/* * DueXn.cpp * * Created on: 19 Oct 2016 * Author: David */ #include "DueXn.h" #include "SX1509.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace DuetExpansion { constexpr uint8_t DueXnAddress = 0x3E; // address of the SX1509B on the DueX2/DueX5 static constexpr unsigned int DueXTaskStackWords = 100; // task stack size in dwords static SX1509 dueXnExpander; static uint16_t dueXnInputMask; static volatile uint16_t dueXnInputBits = 0; static ExpansionBoardType dueXnBoardType = ExpansionBoardType::none; const uint8_t AdditionalIoExpanderAddress = 0x71; // address of the SX1509B we allow for general I/O expansion static SX1509 additionalIoExpander; static bool additionalIoExpanderPresent = false; static uint16_t additionalIoInputBits = 0; static volatile uint32_t dueXnReadCount = 0; static uint32_t dueXnReadCountResetMillis = 0; static volatile bool taskWaiting = false; Task *dueXTask = nullptr; // The original DueX2 and DueX5 boards had 2 board ID pins, bits 14 and 15. // The new ones use bit 15 for fan 8, so not we just have bit 14. // If we want any more variants, they will have to use a different I2C address. const uint16_t BoardTypePins = (1u << 14); const unsigned int BoardTypeShift = 14; const ExpansionBoardType boardTypes[] = { ExpansionBoardType::DueX5, ExpansionBoardType::DueX2 }; const unsigned int Fan3Bit = 12; const unsigned int Fan4Bit = 7; const unsigned int Fan5Bit = 6; const unsigned int Fan6Bit = 5; const unsigned int Fan7Bit = 4; const unsigned int Fan8Bit = 15; const uint16_t AllFanBits = (1u << Fan3Bit) | (1u << Fan4Bit) | (1u << Fan5Bit) | (1u << Fan6Bit) | (1u << Fan7Bit) | (1 << Fan8Bit); const unsigned int E2StopBit = 0; const unsigned int E3StopBit = 3; const unsigned int E4StopBit = 2; const unsigned int E5StopBit = 1; const unsigned int E6StopBit = 13; const uint16_t AllStopBitsX2 = (1u << E2StopBit) | (1u << E3StopBit); const uint16_t AllStopBitsX5 = AllStopBitsX2 | (1u << E4StopBit) | (1u << E5StopBit) | (1u << E6StopBit); const unsigned int Gpio1Bit = 11; const unsigned int Gpio2Bit = 10; const unsigned int Gpio3Bit = 9; const unsigned int Gpio4Bit = 8; const uint16_t AllGpioBits = (1u << Gpio1Bit) | (1u << Gpio2Bit) | (1u << Gpio3Bit) | (1u <GiveFromISR(); } } // This is the loop executed by the DueX task extern "C" [[noreturn]] void DueXTask(void * pvParameters) noexcept { for (;;) { taskWaiting = false; // make sure we are not notified while we do the I2C transaction TaskBase::ClearNotifyCount(); dueXnInputBits = dueXnExpander.digitalReadAll(); taskWaiting = true; ++dueXnReadCount; if (digitalRead(DueX_INT)) { (void)TaskBase::Take(); } } } } // Identify which expansion board (if any) is attached and initialise it ExpansionBoardType DuetExpansion::DueXnInit() noexcept { I2C::Init(); // initialise I2C delay(200); // the SX1509B has an independent power on reset, so give it some time // DC 2018-07-12: occasionally the SX1509B isn't found after doing a software reset, so try a few more attempts bool ret; unsigned int attempts = 0; do { ++attempts; delay(50); ret = dueXnExpander.begin(DueXnAddress); } while (!ret && attempts < 5); (void)I2C_IFACE.GetErrorCounts(true); // clear the error counts in case there wasn't a device there or we didn't find it first time if (ret) { dueXnExpander.pinModeMultiple(BoardTypePins, INPUT_PULLUP); const uint16_t data = dueXnExpander.digitalReadAll(); dueXnBoardType = boardTypes[(data & BoardTypePins) >> BoardTypeShift]; } else { dueXnBoardType = ExpansionBoardType::none; // no device found at that address, or a serious error } if (dueXnBoardType != ExpansionBoardType::none) { pinMode(DueX_INT, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(DueX_SG, INPUT_PULLUP); dueXnExpander.pinModeMultiple(AllFanBits, OUTPUT_PWM_LOW); // Initialise the PWM pins const uint16_t stopBits = (dueXnBoardType == ExpansionBoardType::DueX5) ? AllStopBitsX5 : AllStopBitsX2; // I am assuming that the X0 has 2 endstop inputs dueXnExpander.pinModeMultiple(stopBits | AllGpioBits, INPUT); // Initialise the endstop inputs and GPIO pins (no pullups because 5V-tolerant) dueXnInputMask = stopBits | AllGpioBits; dueXnExpander.enableInterruptMultiple(dueXnInputMask, InterruptMode::change); } return dueXnBoardType; } // Create the DueXn task and enable the associated interrupt from the DueXn. // This must be called after interrupt priorities have been configured, to comply with FreeRTOS constraints. void DuetExpansion::DueXnTaskInit() noexcept { if (dueXnBoardType != ExpansionBoardType::none) { // Set up the interrupt on any input change attachInterrupt(DueX_INT, DueXIrq, InterruptMode::falling, CallbackParameter(nullptr)); // Clear any initial interrupts (void)dueXnExpander.interruptSourceAndClear(); dueXTask = new Task(); dueXTask->Create(DueXTask, "DUEX", nullptr, TaskPriority::DueXPriority); } } // Look for an additional output pin expander void DuetExpansion::AdditionalOutputInit() noexcept { I2C::Init(); // initialise I2C bool ret; unsigned int attempts = 0; do { ++attempts; delay(50); ret = additionalIoExpander.begin(AdditionalIoExpanderAddress); } while (!ret && attempts < 5); (void)I2C_IFACE.GetErrorCounts(true); // clear the error counts in case there wasn't a device there or we didn't find it first time if (ret) { additionalIoExpander.pinModeMultiple((1u << 16) - 1, INPUT_PULLDOWN); additionalIoInputBits = additionalIoExpander.digitalReadAll(); additionalIoExpanderPresent = true; } } // Return the name of the expansion board, or nullptr if no expansion board const char* _ecv_array null DuetExpansion::GetExpansionBoardName() noexcept { switch(dueXnBoardType) { case ExpansionBoardType::DueX5: return "DueX5"; case ExpansionBoardType::DueX2: return "DueX2"; case ExpansionBoardType::DueX0: return "DueX0"; default: return nullptr; } } // Return the name of the additional expansion board, or nullptr if no expansion board const char* _ecv_array null DuetExpansion::GetAdditionalExpansionBoardName() noexcept { return (additionalIoExpanderPresent) ? "SX1509B expander" : nullptr; } // Set the I/O mode of a pin void DuetExpansion::SetPinMode(Pin pin, PinMode mode) noexcept { if (pin >= DueXnExpansionStart && pin < DueXnExpansionStart + 16) { if (dueXnBoardType != ExpansionBoardType::none) { pin -= DueXnExpansionStart; if (((1u << pin) & AllGpioBits) != 0) { // The GPIO pins have pullup resistors to +5V, therefore we need to configure them as open drain outputs switch(mode) { case OUTPUT_LOW: mode = OUTPUT_LOW_OPEN_DRAIN; break; case OUTPUT_HIGH: mode = OUTPUT_HIGH_OPEN_DRAIN; break; case OUTPUT_PWM_LOW: case OUTPUT_PWM_HIGH: mode = OUTPUT_PWM_OPEN_DRAIN; break; case INPUT_PULLUP: case INPUT_PULLDOWN: mode = INPUT; // we are using 5V-tolerant input with external pullup resistors, so don't enable internal pullup/pulldown resistors break; default: break; } } dueXnExpander.pinMode(pin, mode); } } else if (pin >= AdditionalIoExpansionStart && pin < AdditionalIoExpansionStart + 16) { if (additionalIoExpanderPresent) { additionalIoExpander.pinMode(pin - AdditionalIoExpansionStart, mode); } } } // Read a pin // We need to use the SX1509 interrupt to read the data register using interrupts, and just retrieve that value here. bool DuetExpansion::DigitalRead(Pin pin) noexcept { if (pin >= DueXnExpansionStart && pin < DueXnExpansionStart + 16) { if (dueXnBoardType != ExpansionBoardType::none) { return (dueXnInputBits & (1u << (pin - DueXnExpansionStart))) != 0; } } else if (pin >= AdditionalIoExpansionStart && pin < AdditionalIoExpansionStart + 16) { if (additionalIoExpanderPresent) { // We don't have an interrupt from the additional I/O expander, so always read fresh data. // If this is called from inside an ISR, we will get stale data. if (!inInterrupt() && __get_BASEPRI() == 0) // we must not call expander.digitalRead() from within an ISR { additionalIoInputBits = additionalIoExpander.digitalReadAll(); } return (additionalIoInputBits & (1u << (pin - AdditionalIoExpansionStart))) != 0; } } return false; } // Write a pin void DuetExpansion::DigitalWrite(Pin pin, bool high) noexcept { if (!inInterrupt() && __get_BASEPRI() == 0) // we must not call expander.digitalWrite() from within an ISR { if (pin >= DueXnExpansionStart && pin < DueXnExpansionStart + 16) { if (dueXnBoardType != ExpansionBoardType::none) { dueXnExpander.digitalWrite(pin - DueXnExpansionStart, high); } } else if (pin >= AdditionalIoExpansionStart && pin < AdditionalIoExpansionStart + 16) { if (additionalIoExpanderPresent) { additionalIoExpander.digitalWrite(pin - AdditionalIoExpansionStart, high); } } } } // Set the PWM value on this pin void DuetExpansion::AnalogOut(Pin pin, float pwm) noexcept { if (!inInterrupt() && __get_BASEPRI() == 0) // we must not call expander.analogWrite() from within an ISR { if (pin >= DueXnExpansionStart && pin < DueXnExpansionStart + 16) { if (dueXnBoardType != ExpansionBoardType::none) { dueXnExpander.analogWrite(pin - DueXnExpansionStart, (uint8_t)(constrain(pwm, 0.0, 1.0) * 255)); } } else if (pin >= AdditionalIoExpansionStart && pin < AdditionalIoExpansionStart + 16) { if (additionalIoExpanderPresent) { additionalIoExpander.analogWrite(pin - AdditionalIoExpansionStart, (uint8_t)(constrain(pwm, 0.0, 1.0) * 255)); } } } } // Print diagnostic data. I2C error counts are now reported by Platform. void DuetExpansion::Diagnostics(MessageType mtype) noexcept { if (dueXnBoardType != ExpansionBoardType::none) { const uint32_t now = millis(); const uint32_t readCount = dueXnReadCount; dueXnReadCount = 0; reprap.GetPlatform().MessageF(mtype, "=== DueX ===\nRead count %" PRIu32 ", %.02f reads/min\n", readCount, (double)(((float)readCount * (SecondsToMillis * MinutesToSeconds))/(now - dueXnReadCountResetMillis)) ); dueXnReadCountResetMillis = now; } } // Diagnose the SX1509 by setting all pins as inputs and reading them uint16_t DuetExpansion::DiagnosticRead() noexcept { dueXnExpander.pinModeMultiple(AllStopBitsX5 | AllGpioBits | AllFanBits, INPUT); // Initialise the endstop inputs and GPIO pins (no pullups because 5V-tolerant) delay(1); const uint16_t retval = dueXnExpander.digitalReadAll(); // read all inputs with pullup resistors on fans DueXnInit(); // back to normal return retval; } void DuetExpansion::Exit() { detachInterrupt(DueX_INT); if (dueXTask != nullptr) { dueXTask->TerminateAndUnlink(); } } // End