/* * StallDetectionEndstop.cpp * * Created on: 15 Sep 2019 * Author: David */ #include "StallDetectionEndstop.h" #if HAS_STALL_DETECT #include "Platform.h" #include "Movement/Kinematics/Kinematics.h" // Stall detection endstop StallDetectionEndstop::StallDetectionEndstop(uint8_t p_axis, EndStopPosition pos, bool p_individualMotors) noexcept : Endstop(p_axis, pos), individualMotors(p_individualMotors) { } StallDetectionEndstop::StallDetectionEndstop() noexcept : Endstop(NO_AXIS, EndStopPosition::noEndStop), individualMotors(false), stopAll(true) { } // Test whether we are at or near the stop bool StallDetectionEndstop::Stopped() const noexcept { return GetStalledDrivers(driversMonitored).IsNonEmpty(); } // This is called to prime axis endstops bool StallDetectionEndstop::Prime(const Kinematics& kin, const AxisDriversConfig& axisDrivers) noexcept { // Find which drivers are relevant, and decide whether we stop just the driver, just the axis, or everything stopAll = kin.GetConnectedAxes(GetAxis()).Intersects(~AxesBitmap::MakeFromBits(GetAxis())); numDriversLeft = axisDrivers.numDrivers; driversMonitored = axisDrivers.GetDriversBitmap(); #if SUPPORT_CAN_EXPANSION //TODO if there any remote stall endstops, check they are set up to report #endif return true; } // Check whether the endstop is triggered and return the action that should be performed. Called from the step ISR. // Note, the result will not necessarily be acted on because there may be a higher priority endstop! EndstopHitDetails StallDetectionEndstop::CheckTriggered(bool goingSlow) noexcept { EndstopHitDetails rslt; // initialised by default constructor const DriversBitmap relevantStalledDrivers = GetStalledDrivers(driversMonitored); if (relevantStalledDrivers.IsNonEmpty()) { rslt.axis = GetAxis(); if (rslt.axis == NO_AXIS) { rslt.SetAction(EndstopHitAction::stopAll); } else if (stopAll) { rslt.SetAction(EndstopHitAction::stopAll); if (GetAtHighEnd()) { rslt.setAxisHigh = true; } else { rslt.setAxisLow = true; } } else if (individualMotors && numDriversLeft > 1) { rslt.SetAction(EndstopHitAction::stopDriver); #if SUPPORT_CAN_EXPANSION rslt.driver.boardAddress = 0; #else rslt.driver.localDriver = relevantStalledDrivers.LowestSetBit(); #endif } else { rslt.SetAction(EndstopHitAction::stopAxis); if (GetAtHighEnd()) { rslt.setAxisHigh = true; } else { rslt.setAxisLow = true; } } } return rslt; } // This is called by the ISR to acknowledge that it is acting on the return from calling CheckTriggered. Called from the step ISR. // Return true if we have finished with this endstop or probe in this move. bool StallDetectionEndstop::Acknowledge(EndstopHitDetails what) noexcept { switch (what.GetAction()) { case EndstopHitAction::stopAll: case EndstopHitAction::stopAxis: return true; case EndstopHitAction::stopDriver: driversMonitored.ClearBit(what.driver.localDriver); --numDriversLeft; return false; default: return false; } } void StallDetectionEndstop::AppendDetails(const StringRef& str) noexcept { str.cat((individualMotors) ? "motor stall (individual motors)" : "motor stall (any motor)"); } void StallDetectionEndstop::SetDrivers(DriversBitmap extruderDrivers) noexcept { driversMonitored = extruderDrivers; stopAll = true; } #endif // End