#include #include "game.h" static Window *s_window; static Layer *gfx_layer; static AppTimer *timer; static GBitmap *ship_bitmap; static long int time_ticks = 0; static float ship_x; static float ship_y; static float speed_x = 0; static float speed_y = 0; static int acc_x = 0; static int acc_y = 0; static int asteroid_interval; static int score; static int hi_score = 0; static Asteroid* first_asteroid = NULL; static bool started = false; static bool game_over = true; static long int game_over_stop_time = 0; static bool paused = false; static bool show_debug = false; static bool use_shapes = false; static bool god_mode = false; // Some path-shapes for asteroids static const GPathInfo ASTEROID1_PATH_INFO = { .num_points = 10, .points = (GPoint []) {{-4, -10}, {5, -9}, {9, -8}, {7, 0}, {9, 5}, {4, 9}, {0, 7}, {-10, 9}, {-8, 0}, {-10, -5}} }; static const GPathInfo ASTEROID2_PATH_INFO = { .num_points = 12, .points = (GPoint []) {{-1, -10}, {8, -8}, {7, -4}, {9, 0}, {8, 7}, {0, 9}, {-5, 9}, {-9, 7}, {-8, 3}, {-10, 0}, {-8, -4}, {-8, -8}} }; static const GPathInfo ASTEROID3_PATH_INFO = { .num_points = 8, .points = (GPoint []) {{-3, -10}, {4, -9}, {9, -2}, {9, 4}, {3, 9}, {-4, 9}, {-10, 3}, {-9, -5}} }; static const GPathInfo ASTEROID4_PATH_INFO = { .num_points = 10, .points = (GPoint []) {{-3, -10}, {7, -8}, {9, -2}, {8, -3}, {3, 9}, {-4, 9}, {-10, 7}, {-9, 3}, {-10, -3}, {-8, -8}} }; // More asteroids! static void add_asteroid() { Asteroid* new_asteroid = malloc(sizeof(Asteroid)); new_asteroid->size = 5 + (rand() % 15); // left-right or up-down? if (rand() % 2) { new_asteroid->x = rand() % SCREEN_WIDTH; new_asteroid->speed_x = 0.2 * (1 + (rand() % 5)); if ((new_asteroid->x > SCREEN_WIDTH / 2) && (new_asteroid->speed_x > 0)) new_asteroid->speed_x *= -1; new_asteroid->speed_y = 0.5 * (1 + (rand() % 5)); // Top or bottom side? if (rand() % 2) { new_asteroid->y = SCREEN_HEIGHT + new_asteroid->size; new_asteroid->speed_y *= -1; } else new_asteroid->y = -new_asteroid->size; } else { new_asteroid->y = rand() % SCREEN_HEIGHT; new_asteroid->speed_y = 0.2 * (1 + (rand() % 5)); if ((new_asteroid->y > SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2) && (new_asteroid->speed_y > 0)) new_asteroid->speed_y *= -1; new_asteroid->speed_x = 0.5 * (1 + (rand() % 5)); // Left or right side? if (rand() % 2) { new_asteroid->x = SCREEN_WIDTH + new_asteroid->size; new_asteroid->speed_x *= -1; } else new_asteroid->x = -new_asteroid->size; } // Selecting random path-shape GPathInfo* original_path = NULL; switch (rand() % 4) { case 0: original_path = (GPathInfo*)&ASTEROID1_PATH_INFO; break; case 1: original_path = (GPathInfo*)&ASTEROID2_PATH_INFO; break; case 2: original_path = (GPathInfo*)&ASTEROID3_PATH_INFO; break; case 3: original_path = (GPathInfo*)&ASTEROID4_PATH_INFO; break; } new_asteroid->path.num_points = original_path->num_points; new_asteroid->path.points = malloc(sizeof(GPoint) * new_asteroid->path.num_points); // Reducing size... unsigned int p; for (p = 0; p < new_asteroid->path.num_points; p++) { new_asteroid->path.points[p].x = original_path->points[p].x * (new_asteroid->size + 4) / 20; new_asteroid->path.points[p].y = original_path->points[p].y * (new_asteroid->size + 4) / 20; } new_asteroid->draw_path = gpath_create(&new_asteroid->path); new_asteroid->rot = 0; new_asteroid->rot_speed = 1; if (rand() % 2) new_asteroid->rot_speed *= -1; new_asteroid->next = NULL; if (first_asteroid == NULL) first_asteroid = new_asteroid; else { Asteroid* asteroid = first_asteroid; while (asteroid->next) { asteroid = asteroid->next; } asteroid->next = new_asteroid; } } // Part of asteroid? static bool is_part_of_asteroid(int x, int y, int max_r, Asteroid* asteroid) { int r = asteroid->size/2 + max_r; int dist_x = x - asteroid->x; int dist_y = y - asteroid->y; return dist_x * dist_x + dist_y * dist_y < r * r; } // Checks