/* * Endstop.cpp * * Created on: 3 Apr 2019 * Author: David */ #include "EndstopsManager.h" #include "Endstop.h" #include "SwitchEndstop.h" #include "StallDetectionEndstop.h" #include "ZProbeEndstop.h" #include "ZProbe.h" #include "LocalZProbe.h" #include "RemoteZProbe.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if SUPPORT_CAN_EXPANSION # include #endif ReadWriteLock EndstopsManager::endstopsLock; ReadWriteLock EndstopsManager::zProbesLock; #if SUPPORT_OBJECT_MODEL // Object model table and functions // Note: if using GCC version 7.3.1 20180622 and lambda functions are used in this table, you must compile this file with option -std=gnu++17. // Otherwise the table will be allocated in RAM instead of flash, which wastes too much RAM. // Macro to build a standard lambda function that includes the necessary type conversions #define OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC(...) OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC_BODY(EndstopsManager, __VA_ARGS__) constexpr ObjectModelArrayDescriptor EndstopsManager::sensorsArrayDescriptor = { &Heat::sensorsLock, [] (const ObjectModel *self, const ObjectExplorationContext&) noexcept -> size_t { return reprap.GetHeat().GetNumSensorsToReport(); }, [] (const ObjectModel *self, ObjectExplorationContext& context) noexcept -> ExpressionValue { return ExpressionValue(reprap.GetHeat().FindSensor(context.GetLastIndex()).Ptr()); } }; constexpr ObjectModelArrayDescriptor EndstopsManager::endstopsArrayDescriptor = { &endstopsLock, [] (const ObjectModel *self, const ObjectExplorationContext&) noexcept -> size_t { return reprap.GetGCodes().GetTotalAxes(); }, [] (const ObjectModel *self, ObjectExplorationContext& context) noexcept -> ExpressionValue { return ExpressionValue(((const EndstopsManager*)self)->FindEndstop(context.GetLastIndex()).Ptr()); } }; constexpr ObjectModelArrayDescriptor EndstopsManager::filamentMonitorsArrayDescriptor = { &FilamentMonitor::filamentMonitorsLock, [] (const ObjectModel *self, const ObjectExplorationContext&) noexcept -> size_t { return FilamentMonitor::GetNumMonitorsToReport(); }, [] (const ObjectModel *self, ObjectExplorationContext& context) noexcept -> ExpressionValue { return ExpressionValue(FilamentMonitor::GetMonitorAlreadyLocked(context.GetLastIndex())); } }; constexpr ObjectModelArrayDescriptor EndstopsManager::gpinArrayDescriptor = { nullptr, [] (const ObjectModel *self, const ObjectExplorationContext&) noexcept -> size_t { return reprap.GetPlatform().GetNumGpInputsToReport(); }, [] (const ObjectModel *self, ObjectExplorationContext& context) noexcept -> ExpressionValue { const GpInputPort& port = reprap.GetPlatform().GetGpInPort(context.GetLastIndex()); return (port.IsUnused()) ? ExpressionValue(nullptr) : ExpressionValue(&port); } }; constexpr ObjectModelArrayDescriptor EndstopsManager::probesArrayDescriptor = { &zProbesLock, [] (const ObjectModel *self, const ObjectExplorationContext&) noexcept -> size_t { return ((const EndstopsManager*)self)->GetNumProbesToReport(); }, [] (const ObjectModel *self, ObjectExplorationContext& context) noexcept -> ExpressionValue { return ExpressionValue(((const EndstopsManager*)self)->GetZProbe(context.GetLastIndex()).Ptr()); } }; constexpr ObjectModelTableEntry EndstopsManager::objectModelTable[] = { // Within each group, these entries must be in alphabetical order // 0. sensors members { "analog", OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC_NOSELF(&sensorsArrayDescriptor), ObjectModelEntryFlags::live }, { "endstops", OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC_NOSELF(&endstopsArrayDescriptor), ObjectModelEntryFlags::live }, { "filamentMonitors", OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC_NOSELF(&filamentMonitorsArrayDescriptor), ObjectModelEntryFlags::live }, { "gpIn", OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC_NOSELF(&gpinArrayDescriptor), ObjectModelEntryFlags::live }, { "probes", OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC_NOSELF(&probesArrayDescriptor), ObjectModelEntryFlags::live }, }; constexpr uint8_t EndstopsManager::objectModelTableDescriptor[] = { 1, 5 }; DEFINE_GET_OBJECT_MODEL_TABLE(EndstopsManager) #endif EndstopsManager::EndstopsManager() noexcept : activeEndstops(nullptr), #if HAS_STALL_DETECT extrudersEndstop(nullptr), #endif isHomingMove(false) { for (Endstop *& es : axisEndstops) { es = nullptr; } for (ZProbe *& zp : zProbes) { zp = nullptr; } } void EndstopsManager::Init() noexcept { activeEndstops = nullptr; #if ALLOCATE_DEFAULT_PORTS // Configure default endstops String<1> dummy; for (size_t axis = 0; axis < ARRAY_SIZE(DefaultEndstopPinNames); ++axis) { SwitchEndstop * const sw = new SwitchEndstop(axis, EndStopPosition::lowEndStop); sw->Configure(DefaultEndstopPinNames[axis], dummy.GetRef()); axisEndstops[axis] = sw; } #endif // Z probes reprap.GetPlatform().InitZProbeFilters(); #if ALLOCATE_DEFAULT_PORTS LocalZProbe * const zp = new LocalZProbe(0); zp->AssignPorts(DefaultZProbePinNames, dummy.GetRef()); zProbes[0] = zp; #endif defaultZProbe = new DummyZProbe(0); // we must always have a non-null current Z probe so we use this one if none is defined } ReadLockedPointer EndstopsManager::FindEndstop(size_t axis) const noexcept { ReadLocker lock(endstopsLock); return ReadLockedPointer(lock, (axis < MaxAxes) ? axisEndstops[axis] : nullptr); } ReadLockedPointer EndstopsManager::GetZProbe(size_t index) const noexcept { ReadLocker lock(zProbesLock); return ReadLockedPointer(lock, (index < ARRAY_SIZE(zProbes)) ? zProbes[index] : nullptr); } // Return the current Z probe if there is one, else a default Z probe ReadLockedPointer EndstopsManager::GetZProbeOrDefault(size_t index) const noexcept { ReadLocker lock(zProbesLock); return ReadLockedPointer(lock, (index < ARRAY_SIZE(zProbes) && zProbes[index] != nullptr) ? zProbes[index] : defaultZProbe); } ZProbe& EndstopsManager::GetDefaultZProbeFromISR() const noexcept { return (zProbes[0] != nullptr) ? *zProbes[0] : *defaultZProbe; } // Add an endstop to the active list void EndstopsManager::AddToActive(EndstopOrZProbe& e) noexcept { e.SetNext(activeEndstops); activeEndstops = &e; } // Set up the active endstop list according to the axes commanded to move in a G0/G1 S1/S3 command. Return true if successful. bool EndstopsManager::EnableAxisEndstops(AxesBitmap axes, bool forHoming, bool& reduceAcceleration) noexcept { activeEndstops = nullptr; reduceAcceleration = false; isHomingMove = forHoming && axes.IsNonEmpty(); const Kinematics& kin = reprap.GetMove().GetKinematics(); while (axes.IsNonEmpty()) { const unsigned int axis = axes.LowestSetBit(); axes.ClearBit(axis); Endstop * const es = axisEndstops[axis]; if (es != nullptr && es->Prime(kin, reprap.GetPlatform().GetAxisDriversConfig(axis))) { AddToActive(*es); if (es->ShouldReduceAcceleration()) { reduceAcceleration = true; } } else { activeEndstops = nullptr; return false; } } return true; } // Set up the active endstops for Z probing, returning true if successful bool EndstopsManager::EnableZProbe(size_t probeNumber, bool probingAway) noexcept { activeEndstops = nullptr; isHomingMove = false; if (probeNumber < MaxZProbes && zProbes[probeNumber] != nullptr) { zProbes[probeNumber]->SetProbingAway(probingAway); AddToActive(*zProbes[probeNumber]); } return true; } // Enable extruder endstops. This adds to any existing axis endstops, so you must call EnableAxisEndstops before calling this. bool EndstopsManager::EnableExtruderEndstops(ExtrudersBitmap extruders) noexcept { if (extruders.IsNonEmpty()) { #if HAS_STALL_DETECT if (extrudersEndstop == nullptr) { extrudersEndstop = new StallDetectionEndstop; } DriversBitmap drivers; while (extruders.IsNonEmpty()) { const unsigned int extruder = extruders.LowestSetBit(); extruders.ClearBit(extruder); const DriverId driver = reprap.GetPlatform().GetExtruderDriver(extruder); # if SUPPORT_CAN_EXPANSION if (driver.IsLocal()) { drivers.SetBit(driver.localDriver); } else { //TODO remote stall detect endstop return false; } # else drivers.SetBit(driver.localDriver); # endif } extrudersEndstop->SetDrivers(drivers); AddToActive(*extrudersEndstop); #else return false; #endif } return true; } // Check the endstops. // If an endstop has triggered, remove it from the active list and return its details EndstopHitDetails EndstopsManager::CheckEndstops() noexcept { EndstopHitDetails ret; // the default constructor will clear all fields EndstopOrZProbe *actioned = nullptr; for (EndstopOrZProbe *esp = activeEndstops; esp != nullptr; esp = esp->GetNext()) { EndstopHitDetails hd = esp->CheckTriggered(); if (hd.GetAction() == EndstopHitAction::stopAll) { activeEndstops = nullptr; // no need to do anything else if (!isHomingMove) { hd.setAxisHigh = false; hd.setAxisLow = false; } return hd; } if (hd.GetAction() > ret.GetAction()) { ret = hd; actioned = esp; } } if (ret.GetAction() != EndstopHitAction::none) { if (actioned->Acknowledge(ret)) { // The actioned endstop has completed so remove it from the active list EndstopOrZProbe *prev = nullptr; for (EndstopOrZProbe *es = activeEndstops; es != nullptr; ) { if (es == actioned) { if (prev == nullptr) { activeEndstops = es->GetNext(); } else { prev->SetNext(es->GetNext()); } break; } prev = es; es = es->GetNext(); } } if (!isHomingMove) { ret.setAxisHigh = false; ret.setAxisLow = false; } } return ret; } // Configure the endstops in response to M574 GCodeResult EndstopsManager::HandleM574(GCodeBuffer& gb, const StringRef& reply, OutputBuffer*& outbuf) THROWS(GCodeException) { // First count how many axes we are configuring, and lock movement if necessary unsigned int axesSeen = 0; size_t lastAxisSeen = 0; // dummy initialisation to avoid compiler warnings EndStopPosition lastPosSeen = EndStopPosition::noEndStop; // dummy initialisation to avoid compiler warnings for (size_t axis = 0; axis < reprap.GetGCodes().GetTotalAxes(); ++axis) { if (gb.Seen(reprap.GetGCodes().GetAxisLetters()[axis])) { lastPosSeen = (EndStopPosition)gb.GetUIValue(); if (lastPosSeen >= EndStopPosition::numPositions) { reply.copy("Invalid endstop position"); return GCodeResult::error; } lastAxisSeen = axis; ++axesSeen; } } if (axesSeen == 0) { // Report current configuration // The response can get very long, so allocate an output buffer if (outbuf == nullptr && !OutputBuffer::Allocate(outbuf)) { return GCodeResult::notFinished; } outbuf->copy("Endstop configuration:"); ReadLocker lock(endstopsLock); for (size_t axis = 0; axis < reprap.GetGCodes().GetTotalAxes(); ++axis) { outbuf->catf("\n%c: ", reprap.GetGCodes().GetAxisLetters()[axis]); if (axisEndstops[axis] == nullptr) { outbuf->cat("none"); } else { outbuf->cat((axisEndstops[axis]->GetAtHighEnd()) ? "high end " : "low end "); reply.Clear(); axisEndstops[axis]->AppendDetails(reply); outbuf->cat(reply.c_str()); } } return GCodeResult::ok; } // If we get here then axes were specified so we are setting endstop parameters if (!reprap.GetGCodes().LockMovementAndWaitForStandstill(gb)) { return GCodeResult::notFinished; } activeEndstops = nullptr; // we may be about to remove endstops, so make sure they are not in the active list const EndStopType inputType = (gb.Seen('S')) ? (EndStopType)gb.GetUIValue() : EndStopType::inputPin; if (inputType >= EndStopType::numInputTypes) { reply.copy("invalid