/* * CanInterface.cpp * * Created on: 19 Sep 2018 * Author: David */ #include "CanInterface.h" #if SUPPORT_CAN_EXPANSION #include "CanMotion.h" #include "CommandProcessor.h" #include "CanMessageGenericConstructor.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if HAS_SBC_INTERFACE # include "SBC/SbcInterface.h" #endif #if SUPPORT_REMOTE_COMMANDS # include #endif #include #define SUPPORT_CAN 1 // needed by CanDevice.h #include #if SAME70 # include #endif const unsigned int NumCanBuffers = 2 * MaxCanBoards + 10; constexpr uint32_t MaxMotionSendWait = 20; // milliseconds constexpr uint32_t MaxUrgentSendWait = 20; // milliseconds constexpr uint32_t MaxTimeSyncSendWait = 2; // milliseconds constexpr uint32_t MaxResponseSendWait = CanInterface::UsualSendTimeout; // milliseconds constexpr uint32_t MaxRequestSendWait = CanInterface::UsualSendTimeout; // milliseconds constexpr uint16_t MaxTimeSyncDelay = 300; // the maximum normal delay before a CAN time sync message is sent #define USE_BIT_RATE_SWITCH 0 #define USE_TX_FIFO 1 constexpr uint32_t MinBitRate = 15; // MCP2542 has a minimum bite rate of 14.4kbps constexpr uint32_t MaxBitRate = 5000; constexpr float MinSamplePoint = 0.5; constexpr float MaxSamplePoint = 0.95; constexpr float DefaultSamplePoint = 0.75; constexpr float MinJumpWidth = 0.05; constexpr float MaxJumpWidth = 0.5; constexpr float DefaultJumpWidth = 0.25; constexpr const char *_ecv_array NoCanBufferMessage = "no CAN buffer available"; static Mutex transactionMutex; static uint32_t lastTimeSent = 0; static uint32_t longestWaitTime = 0; static uint16_t longestWaitMessageType = 0; static uint32_t peakTimeSyncTxDelay = 0; // Debug static unsigned int goodTimeStamps = 0; static unsigned int badTimeStamps = 0; static unsigned int timeSyncMessagesSent = -0; // End debug static volatile uint16_t timeSyncTxTimeStamp; static volatile bool gotTimeSyncTxTimeStamp = false; #if !SAME70 static uint16_t lastTimeSyncTxPreparedStamp; #endif static CanAddress myAddress = #ifdef DUET3_ATE CanId::ATEMasterAddress; #else CanId::MasterAddress; #endif static uint8_t currentTimeSyncMarker = 0xFF; #if SUPPORT_REMOTE_COMMANDS static bool inExpansionMode = false; static bool mainBoardAcknowledgedAnnounce = false; #endif //#define CAN_DEBUG // Define the memory configuration we want to use constexpr CanDevice::Config Can0Config = { .dataSize = 64, #if USE_TX_FIFO .numTxBuffers = 5, .txFifoSize = 16, #else .numTxBuffers = 6, .txFifoSize = 2, #endif .numRxBuffers = 0, .rxFifo0Size = 32, // increased from 16 to help with accelerometer and closed loop data collection .rxFifo1Size = 16, .numShortFilterElements = 0, # ifdef DUET3_ATE .numExtendedFilterElements = 4, # else .numExtendedFilterElements = 3, # endif .txEventFifoSize = 16 }; static_assert(Can0Config.IsValid()); // CAN buffer memory must be in the first 64Kb of RAM (SAME5x) or in non-cached RAM (SAME70), so put it in its own segment static uint32_t can0Memory[Can0Config.GetMemorySize()] __attribute__ ((section (".CanMessage"))); static CanDevice *can0dev = nullptr; static unsigned int txTimeouts[Can0Config.numTxBuffers + 1] = { 0 }; static uint32_t lastCancelledId = 0; #if DUAL_CAN constexpr CanDevice::Config Can1Config = { .dataSize = 8, .numTxBuffers = 2, .txFifoSize = 4, .numRxBuffers = 0, .rxFifo0Size = 16, .rxFifo1Size = 16, .numShortFilterElements = 1, .numExtendedFilterElements = 1, .txEventFifoSize = 16 }; static_assert(Can1Config.IsValid()); // CAN buffer memory must be in the first 64Kb of RAM (SAME5x) or in non-cached RAM (SAME70), so put it in its own segment static uint32_t can1Memory[Can1Config.GetMemorySize()] __attribute__ ((section (".CanMessage"))); static CanDevice *can1dev = nullptr; #endif // Transmit buffer usage. All dedicated buffer numbers must be < Can0Config.numTxBuffers. constexpr auto TxBufferIndexUrgent = CanDevice::TxBufferNumber::buffer0; constexpr auto TxBufferIndexTimeSync = CanDevice::TxBufferNumber::buffer1; constexpr auto TxBufferIndexRequest = CanDevice::TxBufferNumber::buffer2; constexpr auto TxBufferIndexResponse = CanDevice::TxBufferNumber::buffer3; constexpr auto TxBufferIndexBroadcast = CanDevice::TxBufferNumber::buffer4; #if USE_TX_FIFO constexpr auto TxBufferIndexMotion = CanDevice::TxBufferNumber::fifo; // we send lots of movement messages so use the FIFO for them #else constexpr auto TxBufferIndexMotion = CanDevice::TxBufferNumber::buffer5; #endif // Receive buffer/FIFO usage. All dedicated buffer numbers must be < Can0Config.numRxBuffers. constexpr auto RxBufferIndexBroadcast = CanDevice::RxBufferNumber::fifo0; constexpr auto RxBufferIndexRequest = CanDevice::RxBufferNumber::fifo0; constexpr auto RxBufferIndexResponse = CanDevice::RxBufferNumber::fifo1; constexpr uint32_t CanClockIntervalMillis = 200; // CanSender management task constexpr size_t CanSenderTaskStackWords = 400; static Task canSenderTask; constexpr size_t CanReceiverTaskStackWords = 1000; static Task canReceiverTask; constexpr size_t CanClockTaskStackWords = 400; // used to be 300 but RD had a stack overflow static Task canClockTask; static CanMessageBuffer * volatile pendingMotionBuffers = nullptr; static CanMessageBuffer * volatile lastMotionBuffer; // only valid when pendingBuffers != nullptr #if 0 //unused static unsigned int numPendingMotionBuffers = 0; #endif extern "C" [[noreturn]] void CanSenderLoop(void *) noexcept; extern "C" [[noreturn]] void CanClockLoop(void *) noexcept; extern "C" [[noreturn]] void CanReceiverLoop(void *) noexcept; static void InitReceiveFilters() noexcept { // Set up a filter to receive all request messages addressed to us in FIFO 0 can0dev->SetExtendedFilterElement(0, CanDevice::RxBufferNumber::fifo0, CanInterface::GetCanAddress() << CanId::DstAddressShift, (CanId::BoardAddressMask << CanId::DstAddressShift) | CanId::ResponseBit); // Set up a filter to receive all broadcast messages also in FIFO 0 can0dev->SetExtendedFilterElement(1, CanDevice::RxBufferNumber::fifo0, CanId::BroadcastAddress << CanId::DstAddressShift, CanId::BoardAddressMask << CanId::DstAddressShift); // Set up a filter to receive response messages in FIFO 1 can0dev->SetExtendedFilterElement(2, RxBufferIndexResponse, (CanInterface::GetCanAddress() << CanId::DstAddressShift) | CanId::ResponseBit, (CanId::BoardAddressMask << CanId::DstAddressShift) | CanId::ResponseBit); # ifdef DUET3_ATE // Also respond to requests addressed to board 0 so we can update firmware on ATE boards can0dev->SetExtendedFilterElement(3, CanDevice::RxBufferNumber::fifo0, CanId::MasterAddress << CanId::DstAddressShift, (CanId::BoardAddressMask << CanId::DstAddressShift) | CanId::ResponseBit); # endif } // This is the function called by the transmit event handler when the message marker is nonzero void TxCallback(uint8_t marker, CanId id, uint16_t timeStamp) noexcept { if (marker == currentTimeSyncMarker) { timeSyncTxTimeStamp = timeStamp; gotTimeSyncTxTimeStamp = true; ++goodTimeStamps; } else { ++badTimeStamps; } } void CanInterface::Init() noexcept { CanMessageBuffer::Init(NumCanBuffers); pendingMotionBuffers = nullptr; transactionMutex.Create("CanTrans"); #if SAME70 SetPinFunction(APIN_CAN1_TX, CAN1TXPinPeriphMode); SetPinFunction(APIN_CAN1_RX, CAN1RXPinPeriphMode); # if DUAL_CAN SetPinFunction(APIN_CAN0_TX, CAN0PinPeriphMode); SetPinFunction(APIN_CAN0_RX, CAN0PinPeriphMode); # endif pmc_enable_upll_clock(); // configure_mcan sets up PCLK5 to be the UPLL divided by something, so make sure the UPLL is running #elif SAME5x SetPinFunction(CanRxPin, CanPinsMode); SetPinFunction(CanTxPin, CanPinsMode); #else # error Unsupported MCU #endif // Initialise the CAN hardware CanTiming timing; timing.SetDefaults_1Mb(); can0dev = CanDevice::Init(0, CanDeviceNumber, Can0Config, can0Memory, timing, nullptr); InitReceiveFilters(); can0dev->Enable(); CanMotion::Init(); // Create the task that sends CAN messages canClockTask.Create(CanClockLoop, "CanClock", nullptr, TaskPriority::CanClockPriority); canSenderTask.Create(CanSenderLoop, "CanSender", nullptr, TaskPriority::CanSenderPriority); canReceiverTask.Create(CanReceiverLoop, "CanReceiver", nullptr, TaskPriority::CanReceiverPriority); #if DUAL_CAN timing.SetDefaults_250kb(); can1dev = CanDevice::Init(1, SecondaryCanDeviceNumber, Can1Config, can1Memory, timing, nullptr); can1dev->SetShortFilterElement(0, CanDevice::RxBufferNumber::fifo0, 0, 0); // set up a filter to receive all messages in FIFO 0 can1dev->SetExtendedFilterElement(0, CanDevice::RxBufferNumber::fifo0, 0, 0); can1dev->Enable(); #endif } void CanInterface::Shutdown() noexcept { canClockTask.TerminateAndUnlink(); canSenderTask.TerminateAndUnlink(); canReceiverTask.TerminateAndUnlink(); if (can0dev != nullptr) { can0dev->DeInit(); can0dev = nullptr; } } CanAddress CanInterface::GetCanAddress() noexcept { return myAddress; } #if SUPPORT_REMOTE_COMMANDS bool CanInterface::InExpansionMode() noexcept { return inExpansionMode; } static void ReInit() noexcept { can0dev->Disable(); InitReceiveFilters(); can0dev->Enable(); } void CanInterface::SwitchToExpansionMode(CanAddress addr) noexcept { TaskCriticalSectionLocker lock; myAddress = addr; inExpansionMode = true; reprap.GetGCodes().SwitchToExpansionMode(); ReInit(); // reset the CAN filters to account for our new CAN address } // Send an announcement message if we haven't had an announce acknowledgement from a main board. On return the buffer is available to use again. void CanInterface::SendAnnounce(CanMessageBuffer *buf) noexcept { if (inExpansionMode && !mainBoardAcknowledgedAnnounce) { auto msg = buf->SetupBroadcastMessage(myAddress); msg->timeSinceStarted = millis(); msg->numDrivers = NumDirectDrivers; msg->zero = 0; memcpy(msg->uniqueId, reprap.GetPlatform().GetUniqueId().GetRaw(), sizeof(msg->uniqueId)); // Note, board type name, firmware version, firmware date and firmware time are limited to 43 characters in the new // We use vertical-bar to separate the three fields: board type, firmware version, date/time SafeSnprintf(msg->boardTypeAndFirmwareVersion, ARRAY_SIZE(msg->boardTypeAndFirmwareVersion), "%s|%s|%s%.6s", BOARD_SHORT_NAME, VERSION, IsoDate, TIME_SUFFIX); buf->dataLength = msg->GetActualDataLength(); SendMessageNoReplyNoFree(buf); } } // Send an event. The text will be truncated if it is longer than 55 characters. void CanInterface::RaiseEvent(EventType type, uint16_t param, uint8_t device, const char *format, va_list vargs) noexcept { CanMessageBuffer buf(nullptr); auto msg = buf.SetupStatusMessage(CanInterface::GetCanAddress(), CanId::MasterAddress); msg->eventType = EventType::heater_fault; msg->deviceNumber = device; msg->eventParam = param; msg->zero = 0; SafeVsnprintf(msg->text, ARRAY_SIZE(msg->text), format, vargs); buf.dataLength = msg->GetActualDataLength(); CanInterface::SendMessageNoReplyNoFree(&buf); } void CanInterface::MainBoardAcknowledgedAnnounce() noexcept { mainBoardAcknowledgedAnnounce = true; } #endif // Allocate a CAN request ID // Currently we reserve the top bit of the 12-bit request ID so that CanRequestIdAcceptAlways is distinct from any genuine request ID. // Currently we use a single RID sequence for all destination addresses. In future we may use a separate sequence for each address. // The message buffer is provided so that if the board is not known, we can use the buffer to as it to announce itself CanRequestId CanInterface::AllocateRequestId(CanAddress destination, CanMessageBuffer *buf) noexcept { static uint16_t rid = 0; CanRequestId rslt = rid & CanRequestIdMask; ++rid; return rslt; } // Allocate a CAN message buffer, throw if failed CanMessageBuffer *CanInterface::AllocateBuffer(const GCodeBuffer* gb) THROWS(GCodeException) { CanMessageBuffer * const buf = CanMessageBuffer::Allocate(); if (buf == nullptr) { throw GCodeException((gb == nullptr) ? -1 : gb->GetLineNumber(), -1, NoCanBufferMessage); } return buf; } void CanInterface::CheckCanAddress(uint32_t address, const GCodeBuffer& gb) THROWS(GCodeException) { if (address == 0 || address > CanId::MaxCanAddress) { throw GCodeException(gb.GetLineNumber(), -1, "CAN address out of range"); } } uint16_t CanInterface::GetTimeStampCounter() noexcept { return can0dev->ReadTimeStampCounter(); } #if !SAME70 uint16_t CanInterface::GetTimeStampPeriod() noexcept { return can0dev->GetTimeStampPeriod(); } #endif // Send a message on the CAN FD channel and reord any errors static void SendCanMessage(CanDevice::TxBufferNumber whichBuffer, uint32_t timeout, CanMessageBuffer *buffer) noexcept { const uint32_t cancelledId = can0dev->SendMessage(whichBuffer, timeout, buffer); if (cancelledId != 0) { ++txTimeouts[(unsigned int)whichBuffer]; lastCancelledId = cancelledId; } } //TODO can we get rid of the CanSender task if we send movement messages via the Tx FIFO? // This task picks up motion messages and sends them extern "C" [[noreturn]] void CanSenderLoop(void *) noexcept { for (;;) { TaskBase::Take(Mutex::TimeoutUnlimited); for (;;) { CanMessageBuffer * const urgentMessage = CanMotion::GetUrgentMessage(); if (urgentMessage != nullptr) { SendCanMessage(TxBufferIndexUrgent, MaxUrgentSendWait, urgentMessage); } else if (pendingMotionBuffers != nullptr) { CanMessageBuffer *buf; { TaskCriticalSectionLocker lock; buf = pendingMotionBuffers; pendingMotionBuffers = buf->next; #if 0 //unused --numPendingMotionBuffers; #endif } // Send the message SendCanMessage(TxBufferIndexMotion, MaxMotionSendWait, buf); reprap.GetPlatform().OnProcessingCanMessage(); #ifdef CAN_DEBUG // Display a debug message too debugPrintf("CCCR %08" PRIx32 ", PSR %08" PRIx32 ", ECR %08" PRIx32 ", TXBRP %08" PRIx32 ", TXBTO %08" PRIx32 ", st %08" PRIx32 "\n", MCAN1->MCAN_CCCR, MCAN1->MCAN_PSR, MCAN1->MCAN_ECR, MCAN1->MCAN_TXBRP, MCAN1->MCAN_TXBTO, GetAndClearStatusBits()); buf->msg.DebugPrint(); delay(50); debugPrintf("CCCR %08" PRIx32 ", PSR %08" PRIx32 ", ECR %08" PRIx32 ", TXBRP %08" PRIx32 ", TXBTO %08" PRIx32 ", st %08" PRIx32 "\n", MCAN1->MCAN_CCCR, MCAN1->MCAN_PSR, MCAN1->MCAN_ECR, MCAN1->MCAN_TXBRP, MCAN1->MCAN_TXBTO, GetAndClearStatusBits()); #endif // Free the message buffer. CanMessageBuffer::Free(buf); } else { break; } } } } extern "C" [[noreturn]] void CanClockLoop(void *) noexcept { CanMessageBuffer buf(nullptr); uint32_t lastWakeTime = xTaskGetTickCount(); uint32_t lastRealTimeSent = 0; for (;;) { #if SUPPORT_REMOTE_COMMANDS if (!inExpansionMode) #endif { CanMessageTimeSync * const msg = buf.SetupBroadcastMessage(CanInterface::GetCanAddress()); msg->lastTimeSent = lastTimeSent; msg->lastTimeAcknowledgeDelay = 0; // assume we don't have the transmit delay available currentTimeSyncMarker = ((currentTimeSyncMarker + 1) & 0x0F) | 0xA0; buf.marker = currentTimeSyncMarker; buf.reportInFifo = 1; if (gotTimeSyncTxTimeStamp) { # if SAME70 // On the SAME70 the step clock is also the external time stamp counter const uint32_t timeSyncTxDelay = (timeSyncTxTimeStamp - (uint16_t)lastTimeSent) & 0xFFFF; # else // On the SAME5x the time stamp counter counts CAN bit times divided by 64 const uint32_t timeSyncTxDelay = (((timeSyncTxTimeStamp - lastTimeSyncTxPreparedStamp) & 0xFFFF) * CanInterface::GetTimeStampPeriod()) >> 6; # endif if (timeSyncTxDelay > peakTimeSyncTxDelay) { peakTimeSyncTxDelay = timeSyncTxDelay; } // Occasionally on the SAME70 we get very large delays reported. These delays are not genuine. if (timeSyncTxDelay < MaxTimeSyncDelay) { msg->lastTimeAcknowledgeDelay = timeSyncTxDelay; } gotTimeSyncTxTimeStamp = false; } msg->isPrinting = reprap.GetGCodes().IsReallyPrinting(); // Send the real time just once a second const uint32_t realTime = (uint32_t)reprap.GetPlatform().GetDateTime(); if (realTime != lastRealTimeSent) { msg->realTime = realTime; lastRealTimeSent = realTime; } else { buf.dataLength = CanMessageTimeSync::SizeWithoutRealTime; // send a short message to save CAN bandwidth } #if SAME70 lastTimeSent = StepTimer::GetTimerTicks(); #else { AtomicCriticalSectionLocker lock; lastTimeSent = StepTimer::GetTimerTicks(); lastTimeSyncTxPreparedStamp = CanInterface::GetTimeStampCounter(); } #endif msg->timeSent = lastTimeSent; SendCanMessage(TxBufferIndexTimeSync, 0, &buf); ++timeSyncMessagesSent; } // Delay until it is time again vTaskDelayUntil(&lastWakeTime, CanClockIntervalMillis); // Check that the message was sent and get the time stamp if (can0dev->IsSpaceAvailable((CanDevice::TxBufferNumber)TxBufferIndexTimeSync, 0)) // if the buffer is free already then the message was sent { can0dev->PollTxEventFifo(TxCallback); } else { (void)can0dev->IsSpaceAvailable((CanDevice::TxBufferNumber)TxBufferIndexTimeSync, MaxTimeSyncSendWait); // free the buffer can0dev->PollTxEventFifo(TxCallback); // empty the fifo gotTimeSyncTxTimeStamp = false; // ignore any values read from it } } } // Insert a new entry, keeping the list ordered void CanDriversList::AddEntry(DriverId driver) noexcept { if (numEntries < ARRAY_SIZE(drivers)) { // We could do a binary search here but the number of CAN drivers supported isn't huge, so linear search instead size_t insertPoint = 0; while (insertPoint < numEntries && drivers[insertPoint] < driver) { ++insertPoint; } if (insertPoint == numEntries) { drivers[numEntries] = driver; ++numEntries; } else if (drivers[insertPoint] != driver) { memmove(drivers + (insertPoint + 1), drivers + insertPoint, (numEntries - insertPoint) * sizeof(drivers[0])); drivers[insertPoint] = driver; ++numEntries; } } } // Get the details of the drivers on the next board and advance startFrom beyond the entries for this board CanAddress CanDriversList::GetNextBoardDriverBitmap(size_t& startFrom, CanDriversBitmap& driversBitmap) const noexcept { driversBitmap.Clear(); if (startFrom >= numEntries) { return CanId::NoAddress; } const CanAddress boardAddress = drivers[startFrom].boardAddress; do { driversBitmap.SetBit(drivers[startFrom].localDriver); ++startFrom; } while (startFrom < numEntries && drivers[startFrom].boardAddress == boardAddress); return boardAddress; } // Members of namespace CanInterface, and