/* * ZProbe.cpp * * Created on: 13 Feb 2018 * Author: David */ #include "ZProbe.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #if SUPPORT_OBJECT_MODEL // Object model table and functions // Note: if using GCC version 7.3.1 20180622 and lambda functions are used in this table, you must compile this file with option -std=gnu++17. // Otherwise the table will be allocated in RAM instead of flash, which wastes too much RAM. // Macro to build a standard lambda function that includes the necessary type conversions #define OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC(...) OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC_BODY(ZProbe, __VA_ARGS__) constexpr ObjectModelArrayDescriptor ZProbe::offsetsArrayDescriptor = { nullptr, // no lock needed [] (const ObjectModel *self, const ObjectExplorationContext&) noexcept -> size_t { return reprap.GetGCodes().GetVisibleAxes(); }, [] (const ObjectModel *self, ObjectExplorationContext& context) noexcept -> ExpressionValue { return ExpressionValue(((const ZProbe*)self)->offsets[context.GetLastIndex()], 2); } }; constexpr ObjectModelArrayDescriptor ZProbe::valueArrayDescriptor = { nullptr, [] (const ObjectModel *self, const ObjectExplorationContext&) noexcept -> size_t { return (((const ZProbe*)self)->type == ZProbeType::dumbModulated) ? 2 : 1; }, [] (const ObjectModel *self, ObjectExplorationContext& context) noexcept -> ExpressionValue { int v1 = 0; return ExpressionValue ( (context.GetLastIndex() == 0) ? (int32_t)((const ZProbe*)self)->GetReading() : (((const ZProbe*)self)->GetSecondaryValues(v1), v1) ); } }; constexpr ObjectModelArrayDescriptor ZProbe::temperatureCoefficientsArrayDescriptor = { nullptr, [] (const ObjectModel *self, const ObjectExplorationContext&) noexcept -> size_t { return ARRAY_SIZE(ZProbe::temperatureCoefficients); }, [] (const ObjectModel *self, ObjectExplorationContext& context) noexcept -> ExpressionValue { return ExpressionValue(((const ZProbe*)self)->temperatureCoefficients[context.GetLastIndex()], 5); } }; constexpr ObjectModelArrayDescriptor ZProbe::speedsArrayDescriptor = { nullptr, [] (const ObjectModel *self, const ObjectExplorationContext&) noexcept -> size_t { return ARRAY_SIZE(ZProbe::probeSpeeds); }, [] (const ObjectModel *self, ObjectExplorationContext& context) noexcept -> ExpressionValue { return ExpressionValue(((const ZProbe*)self)->probeSpeeds[context.GetLastIndex()], 1); } }; constexpr ObjectModelTableEntry ZProbe::objectModelTable[] = { // Within each group, these entries must be in alphabetical order // 0. Probe members { "calibrationTemperature", OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC(self->calibTemperature, 1), ObjectModelEntryFlags::none }, { "deployedByUser", OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC(self->isDeployedByUser), ObjectModelEntryFlags::none }, { "disablesHeaters", OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC((bool)self->misc.parts.turnHeatersOff), ObjectModelEntryFlags::none }, { "diveHeight", OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC(self->diveHeight, 1), ObjectModelEntryFlags::none }, { "lastStopHeight", OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC(self->lastStopHeight, 3), ObjectModelEntryFlags::none }, { "maxProbeCount", OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC((int32_t)self->misc.parts.maxTaps), ObjectModelEntryFlags::none }, { "offsets", OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC_NOSELF(&offsetsArrayDescriptor), ObjectModelEntryFlags::none }, { "recoveryTime", OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC(self->recoveryTime, 