/* * ClosedLoop.cpp * * Created on: 19 Mar 2021 * Author: Louis */ #include "ClosedLoop.h" #if SUPPORT_CAN_EXPANSION # include # include # include # include # include # include # include # include constexpr unsigned int MaxSamples = 65535; // This comes from the fact CanMessageClosedLoopData->firstSampleNumber has a max value of 65535 static uint16_t rateRequested; // The sampling rate static uint8_t modeRequested; // The sampling mode(immediate or on next move) static uint32_t filterRequested; // A filter for what data is collected static DriverId deviceRequested; // The driver being sampled static uint8_t movementRequested; // The movement to be made whilst recording static volatile uint32_t numSamplesRequested; // The number of samples to collect static FileStore* volatile closedLoopFile = nullptr; // This is non-null when the data collection is running, null otherwise static unsigned int expectedRemoteSampleNumber = 0; static CanAddress expectedRemoteBoardAddress = CanId::NoAddress; static bool OpenDataCollectionFile(String filename, unsigned int size) noexcept { // Create the file FileStore * const f = MassStorage::OpenFile(filename.c_str(), OpenMode::write, size); if (f == nullptr) { return false; } // Write the header line { String temp; temp.copy("Sample,Timestamp"); if (filterRequested & CL_RECORD_RAW_ENCODER_READING) {temp.cat(",Raw Encoder Reading");} if (filterRequested & CL_RECORD_CURRENT_MOTOR_STEPS) {temp.cat(",Measured Motor Steps");} if (filterRequested & CL_RECORD_TARGET_MOTOR_STEPS) {temp.cat(",Target Motor Steps");} if (filterRequested & CL_RECORD_CURRENT_ERROR) {temp.cat(",Current Error");} if (filterRequested & CL_RECORD_PID_CONTROL_SIGNAL) {temp.cat(",PID Control Signal");} if (filterRequested & CL_RECORD_PID_P_TERM) {temp.cat(",PID P Term");} if (filterRequested & CL_RECORD_PID_I_TERM) {temp.cat(",PID I Term");} if (filterRequested & CL_RECORD_PID_D_TERM) {temp.cat(",PID D Term");} if (filterRequested & CL_RECORD_STEP_PHASE) {temp.cat(",Measured Step Phase");} if (filterRequested & CL_RECORD_DESIRED_STEP_PHASE) {temp.cat(",Desired Step Phase");} if (filterRequested & CL_RECORD_PHASE_SHIFT) {temp.cat(",Phase Shift");} if (filterRequested & CL_RECORD_COIL_A_CURRENT) {temp.cat(",Coil A Current");} if (filterRequested & CL_RECORD_COIL_B_CURRENT) {temp.cat(",Coil B Current");} temp.Erase(temp.strlen(), 1); temp.cat("\n"); f->Write(temp.c_str()); } closedLoopFile = f; return true; } static void CloseDataCollectionFile() noexcept { closedLoopFile->Truncate(); // truncate the file in case we didn't write all the preallocated space closedLoopFile->Close(); closedLoopFile = nullptr; } // Handle M569.5 - Collect closed loop data GCodeResult ClosedLoop::StartDataCollection(DriverId driverId, GCodeBuffer& gb, const StringRef& reply) THROWS(GCodeException) { // Check what the user wants - record or report // Record - A number of samples (Snn) is given to record // Report - Samples (Snn) is not given bool recording = false; uint32_t parsedS; gb.TryGetLimitedUIValue('S', parsedS, recording, MaxSamples + 1); if (!recording) { // No S parameter was given so this is a request for the recording status if (closedLoopFile == nullptr) { reply.copy("Closed loop data is not being collected"); return GCodeResult::warning; // looks like the closed loop plugin relies on this being a warning } else { reply.printf("Collecting sample: %u/%u", expectedRemoteSampleNumber, (unsigned int)numSamplesRequested); return GCodeResult::ok; } } // If we get here then the user