp = int(temp) if light_type not in self._colors: return self._last_get_stats = monotonic() # To avoid race condition colors = self._colors[light_type] temp = int(temp) if n == 0: colors = colors._replace(temp_low=temp) if n == 1: colors = colors._replace(temp_mid=temp) if n == 2: colors = colors._replace(temp_high=temp) self._colors[light_type] = colors if await self.update(extra_action=super().set_colors(colors), commit=True):"Color 0x{light_type:02X}/{n} temperature is set to {temp}") else: _LOGGER.error(f"Can't set color 0x{light_type:02X}/{n} temperature to {temp}") async def set_lamp_color_interval(self, secs): secs = int(secs) self._last_get_stats = monotonic() # To avoid race condition if self._status: self._status._replace(color_interval=secs) if await self.update(extra_action=super().set_lamp_color_interval(secs), commit=True):"Lamp color interval is set to {secs}") else: _LOGGER.error(f"Can't set lamp color interval to {secs}") async def set_lamp_auto_off_hours(self, hours): hours = int(hours) self._last_get_stats = monotonic() # To avoid race condition self._lamp_auto_off_hours = hours if await self.update(extra_action=super().set_lamp_auto_off_hours(hours)):"Lamp auto off hours is set to {hours}") else: _LOGGER.error(f"Can't set lamp auto off hours to {hours}") class AuthError(Exception): pass class DisposedError(Exception): pass