/* * Display.cpp * * Created on: 22 Jan 2018 * Author: David */ #include "Display.h" #if SUPPORT_12864_LCD #include "Lcd/ST7920/Lcd7920.h" #include "Lcd/ST7567/Lcd7567.h" #include "GCodes/GCodes.h" #include "GCodes/GCodeBuffer/GCodeBuffer.h" #include "Hardware/IoPorts.h" #include "Pins.h" constexpr int DefaultPulsesPerClick = -4; // values that work with displays I have are 2 and -4 extern const LcdFont font11x14; extern const LcdFont font7x11; const LcdFont * const fonts[] = { &font7x11, &font11x14 }; constexpr size_t SmallFontNumber = 0; constexpr size_t LargeFontNumber = 1; constexpr uint32_t NormalRefreshMillis = 250; constexpr uint32_t FastRefreshMillis = 50; #if SUPPORT_OBJECT_MODEL // Object model table and functions // Note: if using GCC version 7.3.1 20180622 and lambda functions are used in this table, you must compile this file with option -std=gnu++17. // Otherwise the table will be allocated in RAM instead of flash, which wastes too much RAM. // Macro to build a standard lambda function that includes the necessary type conversions #define OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC(...) OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC_BODY(Display, __VA_ARGS__) #define OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC_IF(...) OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC_IF_BODY(Display, __VA_ARGS__) constexpr ObjectModelTableEntry Display::objectModelTable[] = { // Within each group, these entries must be in alphabetical order // 0. Display members { "pulsesPerClick", OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC((int32_t)self->encoder->GetPulsesPerClick()), ObjectModelEntryFlags::none }, { "spiFreq", OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC((int32_t)self->lcd->GetSpiFrequency()), ObjectModelEntryFlags::none }, { "typeName", OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC(self->lcd->GetDisplayTypeName()), ObjectModelEntryFlags::none }, }; constexpr uint8_t Display::objectModelTableDescriptor[] = { 1, 3 }; DEFINE_GET_OBJECT_MODEL_TABLE(Display) #endif Display::Display() noexcept : lcd(nullptr), menu(nullptr), encoder(nullptr), lastRefreshMillis(0), mboxSeq(0), mboxActive(false), beepActive(false), updatingFirmware(false) { } // Keep the display and encoder refreshed. Don't touch the display if we are updating the firmware because the associated RAM may be overwritten by the IAP. void Display::Spin() noexcept { if (lcd != nullptr && !updatingFirmware) { encoder->Poll(); // Check encoder and update display const int ch = encoder->GetChange(); bool forceRefresh = false; if (ch != 0) { menu->EncoderAction(ch); forceRefresh = true; } else if (encoder->GetButtonPress()) { menu->EncoderAction(0); forceRefresh = true; } const MessageBox& mbox = reprap.GetMessageBox(); if (mbox.active) { if (!mboxActive || mboxSeq != mbox.seq) { // New message box to display if (!mboxActive) { menu->ClearHighlighting(); // cancel highlighting and adjustment menu->Refresh(); } mboxActive = true; mboxSeq = mbox.seq; menu->DisplayMessageBox(mbox); forceRefresh = true; } } else if (mboxActive) { // Message box has been cancelled from this or another input channel menu->ClearMessageBox(); mboxActive = false; forceRefresh = true; } const uint32_t now = millis(); if (forceRefresh) { menu->Refresh(); // To avoid a noticeable delay in updating the coordinates and babystepping offset when live adjusting them and we stop rotating the encoder, // we force another update 50ms after any encoder actions lastRefreshMillis = now - (NormalRefreshMillis - FastRefreshMillis); } else if (now - lastRefreshMillis >= NormalRefreshMillis) { menu->Refresh(); // When the encoder is inactive, we update at most 5 times per second, to avoid rapidly-changing values flickering on the display lastRefreshMillis = now; } lcd->FlushSome(); if (beepActive && millis() - whenBeepStarted > beepLength) { IoPort::WriteAnalog(LcdBeepPin, 0.0, 0); beepActive = false; } } } void Display::Exit() noexcept { if (lcd != nullptr) { IoPort::WriteAnalog(LcdBeepPin, 0.0, 