is requesting a recording if (closedLoopFile != nullptr) // check if one is already happening { CloseDataCollectionFile(); reply.copy("Closed loop data is already being collected; the file will now be closed"); return GCodeResult::error; } // Parse the additional parameters bool seen = false; uint32_t parsedA = 0, parsedD = 0, parsedR = 0, parsedV = 0; gb.TryGetLimitedUIValue('A', parsedA, seen, 2); // valid collection modes are 0 and 1 gb.TryGetUIValue('D', parsedD, seen); gb.TryGetLimitedUIValue('R', parsedR, seen, std::numeric_limits::max() + 1); gb.TryGetUIValue('V', parsedV, seen); // Validation passed - store the values modeRequested = parsedA; rateRequested = parsedR; filterRequested = parsedD; deviceRequested = driverId; movementRequested = parsedV; numSamplesRequested = parsedS; // Estimate how large the file will be const unsigned int numVariables = Bitmap(filterRequested).CountSetBits() + 1; // 1 extra for time stamp const uint32_t preallocSize = numSamplesRequested * ((numVariables * 8) + 4); // assume format "xxx.xxx," for most samples // Create the file String tempFilename; if (gb.Seen('F')) { gb.GetQuotedString(tempFilename.GetRef(), false); } else { // Create default filename as none was provided const time_t time = reprap.GetPlatform().GetDateTime(); tm timeInfo; gmtime_r(&time, &timeInfo); tempFilename.printf("0:/sys/closed-loop/%u_%04u-%02u-%02u_%02u.%02u.%02u.csv", (unsigned int) deviceRequested.boardAddress, timeInfo.tm_year + 1900, timeInfo.tm_mon + 1, timeInfo.tm_mday, timeInfo.tm_hour, timeInfo.tm_min, timeInfo.tm_sec); } String closedLoopFileName; MassStorage::CombineName(closedLoopFileName.GetRef(), "0:/sys/closed-loop/", tempFilename.c_str()); OpenDataCollectionFile(closedLoopFileName, preallocSize); // If no samples have been requested, return with an info message if (numSamplesRequested == 0) { CloseDataCollectionFile(); reply.copy("no samples recorded"); return GCodeResult::warning; } // Set up & start the CAN data transfer expectedRemoteSampleNumber = 0; expectedRemoteBoardAddress = deviceRequested.boardAddress; const GCodeResult rslt = CanInterface::StartClosedLoopDataCollection(deviceRequested, filterRequested, numSamplesRequested, rateRequested, movementRequested, modeRequested, gb, reply); if (rslt > GCodeResult::warning) { CloseDataCollectionFile(); MassStorage::Delete(closedLoopFileName.c_str(), false); } return rslt; } // Process closed loop data received over CAN void ClosedLoop::ProcessReceivedData(CanAddress src, const CanMessageClosedLoopData& msg, size_t msgLen) noexcept { FileStore * const f = closedLoopFile; if (f != nullptr) { if (msg.firstSampleNumber != expectedRemoteSampleNumber) { f->Write("Data lost\n"); CloseDataCollectionFile(); } else { unsigned int numSamples = msg.numSamples; const size_t variableCount = msg.GetVariableCount(); while (numSamples != 0) { // Compile the data String currentLine; size_t sampleIndex = msg.numSamples - numSamples; //TODO use more intelligent formatting depending on the data type, to reduce the amount of data written currentLine.printf("%u", msg.firstSampleNumber + sampleIndex); for (size_t i = 0; i < variableCount; i++) { currentLine.catf(",%.2f", (double)msg.data[sampleIndex*variableCount + i]); } currentLine.cat("\n"); // Write the data f->Write(currentLine.c_str()); // Increment the working variables expectedRemoteSampleNumber++; numSamples--; } if (msg.lastPacket) { if (msg.overflowed) { f->Write("Buffer overflowed\n"); } CloseDataCollectionFile(); } } } } #endif // End