/* * Menu.cpp * * Created on: 22 Jan 2018 * Author: David * * Menus are read from files in the /menu folder of the SD card. the root menu is called 'main'. * Each menu file holds a sequence of commands, one per line. * The following commands are supported: * * image [Rnn] [Cnn] [Fnn] L"filename" * ; display the image from "filename" at position RC * text [Rnn] [Cnn] [Fnn] T"text" * ; display non-selectable "text" at position RC * button [Rnn] [Cnn] [Fnn] [Vnn] T"text" A"action" [L"filename"] * ; display selectable "text" at RC, perform action when clicked * value [Rnn] [Cnn] [Fnn] [Dnn] Wnnn Nvvv * ; display the specified value at RC to the specified number of decimal places in the specified width * alter [Rnn] [Cnn] [Fnn] [Dnn] Wnnn Nvvv * ; display the specified value at RC to the specified number of decimal places in the specified width and allow it to be altered * files [Rnn] [Fnn] Nnn I"initial-directory" A"action" [L"filename"] * ; display a list of files N lines high and allow them to be selected. The list uses the full width of the display. * * Rnn is the row number for the top of the element measured in pixels from the top of the display * Cnn is the column number for the left of the element measured in pixels from the left hand edge of the display * Fnn is the font to use, 0=small 1=large * Wnn is the width in pixels for the element * Dnn specifies the number of decimal places for numeric display * * Vnn specifies the item's visibility (currently implemented for buttons only) with value: * 0 always visible (default if not specified) * 2 visible when the printer is actively printing (actively printing defined as not paused, pausing or resuming) * 3 visible when the printer is NOT actively printing * 4 visible when the printer is printing (includes paused, pausing and resuming states) * 5 visible when the printer is NOT printing * 6 visible when the printer is printing and in paused state (paused or pausing) * 7 visible when the printer is printing and NOT in paused state (actively printing or resuming) * 10 visible when SD card 0 is mounted * 11 visible when SD card 0 is NOT mounted * 20 visible when the current or default tool has a temperature fault * 28 visible when the bed heater has a temperature fault * * "action" can be any of: * - a Gcode command string (must begin with G, M or T). In such a string, #0 represents the full name of the current file, in double quotes, set when a file is selected * - "menu" (chains to the menu file given in the L parameter) * - "popup" (pops up the menu given in the L parameter) * NOTE: not currently implemented * - "return" (returns to the parent menu) * Multiple actions can be specified, separated by the vertical-bar character, e.g. "M32 #0|return|return|menu" but 'menu' may only be the last command * * The N parameter in the "value" and "alter" commands specifies the value to display or change as follows: * 000-078 Tool N first heater current temperature e.g. 0 = tool 0 current temperature (display only) * 079 Currently selected tool first heater current temperature (display only) * 080-089 Bed heater (N-80) current temperature e.g. 80 = bed heater 0 current temperature (display only) * 090-099 Chamber heater (N-90) current temperature e.g. 90 = chamber heater 0 current temperature (display only) * 100-178 Tool (N-100) first heater active temperature e.g. 100 = tool 0 active temperature * 179 Currently selected tool first heater active temperature * 180-189 Bed heater (N-180) active temperature e.g. 180 = bed heater 0 active temperature * 190-199 Chamber heater (N-190) active temperature e.g. 190 = chamber heater 0 active temperature * 200-278 Tool (N-200) first heater standby temperature e.g. 200 = tool 0 standby temperature * 279 Currently selected tool first heater standby temperature * 280-289 Bed heater (N-280) standby temperature e.g. 280 = bed heater 0 standby temperature * 290-299 Chamber heater (N-290) standby temperature e.g. 290 = chamber heater 0 standby temperature * 300-398 Fan (N-300) percent full PWM e.g. 302 = fan 2 percent * 399 Current tool fan percent full PWM * 400-499 Extruder (N-400) extrusion factor * 500 Speed factor * 510-516 Current axis location (X, Y, Z, E0, E1, E2, E3 respectively) (display only) * 519 Z baby-step offset (display only) * 520 Currently selected tool number * 530-533 Actual IP address, octets 1 through 4 */ #include "Menu.h" #if SUPPORT_12864_LCD #include "Lcd/Lcd.h" #include #include #include "Display.h" #include #include #include #include const uint32_t InactivityTimeout = 20000; // inactivity timeout const uint32_t ErrorTimeout = 6000; // how long we display an error message for Menu::Menu(Lcd& refLcd) noexcept : lcd(refLcd), timeoutValue(0), lastActionTime(0), selectableItems(nullptr), unSelectableItems(nullptr), highlightedItem(nullptr), numNestedMenus(0), itemIsSelected(false), displayingFixedMenu(false), displayingErrorMessage(false), displayingMessageBox(false), errorColumn(0), rowOffset(0) { } Menu::~Menu() { ResetCache(); // this releases the memory used by the menu items } void Menu::Load(const char* filename) noexcept { if (numNestedMenus < MaxMenuNesting) { filenames[numNestedMenus].copy(filename); ++numNestedMenus; rowOffset = 0; Reload(); } } void Menu::LoadFixedMenu() noexcept { displayingFixedMenu = true; numNestedMenus = 0; commandBufferIndex = 0; rowOffset = 0; currentMargin = 0; lcd.Clear(); // Instead of Reload(): lcd.SetRightMargin(lcd.GetNumCols() - currentMargin); ResetCache(); #if HAS_MASS_STORAGE char acLine1[] = "text R3 C5 F0 T\"No SD Card Found\""; char acLine2[] = "button R15 C5 F0 T\"Mount SD\" A\"M21\""; (void)ParseMenuLine(acLine1); (void)ParseMenuLine(acLine2); #endif } // Display a M291 message box void Menu::DisplayMessageBox(const MessageBox& mbox) noexcept { ResetCache(); displayingMessageBox = true; timeoutValue = 0; const PixelNumber topBottomMargin = 4; const PixelNumber sideMargin = 4; // Draw and a box and clear the interior const PixelNumber nr = lcd.GetNumRows(), nc = lcd.GetNumCols(); lcd.SetRightMargin(nc); lcd.Line(topBottomMargin, sideMargin, topBottomMargin, nc - sideMargin - 1, PixelMode::PixelSet); lcd.Line(topBottomMargin, nc - sideMargin - 1, nr - topBottomMargin - 1, nc - sideMargin - 1, PixelMode::PixelSet); lcd.Line(nr - topBottomMargin - 1, sideMargin, nr - topBottomMargin - 1, nc - sideMargin - 1, PixelMode::PixelSet); lcd.Line(topBottomMargin, sideMargin, nr - topBottomMargin - 1, sideMargin, PixelMode::PixelSet); lcd.Clear(topBottomMargin + 1, sideMargin + 1, nr - topBottomMargin - 1, nc - sideMargin - 1); // We could draw the static text directly, but it is easier to use the existing classes const uint8_t fontToUse = 0; const PixelNumber insideMargin = 2; const PixelNumber rowHeight = lcd.GetFontHeight(fontToUse) + 1; const PixelNumber top = topBottomMargin + 1 + insideMargin; const PixelNumber left = sideMargin + 1 + insideMargin; const PixelNumber right = nc - left; const PixelNumber availableWidth = right - left; AddItem(new TextMenuItem(top, left, availableWidth, MenuItem::CentreAlign, fontToUse, MenuItem::AlwaysVisible, mbox.title.c_str()), false); AddItem(new TextMenuItem(top + rowHeight, left, availableWidth, MenuItem::CentreAlign, fontToUse, MenuItem::AlwaysVisible, mbox.message.c_str()), false); // only 1 row for now // Add whichever XYZ jog buttons we have been asked to display - assume only XYZ for now const PixelNumber axisButtonWidth = availableWidth/4; const PixelNumber axisButtonStep = (availableWidth - 3 *axisButtonWidth)/2 + axisButtonWidth; if (mbox.controls.IsBitSet(X_AXIS)) { AddItem(new ValueMenuItem(top + 2 * rowHeight, left, axisButtonWidth, MenuItem::CentreAlign, fontToUse, MenuItem::AlwaysVisible, true, 510, 1), true); } if (mbox.controls.IsBitSet(Y_AXIS)) { AddItem(new