associated local functions template static GCodeResult SetRemoteDriverValues(const CanDriversData& data, const StringRef& reply, CanMessageType mt) noexcept { GCodeResult rslt = GCodeResult::ok; size_t start = 0; for (;;) { CanDriversBitmap driverBits; const size_t savedStart = start; const CanAddress boardAddress = data.GetNextBoardDriverBitmap(start, driverBits); if (boardAddress == CanId::NoAddress) { break; } CanMessageBuffer * const buf = CanMessageBuffer::Allocate(); if (buf == nullptr) { reply.lcat(NoCanBufferMessage); return GCodeResult::error; } const CanRequestId rid = CanInterface::AllocateRequestId(boardAddress, buf); CanMessageMultipleDrivesRequest * const msg = buf->SetupRequestMessage>(rid, CanInterface::GetCanAddress(), boardAddress, mt); msg->driversToUpdate = driverBits.GetRaw(); const size_t numDrivers = driverBits.CountSetBits(); for (size_t i = 0; i < numDrivers; ++i) { msg->values[i] = data.GetElement(savedStart + i); } buf->dataLength = msg->GetActualDataLength(numDrivers); rslt = max(rslt, CanInterface::SendRequestAndGetStandardReply(buf, rid, reply)); } return rslt; } // Set remote drivers to enabled, disabled, or idle // This function is called by both the main task and the Move task. // As there is no mutual exclusion on putting messages in buffers or receiving replies, when this is called by the Move task // we send the commands through the FIFO and we use a special RequestId to say that we do not expect a response static GCodeResult SetRemoteDriverStates(const CanDriversList& drivers, const StringRef& reply, DriverStateControl state) noexcept { GCodeResult rslt = GCodeResult::ok; const bool fromMoveTask = TaskBase::GetCallerTaskHandle() == Move::GetMoveTaskHandle(); size_t start = 0; for (;;) { CanDriversBitmap driverBits; const CanAddress boardAddress = drivers.GetNextBoardDriverBitmap(start, driverBits); if (boardAddress == CanId::NoAddress) { break; } CanMessageBuffer * const buf = CanMessageBuffer::Allocate(); if (buf == nullptr) { reply.lcat(NoCanBufferMessage); return GCodeResult::error; } const CanRequestId rid = (fromMoveTask) ? CanRequestIdNoReplyNeeded : CanInterface::AllocateRequestId(boardAddress, buf); const auto msg = buf->SetupRequestMessage>(rid, CanInterface::GetCanAddress(), boardAddress, CanMessageType::setDriverStates); msg->driversToUpdate = driverBits.GetRaw(); const size_t numDrivers = driverBits.CountSetBits(); for (size_t i = 0; i < numDrivers; ++i) { msg->values[i] = state; } buf->dataLength = msg->GetActualDataLength(numDrivers); if (fromMoveTask) { CanInterface::SendMotion(buf); // if it's coming from the Move task then we must send the command via the fifo } else { rslt = max(rslt, CanInterface::SendRequestAndGetStandardReply(buf, rid, reply)); // send the command via the usual mechanism } } return rslt; } // Add a buffer to the end of the send queue void CanInterface::SendMotion(CanMessageBuffer *buf) noexcept { buf->next = nullptr; #if 0 buf->msg.moveLinear.DebugPrint(); #endif { TaskCriticalSectionLocker lock; if (pendingMotionBuffers == nullptr) { pendingMotionBuffers = buf; } else { lastMotionBuffer->next = buf; } lastMotionBuffer = buf; #if 0 //unused ++numPendingMotionBuffers; #endif } canSenderTask.Give(); } #if 0 // not currently used // Get the number of motion messages waiting to be sent through the Tx fifo unsigned int CanInterface::GetNumPendingMotionMessages() noexcept { return can0dev->NumTxMessagesPending(TxBufferIndexMotion) + numPendingMotionBuffers; } #endif // Send a request to an expansion board and append the response to 'reply' GCodeResult CanInterface::SendRequestAndGetStandardReply(CanMessageBuffer *buf, CanRequestId rid, const StringRef& reply, uint8_t *extra) noexcept { return SendRequestAndGetCustomReply(buf, rid, reply, extra, CanMessageType::unusedMessageType, [](const CanMessageBuffer*) { }); } // Send a request to an expansion board and append the response to 'reply'. The response may either be a standard reply or 'replyType'. GCodeResult CanInterface::SendRequestAndGetCustomReply(CanMessageBuffer *buf, CanRequestId rid, const StringRef& reply, uint8_t *extra, CanMessageType replyType, function_ref callback) noexcept { if (can0dev == nullptr) { // Transactions sometimes get requested after we have shut down CAN, e.g. when we destroy filament monitors CanMessageBuffer::Free(buf); return GCodeResult::error; } const CanAddress dest = buf->id.Dst(); const CanMessageType msgType = buf->id.MsgType(); // save for possible error message { // This code isn't re-entrant and it can get called from a task other than Main to shut the system down, so we need to use a mutex MutexLocker lock(transactionMutex); SendCanMessage(TxBufferIndexRequest, MaxRequestSendWait, buf); reprap.GetPlatform().OnProcessingCanMessage(); const uint32_t whenStartedWaiting = millis(); unsigned int fragmentsReceived = 0; for (;;) { const uint32_t timeWaiting = millis() - whenStartedWaiting; if (!can0dev->ReceiveMessage(RxBufferIndexResponse, UsualResponseTimeout - timeWaiting, buf)) { break; } if (reprap.Debug(moduleCan)) { buf->DebugPrint("Rx1:"); } const bool matchesRequest = buf->id.Src() == dest && (buf->msg.standardReply.requestId == rid || buf->msg.standardReply.requestId == CanRequestIdAcceptAlways); if (matchesRequest && buf->id.MsgType() == CanMessageType::standardReply && buf->msg.standardReply.fragmentNumber == fragmentsReceived) { if (fragmentsReceived == 0) { const size_t textLength = buf->msg.standardReply.GetTextLength(buf->dataLength); if (textLength != 0) // avoid concatenating blank lines to existing output { reply.lcatn(buf->msg.standardReply.text, textLength); } if (extra != nullptr) { *extra = buf->msg.standardReply.extra; } uint32_t waitedFor = millis() - whenStartedWaiting; if (waitedFor > longestWaitTime) { longestWaitTime = waitedFor; longestWaitMessageType = (uint16_t)msgType; } } else { reply.catn(buf->msg.standardReply.text, buf->msg.standardReply.GetTextLength(buf->dataLength)); } if (!buf->msg.standardReply.moreFollows) { const GCodeResult rslt = (GCodeResult)buf->msg.standardReply.resultCode; CanMessageBuffer::Free(buf); return rslt; } ++fragmentsReceived; } else if (matchesRequest && buf->id.MsgType() == replyType && fragmentsReceived == 0) { callback(buf); CanMessageBuffer::Free(buf); return GCodeResult::ok; } else { // We received an unexpected message. Don't tack it on to 'reply' because some replies contain important data, e.g. request for board short name. if (buf->id.MsgType() == CanMessageType::standardReply) { reprap.GetPlatform().MessageF(WarningMessage, "Discarded std reply src=%u RID=%u exp %u \"%s\"\n", buf->id.Src(), (unsigned int)buf->msg.standardReply.requestId, rid, buf->msg.standardReply.text); } else { reprap.GetPlatform().MessageF(WarningMessage, "Discarded msg src=%u typ=%u RID=%u exp %u\n", buf->id.Src(), (unsigned int)buf->id.MsgType(), (unsigned int)buf->msg.standardReply.requestId, rid); } } } } CanMessageBuffer::Free(buf); reply.lcatf("Response timeout: CAN addr %u, req type %u, RID=%u", dest, (unsigned int)msgType, (unsigned int)rid); return GCodeResult::error; } // Send a response to an expansion board and free the buffer void CanInterface::SendResponseNoFree(CanMessageBuffer *buf) noexcept { SendCanMessage(TxBufferIndexResponse, MaxResponseSendWait, buf); } // Send a broadcast message and free the buffer void CanInterface::SendBroadcastNoFree(CanMessageBuffer *buf) noexcept { if (can0dev != nullptr) { SendCanMessage(TxBufferIndexBroadcast, MaxResponseSendWait, buf); } } // Send a request message with no reply expected, and don't free the buffer. Used to send emergency stop messages. void CanInterface::SendMessageNoReplyNoFree(CanMessageBuffer *buf) noexcept { if (can0dev != nullptr) { SendCanMessage(TxBufferIndexBroadcast, MaxResponseSendWait, buf); } } #if DUAL_CAN uint32_t CanInterface::SendPlainMessageNoFree(CanMessageBuffer *buf, uint32_t const timeout) noexcept { return (can1dev != nullptr) ? can1dev->SendMessage(CanDevice::TxBufferNumber::fifo, timeout, buf) : 0; } bool CanInterface::ReceivePlainMessage(CanMessageBuffer *null buf, uint32_t const timeout) noexcept { return can1dev != nullptr && can1dev->ReceiveMessage(CanDevice::RxBufferNumber::fifo0, timeout, buf); } #endif // The CanReceiver task extern "C" [[noreturn]] void CanReceiverLoop(void *) noexcept { CanMessageBuffer buf(nullptr); for (;;) { if (can0dev->ReceiveMessage(RxBufferIndexRequest, TaskBase::TimeoutUnlimited, &buf)) { if (reprap.Debug(moduleCan)) { buf.DebugPrint("Rx0:"); } CommandProcessor::ProcessReceivedMessage(&buf); } } } // This one is used by ATE GCodeResult CanInterface::EnableRemoteDrivers(const CanDriversList& drivers, const StringRef& reply) noexcept { return SetRemoteDriverStates(drivers, reply, DriverStateControl(DriverStateControl::driverActive)); } // This one is used by Prepare and by M17 void CanInterface::EnableRemoteDrivers(const CanDriversList& drivers) noexcept { String<1> dummy; (void)EnableRemoteDrivers(drivers, dummy.GetRef()); } // This one is used by ATE GCodeResult CanInterface::DisableRemoteDrivers(const CanDriversList& drivers, const StringRef& reply) noexcept { return SetRemoteDriverStates(drivers, reply, DriverStateControl(DriverStateControl::driverDisabled)); } // This one is used by Prepare void CanInterface::DisableRemoteDrivers(const CanDriversList& drivers) noexcept { String<1> dummy; (void)DisableRemoteDrivers(drivers, dummy.GetRef()); } void CanInterface::SetRemoteDriversIdle(const CanDriversList& drivers, float idleCurrentFactor) noexcept { String<1> dummy; (void)SetRemoteDriverStates(drivers, dummy.GetRef(), DriverStateControl(DriverStateControl::driverIdle, lrintf(idleCurrentFactor * 100))); } GCodeResult CanInterface::SetRemoteStandstillCurrentPercent(const CanDriversData& data, const StringRef& reply) noexcept { return SetRemoteDriverValues(data, reply, CanMessageType::setStandstillCurrentFactor); } GCodeResult CanInterface::SetRemoteDriverCurrents(const CanDriversData& data, const StringRef& reply) noexcept { return SetRemoteDriverValues(data, reply, CanMessageType::setMotorCurrents); } GCodeResult CanInterface::SetRemoteDriverStepsPerMmAndMicrostepping(const CanDriversData& data, const StringRef& reply) noexcept { return SetRemoteDriverValues(data, reply, CanMessageType::setStepsPerMmAndMicrostepping); } // Set the pressure advance on remote drivers, returning true if successful GCodeResult CanInterface::SetRemotePressureAdvance(const CanDriversData& data, const StringRef& reply) noexcept { return SetRemoteDriverValues(data, reply, CanMessageType::setPressureAdvance); } // Handle M569 for a remote driver GCodeResult CanInterface::ConfigureRemoteDriver(DriverId driver, GCodeBuffer& gb, const StringRef& reply) THROWS(GCodeException) pre(driver.IsRemote()) { switch (gb.GetCommandFraction()) { case -1: case 0: if (gb.SeenAny("RS")) { if (!reprap.GetGCodes().LockMovementAndWaitForStandstill(gb)) { return GCodeResult::notFinished; } } { CanMessageGenericConstructor cons(M569Params); cons.PopulateFromCommand(gb); return cons.SendAndGetResponse(CanMessageType::m569, driver.boardAddress, reply); } case 1: if (gb.SeenAny("STERID")) { if (!reprap.GetGCodes().LockMovementAndWaitForStandstill(gb)) { return GCodeResult::notFinished; } } { CanMessageGenericConstructor cons(M569Point1Params); cons.PopulateFromCommand(gb); return cons.SendAndGetResponse(CanMessageType::m569p1, driver.boardAddress, reply); } case 2: { gb.MustSee('R'); CanMessageGenericConstructor cons(M569Point2Params); cons.PopulateFromCommand(gb); return cons.SendAndGetResponse(CanMessageType::m569p2, driver.boardAddress, reply); } #if DUAL_CAN case 3: // read driver encoder via secondary CAN { if (reprap.GetMove().GetKinematics().GetKinematicsType() == KinematicsType::hangprinter) { return HangprinterKinematics::ReadODrive3Encoder(driver, gb, reply); } return GCodeResult::errorNotSupported; } case 4: // set driver torque mode via secondary CAN { if (reprap.GetMove().GetKinematics().GetKinematicsType() == KinematicsType::hangprinter) { gb.MustSee('T'); const float torque = gb.GetFValue(); return HangprinterKinematics::SetODrive3TorqueMode(driver, torque, reply); } return GCodeResult::errorNotSupported; } #endif case 5: return ClosedLoop::StartDataCollection(driver, gb, reply); case 6: if (gb.LatestMachineState().commandRepeated) { // We already sent the tuning command so we just need to get the status. Delay 100ms to avoid overloading the CAN bus. if (!gb.DoDwellTime(100)) { return GCodeResult::notFinished; } CanMessageGenericConstructor cons(M569Point6Params_StatusOnly); cons.PopulateFromCommand(gb); return cons.SendAndGetResponse(CanMessageType::m569p6, driver.boardAddress, reply); } else { // First call, so send the tuning command CanMessageGenericConstructor cons(M569Point6Params); cons.PopulateFromCommand(gb); return cons.SendAndGetResponse(CanMessageType::m569p6, driver.boardAddress, reply); } case 7: if (gb.Seen('C')) { // If a port name if provided, it must match the board ID String portName; gb.GetQuotedString(portName.GetRef(), false); if (isdigit(portName[0]) && IoPort::RemoveBoardAddress(portName.GetRef()) != driver.boardAddress) { reply.copy("Brake port must be on same board as driver"); return GCodeResult::error; } } { CanMessageGenericConstructor cons(M569Point7Params); cons.PopulateFromCommand(gb); return cons.SendAndGetResponse(CanMessageType::m569p7, driver.boardAddress, reply); } default: return GCodeResult::errorNotSupported; } } // Handle M915 for a collection of remote drivers GCodeResult CanInterface::GetSetRemoteDriverStallParameters(const CanDriversList& drivers, GCodeBuffer& gb, const StringRef& reply, OutputBuffer *& buf) THROWS(GCodeException) { size_t start = 0; for (;;) { CanDriversBitmap driverBits; const CanAddress boardAddress = drivers.GetNextBoardDriverBitmap(start, driverBits); if (boardAddress == CanId::NoAddress) { break; } CanMessageGenericConstructor cons(M915Params); cons.AddUParam('d', driverBits.GetRaw()); cons.PopulateFromCommand(gb); if (buf != nullptr) { reply.Clear(); } const GCodeResult rslt = cons.SendAndGetResponse(CanMessageType::m915, boardAddress, reply); if (buf != nullptr) { buf->lcat(reply.c_str()); } if (rslt != GCodeResult::ok) { return rslt; } } return GCodeResult::ok; } static GCodeResult GetRemoteInfo(uint8_t infoType, uint32_t boardAddress, uint8_t param, GCodeBuffer& gb, const StringRef& reply, uint8_t *extra = nullptr) THROWS(GCodeException) { CanInterface::CheckCanAddress(boardAddress, gb); CanMessageBuffer * const buf = CanMessageBuffer::Allocate(); if (buf == nullptr) { reply.copy(NoCanBufferMessage); return GCodeResult::error; } const CanRequestId rid = CanInterface::AllocateRequestId(boardAddress, buf); auto msg = buf->SetupRequestMessage(rid, CanInterface::GetCanAddress(), (CanAddress)boardAddress); msg->type = infoType; msg->param = param; return CanInterface::SendRequestAndGetStandardReply(buf, rid, reply, extra); } // Get diagnostics from an expansion board GCodeResult CanInterface::RemoteDiagnostics(MessageType mt, uint32_t boardAddress, unsigned int type, GCodeBuffer& gb, const StringRef& reply) THROWS(GCodeException) { CanInterface::CheckCanAddress(boardAddress, gb); if (type <= 15) { Platform& p = reprap.GetPlatform(); uint8_t currentPart = 0; uint8_t lastPart; GCodeResult res; do { // The standard reply buffer is only 256 bytes long. We need a bigger one to receive the software reset data. String infoBuffer; res = GetRemoteInfo(CanMessageReturnInfo::typeDiagnosticsPart0 + currentPart, boardAddress, type, gb, infoBuffer.GetRef(), &lastPart); if (res != GCodeResult::ok) { reply.copy(infoBuffer.c_str()); return res; } if (type == 0 && currentPart == 0) { p.MessageF(mt, "Diagnostics for board %u:\n", (unsigned int)boardAddress); } if (!infoBuffer.IsEmpty()) // driverless boards may return empty response parts { infoBuffer.cat('\n'); // don't use MessageF, the format buffer is too small p.Message(mt, infoBuffer.c_str()); } ++currentPart; } while (currentPart <= lastPart); return res; } // It's a diagnostic test CanMessageBuffer * const buf = AllocateBuffer(&gb); const CanRequestId rid = CanInterface::AllocateRequestId(boardAddress, buf); auto const msg = buf->SetupRequestMessage(rid, GetCanAddress(), (CanAddress)boardAddress); msg->testType = type; msg->invertedTestType = ~type; if (type == (uint16_t)DiagnosticTestType::AccessMemory) { gb.MustSee('A'); msg->param32[0] = gb.GetUIValue(); if (gb.Seen('V')) { msg->param32[1] = gb.GetUIValue(); msg->param16 = 1; } else { msg->param16 = 0; } } return SendRequestAndGetStandardReply(buf, rid, reply); // we may not actually get a reply if the test is one that crashes the expansion board } GCodeResult CanInterface::RemoteM408(uint32_t boardAddress, unsigned int type, GCodeBuffer& gb, const StringRef& reply) THROWS(GCodeException) { return GetRemoteInfo(CanMessageReturnInfo::typeM408, boardAddress, type, gb, reply, nullptr); } GCodeResult CanInterface::GetRemoteFirmwareDetails(uint32_t boardAddress, GCodeBuffer& gb, const StringRef& reply) THROWS(GCodeException) { return GetRemoteInfo(CanMessageReturnInfo::typeFirmwareVersion, boardAddress, 0, gb, reply); } void CanInterface::WakeAsyncSenderFromIsr() noexcept { canSenderTask.GiveFromISR(); } // Remote handle functions GCodeResult CanInterface::CreateHandle(CanAddress boardAddress, RemoteInputHandle h, const char *_ecv_array pinName, uint16_t threshold, uint16_t minInterval, bool& currentState, const StringRef& reply) noexcept { CanMessageBuffer * const buf = CanMessageBuffer::Allocate(); if (buf == nullptr) { reply.copy(NoCanBufferMessage); return GCodeResult::error; } const CanRequestId rid = AllocateRequestId(boardAddress, buf); auto msg = buf->SetupRequestMessage(rid, GetCanAddress(), boardAddress); msg->handle = h; msg->threshold = threshold; msg->minInterval = minInterval; SafeStrncpy(msg->pinName, pinName, ARRAY_SIZE(msg->pinName)); buf->dataLength = msg->GetActualDataLength(); uint8_t