1), ObjectModelEntryFlags::none }, { "speed", OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC(self->probeSpeeds[1], 1), ObjectModelEntryFlags::obsolete }, { "speeds", OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC_NOSELF(&speedsArrayDescriptor), ObjectModelEntryFlags::none }, { "temperatureCoefficient", OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC(self->temperatureCoefficients[0], 5), ObjectModelEntryFlags::obsolete }, { "temperatureCoefficients", OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC_NOSELF(&temperatureCoefficientsArrayDescriptor), ObjectModelEntryFlags::none }, { "threshold", OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC((int32_t)self->adcValue), ObjectModelEntryFlags::none }, { "tolerance", OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC(self->tolerance, 3), ObjectModelEntryFlags::none }, { "travelSpeed", OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC(self->travelSpeed, 1), ObjectModelEntryFlags::none }, { "triggerHeight", OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC(self->triggerHeight, 3), ObjectModelEntryFlags::none }, { "type", OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC((int32_t)self->type), ObjectModelEntryFlags::none }, { "value", OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC_NOSELF(&valueArrayDescriptor), ObjectModelEntryFlags::live }, }; constexpr uint8_t ZProbe::objectModelTableDescriptor[] = { 1, 18 }; DEFINE_GET_OBJECT_MODEL_TABLE(ZProbe) #endif ZProbe::ZProbe(unsigned int num, ZProbeType p_type) noexcept : EndstopOrZProbe(), number(num), lastStopHeight(0.0), isDeployedByUser(false) { SetDefaults(); type = p_type; } void ZProbe::SetDefaults() noexcept { adcValue = DefaultZProbeADValue; for (float& offset : offsets) { offset = 0.0; } triggerHeight = DefaultZProbeTriggerHeight; calibTemperature = DefaultZProbeTemperature; for (float& tc : temperatureCoefficients) { tc = 0.0; } diveHeight = DefaultZDive; probeSpeeds[0] = probeSpeeds[1] = DefaultProbingSpeed; travelSpeed = DefaultZProbeTravelSpeed; recoveryTime = 0.0; tolerance = DefaultZProbeTolerance; misc.parts.maxTaps = DefaultZProbeTaps; misc.parts.turnHeatersOff = misc.parts.saveToConfigOverride = misc.parts.probingAway = false; type = ZProbeType::none; sensor = -1; } float ZProbe::GetActualTriggerHeight() const noexcept { if (sensor >= 0) { TemperatureError err; const float temperature = reprap.GetHeat().GetSensorTemperature(sensor, err); if (err == TemperatureError::success) { const float dt = temperature - calibTemperature; return (dt * temperatureCoefficients[0]) + (fsquare(dt) * temperatureCoefficients[1]) + triggerHeight; } } return triggerHeight; } #if HAS_MASS_STORAGE bool ZProbe::WriteParameters(FileStore *f, unsigned int probeNumber) const noexcept { const char* axisLetters = reprap.GetGCodes().GetAxisLetters(); const size_t numTotalAxes = reprap.GetGCodes().GetTotalAxes(); String scratchString; scratchString.printf("G31 K%u P%d", probeNumber, adcValue); for (size_t i = 0; i < numTotalAxes; ++i) { if (axisLetters[i] != 'Z') { scratchString.catf(" %c%.1f", axisLetters[i], (double)offsets[i]); } } scratchString.catf(" Z%.2f\n", (double)triggerHeight); return f->Write(scratchString.c_str()); } #endif int ZProbe::GetReading() const noexcept { int zProbeVal = 0; const Platform& p = reprap.GetPlatform(); if (type == ZProbeType::unfilteredDigital || type == ZProbeType::blTouch || (p.GetZProbeOnFilter().IsValid() && p.GetZProbeOffFilter().IsValid())) { switch (type) { case ZProbeType::analog: // Simple or intelligent IR sensor case ZProbeType::alternateAnalog: // Alternate sensor case ZProbeType::digital: // Switch connected to Z probe input zProbeVal = (int) ((p.GetZProbeOnFilter().GetSum() + p.GetZProbeOffFilter().GetSum()) / (2 * ZProbeAverageReadings)); break; case ZProbeType::dumbModulated: // Dumb modulated IR sensor. // We assume that zProbeOnFilter and zProbeOffFilter average the same number of readings. // Because of noise, it is possible to get a negative reading, so allow for this. zProbeVal = (int) (((int32_t)p.GetZProbeOnFilter().GetSum() - (int32_t)p.GetZProbeOffFilter().GetSum())/(int)ZProbeAverageReadings); break; case ZProbeType::unfilteredDigital: // Switch connected to Z probe input, no filtering case ZProbeType::blTouch: // blTouch is now unfiltered too zProbeVal = GetRawReading(); break; case ZProbeType::zMotorStall: #if HAS_STALL_DETECT { const DriversBitmap zDrivers = reprap.GetPlatform().GetAxisDriversConfig(Z_AXIS).GetDriversBitmap(); zProbeVal = (GetStalledDrivers(zDrivers).IsNonEmpty()) ? 1000 : 0; } #else return 1000; #endif break; default: return 1000; } } return zProbeVal; } int ZProbe::GetSecondaryValues(int& v1) const noexcept { const Platform& p = reprap.GetPlatform(); if (p.GetZProbeOnFilter().IsValid() && p.GetZProbeOffFilter().IsValid()) { switch (type) { case ZProbeType::dumbModulated: // modulated IR sensor v1 = (int)(p.GetZProbeOnFilter().GetSum() / ZProbeAverageReadings); // pass back the reading with IR turned on return 1; default: break; } } return 0; } // Test whether we are at or near the stop bool ZProbe::Stopped() const noexcept { const int zProbeVal = GetReading(); return zProbeVal >= adcValue; } // Check whether the probe is triggered and return the action that should be performed. Called from the step ISR. EndstopHitDetails ZProbe::CheckTriggered() noexcept { bool b = Stopped(); if (misc.parts.probingAway) { b = !b; } EndstopHitDetails rslt; // initialised by default constructor if (b) { rslt.SetAction(EndstopHitAction::stopAll); rslt.isZProbe = true; } return rslt; } // This is called by the ISR to acknowledge that it is acting on the return from calling CheckTriggered. Called from the step ISR. // Return true if we have finished with this endstop or probe in this move. bool ZProbe::Acknowledge(EndstopHitDetails what) noexcept { return what.GetAction() == EndstopHitAction::stopAll; } GCodeResult ZProbe::HandleG31(GCodeBuffer& gb, const StringRef& reply) THROWS(GCodeException) { GCodeResult err = GCodeResult::ok; bool seen = false; // Warning - don't change any values until we know that we are not going to return notFinished! // This because users may use the existing values when calculating the new ones (e.g. "make babystepping permanent" macro) // Do the temperature coefficient first because it may return notFinished int8_t newSensor; if (gb.Seen('H')) { seen = true; newSensor = gb.GetIValue(); } else { newSensor = sensor; } if (gb.Seen('T')) { seen = true; for (float& tc : temperatureCoefficients) { tc = 0.0; } TemperatureError terr; const float currentTemperature = reprap.GetHeat().GetSensorTemperature(newSensor, terr); if (terr == TemperatureError::unknownSensor) { reply.printf("Cannot set a temperature coefficient with invalid sensor number %d", newSensor); return GCodeResult::error; } size_t numValues = ARRAY_SIZE(temperatureCoefficients); gb.GetFloatArray(temperatureCoefficients, numValues, false); float newCalibTemperature = DefaultZProbeTemperature; if (gb.Seen('S')) { newCalibTemperature = gb.GetFValue(); } else if (terr == TemperatureError::success) { newCalibTemperature = currentTemperature; } else if (!gb.IsTimerRunning()) // the sensor may have only just been configured, so give it 500ms to