#ifndef PINS_DUET3_V06_H__ #define PINS_DUET3_V06_H__ #include #define BOARD_SHORT_NAME "MB6HC" #define BOARD_NAME "Duet 3 MB6HC" #define DEFAULT_BOARD_TYPE BoardType::Auto #define FIRMWARE_NAME "RepRapFirmware for Duet 3 MB6HC" #define IAP_FIRMWARE_FILE "Duet3Firmware_" BOARD_SHORT_NAME ".bin" constexpr size_t NumFirmwareUpdateModules = 5; // 0 = mainboard, 4 = PanelDue, values in between unused #define IAP_UPDATE_FILE "Duet3_SDiap32_" BOARD_SHORT_NAME ".bin" #define IAP_UPDATE_FILE_SBC "Duet3_SBCiap32_" BOARD_SHORT_NAME ".bin" constexpr uint32_t IAP_IMAGE_START = 0x20458000; // last 32kb of RAM // Features definition #define HAS_LWIP_NETWORKING 1 #define HAS_WIFI_NETWORKING 0 #define HAS_SBC_INTERFACE 1 #define HAS_MASS_STORAGE 1 #define HAS_HIGH_SPEED_SD 1 #define HAS_CPU_TEMP_SENSOR 1 #define SUPPORT_TMC51xx 1 #define TMC51xx_USES_USART 1 #define HAS_VOLTAGE_MONITOR 1 #define ENFORCE_MAX_VIN 0 #define HAS_12V_MONITOR 1 #define ENFORCE_MIN_V12 1 #define HAS_VREF_MONITOR 1 #define SUPPORT_CAN_EXPANSION 1 #define DUAL_CAN 1 // support the second CAN interface as simple CAN (not FD) #define SUPPORT_LED_STRIPS 1 #define SUPPORT_INKJET 0 // set nonzero to support inkjet control #define SUPPORT_ROLAND 0 // set nonzero to support Roland mill #define SUPPORT_SCANNER 0 // set zero to disable support for FreeLSS scanners #define SUPPORT_LASER 1 // support laser cutters and engravers using G1 S parameter #define SUPPORT_IOBITS 1 // set to support P parameter in G0/G1 commands #define SUPPORT_DHT_SENSOR 1 // set nonzero to support DHT temperature/humidity sensors #define SUPPORT_ACCELEROMETERS 1 #define SUPPORT_WORKPLACE_COORDINATES 1 // set nonzero to support G10 L2 and G53..59 #define SUPPORT_OBJECT_MODEL 1 #define SUPPORT_FTP 1 #define SUPPORT_TELNET 1 #define SUPPORT_ASYNC_MOVES 1 #define ALLOCATE_DEFAULT_PORTS 0 #define TRACK_OBJECT_NAMES 1 #define USE_MPU 1 // Needed if USE_CACHE is set, so that we can have non-cacheable memory regions #define USE_CACHE 1 // The physical capabilities of the machine #include // this file is in the CANlib project because both main and expansion boards need it constexpr size_t NumDirectDrivers = 6; // The maximum number of drives supported by the electronics inc. direct expansion constexpr size_t MaxSmartDrivers = 6; // The maximum number of direct smart drivers constexpr size_t MaxCanDrivers = 20; constexpr size_t MaxCanBoards = 20; constexpr float MaxTmc5160Current = 6300.0; // The maximum current we allow the TMC5160/5161 drivers to be set to constexpr float Tmc5160SenseResistor = 0.050; constexpr size_t MaxPortsPerHeater = 3; constexpr size_t MaxBedHeaters = 12; constexpr size_t MaxChamberHeaters = 4; constexpr int8_t DefaultE0Heater = 1; // Index of the default first extruder heater, used only for the legacy status response constexpr size_t NumThermistorInputs = 4; constexpr size_t NumTmcDriversSenseChannels = 1; constexpr size_t MinAxes = 3; // The minimum and default number of axes constexpr size_t MaxAxes = 15; // The maximum number of movement axes in the machine constexpr size_t MaxDriversPerAxis = 8; // The maximum number of stepper drivers assigned to one axis constexpr size_t MaxExtruders = 16; // The maximum number of extruders constexpr size_t MaxAxesPlusExtruders = 25; // May be <= MaxAxes + MaxExtruders constexpr size_t MaxHeatersPerTool = 8; constexpr size_t MaxExtrudersPerTool = 8; constexpr unsigned int MaxTriggers = 32; // Must be <= 32 because we store a bitmap of pending triggers in a uint32_t constexpr size_t NumSerialChannels = 3; // The number of serial IO channels not counting the WiFi serial connection (USB and one auxiliary UART) #define SERIAL_MAIN_DEVICE SerialUSB #define SERIAL_AUX_DEVICE Serial #define SERIAL_AUX2_DEVICE Serial1 // Shared SPI (USART 1) constexpr Pin APIN_USART_SSPI_SCK = PortBPin(13); constexpr GpioPinFunction USARTSPIMosiPeriphMode = GpioPinFunction::C; constexpr Pin APIN_USART_SSPI_MOSI = PortBPin(1); constexpr GpioPinFunction USARTSPIMisoPeriphMode = GpioPinFunction::C; constexpr Pin APIN_USART_SSPI_MISO = PortBPin(0); constexpr GpioPinFunction USARTSPISckPeriphMode = GpioPinFunction::C; constexpr Pin UsbVBusPin = PortCPin(21); // Pin used to monitor VBUS on USB port // Drivers constexpr Pin STEP_PINS[NumDirectDrivers] = { PortCPin(18), PortCPin(16), PortCPin(28), PortCPin(01), PortCPin(04), PortCPin(9) }; constexpr Pin DIRECTION_PINS[NumDirectDrivers] = { PortBPin(05), PortDPin(10), PortAPin(04), PortAPin(22), PortCPin(03), PortDPin(14) }; constexpr Pin DIAG_PINS[NumDirectDrivers] = { PortDPin(29), PortCPin(17), PortDPin(13), PortCPin(02), PortDPin(31), PortCPin(10) }; // Pin assignments etc. using USART1 in SPI mode constexpr Pin GlobalTmc51xxEnablePin = PortAPin(9); // The pin that drives ENN of all TMC drivers constexpr Pin