ValueMenuItem(top + 2 * rowHeight, left + axisButtonStep, axisButtonWidth, MenuItem::CentreAlign, fontToUse, MenuItem::AlwaysVisible, true, 511, 1), true); } if (mbox.controls.IsBitSet(Z_AXIS)) { AddItem(new ValueMenuItem(top + 2 * rowHeight, left + 2 * axisButtonStep, axisButtonWidth, MenuItem::CentreAlign, fontToUse, MenuItem::AlwaysVisible, true, 512, 2), true); } const PixelNumber okCancelButtonWidth = 30; if (mbox.mode & 2) { AddItem(new ButtonMenuItem(top + 3 * rowHeight, left, okCancelButtonWidth, fontToUse, MenuItem::AlwaysVisible, "OK", "M292 P0", nullptr), true); } if (mbox.mode & 1) { AddItem(new ButtonMenuItem(top + 3 * rowHeight, right - okCancelButtonWidth, okCancelButtonWidth, fontToUse, MenuItem::AlwaysVisible, "Cancel", "M292 P1", nullptr), true); } } // Clear the message box and display the menu underneath it void Menu::ClearMessageBox() noexcept { displayingMessageBox = false; Reload(); } void Menu::Pop() noexcept { // currentMargin = 0; lcd.Clear(); rowOffset = 0; --numNestedMenus; Reload(); } void Menu::LoadError(const char *msg, unsigned int line) noexcept { // Remove selectable items that may obscure view of the error message ResetCache(); lcd.Clear(); lcd.SetFont(0); lcd.printf("Error loading menu\nFile: %s", (numNestedMenus > 0) ? filenames[numNestedMenus - 1].c_str() : "(none)"); if (line != 0) { lcd.printf("\nLine %u", line); if (errorColumn != 0) { lcd.printf(" column %u", errorColumn); } } lcd.printf("\n%s", msg); lastActionTime = millis(); timeoutValue = ErrorTimeout; displayingErrorMessage = true; } // Parse a line in a menu layout file returning any error message, or nullptr if there was no error. // Leading whitespace has already been skipped. const char *Menu::ParseMenuLine(char * const commandWord) noexcept { errorColumn = 0; // Check for blank or comment line if (*commandWord == ';' || *commandWord == 0) { return nullptr; } // Find the first word char *args = commandWord; while (isalpha(*args)) { ++args; } if (args == commandWord || (*args != ' ' && *args != '\t' && *args != 0)) { errorColumn = (args - commandWord) + 1; return "Bad command"; } if (*args != 0) { *args = 0; // null terminate the command word ++args; } // Parse the arguments MenuItem::Visibility xVis = 0; unsigned int decimals = 0; unsigned int nparam = 0; unsigned int width = 0; unsigned int alignment = 0; const char *text = "*"; const char *fname = "main"; const char *dirpath = ""; const char *action = nullptr; while (*args != 0 && *args != ';') { char ch; switch (ch = toupper(*args++)) { case ' ': case '\t': break; case 'R': row = StrToU32(args, &args); break; case 'C': column = StrToU32(args, &args); break; case 'F': fontNumber = min(StrToU32(args, &args), lcd.GetNumFonts() - 1); break; case 'V': xVis = StrToU32(args, &args); break; case 'D': decimals = StrToU32(args, &args); break; case 'N': nparam = StrToU32(args, &args); break; case 'W': width = StrToU32(args, &args); break; case 'H': alignment = StrToU32(args, &args); break; case '"': // a string with no letter is a T argument ch = 'T'; --args; // no break case 'T': case 'L': case 'A': case 'I': if (*args != '"') { errorColumn = (args - commandWord) + 1; return "Missing string arg"; } ++args; ((ch == 'T') ? text : (ch == 'A') ? action : (ch == 'I') ? dirpath : fname) = args; while (*args != '"' && *args != 0) { ++args; } if (*args == '"') { *args = 0; ++args; } break; default: errorColumn = (args - commandWord); return "Bad arg letter"; } } lcd.SetCursor(row + currentMargin, column + currentMargin); // Create an object resident in memory corresponding to the menu layout file's description if (StringEqualsIgnoreCase(commandWord, "text")) { const char *const acText = AppendString(text); MenuItem * const pNewItem = new TextMenuItem(row, column, width, alignment, fontNumber, xVis, acText); AddItem(pNewItem, false); column += pNewItem->GetWidth(); } else if (StringEqualsIgnoreCase(commandWord, "image") && fname != nullptr) { ImageMenuItem * const pNewItem = new ImageMenuItem(row, column, xVis, fname); AddItem(pNewItem, false); column += pNewItem->GetWidth(); } else if (StringEqualsIgnoreCase(commandWord, "button")) { const char * const textString = AppendString(text); const char * const actionString = AppendString(action); const char * const c_acFileString = AppendString(fname); ButtonMenuItem * const pNewItem = new ButtonMenuItem(row, column, width, fontNumber, xVis, textString, actionString, c_acFileString); AddItem(pNewItem, true); column += pNewItem->GetWidth(); } else if (StringEqualsIgnoreCase(commandWord, "value")) { ValueMenuItem * const pNewItem = new ValueMenuItem(row, column, width, alignment, fontNumber, xVis, false, nparam, decimals); AddItem(pNewItem, false); column += pNewItem->GetWidth(); } else if (StringEqualsIgnoreCase(commandWord, "alter")) { ValueMenuItem * const pNewItem = new ValueMenuItem(row, column, width, alignment, fontNumber, xVis, true, nparam, decimals); AddItem(pNewItem, true); column += pNewItem->GetWidth(); } #if HAS_MASS_STORAGE else if (StringEqualsIgnoreCase(commandWord, "files")) { const char * const actionString = AppendString(action); const char *const dir = AppendString(dirpath); const char *const acFileString = AppendString(fname); AddItem(new FilesMenuItem(row, 0, lcd.GetNumCols(), fontNumber, xVis, actionString, dir, acFileString, nparam), true); row += nparam * lcd.GetFontHeight(fontNumber); column = 0; } #endif else { errorColumn = 1; return "Unknown command"; } return nullptr; } void Menu::ResetCache() noexcept { highlightedItem = nullptr; // Delete the existing items while (selectableItems != nullptr) { MenuItem * const current = selectableItems; selectableItems = selectableItems->GetNext(); delete current; } while (unSelectableItems != nullptr) { MenuItem * const current = unSelectableItems; unSelectableItems = unSelectableItems->GetNext(); delete current; } } void Menu::Reload() noexcept { displayingFixedMenu = false; if (numNestedMenus == 1) { currentMargin = 0; lcd.Clear(); } else { currentMargin = 0; const PixelNumber right = lcd.GetNumCols(); const PixelNumber bottom = lcd.GetNumRows(); lcd.Clear(currentMargin, currentMargin, bottom, right); // Draw the outline // lcd.Line(currentMargin, currentMargin, bottom, currentMargin, PixelMode::PixelSet); // lcd.Line(currentMargin, currentMargin, currentMargin, right, PixelMode::PixelSet); // lcd.Line(bottom, currentMargin, bottom, right, PixelMode::PixelSet); // lcd.Line(currentMargin, right, bottom, right, PixelMode::PixelSet); // currentMargin += InnerMargin; } ResetCache(); displayingErrorMessage = false; lcd.SetRightMargin(lcd.GetNumCols() - currentMargin); const char * const fname = filenames[numNestedMenus - 1].c_str(); FileStore * const file = reprap.GetPlatform().OpenFile(MENU_DIR, fname, OpenMode::read); if (file == nullptr) { LoadError("File not found", 0); } else { row = 0; column = 0; fontNumber = 0; commandBufferIndex = 0; // Free the string buffer, which contains layout elements from an old menu for (unsigned int line = 1; ; ++line) { char buffer[MaxMenuLineLength]; if (file->ReadLine(buffer, sizeof(buffer)) < 0) { break; } char * const pcMenuLine = SkipWhitespace(buffer); const char * const errMsg = ParseMenuLine(pcMenuLine); if (errMsg != nullptr) { LoadError(errMsg, line); break; } // Check for string buffer full if (commandBufferIndex == sizeof(commandBuffer)) { LoadError("|Menu buffer full", line); break; } } file->Close(); } } void Menu::AddItem(MenuItem *item, bool isSelectable) noexcept { item->UpdateWidthAndHeight(lcd); MenuItem::AppendToList((isSelectable) ? &selectableItems : &unSelectableItems, item); } // Append a string to the string buffer and return its index const char *Menu::AppendString(const char *s) noexcept { // TODO: hold a fixed reference to '\0' -- if any strings