RepRapFirmware 3.0RC2 ===================== Recommended compatible firmware: - Duet Web Control 2.0.4 - DuetWiFiServer 1.23 - DuetSoftwareFramework - Duet3Firmware_EXP3HC 3.0RC2 - Duet3Firmware_Tool1LC 3.0RC2 Known issues: - As for RRF 3.0RC1 Upgrade notes: - As for RRF 3.0RC1 Feature changes: - Increased maximum number of triggers on Duet 3 from 16 to 32 - Increased maximum number of heaters on Duet 3 to 16 - Increased maximum number of extra heater protections on Duet 3 to 16 - Increased maximum number of fans on Duet 3 to 16 Bug fixes: - Fix for M584 sent via SPI to Duet 3 when the first parameter is an array - Fix for analog Z probing when Z probe reports "near" from the start of the move - Fix for M25 while tool changing is is progress - Fix for unexpected diagonal moves during tool changes - Use of M950 to configure heater numbers greater than 5 on expansion boards caused sensors to disappear - The response to M308 with just a S parameter didn't include the sensor name or last reading if the sensor was connected to a Duet 3 expansion board - The G31 response now displays trigger height to 3 decimal places instead of 2 - When printing from file on a Duet 3 with attached Raspberry Pi, under some conditions an attempt to retrieve the file position caused RRF to crash RepRapFirmware 3.0RC1 ===================== Recommended compatible firmware: - Duet Web Control 2.0.4 - DuetWiFiServer 1.23 - DuetSoftwareFramework 1.2 - Duet3Firmware_EXP3HC 3.0RC1 - Duet3Firmware_Tool1LC 3.0RC1 Known issues: - An endstop switch connected to a Duet 3 main board may only be used to home an axis if at least one motor controlling that axis is driven by the main board - Various Duet 3 expansion board features are not fully implemented. See the RRF3 Limitations document on the wiki. - After installing new expansion or tool board firmware or resetting an expansion or tool board, you must reset the main board or at least run config.g using M98. Otherwise the expansion/tool board configuration will not match the settings expected by the main board. Upgrade notes: - Endstop type S0 (active low switch) is no longer supported in M574 commands. Instead, use type S1 and invert the input by prefixing the pin name with '!'. - If you are using Duet 3 expansion or tool boards, you must upgrade those to 3.0RC1 too - Duet 3+SBC users must use DSF or a compatible later version with this version of RRF - You should also upload the new IAP file for your system. You will need it when upgrading firmware in future. These files are called Duet2CombinedIAP.bin, DuetMaestroIAP.bin, Duet3_SBCiap_MB6HC.bin (for Duet 3+SBC) and Duet3_SDiap.bin (for Duet 3 standalone systems). You can leave the old IAP files on your system, they have different names and you will need them if you downgrade to earlier firmware. - Duet 3 users: there is no longer a defualt bed heater. To use Heater 0 as the bed heater, put M140 H0 in config.g (later in config.g than your M950 H0 command). Feature changes since beta 12: - Duet 3 only: Switch-type endstops connected to expansion boards are supported - Current position is no longer shown for pulse-type filament monitors, because it was meaningless and nearly always zero - Calibration data for pulse-type filament monitors is no longer displayed by M122 (same as for laser and magnetic filament monitors). Use M591 to report the calibration data. - Max bed heaters increased to 9 on Duet 3, 2 on Duet Meastro (still 4 on Duet WiFi/Ethernet) - Max chamber heaters increased to 4 on Duet 3 and on Duet WiFi/Ethernet - CRC calculation has been speeded up, which improves the speed of file uploads in standalone mode when CRC checking is enabled in DWC - G1 H1 E moves (stopping on motor stall) are now implemented - rr_config and M408 S5 responses now include field "sysdir" which is the system files folder set using M505 - M950 P, M950 S, M42 and M280 are implemented on expansion boards - B parameter added to M408 to query expansion boards (for expansion board ATE) - M122 P parameter is passed to the expansion board if the B parameter is present and selects an expansion board (for ATE) Bug fixes: - Duet 3 only: Files uploaded in standalone modes were frequently corruption during uploading, resulting in CRC mismatches reported - If a print that was sliced using absolute extrusion mode was resurrected, unwanted extrusion occurred just before the print was resumed - Bed compensation did not take account of the XY offset of the printing nozzle from the head reference point - When using SCARA kinematics the calculation of the minimum achievable radius was incorrect. Depending on the B parameter of the M667 command, this could result in spurious "Intermediate position unreachable" errors, or non-extruding G1 moves being turned into G0 moves. - A badly-formed GCode file that returned the layer height or object height as nan or inf caused DWC to disconnect because of a JSON parse failure - M579 scale factors were not applied correctly to G2 and G3 arc moves - M119 crashed if an axis had no endstop - Filament handling didn't work on Duet 3+SBC - If a homing move involved only motors connected to Duet 3 expansion boards and the corresponding endstop was already triggered, the homing move started anyway and didn't stop - Stall detect homing works properly - If an attempt to create a switch-type endstop using M574 failed because the specified pin wasn't available, this resulted in a partically-configured switch endstop RepRapFirmware 3.0beta12 ======================== Recommended compatible firmware: - Duet Web Control 2.0.4 - DuetWiFiServer 1.23 - DuetSoftwareFramework Feature changes since beta 11: - Duet 3 0.6 and 1.0: pin io8.out is no longer PWM-capable because of a resource clash. If you have connected a BLTouch to IO8, please move it to IO7 and adjust config.g accordingly. - Duet 3 all revisions: improved the temperature reading accuracy at low temperatures for thermistors connected to the main board (typically it used to read several degrees low) - Duet 3 all revisions: M308 L and H parameters are supported for thermistors and PT1000 sensors connected to the main board. They should only be used if you have suitable fixed resistors to use for calibration. - DHT sensors are now supported (thanks wilriker) - M115 P parameter is now only implemented on those builds that support multiple board types, and only when running config.g at startup - M500 now accepts optional P10 parameter to force it to save the G10 tool offsets (thanks wilriker). It can be combined with P31 by using M500 P10:31. Bug fixes: - Duet 3 0.6 and 1.0: PWM output on io4.out and io5.out now works - Duet 3 0.6 and 1.0: pin io6.out was incorrectly marked as PWM-capable - Duet 3 all revisions: Driver 5 on main board didn't generate temperature warnings - Duet 3 all revisions: updating expansion boards didn't work when running in standalone mode if the USB port was connected to a PC but no terminal emulator was running - Duet 3 all revisions: the drivers are no longer shut down when VIN exceeds 29V - In beta 11, control of BLTouch probes was unreliable because of glitches on the control output pin - Homing sometimes didn't work, especially when endstops switches were already triggered at the start of the homing move - M308 S# with no other parameters didn't report the sensor details Known issues: - Duet 3 all revisions: file uploading via the local Ethernet port is unreliable (this is the case in previous firmware versions too). To guard against this, always enable CRC checking in DWC 2.0.4. - Extruder stall detection (G1 H1 E moves) is not implemented - Stall detection endstops don't work properly if you home multiple aes at the same time