GlobalTmc51xxCSPin = PortDPin(17); // The pin that drives CS of all TMC drivers Usart * const USART_TMC51xx = USART1; constexpr uint32_t ID_TMC51xx_SPI = ID_USART1; constexpr IRQn TMC51xx_SPI_IRQn = USART1_IRQn; #define TMC51xx_SPI_Handler USART1_Handler // These next two are #defines to avoid the need to #include DmacManager.h here #define TMC51xx_DmaTxPerid ((uint32_t)DmaTrigSource::usart1tx) #define TMC51xx_DmaRxPerid ((uint32_t)DmaTrigSource::usart1rx) constexpr Pin TMC51xxMosiPin = PortBPin(4); constexpr GpioPinFunction TMC51xxMosiPinPeriphMode = GpioPinFunction::D; constexpr Pin TMC51xxMisoPin = PortAPin(21); constexpr GpioPinFunction TMC51xxMisoPinPeriphMode = GpioPinFunction::A; constexpr Pin TMC51xxSclkPin = PortAPin(23); constexpr GpioPinFunction TMC51xxSclkPinPeriphMode = GpioPinFunction::A; constexpr uint32_t DefaultStandstillCurrentPercent = 71; // Thermistor/PT1000 inputs constexpr Pin TEMP_SENSE_PINS[NumThermistorInputs] = { PortCPin(15), PortCPin(29), PortCPin(30), PortCPin(31) }; // Thermistor/PT1000 pins constexpr Pin VssaSensePin = PortCPin(13); constexpr Pin VrefSensePin = PortCPin(0); // Thermistor series resistor value in Ohms constexpr float DefaultThermistorSeriesR = 2200.0; constexpr float MinVrefLoadR = (DefaultThermistorSeriesR / NumThermistorInputs) * 4700.0/((DefaultThermistorSeriesR / NumThermistorInputs) + 4700.0); // there are 4 temperature sensing channels and a 4K7 load resistor constexpr float VrefSeriesR = 15.0; // Digital pins the SPI temperature sensors have their select lines tied to constexpr Pin SpiTempSensorCsPins[] = { PortAPin(5), PortAPin(6), PortDPin(20), PortCPin(22) }; // Analogue pin numbers constexpr Pin PowerMonitorVinDetectPin = PortAPin(20); constexpr Pin PowerMonitorV12DetectPin = PortEPin(4); constexpr float PowerMonitorVoltageRange = (60.4 + 4.7)/4.7 * 3.3; // voltage divider ratio times the reference voltage constexpr float V12MonitorVoltageRange = (60.4 + 4.7)/4.7 * 3.3; // voltage divider ratio times the reference voltage // Digital pin number to turn the IR LED on (high) or off (low), also controls the DIAG LED constexpr Pin DiagPin = PortCPin(20); constexpr bool DiagOnPolarity = true; // SD cards constexpr size_t NumSdCards = 1; constexpr Pin SdCardDetectPins[1] = { PortAPin(29) }; constexpr Pin SdWriteProtectPins[1] = { NoPin }; constexpr Pin SdSpiCSPins[1] = { NoPin }; constexpr uint32_t ExpectedSdCardSpeed = 25000000; constexpr IRQn SdhcIRQn = HSMCI_IRQn; // DotStar LED control #define LEDSTRIP_USES_USART 0 constexpr Pin DotStarMosiPin = PortAPin(13); constexpr Pin DotStarSclkPin = PortAPin(14); constexpr GpioPinFunction DotStarPinMode = GpioPinFunction::A; constexpr uint32_t DotStarClockId = ID_QSPI; constexpr IRQn DotStarIRQn = QSPI_IRQn; // Ethernet constexpr Pin EthernetPhyInterruptPin = PortCPin(6); constexpr Pin EthernetPhyResetPin = PortDPin(11); constexpr Pin EthernetPhyOtherPins[] = { PortDPin(0), PortDPin(1), PortDPin(2), PortDPin(3), PortDPin(4), PortDPin(5), PortDPin(6), PortDPin(7), PortDPin(8), PortDPin(9) }; constexpr auto EthernetPhyOtherPinsFunction = GpioPinFunction::A; // Shared SPI definitions #define USART_SPI 1 #define USART_SSPI USART0 #define ID_SSPI ID_USART0 // List of assignable pins and their mapping from names to MPU ports. This is indexed by logical pin number. // The names must match user input that has been concerted to lowercase and had _ and - characters stripped out. // Aliases are separate by the , character. // If a pin name is prefixed by ! then this means the pin is hardware inverted. The same pin may have names for both the inverted and non-inverted cases, // for example the inverted heater pins on the expansion connector are available as non-inverted servo pins on a DueX. //TODO change the table below for the V0.6 board constexpr PinDescription PinTable[] = { // TC PWM ADC Capability PinNames // Port A { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::rw, "io6.out" }, // PA00 IO6_OUT { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::read, "out6.tach" }, // PA01 OUT6_TACH { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PA02 NC { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::rw, "io3.out" }, // PA03 IO3_OUT { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PA04 driver 2 dir { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::rw, "spi.cs0,serial3.rx"}, // PA05 SPI_CS0 and Serial3 RX { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::rw, "spi.cs1,serial3.tx"}, // PA06 SPI_CS1 abd Serial3 TX { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::pwm0h3_b,AdcInput::none, PinCapability::wpwm, "out0" }, // PA07 OUT0 { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::pwm1h3_a,AdcInput::none, PinCapability::wpwm, "out6" }, // PA08 OUT6 { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PA09 