; Homing file for RepRapFirmware on Mini Kossel G91 ; use relative positioning ;******* Change F500 in the following line by F5000 when you are finished commissioning G1 S1 X180 Y180 Z180 F5000 ; move all carriages up 320mm, stopping at the endstops G1 S2 X-4 Y-4 Z-4 F1000 ; move all towers down 5mm G1 S1 X8 Y8 Z8 F500 ; move towers up 8mm, stopping at the endstops G1 Z-5 ; down a few mm so that we can centre the head G90 ; back to absolute positioning G1 X0 Y0 F2000 ; centre the head and set a reasonable feed rate G1 Z4 F12000