ship and asteroid interception static bool is_boom(Asteroid* asteroid) { return is_part_of_asteroid(ship_x, ship_y, 7, asteroid); } // Update asteroids data static void update_asteroids() { // Moving asteroids Asteroid* asteroid = first_asteroid; while (asteroid) { asteroid->x += asteroid->speed_x; asteroid->y += asteroid->speed_y; // Game over? if (is_boom(asteroid) && !game_over_stop_time) { vibes_short_pulse(); if (!god_mode) game_over_stop_time = time_ticks + (500 / UPDATE_INTERVAL); // Some more time to rumble... //reset_game(); } asteroid = asteroid->next; } // Removing unused asteroids Asteroid* prev = NULL; asteroid = first_asteroid; while (asteroid) { Asteroid* next = asteroid->next; if ((asteroid->x < -asteroid->size) || (asteroid->y < -asteroid->size) || (asteroid->x > SCREEN_WIDTH + asteroid->size) || (asteroid->y > SCREEN_HEIGHT + asteroid->size)) { if (!game_over && !game_over_stop_time) { // Increasing score score += 10; if (score > hi_score && !god_mode) hi_score = score; // More score - more asteroids! if (asteroid_interval > 30) asteroid_interval -= 2; else if ((score % 100 == 0) && (asteroid_interval > 20)) asteroid_interval -= 1; else if ((score % 300 == 0) && (asteroid_interval > 15)) asteroid_interval -= 1; else if ((score % 400 == 0) && (asteroid_interval > 10)) asteroid_interval -= 1; else if ((score % 500 == 0) && (asteroid_interval > 5)) asteroid_interval -= 1; } gpath_destroy(asteroid->draw_path); free(asteroid->path.points); free(asteroid); if (prev != NULL) prev->next = next; else first_asteroid = next; } else prev = asteroid; asteroid = next; } } // Updating game data void update_timer(void* data) { // Reschedule timer timer = app_timer_register(UPDATE_INTERVAL, (AppTimerCallback) update_timer, NULL); // Schedule redraw layer_mark_dirty(gfx_layer); // Game over? if (game_over_stop_time && (time_ticks >= game_over_stop_time)) { // Saving hi-score if (!game_over) persist_write_int(0, hi_score); game_over = true; } // Paused? Nah. if (paused) return; time_ticks++; // More asteroids! if (((time_ticks >= 5000 / UPDATE_INTERVAL) || (hi_score >= MIN_TUTORIAL_SCORE) // Newbie? Time for some tutorial || !started) // Title screen? Lets go! && (time_ticks % asteroid_interval == 0)) // Or just time is come add_asteroid(); // Using accelerometer data to control ship AccelData acc; accel_service_peek(&acc); acc_x = acc.x; acc_y = acc.y; // Moving ship speed_x = acc_x / 32; speed_y = -acc_y / 32; ship_x += speed_x; ship_y += speed_y; // Some limits if (ship_x < 0) ship_x = 0; if (ship_x > SCREEN_WIDTH) ship_x = SCREEN_WIDTH; if (ship_y < 0) ship_y = 0; if (ship_y > SCREEN_HEIGHT) ship_y = SCREEN_HEIGHT; // Moving asteroids, updating, etc. update_asteroids(); } // Drawing all stuff static void game_draw(Layer *layer, GContext *ctx) { graphics_context_set_text_color(ctx, GColorBlack); graphics_context_set_stroke_color(ctx, GColorBlack); graphics_context_set_fill_color(ctx, GColorBlack); // Draw ship if (!game_over) { //graphics_fill_rect(ctx, GRect(ship_x - SHIP_WIDTH / 2, ship_y - SHIP_HEIGHT / 2, SHIP_WIDTH, SHIP_HEIGHT), 3, GCornersAll); graphics_draw_bitmap_in_rect(ctx, ship_bitmap, GRect(ship_x - SHIP_WIDTH / 2, ship_y - SHIP_HEIGHT / 2, SHIP_WIDTH, SHIP_HEIGHT)); } // Draw all asteroids Asteroid* asteroid = first_asteroid; int asteroid_count = 0; while (asteroid) { if (asteroid->size < 8 || !use_shapes) { graphics_fill_circle(ctx, (GPoint) { .x = asteroid->x, .y = asteroid->y }, asteroid->size / 2); } else { gpath_move_to(asteroid->draw_path, GPoint(asteroid->x, asteroid->y)); gpath_rotate_to(asteroid->draw_path, TRIG_MAX_ANGLE / 360 * (asteroid->rot += asteroid->rot_speed)); gpath_draw_filled(ctx, asteroid->draw_path); //gpath_draw_outline(ctx, asteroid->draw_path); } asteroid_count++; asteroid = asteroid->next; } // Score if (started) { char score_text[20]; snprintf(score_text, sizeof(score_text), "SCORE: %.5d", score); GFont *score_font = fonts_get_system_font(FONT_KEY_GOTHIC_14_BOLD); graphics_draw_text(ctx, score_text, score_font, (GRect) { .origin = {0, 0}, .size = {140, 30} }, GTextOverflowModeWordWrap, GTextAlignmentRight, NULL); } // Some tutorial if (started && (hi_score < MIN_TUTORIAL_SCORE)) { GFont *tutorial_font = fonts_get_system_font(FONT_KEY_GOTHIC_14_BOLD); if (time_ticks < 3000 / UPDATE_INTERVAL) graphics_draw_text(ctx, "Tilt your watch to control the spaceship", tutorial_font, (GRect) { .origin = {0, 130}, .size = {144, 30} }, GTextOverflowModeWordWrap, GTextAlignmentCenter, NULL); else if (time_ticks < 6000 / UPDATE_INTERVAL) graphics_draw_text(ctx, "Avoid asteroids!", tutorial_font, (GRect) { .origin = {0, 130}, .size = {144, 30} }, GTextOverflowModeWordWrap, GTextAlignmentCenter, NULL); else if (time_ticks < 9000 / UPDATE_INTERVAL) graphics_draw_text(ctx, "Good luck!", tutorial_font, (GRect) { .origin = {0, 130}, .size = {144, 30} }, GTextOverflowModeWordWrap, GTextAlignmentCenter, NULL); } if (!started) // Title screen { graphics_draw_rect(ctx, GRect(20, 36, 103, 102)); graphics_context_set_fill_color(ctx, GColorWhite); graphics_fill_rect(ctx, GRect(21, 37, 101, 100), 0, GCornerNone); GFont *hi_score_font = fonts_get_system_font(FONT_KEY_GOTHIC_14_BOLD); char hi_score_text[30]; snprintf(hi_score_text, sizeof(hi_score_text), "HI SCORE: %.5d", hi_score); graphics_draw_text(ctx, hi_score_text, hi_score_font, (GRect) { .origin = {25, 38}, .size = {94, 30} }, GTextOverflowModeWordWrap, GTextAlignmentCenter, NULL); GFont *title_font = fonts_get_system_font(FONT_KEY_GOTHIC_24_BOLD); graphics_draw_text(ctx, "SPACE DRAGON", title_font, (GRect) { .origin = {25, 60}, .size = {94, 30} }, GTextOverflowModeWordWrap, GTextAlignmentCenter, NULL); GFont *version_font = fonts_get_system_font(FONT_KEY_GOTHIC_14); graphics_draw_text(ctx, VERSION, version_font, (GRect) { .origin = {25, 103}, .size = {94, 30} }, GTextOverflowModeWordWrap, GTextAlignmentRight, NULL); GFont *copyright_font = fonts_get_system_font(FONT_KEY_GOTHIC_14); graphics_draw_text(ctx, "(c) Cluster, 2014", copyright_font, (GRect) { .origin = {25, 118}, .size = {94, 30} }, GTextOverflowModeWordWrap, GTextAlignmentCenter, NULL); } else if (game_over) // "GAME OVER" box { graphics_draw_rect(ctx, GRect(20, 46, 103, 82)); graphics_context_set_fill_color(ctx, GColorWhite); graphics_fill_rect(ctx, GRect(21, 47, 101, 80), 0, GCornerNone); // Flash hi-score if beaten if (!hi_score || (score < hi_score) || ((time_ticks / 10) % 2)) { GFont *hi_score_font = fonts_get_system_font(FONT_KEY_GOTHIC_14_BOLD); char hi_score_text[30]; snprintf(hi_score_text, sizeof(hi_score_text), "HI SCORE: %.5d", hi_score); graphics_draw_text(ctx, hi_score_text, hi_score_font, (GRect) { .origin = {25, 48}, .size = {94, 30} }, GTextOverflowModeWordWrap, GTextAlignmentCenter, NULL); } GFont *game_over_font = fonts_get_system_font(FONT_KEY_GOTHIC_24_BOLD); graphics_draw_text(ctx, "GAME OVER", game_over_font, (GRect) { .origin = {25, 65}, .size = {94, 30} }, GTextOverflowModeWordWrap, GTextAlignmentCenter, NULL); GFont *game_over_comment_font = fonts_get_system_font(FONT_KEY_GOTHIC_14); graphics_draw_text(ctx, "PRESS ANY BUTTON", game_over_comment_font, (GRect) { .origin = {25, 92}, .size = {94, 30} }, GTextOverflowModeWordWrap, GTextAlignmentCenter, NULL); } else if (paused && !god_mode) // "PAUSED" box { graphics_draw_rect(ctx, GRect(44, 76, 55, 16)); graphics_context_set_fill_color(ctx, GColorWhite); graphics_fill_rect(ctx, GRect(45, 77, 53, 14), 0, GCornerNone); GFont *paused_font = fonts_get_system_font(FONT_KEY_GOTHIC_14_BOLD); graphics_draw_text(ctx, "PAUSED", paused_font, (GRect) { .origin = {0, 75}, .size = {144, 30} }, GTextOverflowModeWordWrap, GTextAlignmentCenter, NULL); } // Some debug info if (show_debug) { GFont *debug_font = fonts_get_system_font(FONT_KEY_GOTHIC_14); char debug_text[200]; snprintf(debug_text, sizeof(debug_text), "SpeedX: %d\r\nSpeedY: %d\r\nShipX: %d\r\nShipY: %d\r\nAsteroids: %d\r\nInterval: %d\r\nTime: %d", (int)speed_x, (int)speed_y, (int)ship_x, (int)ship_y, asteroid_count, asteroid_interval, (int)time_ticks); graphics_draw_text(ctx, debug_text, debug_font, (GRect) { .origin = {0, 0}, .size = {144, 168} }, GTextOverflowModeWordWrap, GTextAlignmentLeft, NULL); } } static void destroy_ui(void) { window_destroy(s_window); layer_destroy(gfx_layer); gbitmap_destroy(ship_bitmap); } static void free_asteroids() { Asteroid* asteroid = first_asteroid; while (asteroid) { Asteroid* next = asteroid->next; gpath_destroy(asteroid->draw_path); free(asteroid->path.points); free(asteroid); asteroid = next; } first_asteroid = NULL; } static void handle_window_unload(Window* window) { app_timer_cancel(timer); // Cancel timer accel_data_service_unsubscribe(); // Disabling accelerometer app_focus_service_unsubscribe(); // Unsubscribing from focus free_asteroids(); // Free memory from asteroids destroy_ui(); // Free memory from UI persist_write_int(0, hi_score); // Saving hi score } // Automatic pause on call/notification void app_in_focus_callback(bool in_focus) { if (!in_focus && started && !game_over) paused = true; } // Any button static void click_handler(ClickRecognizerRef recognizer, void *context) { if (!started || game_over) reset_game(); else paused = !paused; } static void long_up_handler(ClickRecognizerRef recognizer, void *context) { // God mode! Just for testing and screenshots. god_mode = !god_mode; vibes_short_pulse(); } static void long_select_handler(ClickRecognizerRef recognizer, void *context) { // Some debug info... show_debug = !show_debug; } static void long_down_handler(ClickRecognizerRef recognizer, void *context) { // Experimental "shape" mode use_shapes = !use_shapes; } static void config_provider(void *context) { window_single_click_subscribe(BUTTON_ID_UP, click_handler); window_single_click_subscribe(BUTTON_ID_SELECT, click_handler); window_single_click_subscribe(BUTTON_ID_DOWN, click_handler); window_long_click_subscribe(BUTTON_ID_UP, 10000, long_up_handler, NULL); window_long_click_subscribe(BUTTON_ID_SELECT, 10000, long_select_handler, NULL); window_long_click_subscribe(BUTTON_ID_DOWN, 3000, long_down_handler, NULL); } void reset_game() { srand(time(NULL)); free_asteroids(); time_ticks = 0; ship_x = SCREEN_WIDTH / 2; ship_y = SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2; asteroid_interval = ASTEROID_START_INTERVAL; score = 0; game_over_stop_time = 0; game_over = false; paused = false; use_shapes = true; started = true; } void show_game() { reset_game(); // For title screen... game_over = true; started = false; asteroid_interval = 5; use_shapes = false; // Reading hi-score from memory if (persist_exists(0)) hi_score = persist_read_int(0); else hi_score = 0; // Loading ship bitmap ship_bitmap = gbitmap_create_with_resource(RESOURCE_ID_IMAGE_SHIP); // Creating window s_window = window_create(); window_set_background_color(s_window, GColorWhite); window_set_fullscreen(s_window, true); window_set_window_handlers(s_window, (WindowHandlers) { .unload = handle_window_unload, }); // The layer Layer *window_layer = window_get_root_layer(s_window); GRect bounds = layer_get_frame(window_layer); gfx_layer = layer_create(bounds); layer_set_update_proc(gfx_layer, game_draw); layer_add_child(window_layer, gfx_layer); window_set_click_config_provider(s_window, config_provider); window_stack_push(s_window, true); // Game timer timer = app_timer_register(UPDATE_INTERVAL, (AppTimerCallback) update_timer, NULL); // Acceleromter accel_data_service_subscribe(0, NULL); accel_service_set_sampling_rate(ACCEL_SAMPLING_100HZ); // Automatic pause app_focus_service_subscribe(app_in_focus_callback); }