input type"); return GCodeResult::error; } if (inputType == EndStopType::unused_wasActiveLow) { reply.copy("endstop type 0 is no longer supported. Use type 1 and invert the input pin instead."); return GCodeResult::error; } if (gb.Seen('P')) // we use P not C, because C may be an axis { // Setting the port number(s), so there must be just one axis and we must be using switch-type endstops if (axesSeen > 1 || inputType != EndStopType::inputPin) { reply.copy("Invalid use of P parameter"); return GCodeResult::error; } WriteLocker lock(endstopsLock); delete axisEndstops[lastAxisSeen]; axisEndstops[lastAxisSeen] = nullptr; SwitchEndstop * const sw = new SwitchEndstop(lastAxisSeen, lastPosSeen); const GCodeResult rslt = sw->Configure(gb, reply); if (rslt == GCodeResult::ok) { axisEndstops[lastAxisSeen] = sw; } else { delete sw; } return rslt; } // No P parameter, so there may be multiple axes for (size_t axis = 0; axis < reprap.GetGCodes().GetTotalAxes(); ++axis) { const char c = reprap.GetGCodes().GetAxisLetters()[axis]; if (gb.Seen(c)) { const EndStopPosition pos = (EndStopPosition)gb.GetUIValue(); // we range-checked this earlier WriteLocker lock(endstopsLock); if (pos == EndStopPosition::noEndStop) { DeleteObject(axisEndstops[axis]); } else { switch (inputType.ToBaseType()) { #if HAS_STALL_DETECT case EndStopType::motorStallAny: // Asking for stall detection endstop, so we can delete any existing endstop(s) and create new ones ReplaceObject(axisEndstops[axis], new StallDetectionEndstop(axis, pos, false)); break; case EndStopType::motorStallIndividual: // Asking for stall detection endstop, so we can delete any existing endstop(s) and create new ones ReplaceObject(axisEndstops[axis], new StallDetectionEndstop(axis, pos, true)); break; #else case EndStopType::motorStallAny: case EndStopType::motorStallIndividual: DeleteObject(axisEndstops[axis]); reply.copy("Stall detection not supported by this hardware"); return GCodeResult::error; #endif case EndStopType::zProbeAsEndstop: // Asking for a ZProbe or stall detection endstop, so we can delete any existing endstop(s) and create new ones ReplaceObject(axisEndstops[axis], new ZProbeEndstop(axis, pos)); break; case EndStopType::inputPin: if ( axisEndstops[axis] == nullptr || axisEndstops[axis]->GetEndstopType() != EndStopType::inputPin ) { // Asking for a switch endstop but we don't already have one, so we don't know what pin number(s) it should use reply.printf("Pin name needed for switch-type endstop on %c axis", c); return GCodeResult::error; } else { axisEndstops[axis]->SetAtHighEnd(pos == EndStopPosition::highEndStop); } break; default: break; } } } } return GCodeResult::ok; } EndStopPosition EndstopsManager::GetEndStopPosition(size_t axis) const noexcept { return (axisEndstops[axis] == nullptr) ? EndStopPosition::noEndStop : (axisEndstops[axis]->GetAtHighEnd()) ? EndStopPosition::highEndStop : EndStopPosition::lowEndStop; } // Return true if we are using a bed probe to home Z bool EndstopsManager::HomingZWithProbe() const noexcept { return axisEndstops[Z_AXIS] == nullptr || axisEndstops[Z_AXIS]->GetEndstopType() == EndStopType::zProbeAsEndstop; } bool EndstopsManager::Stopped(size_t axis) const noexcept { return (axisEndstops[axis] != nullptr) && axisEndstops[axis]->Stopped(); } void EndstopsManager::GetM119report(const StringRef& reply) noexcept { reply.copy("Endstops - "); for (size_t axis = 0; axis < reprap.GetGCodes().GetTotalAxes(); ++axis) { const char * const status = (axisEndstops[axis] == nullptr) ? "no endstop" : TranslateEndStopResult(axisEndstops[axis]->Stopped(), axisEndstops[axis]->GetAtHighEnd()); reply.catf("%c: %s, ", reprap.GetGCodes().GetAxisLetters()[axis], status); } reply.catf("Z probe: %s", TranslateEndStopResult(GetZProbeOrDefault(0)->Stopped(), false)); } const