0); // stop any beep if (!updatingFirmware) { lcd->TextInvert(false); lcd->Clear(); lcd->SetFont(LargeFontNumber); lcd->SetCursor(20, 0); lcd->printf("Shutting down..."); } lcd->FlushAll(); } } // NOTE: nothing enforces that this beep concludes before another is begun; // that is, in rapid succession of commands, only the last beep issued will be heard by the user void Display::Beep(unsigned int frequency, unsigned int milliseconds) noexcept { if (lcd != nullptr) { whenBeepStarted = millis(); beepLength = milliseconds; beepActive = true; IoPort::WriteAnalog(LcdBeepPin, 0.5, (uint16_t)frequency); } } void Display::SuccessBeep() noexcept { Beep(2000, 100); } void Display::ErrorBeep() noexcept { Beep(500, 1000); } void Display::InitDisplay(GCodeBuffer& gb, Lcd *newLcd, Pin csPin, Pin a0Pin, bool defaultCsPolarity) THROWS(GCodeException) { // ST7567-based displays need a resistor ratio setting and a contrast setting // For now we always pass these as parameters toLcd::Init(). If we get any more, consider passing the GCodeBuffer and letting the display pick the parameters instead. const uint32_t contrast = (gb.Seen('C')) ? gb.GetUIValue() : DefaultDisplayContrastRatio; const uint32_t resistorRatio = (gb.Seen('R')) ? gb.GetUIValue() : DefaultDisplayResistorRatio; newLcd->Init(csPin, a0Pin, defaultCsPolarity, (gb.Seen('F')) ? gb.GetUIValue() : LcdSpiClockFrequency, contrast, resistorRatio); IoPort::SetPinMode(LcdBeepPin, OUTPUT_PWM_LOW); newLcd->SetFont(SmallFontNumber); if (encoder == nullptr) { encoder = new RotaryEncoder(EncoderPinA, EncoderPinB, EncoderPinSw); encoder->Init(DefaultPulsesPerClick); } menu = new Menu(*newLcd); menu->Load("main"); lcd = newLcd; } GCodeResult Display::Configure(GCodeBuffer& gb, const StringRef& reply) THROWS(GCodeException) { bool seen = false; if (gb.Seen('P')) { // Delete any existing LCD, menu and encoder Lcd *tempLcd = nullptr; std::swap(lcd, tempLcd); delete tempLcd; Menu *tempMenu = nullptr; std::swap(menu, tempMenu); delete tempMenu; RotaryEncoder *tempEncoder = nullptr; std::swap(encoder, tempEncoder); delete tempEncoder; seen = true; switch (gb.GetUIValue()) { case 0: // no display // We have already deleted the display, menu buffer and encoder, so nothing to do here break; case 1: // 12864 display, ST7920 controller #ifdef DUET3MINI // On the Duet 3 Mini we use the A0 pin as CS because it more nearly matches the pinout of the display (with the connectors reversed) InitDisplay(gb, new Lcd7920(fonts, ARRAY_SIZE(fonts)), LcdA0Pin, NoPin, true); #else InitDisplay(gb, new Lcd7920(fonts, ARRAY_SIZE(fonts)), LcdCSPin, NoPin, true); #endif break; case 2: // 12864 display, ST7567 controller #ifdef DUET_M // On the Duet Maestro only, the CS pin is active high and gates the clock signal. // The ST7567 needs an active low CS signal, so we must use a different CS pin and set the original one high to let the clock through. pinMode(LcdCSPin, OUTPUT_HIGH); InitDisplay(gb, new Lcd7567(fonts, ARRAY_SIZE(fonts)), LcdCSAltPin, LcdA0Pin, false); #else InitDisplay(gb, new Lcd7567(fonts, ARRAY_SIZE(fonts)), LcdCSPin, LcdA0Pin, false); #endif break; default: reply.copy("Unknown display type"); return GCodeResult::error; } } if (gb.Seen('E') && encoder != nullptr) { seen = true; encoder->Init(gb.GetIValue()); // configure encoder pulses per click and direction } if (!seen) { if (lcd != nullptr) { reply.printf("Direct connect display: %s, %.2fMHz, %d encoder pulses per click", lcd->GetDisplayTypeName(), (double)(lcd->GetSpiFrequency() * 0.000001), encoder->GetPulsesPerClick()); } else { reply.copy("Direct-connect display not present or not configured"); } } return GCodeResult::ok; } // Suspend normal operation and display an "Updating firmware" message void Display::UpdatingFirmware() noexcept { updatingFirmware = true; if (lcd != nullptr) { IoPort::WriteAnalog(LcdBeepPin, 0.0, 0); // stop any beep lcd->TextInvert(false); lcd->Clear(); lcd->SetFont(LargeFontNumber); lcd->SetCursor(20, 0); lcd->printf("Updating firmware..."); lcd->FlushAll(); } } #endif // End