produce a reading { gb.StartTimer(); return GCodeResult::notFinished; } else if (millis() - gb.WhenTimerStarted() < 500) { return GCodeResult::notFinished; } else { gb.StopTimer(); reply.printf("Sensor %d did not provide a valid temperature reading", newSensor); err = GCodeResult::error; } gb.StopTimer(); calibTemperature = newCalibTemperature; } // After this we don't return notFinished, so it is safe to amend values directly const char* axisLetters = reprap.GetGCodes().GetAxisLetters(); const size_t numTotalAxes = reprap.GetGCodes().GetTotalAxes(); for (size_t i = 0; i < numTotalAxes; ++i) { if (axisLetters[i] != 'Z') { gb.TryGetFValue(axisLetters[i], offsets[i], seen); } } gb.TryGetFValue(axisLetters[Z_AXIS], triggerHeight, seen); if (gb.Seen('P')) { seen = true; adcValue = gb.GetIValue(); } if (seen) { sensor = newSensor; reprap.SensorsUpdated(); if (gb.LatestMachineState().runningM501) { misc.parts.saveToConfigOverride = true; // we are loading these parameters from config-override.g, so a subsequent M500 should save them to config-override.g } } else { const int v0 = GetReading(); reply.printf("Z probe %u: current reading %d", number, v0); int v1; if (GetSecondaryValues(v1) == 1) { reply.catf(" (%d)", v1); } reply.catf(", threshold %d, trigger height %.3f", adcValue, (double)triggerHeight); if (temperatureCoefficients[0] != 0.0) { reply.catf(" at %.1f" DEGREE_SYMBOL "C, temperature coefficients [%.1f/" DEGREE_SYMBOL "C, %.1f/" DEGREE_SYMBOL "C^2]", (double)calibTemperature, (double)temperatureCoefficients[0], (double)temperatureCoefficients[1]); } reply.cat(", offsets"); for (size_t i = 0; i < numTotalAxes; ++i) { if (axisLetters[i] != 'Z') { reply.catf(" %c%.1f", axisLetters[i], (double)offsets[i]); } } } return err; } GCodeResult ZProbe::Configure(GCodeBuffer& gb, const StringRef &reply, bool& seen) THROWS(GCodeException) { gb.TryGetFValue('H', diveHeight, seen); // dive height if (gb.Seen('F')) // feed rate i.e. probing speed { float userProbeSpeeds[2]; size_t numSpeeds = 2; gb.GetFloatArray(userProbeSpeeds, numSpeeds, true); probeSpeeds[0] = userProbeSpeeds[0] * SecondsToMinutes; probeSpeeds[1] = userProbeSpeeds[1] * SecondsToMinutes; seen = true; } if (gb.Seen('T')) // travel speed to probe point { travelSpeed = gb.GetFValue() * SecondsToMinutes; seen = true; } if (gb.Seen('B')) { misc.parts.turnHeatersOff = (gb.GetIValue() == 1); seen = true; } gb.TryGetFValue('R', recoveryTime, seen); // Z probe recovery time gb.TryGetFValue('S', tolerance, seen); // tolerance when multi-tapping if (gb.Seen('A')) { misc.parts.maxTaps = min(gb.GetUIValue(), ZProbe::MaxTapsLimit); seen = true; } if (seen) { reprap.SensorsUpdated(); return GCodeResult::ok; } reply.printf("Z Probe %u: type %u", number, (unsigned int)type); const GCodeResult rslt = AppendPinNames(reply); reply.catf(", dive height %.1fmm, probe speeds %d,%dmm/min, travel speed %dmm/min, recovery time %.2f sec, heaters %s, max taps %u, max diff %.2f", (double)diveHeight, (int)(probeSpeeds[0] * MinutesToSeconds), (int)(probeSpeeds[1] * MinutesToSeconds), (int)(travelSpeed * MinutesToSeconds), (double)recoveryTime, (misc.parts.turnHeatersOff) ? "suspended" : "normal", misc.parts.maxTaps, (double)tolerance); return rslt; } // Default implementation of SendProgram, overridden in some classes GCodeResult ZProbe::SendProgram(const uint32_t zProbeProgram[], size_t len, const StringRef& reply) noexcept { reply.copy("This configuration of Z probe does not support programming"); return GCodeResult::error; } void ZProbe::SetLastStoppedHeight(float h) noexcept { lastStopHeight = h; reprap.SensorsUpdated(); } // End