extra; const GCodeResult rslt = SendRequestAndGetStandardReply(buf, rid, reply, &extra); if (rslt == GCodeResult::ok) { currentState = (extra != 0); } return rslt; } static GCodeResult ChangeInputMonitor(CanAddress boardAddress, RemoteInputHandle h, uint8_t action, uint16_t param, bool* currentState, const StringRef &reply) noexcept { if (!h.IsValid()) { reply.copy("Invalid remote handle"); return GCodeResult::error; } CanMessageBuffer * const buf = CanMessageBuffer::Allocate(); if (buf == nullptr) { reply.copy(NoCanBufferMessage); return GCodeResult::error; } const CanRequestId rid = CanInterface::AllocateRequestId(boardAddress, buf); auto msg = buf->SetupRequestMessage(rid, CanInterface::GetCanAddress(), boardAddress); msg->handle = h; msg->action = action; msg->param = param; uint8_t extra; const GCodeResult rslt = CanInterface::SendRequestAndGetStandardReply(buf, rid, reply, &extra); if (rslt == GCodeResult::ok && currentState != nullptr) { *currentState = (extra != 0); } return rslt; } GCodeResult CanInterface::DeleteHandle(CanAddress boardAddress, RemoteInputHandle h, const StringRef &reply) noexcept { return ChangeInputMonitor(boardAddress, h, CanMessageChangeInputMonitor::actionDelete, 0, nullptr, reply); } GCodeResult CanInterface::GetHandlePinName(CanAddress boardAddress, RemoteInputHandle h, bool& currentState, const StringRef &reply) noexcept { return ChangeInputMonitor(boardAddress, h, CanMessageChangeInputMonitor::actionReturnPinName, 0, ¤tState, reply); } GCodeResult CanInterface::EnableHandle(CanAddress boardAddress, RemoteInputHandle h, bool enable, bool ¤tState, const StringRef &reply) noexcept { return ChangeInputMonitor(boardAddress, h, (enable) ? CanMessageChangeInputMonitor::actionDoMonitor : CanMessageChangeInputMonitor::actionDontMonitor, 0, ¤tState, reply); } GCodeResult CanInterface::ChangeHandleResponseTime(CanAddress boardAddress, RemoteInputHandle h, uint16_t responseMillis, bool ¤tState, const StringRef &reply) noexcept { return ChangeInputMonitor(boardAddress, h, CanMessageChangeInputMonitor::actionChangeMinInterval, responseMillis, ¤tState, reply); } GCodeResult CanInterface::ReadRemoteHandles(CanAddress boardAddress, RemoteInputHandle mask, RemoteInputHandle pattern, ReadHandlesCallbackFunction callback, const StringRef &reply) noexcept { CanMessageBuffer * const buf = CanMessageBuffer::Allocate(); if (buf == nullptr) { reply.copy(NoCanBufferMessage); return GCodeResult::error; } const CanRequestId rid = CanInterface::AllocateRequestId(boardAddress, buf); auto msg = buf->SetupRequestMessage(rid, GetCanAddress(), boardAddress); msg->mask = mask; msg->pattern = pattern; const GCodeResult rslt = SendRequestAndGetCustomReply(buf, rid, reply, nullptr, CanMessageType::readInputsReply, [callback](const CanMessageBuffer *buf) { auto response = buf->msg.readInputsReply; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < response.numReported; ++i) { callback(response.results[i].handle, response.results[i].value); } }); return rslt; } void CanInterface::Diagnostics(MessageType mtype) noexcept { Platform& p = reprap.GetPlatform(); p.Message(mtype, "=== CAN ===\n"); // If the user runs M122 after an emergency stop, can0dev will be null if (can0dev == nullptr) { p.Message(mtype, "Disabled\n"); } else { unsigned int messagesQueuedForSending, messagesReceived, messagesLost, busOffCount; can0dev->GetAndClearStats(messagesQueuedForSending, messagesReceived, messagesLost, busOffCount); p.MessageF(mtype, "Messages queued %u, received %u, lost %u, boc %u\n", messagesQueuedForSending, messagesReceived, messagesLost, busOffCount); } p.MessageF(mtype, "Longest wait %" PRIu32 "ms for reply type %u, peak Tx sync delay %" PRIu32 ", free buffers %u (min %u)" //debug ", ts %u/%u/%u" //end debug "\n", longestWaitTime, longestWaitMessageType, peakTimeSyncTxDelay, CanMessageBuffer::GetFreeBuffers(), CanMessageBuffer::GetAndClearMinFreeBuffers() //debug , timeSyncMessagesSent, goodTimeStamps, badTimeStamps //end debug ); String str; char c = ' '; for (unsigned int& txt : txTimeouts) { str.catf("%c%u", c, txt); txt = 0; c = ','; } if (lastCancelledId != 0) { CanId id; id.SetReceivedId(lastCancelledId); lastCancelledId = 0; str.catf(" last cancelled message type %u dest %u", (unsigned int)id.MsgType(), id.Dst()); } reprap.GetPlatform().MessageF(mtype, "Tx timeouts%s\n", str.c_str()); longestWaitTime = 0; longestWaitMessageType = 0; peakTimeSyncTxDelay = 0; timeSyncMessagesSent = goodTimeStamps = badTimeStamps = 0; } GCodeResult CanInterface::WriteGpio(CanAddress boardAddress, uint8_t portNumber, float pwm, bool isServo, const GCodeBuffer* gb, const StringRef &reply) noexcept { CanMessageBuffer * const buf = CanMessageBuffer::Allocate(); if (buf == nullptr) { reply.copy(NoCanBufferMessage); return GCodeResult::error; } const CanRequestId rid = CanInterface::AllocateRequestId(boardAddress, buf); auto msg = buf->SetupRequestMessage(rid, GetCanAddress(), boardAddress); msg->portNumber = portNumber; msg->pwm = pwm; msg->isServo = isServo; return CanInterface::SendRequestAndGetStandardReply(buf, rid, reply, nullptr); } GCodeResult CanInterface::ChangeAddressAndNormalTiming(GCodeBuffer& gb, const StringRef& reply) THROWS(GCodeException) { // Get the address of the board whose parameters we are changing gb.MustSee('B'); const uint32_t oldAddress = gb.GetUIValue(); CheckCanAddress(oldAddress, gb); // Get the new timing details, if provided CanTiming timing; bool changeTiming = false; if (gb.Seen('S')) { uint32_t speed = gb.GetUIValue(); if (speed < MinBitRate || speed > MaxBitRate) { reply.copy("Data rate out of range"); return GCodeResult::error; } speed *= 1000; timing.period = (CanTiming::ClockFrequency + speed - 1)/speed; const float tseg1 = gb.Seen('T') ? gb.GetFValue() : DefaultSamplePoint; if (tseg1 < MinSamplePoint || tseg1 > MaxSamplePoint) { reply.copy("Sample point out of range"); return GCodeResult::error; } timing.tseg1 = lrintf(timing.period * tseg1); const float jumpWidth = (gb.Seen('J')) ? gb.GetFValue() : DefaultJumpWidth; if (jumpWidth < MinJumpWidth || jumpWidth > MaxJumpWidth) { reply.copy("Jump width out of range"); return GCodeResult::error; } timing.jumpWidth = constrain(lrintf(timing.period * jumpWidth), 1, timing.period - timing.tseg1 - 2); changeTiming = true; } if (oldAddress == 0) { if (changeTiming) { can0dev->SetLocalCanTiming(timing); } else { can0dev->GetLocalCanTiming(timing); reply.printf("CAN bus speed %.1fkbps, tseg1 %.2f, jump width %.2f", (double)((float)CanTiming::ClockFrequency/(1000 * timing.period)), (double)((float)timing.tseg1/(float)timing.period), (double)((float)timing.jumpWidth/(float)timing.period)); } return GCodeResult::ok; } CanMessageBufferHandle buf(AllocateBuffer(&gb)); const CanRequestId rid = CanInterface::AllocateRequestId((uint8_t)oldAddress, buf.Access()); auto msg = buf.Access()->SetupRequestMessage(rid, GetCanAddress(), (uint8_t)oldAddress); msg->oldAddress = (uint8_t)oldAddress; if (gb.Seen('A')) { const uint32_t newAddress = gb.GetUIValue(); CheckCanAddress(newAddress, gb); msg->newAddress = (uint8_t)newAddress; msg->newAddressInverted = (uint8_t)~newAddress; } else { msg->newAddress = msg->newAddressInverted = 0; } msg->doSetTiming = (changeTiming) ? CanMessageSetAddressAndNormalTiming::DoSetTimingYes : CanMessageSetAddressAndNormalTiming::DoSetTimingNo; msg->normalTiming = timing; return CanInterface::SendRequestAndGetStandardReply(buf.HandOver(), rid, reply, nullptr); } GCodeResult CanInterface::ChangeFastTiming(GCodeBuffer& gb, const StringRef& reply) THROWS(GCodeException) { return GCodeResult::errorNotSupported; } // Create a filament monitor but do not configure it GCodeResult CanInterface::CreateFilamentMonitor(DriverId driver, uint8_t type, const GCodeBuffer& gb, const StringRef &reply) noexcept { try { CanMessageBuffer* const buf = AllocateBuffer(&gb); const CanRequestId rid = CanInterface::AllocateRequestId(driver.boardAddress, buf); auto msg = buf->SetupRequestMessage(rid, GetCanAddress(), driver.boardAddress); msg->driver = driver.localDriver; msg->type = type; return SendRequestAndGetStandardReply(buf, rid, reply); } catch (const GCodeException& ex) { ex.GetMessage(reply, &gb); return GCodeResult::warning; } } // Configure a filament monitor GCodeResult CanInterface::ConfigureFilamentMonitor(DriverId driver, GCodeBuffer &gb, const StringRef &reply) THROWS(GCodeException) { CanMessageGenericConstructor cons(ConfigureFilamentMonitorParams); cons.AddUParam('d', driver.localDriver); cons.PopulateFromCommand(gb); return cons.SendAndGetResponse(CanMessageType::configureFilamentMonitor, driver.boardAddress, reply); } // Delete a filament monitor. XCalled from a destructor, so no exceptions or error return. GCodeResult CanInterface::DeleteFilamentMonitor(DriverId driver, GCodeBuffer* gb, const StringRef& reply) noexcept { try { CanMessageBuffer* const buf = AllocateBuffer(gb); const CanRequestId rid = CanInterface::AllocateRequestId(driver.boardAddress, buf); auto msg = buf->SetupRequestMessage(rid, GetCanAddress(), driver.boardAddress); msg->driver = driver.localDriver; return SendRequestAndGetStandardReply(buf, rid, reply); } catch (const GCodeException& ex) { ex.GetMessage(reply, gb); return GCodeResult::warning; } } # if SUPPORT_ACCELEROMETERS GCodeResult CanInterface::StartAccelerometer(DriverId device, uint8_t axes, uint16_t numSamples, uint8_t mode, const GCodeBuffer& gb, const StringRef& reply) THROWS(GCodeException) { CanMessageBuffer* const buf = AllocateBuffer(&gb); const CanRequestId rid = CanInterface::AllocateRequestId(device.boardAddress, buf); auto msg = buf->SetupRequestMessage(rid, GetCanAddress(), device.boardAddress); msg->deviceNumber = device.localDriver; msg->axes = axes; msg->numSamples = numSamples; msg->delayedStart = 0; msg->startTime = false; return SendRequestAndGetStandardReply(buf, rid, reply); } # endif GCodeResult CanInterface::StartClosedLoopDataCollection(DriverId device, uint16_t filter, uint16_t numSamples, uint16_t rateRequested, uint8_t movementRequested, uint8_t mode, const GCodeBuffer& gb, const StringRef& reply) THROWS(GCodeException) { CanMessageBuffer* const buf = AllocateBuffer(&gb); const CanRequestId rid = CanInterface::AllocateRequestId(device.boardAddress, buf); auto msg = buf->SetupRequestMessage(rid, GetCanAddress(), device.boardAddress); msg->mode = mode; msg->filter = filter; msg->rate = rateRequested; msg->numSamples = numSamples; msg->movement = movementRequested; msg->deviceNumber = device.localDriver; return SendRequestAndGetStandardReply(buf, rid, reply); } #if DUAL_CAN CanId CanInterface::ODrive::ArbitrationId(DriverId const driver, uint8_t const cmd) noexcept { const auto arbitration_id = (driver.boardAddress << 5) + cmd; CanId canId; canId.SetReceivedId(arbitration_id); return canId; } #endif #if DUAL_CAN CanMessageBuffer * CanInterface::ODrive::PrepareSimpleMessage(DriverId const driver, const StringRef& reply) noexcept { // Detect any early return conditions if (can1dev == nullptr) { return nullptr; } CanMessageBuffer * buf = CanMessageBuffer::Allocate(); if (buf == nullptr) { reply.copy(NoCanBufferMessage); return nullptr; } // Build the message buf->marker = 0; buf->extId = false; // ODrive uses 11-bit IDs buf->fdMode = false; buf->useBrs = false; buf->dataLength = 0; buf->reportInFifo = false; return buf; } #endif #if DUAL_CAN void CanInterface::ODrive::FlushCanReceiveHardware() noexcept { while (CanInterface::ReceivePlainMessage(nullptr, 0)) { } } #endif #if DUAL_CAN bool CanInterface::ODrive::GetExpectedSimpleMessage(CanMessageBuffer *buf, DriverId const driver, uint8_t const cmd, const StringRef& reply) noexcept { CanId const expectedId = ArbitrationId(driver, cmd); int count = 0; bool ok = true; do{ ok = ReceivePlainMessage(buf, MaxResponseSendWait); count++; } while (ok && buf->id != expectedId && count < 5); ok = ok && buf->id == expectedId; if (!ok) { reply.printf("Message not received"); } return ok; } #endif #endif // End