Tmc51xxEnablePin { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::write, "pson" }, // PA10 PS_ON { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::pwm0h0_b,AdcInput::none, PinCapability::wpwm, "out3" }, // PA11 OUT3 { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::pwm1h0_c,AdcInput::none, PinCapability::wpwm, "out9,laser,vfd" }, // PA12 OUT9 { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PA13 DotStarMosi { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PA14 DotStarSclk { TcOutput::tioa1, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::wpwm, "out4" }, // PA15 OUT4 { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::pwm0l2_c,AdcInput::none, PinCapability::wpwm, "out2" }, // PA16 OUT2 { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::adc0_6, PinCapability::ainr, "io7.in" }, // PA17 IO7_IN { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::adc0_7, PinCapability::ainr, "io6.in" }, // PA18 IO6_IN { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::adc0_8, PinCapability::ainr, "io5.in" }, // PA19 IO5_IN { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::adc0_9, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PA20 VIN detect { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PA21 TMC51xxMisoPin { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PA22 driver 3 dir { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PA23 TMC51xxSclkPin { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::pwm0h1_b,AdcInput::none, PinCapability::wpwm, "out1" }, // PA24 OUT1 { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PA25 SDHC MCCK { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PA26 SDHC MCDA2 { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PA27 SDHC MCDA3 { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PA28 SDHC MCCDA { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PA29 SdCardDetectPin { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PA30 SDHC MCDA0 { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PA31 SDHC MCDA1 // Port B { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PB00 USART_SSPI_MISO { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PB01 USART_SSPI_MOSI { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PB02 CAN0_TX { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PB03 CAN0_RX { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PB04 TMC51xxMosiPin { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PB05 driver 0 dir { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PB06 SWDIO { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PB07 SWCLK { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PB08 Crystal { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PB09 Crystal { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PB10 not on chip { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PB11 not on chip { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PB12 Erase { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PB13 USART_SSPI_SCK { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PB14 not on chip { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PB15 not on chip { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PB16 not on chip { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PB17 not on chip { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PB18 not on chip { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PB19 not on chip { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PB20 not on chip { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PB21 not on chip { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PB22 not on chip { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PB23 not on chip { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PB24 not on chip { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PB25 not on chip { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PB26 not on chip { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PB27 not on chip { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PB28 not on chip { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PB29 not on chip { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PB30 not on chip { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PB31 not on chip // Port C { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::adc1_9, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PC00 VrefSensePin { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PC01 driver 3 step { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PC02 driver 3 diag { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PC03 driver 4 dir { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PC04 driver 4 step { TcOutput::tioa6, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::wpwm, "out5" }, // PC05 OUT5 { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PC06 EthernetPhyInterrupt { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::read, "out4.tach" }, // PC07 OUT4_TACH { TcOutput::tioa7, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::wpwm, "out8" }, // PC08 OUT8 { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PC09 driver 5 step { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PC10 driver 5 diag { TcOutput::tioa8, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::wpwm, "out7" }, // PC11 OUT7 { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PC12 CAN1_RX { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::adc1_1, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PC13 VssaSensePin { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PC14 NC { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::adc1_2, PinCapability::ainr, "temp0" }, // PC15 thermistor 0 { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PC16 driver 1 step { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PC17 driver 1 diag { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PC18 driver 0 step { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PC19 ETH_LED_Y { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PC20 DiagPin { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PC21 UsbVBusPin { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::rw, "spi.cs3" }, // PC22 SPI CS3 { TcOutput::tioa3, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::rwpwm, "io7.out" }, // PC23 IO7_OUT { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PC24 SBC_SPI_SCK { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PC25 SBC_SPI_SS0 { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PC26 SBC_SPI_MISO { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PC27 SBC_SPI_MOSI { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PC28 driver 2 step { TcOutput::tioa5, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::adc1_4, PinCapability::ainrwpwm,"temp1" }, // PC29 thermistor 1 { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::adc1_5, PinCapability::ainr, "temp2" }, // PC30 thermistor 2 { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::adc1_6, PinCapability::ainr, "temp3" }, // PC31 thermistor 3 // PORT D { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PD00 GTXCK { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PD01 GTXEN { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PD02 GTX0 { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PD03 GTX1 { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PD04 GRXDV { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PD05 GRX0 { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PD06 GRX1 { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PD07 GRXER { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PD08 GMDC { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PD09 GMDIO { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PD10 driver 1 dir { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PD11 EthernetPhyReset { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PD12 CAN1_TX { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PD13 driver 2 diag { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PD14 driver 5 dir { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::read, "io1.in,serial1.rx" }, // PD15 IO1_IN and Serial1 RX { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::rw, "io1.out,serial1.tx"}, // PD16 IO1_OUT and Serial1 TX { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PD17 Tmc51xxCSPin { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PD18 NC { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PD19 NC { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::rw, "spi.cs2" }, // PD20 SPI CS2 { TcOutput::tioa11, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::rwpwm, "io5.out" }, // PD21 IO5_OUT { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PD22 NC { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::read, "out5.tach" }, // PD23 OUT5_TACH { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PD24 SWD_EXT_RST { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::read, "io0.in,serial0.rx" }, // PD25 IO0_IN Serial0 RX { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::rw, "io0.out,serial0.tx"}, // PD26 IO0_OUT Serial0 TX { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::rw, "io2.out,i2c0.dat" }, // PD27 IO2_OUT { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::read, "io2.in,i2c0.clk" }, // PD28 IO2_IN { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PD29 driver 0 diag { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::adc0_0, PinCapability::ainr, "io4.in" }, // PD30 IO4_IN { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PD31 driver 4 diag // Port E { TcOutput::tioa9, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::rwpwm, "io4.out" }, // PE00 IO4_OUT { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::rw, "io8.out" }, // PE01 IO8_OUT { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::none, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PE02 SbcTfrReady { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::adc1_10, PinCapability::read, "io8.in" }, // PE03 IO8_IN analog in not usable because it is on the wrong ADC { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::adc0_4, PinCapability::none, nullptr }, // PE04 V12 detect { TcOutput::none, PwmOutput::none, AdcInput::adc0_3, PinCapability::ainr, "io3.in" }, // PE05 IO3_IN }; constexpr unsigned int NumNamedPins = ARRAY_SIZE(PinTable); static_assert(NumNamedPins == 32+32+32+32+6); // Function to look up a pin name pass back the corresponding index into the pin table bool LookupPinName(const char *pn, LogicalPin& lpin, bool& hardwareInverted) noexcept; // Serial Interfaces constexpr Pin APIN_Serial0_RXD = PortDPin(25); constexpr Pin APIN_Serial0_TXD = PortDPin(26); constexpr auto Serial0PinFunction = GpioPinFunction::C; constexpr Pin APIN_Serial1_RXD = PortDPin(15); constexpr Pin APIN_Serial1_TXD = PortDPin(16); constexpr auto Serial1PinFunction = GpioPinFunction::B; // SD Card constexpr Pin HsmciMclkPin = PortAPin(25); constexpr auto HsmciMclkPinFunction = GpioPinFunction::D; constexpr Pin HsmciOtherPins[] = { PortAPin(26), PortAPin(27), PortAPin(28), PortAPin(30), PortAPin(31) }; constexpr auto HsmciOtherPinsFunction = GpioPinFunction::C; // Duet pin numbers for the SBC interface #define SBC_SPI SPI1 #define SBC_SPI_INTERFACE_ID ID_SPI1 #define SBC_SPI_IRQn SPI1_IRQn #define SBC_SPI_HANDLER SPI1_Handler constexpr Pin APIN_SBC_SPI_MOSI = PortCPin(27); constexpr Pin APIN_SBC_SPI_MISO = PortCPin(26); constexpr Pin APIN_SBC_SPI_SCK = PortCPin(24); constexpr Pin APIN_SBC_SPI_SS0 = PortCPin(25); constexpr GpioPinFunction SBCPinPeriphMode = GpioPinFunction::C; // CAN constexpr Pin APIN_CAN0_RX = PortBPin(3); constexpr Pin APIN_CAN0_TX = PortBPin(2); constexpr GpioPinFunction CAN0PinPeriphMode = GpioPinFunction::A; constexpr Pin APIN_CAN1_RX = PortCPin(12); constexpr GpioPinFunction CAN1RXPinPeriphMode = GpioPinFunction::C; constexpr Pin APIN_CAN1_TX = PortDPin(12); constexpr GpioPinFunction CAN1TXPinPeriphMode = GpioPinFunction::B; constexpr unsigned int CanDeviceNumber = 1; // CAN-FD device number #if defined(DUAL_CAN) && DUAL_CAN constexpr unsigned int SecondaryCanDeviceNumber = 0; // plan CAN device number #endif constexpr Pin SbcTfrReadyPin = PortEPin(2); // Note, the DMAC peripheral IDs are hard-coded in DataTransfer // Timer allocation // Step timer is timer 0 aka TC0 channel 0. Also used as the CAN timestamp counter. #define STEP_TC (TC0) #define STEP_TC_CHAN (0) // channel for lower 16 bits #define STEP_TC_CHAN_UPPER (2) // channel for upper 16 bits #define STEP_TC_IRQN TC0_IRQn #define STEP_TC_HANDLER TC0_Handler #define STEP_TC_ID ID_TC0 #define STEP_TC_ID_UPPER ID_TC2 // DMA channel allocation constexpr DmaChannel DmacChanHsmci = 0; // this is hard coded in the ASF HSMCI driver //constexpr DmaChannel DmacChanWiFiTx = 1; // only on v0.3 board //constexpr DmaChannel DmacChanWiFiRx = 2; // only on v0.3 board constexpr DmaChannel DmacChanTmcTx = 3; constexpr DmaChannel DmacChanTmcRx = 4; constexpr DmaChannel DmacChanSbcTx = 5; constexpr DmaChannel DmacChanSbcRx = 6; constexpr DmaChannel DmacChanDotStarTx = 7; constexpr size_t NumDmaChannelsUsed = 8; namespace StepPins { // *** These next three functions must use the same bit assignments in the drivers bitmap *** // Each stepper driver must be assigned one bit in a 32-bit word, in such a way that multiple drivers can be stepped efficiently // and more or less simultaneously by doing parallel writes to several bits in one or more output ports. // All our step pins are on port C, so the bitmap is just the map of step bits in port C. // Calculate the step bit for a driver. This doesn't need to be fast. It must return 0 if the driver is remote. static inline uint32_t CalcDriverBitmap(size_t driver) noexcept { return (driver < NumDirectDrivers) ? 1u << (STEP_PINS[driver] & 0x1Fu) : 0; } // Set the specified step pins high. This needs to be fast. static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) void StepDriversHigh(uint32_t driverMap) noexcept { PIOC->PIO_SODR = driverMap; // on Duet 3 all step pins are on port C } // Set the specified step pins low. This needs to be fast. static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) void StepDriversLow(uint32_t driverMap) noexcept { PIOC->PIO_CODR = driverMap; // on Duet 3 all step pins are on port C } } #endif