passed in are empty, return this reference const size_t oldIndex = commandBufferIndex; if (commandBufferIndex < sizeof(commandBuffer)) { SafeStrncpy(commandBuffer + commandBufferIndex, s, ARRAY_SIZE(commandBuffer) - commandBufferIndex); commandBufferIndex += strlen(commandBuffer + commandBufferIndex) + 1; } return commandBuffer + oldIndex; } // TODO: there is no error handling if a command within a sequence cannot be accepted... void Menu::EncoderAction_ExecuteHelper(const char *const cmd) noexcept { if (StringEqualsIgnoreCase(cmd, "return")) { Pop(); // up one level } else if (StringStartsWithIgnoreCase(cmd, "menu ")) { Load(cmd + 5); } else if (toupper(cmd[0]) == 'G' || toupper(cmd[0]) == 'M' || toupper(cmd[0]) == 'T') { const bool success = reprap.GetGCodes().ProcessCommandFromLcd(cmd); if (!success) { reprap.GetDisplay().ErrorBeep(); // long low beep } } } void Menu::EncoderActionEnterItemHelper() noexcept { if (highlightedItem != nullptr && highlightedItem->IsVisible()) { String command; if (highlightedItem->Select(command.GetRef())) { char *pcCurrentCommand = command.GetRef().Pointer(); char *pcNextCommand; while ((pcNextCommand = strchr(pcCurrentCommand, '|')) != nullptr) { *pcNextCommand = '\0'; EncoderAction_ExecuteHelper(pcCurrentCommand); pcCurrentCommand = pcNextCommand + 1; } EncoderAction_ExecuteHelper(pcCurrentCommand); } else if (highlightedItem->CanAdjust()) { itemIsSelected = true; } } } void Menu::EncoderActionScrollItemHelper(int action) noexcept { // Based mainly on file listing requiring we handle list of unknown length // before moving on to the next selectable item at the Menu level, we let the // currently selected MenuItem try to handle the scroll action itself. It will // return the remainder of the scrolling that it was unable to accommodate. if (highlightedItem != nullptr && highlightedItem->IsVisible()) { // Let the current menu item attempt to handle scroll wheel first action = highlightedItem->Advance(action); } if (action != 0) { // Otherwise we move through the remaining selectable menu items AdvanceHighlightedItem(action); if (highlightedItem != nullptr) { // Let the newly selected MenuItem handle any selection setup highlightedItem->Enter(action > 0); PixelNumber tLastOffset = rowOffset; rowOffset = highlightedItem->GetVisibilityRowOffset(tLastOffset, lcd.GetFontHeight(highlightedItem->GetFontNumber())); if (rowOffset != tLastOffset) { // We have scrolled the whole menu, so redraw it lcd.Clear(); for (MenuItem *item = selectableItems; item != nullptr; item = item->GetNext()) { item->SetChanged(); } for (MenuItem *item = unSelectableItems; item != nullptr; item = item->GetNext()) { item->SetChanged(); } } } } } // Perform the specified encoder action // If 'action' is zero then the button was pressed, else 'action' is the number of clicks (+ve for clockwise) // EncoderAction is what's called in response to all wheel/button actions; a convenient place to set new timeout values void Menu::EncoderAction(int action) noexcept { if (displayingErrorMessage) { // Allow the message to be cancelled by a push if (action == 0) { timeoutValue = 1; // cancel the timeout at the next tick } } else { if (itemIsSelected) // send the wheel action (scroll or click) to the item itself { if (highlightedItem != nullptr && highlightedItem->IsVisible()) { const bool done = highlightedItem->Adjust(action); if (done) { itemIsSelected = false; } } else { itemIsSelected = false; // should not get here } } else if (action != 0) // scroll without an item under selection { EncoderActionScrollItemHelper(action); } else // click without an item under selection { EncoderActionEnterItemHelper(); } if (!displayingErrorMessage && !displayingMessageBox) // if the operation did not result in an error and we are not displaying a message box { lastActionTime = millis(); timeoutValue = InactivityTimeout; } } } /*static*/ const char *Menu::SkipWhitespace(const char *s) noexcept { while (*s == ' ' || *s == '\t') { ++s; } return s; } /*static*/ char *Menu::SkipWhitespace(char *s) noexcept { while (*s == ' ' || *s == '\t') { ++s; } return s; } // Refresh is called every Spin() of the Display under most circumstances; an appropriate place to check if timeout action needs to be taken void Menu::Refresh() noexcept { if ( #if HAS_SBC_INTERFACE !reprap.UsingSbcInterface() && #endif #if HAS_MASS_STORAGE !MassStorage::IsDriveMounted(0) #else true // When there is no mass storage drives cannot be mounted anyway and the above equals true #endif ) { if (!displayingFixedMenu) { LoadFixedMenu(); // when the SD card is not mounted, we show a fixed menu for graceful recovery } } else if (displayingFixedMenu || (timeoutValue != 0 && (millis() - lastActionTime > timeoutValue))) { // Showing fixed menu but SD card is now mounted, or 6 seconds following latest user action // Go to the top menu (just discard information) timeoutValue = 0; numNestedMenus = 0; Load("main"); } DrawAll(); } void Menu::DrawAll() noexcept { // First erase any displayed items that should now be invisible for (MenuItem *item = selectableItems; item != nullptr; item = item->GetNext()) { item->EraseIfInvisible(lcd, rowOffset); } for (MenuItem *item = unSelectableItems; item != nullptr; item = item->GetNext()) { item->EraseIfInvisible(lcd, rowOffset); } // Now draw items const PixelNumber rightMargin = lcd.GetNumCols() - currentMargin; for (MenuItem *item = selectableItems; item != nullptr; item = item->GetNext()) { item->Draw(lcd, rightMargin, (item == highlightedItem), rowOffset); } for (MenuItem *item = unSelectableItems; item != nullptr; item = item->GetNext()) { item->Draw(lcd, rightMargin, false, rowOffset); } } // Clear any highlighting. Call Refresh() after calling this to clear it on the display. void Menu::ClearHighlighting() noexcept { highlightedItem = nullptr; itemIsSelected = false; } // Move the highlighted item forwards or backwards through the selectable items, setting it to nullptr if nothing is selectable // On entry, n is nonzero void Menu::AdvanceHighlightedItem(int n) noexcept { if (highlightedItem == nullptr) { // No item is selected, so pick the first selectable item highlightedItem = FindNextSelectableItem(nullptr); } else if (n > 0) { for (;;) { MenuItem * const p = FindNextSelectableItem(highlightedItem); if (n == 0 || p == nullptr || p == highlightedItem) { highlightedItem = p; return; } --n; } } else { for (;;) { MenuItem * const p = FindPrevSelectableItem(highlightedItem); if (n == 0 || p == nullptr || p == highlightedItem) { highlightedItem = p; return; } ++n; } } } // Find the next selectable item, or the first one if nullptr is passed in // Note, there may be no selectable items, or there may be just one MenuItem *Menu::FindNextSelectableItem(MenuItem *p) const noexcept { if (selectableItems == nullptr) { return nullptr; } MenuItem * initial = (p == nullptr || p->GetNext() == nullptr) ? selectableItems : p->GetNext(); MenuItem * current = initial; // set search start point do { if (current->IsVisible()) { return current; } current = current->GetNext(); if (current == nullptr) { current = selectableItems; } } while (current != initial); return nullptr; } // Find the previous selectable item, or the last one if nullptr is passed in // Note, there may be no selectable items, and the one we pass in may not be selectable MenuItem *Menu::FindPrevSelectableItem(MenuItem *p) const noexcept { if (selectableItems == nullptr) { return nullptr; } MenuItem * const initial = (p == nullptr) ? selectableItems : p; // set search start point MenuItem * current = initial; MenuItem * best = nullptr; do { if (current->IsVisible()) { best = current; } current = current->GetNext(); if (current == nullptr) { current = selectableItems; } } while (current != initial); return best; } #endif // End