char *EndstopsManager::TranslateEndStopResult(bool hit, bool atHighEnd) noexcept { if (hit) { return (atHighEnd) ? "at max stop" : "at min stop"; } return "not stopped"; } void EndstopsManager::SetZProbeDefaults() noexcept { zProbes[0]->SetDefaults(); for (size_t i = 0; i < MaxZProbes; ++i) { DeleteObject(zProbes[i]); } } // Program the Z probe GCodeResult EndstopsManager::ProgramZProbe(GCodeBuffer& gb, const StringRef& reply) THROWS(GCodeException) { const unsigned int probeNumber = (gb.Seen('K')) ? gb.GetLimitedUIValue('K', MaxZProbes) : 0; ReadLocker lock(zProbesLock); ZProbe * const zProbe = zProbes[probeNumber]; if (zProbe == nullptr) { reply.copy("Invalid Z probe index"); return GCodeResult::error; } if (gb.Seen('S')) { uint32_t zProbeProgram[MaxZProbeProgramBytes]; size_t len = MaxZProbeProgramBytes; gb.GetUnsignedArray(zProbeProgram, len, false); if (len != 0) { for (size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) { if (zProbeProgram[i] > 255) { reply.copy("Out of range value in program bytes"); return GCodeResult::error; } } return zProbe->SendProgram(zProbeProgram, len, reply); } } reply.copy("No program bytes provided"); return GCodeResult::error; } #if HAS_MASS_STORAGE || HAS_SBC_INTERFACE bool EndstopsManager::WriteZProbeParameters(FileStore *f, bool includingG31) const noexcept { bool ok = true; bool written = false; for (size_t i = 0; i < MaxZProbes; ++i) { ZProbe * const zp = zProbes[i]; if (zp != nullptr) { if (includingG31) { zp->SetSaveToConfigOverride(); } if (zp->GetSaveToConfigOverride()) { if (!written) { ok = f->Write("; Z probe parameters\n"); written = true; } if (ok) { ok = zp->WriteParameters(f, i); } } } } return ok; } #endif // Handle M558 GCodeResult EndstopsManager::HandleM558(GCodeBuffer& gb, const StringRef &reply) THROWS(GCodeException) { const unsigned int probeNumber = (gb.Seen('K')) ? gb.GetLimitedUIValue('K', MaxZProbes) : 0; // Check what sort of Z probe we need and where it is, so see whether we need to delete any existing one and create a new one. // If there is no probe, we need a new one; and if it is not a motor stall one then a port number must be given. // If we are switching between motor stall and any other type, we need a new one. A port must be specified unless it is motor stall. // If it not a motor stall probe and a port number is given, we need a new one in case it is on a different board. // If it is a motor stall endstop, there should not be a port specified, but we can ignore the port if it is present uint32_t probeType = (uint32_t)ZProbeType::none; bool seenType = false; gb.TryGetLimitedUIValue('P', probeType, seenType, (uint32_t)ZProbeType::numTypes); if ( seenType && ( probeType == (uint32_t)ZProbeType::e1Switch_obsolete || probeType == (uint32_t)ZProbeType::endstopSwitch_obsolete || probeType == (uint32_t)ZProbeType::zSwitch_obsolete ) ) { reply.printf("Invalid Z probe type %" PRIu32, probeType); return GCodeResult::error; } WriteLocker lock(zProbesLock); ZProbe * const existingProbe = zProbes[probeNumber]; if (existingProbe == nullptr && !seenType) { reply.printf("Z probe %u not found", probeNumber); return GCodeResult::error; } const bool seenPort = gb.Seen('C'); bool seen = seenType || seenPort; if (seen) // we need a new probe if we have seen either P or C { if (!seenType) // if a port is specified then the type must be specified too { reply.copy("Missing Z probe type number"); return GCodeResult::error; } DeleteObject(zProbes[probeNumber]); // delete the old probe first, the new one might use the same ports ZProbe *newProbe; switch ((ZProbeType)probeType) { case ZProbeType::none: newProbe = new DummyZProbe(probeNumber); break; case ZProbeType::zMotorStall: newProbe = new MotorStallZProbe(probeNumber); break; default: if (!seenPort) { reply.copy("Missing Z probe pin name(s)"); return GCodeResult::error; } { #if SUPPORT_CAN_EXPANSION String pinNames; gb.Seen('C'); gb.GetReducedString(pinNames.GetRef()); const CanAddress boardAddress = IoPort::RemoveBoardAddress(pinNames.GetRef()); if (boardAddress != CanInterface::GetCanAddress()) { RemoteZProbe *newRemoteProbe = new RemoteZProbe(probeNumber, boardAddress, (ZProbeType)probeType); const GCodeResult rslt = newRemoteProbe->Create(pinNames.GetRef(), reply); if (rslt != GCodeResult::ok) { delete newRemoteProbe; return rslt; } newProbe = newRemoteProbe; } else #endif if ( probeNumber != 0 && ( probeType == (unsigned int)ZProbeType::analog || probeType == (unsigned int)ZProbeType::alternateAnalog || probeType == (unsigned int)ZProbeType::dumbModulated || probeType == (unsigned int)ZProbeType::digital ) ) { reply.copy("Types 1,2,3 and 5 are available for Z probe 0 only"); return GCodeResult::error; } else { newProbe = new LocalZProbe(probeNumber); } } break; } const GCodeResult rslt = newProbe->Configure(gb, reply, seen); if (rslt == GCodeResult::ok || rslt == GCodeResult::warning) { zProbes[probeNumber] = newProbe; } return rslt; } // If we get here then there is an existing probe of the correct type and we just need to change its configuration return zProbes[probeNumber]->Configure(gb, reply, seen); } // Set or print the Z probe. Called by G31. // Note that G31 P or G31 P0 prints the parameters of the currently-selected Z probe. GCodeResult EndstopsManager::HandleG31(GCodeBuffer& gb, const StringRef& reply) THROWS(GCodeException) { const unsigned int probeNumber = (gb.Seen('K')) ? gb.GetLimitedUIValue('K', MaxZProbes) : 0; ReadLocker lock(zProbesLock); ZProbe * const zp = zProbes[probeNumber]; if (zp == nullptr) { reply.copy("Invalid Z probe index"); return GCodeResult::error; } return zp->HandleG31(gb, reply); } #if SUPPORT_OBJECT_MODEL size_t EndstopsManager::GetNumProbesToReport() const noexcept { size_t ret = MaxZProbes; while (ret != 0 && zProbes[ret - 1] == nullptr) { --ret; } return ret; } #endif #if SUPPORT_CAN_EXPANSION // Handle signalling of a remote switch change, when the handle indicates that it is being used as an endstop. void EndstopsManager::HandleRemoteEndstopChange(CanAddress src, uint8_t handleMajor, uint8_t handleMinor, bool state) noexcept { if (handleMajor < ARRAY_SIZE(axisEndstops)) { Endstop * const es = axisEndstops[handleMajor]; if (es != nullptr) { es->HandleRemoteInputChange(src, handleMinor, state); } } } // Handle signalling of a remote switch change, when the handle indicates that it is being used as a Z probe. void EndstopsManager::HandleRemoteZProbeChange(CanAddress src, uint8_t handleMajor, uint8_t handleMinor, bool state) noexcept { if (handleMajor < ARRAY_SIZE(zProbes)) { ZProbe * const zp = zProbes[handleMajor]; if (zp != nullptr) { zp->HandleRemoteInputChange(src, handleMinor, state); } } } // This is called when we update endstop states because of a message from a remote board. // In time we may use it to help implement interrupt-driven local endstops too, but for now those are checked in the step ISR by a direct call to DDA::CheckEndstops(). void EndstopsManager::OnEndstopOrZProbeStatesChanged() noexcept { const uint32_t oldPrio = ChangeBasePriority(NvicPriorityStep); // shut out the step interrupt DDA * const currentDda = reprap.GetMove().GetMainDDARing().GetCurrentDDA(); if (currentDda != nullptr && currentDda->IsCheckingEndstops()) { Platform& p = reprap.GetPlatform(); currentDda->CheckEndstops(p); if (currentDda->GetState() == DDA::completed) { reprap.GetMove().GetMainDDARing().OnMoveCompleted(currentDda, p); } } RestoreBasePriority(oldPrio); // allow step interrupts again } #endif // End