/* * FansManager.cpp * * Created on: 3 Sep 2019 * Author: David */ #include "FansManager.h" #include "LocalFan.h" #include "RemoteFan.h" #include #include #if SUPPORT_CAN_EXPANSION # include #endif #include ReadWriteLock FansManager::fansLock; FansManager::FansManager() noexcept { for (Fan*& f : fans) { f = nullptr; } } // Retrieve the pointer to a fan, or nullptr if it doesn't exist. // Lock the fan system before calling this, so that the fan can't be deleted while we are accessing it. ReadLockedPointer FansManager::FindFan(size_t fanNum) const noexcept { ReadLocker locker(fansLock); return ReadLockedPointer(locker, (fanNum < ARRAY_SIZE(fans)) ? fans[fanNum] : nullptr); } // Create and return a local fan. if it fails, return nullptr with the error message in 'reply'. LocalFan *FansManager::CreateLocalFan(uint32_t fanNum, const char *pinNames, PwmFrequency freq, const StringRef& reply) noexcept { LocalFan *newFan = new LocalFan(fanNum); if (!newFan->AssignPorts(pinNames, reply)) { delete newFan; return nullptr; } (void)newFan->SetPwmFrequency(freq, reply); return newFan; } // Check and if necessary update all fans. Return true if a thermostatic fan is running. bool FansManager::CheckFans(bool checkSensors) noexcept { ReadLocker lock(fansLock); bool thermostaticFanRunning = false; for (Fan* fan : fans) { if (fan != nullptr && fan->Check(checkSensors)) { thermostaticFanRunning = true; } } return thermostaticFanRunning; } // Return the number of fans to report on. Used by RepRap.cpp to shorten responses by omitting unused trailing fan numbers. size_t FansManager::GetNumFansToReport() const noexcept { size_t numFans = ARRAY_SIZE(fans); while (numFans != 0 && fans[numFans - 1] == nullptr) { --numFans; } return numFans; } #if HAS_MASS_STORAGE bool FansManager::WriteFanSettings(FileStore *f) const noexcept { ReadLocker lock(fansLock); bool ok = true; for (size_t fanNum = 0; ok && fanNum < MaxFans; ++fanNum) { ok = fans[fanNum] == nullptr || fans[fanNum]->WriteSettings(f, fanNum); } return ok; } #endif // This is called by M950 to create a fan or change its PWM frequency GCodeResult FansManager::ConfigureFanPort(GCodeBuffer& gb, const StringRef& reply) THROWS(GCodeException) { const uint32_t fanNum = gb.GetLimitedUIValue('F', MaxFans); const bool seenPin = gb.Seen('C'); if (seenPin) { String pinName; gb.GetReducedString(pinName.GetRef()); WriteLocker lock(fansLock); Fan *oldFan = nullptr; std::swap(oldFan, fans[fanNum]); delete oldFan; const PwmFrequency freq = (gb.Seen('Q')) ? gb.GetPwmFrequency() : DefaultFanPwmFreq; #if SUPPORT_CAN_EXPANSION const CanAddress board = IoPort::RemoveBoardAddress(pinName.GetRef()); if (board != CanInterface::GetCanAddress()) { auto *newFan = new RemoteFan(fanNum, board); const GCodeResult rslt = newFan->ConfigurePort(pinName.c_str(), freq, reply); if (rslt == GCodeResult::ok) { fans[fanNum] = newFan; } else { delete newFan; } return rslt; } #endif fans[fanNum] = CreateLocalFan(fanNum, pinName.c_str(), freq, reply); reprap.FansUpdated(); return (fans[fanNum] == nullptr) ? GCodeResult::error : GCodeResult::ok; } const auto fan = FindFan(fanNum); if (fan.IsNull()) { reply.printf("Fan %u does not exist", (unsigned int)fanNum); return GCodeResult::error; } if (gb.Seen('Q')) { const GCodeResult rslt = fan->SetPwmFrequency(gb.GetPwmFrequency(), reply); reprap.FansUpdated(); return rslt; } return fan->ReportPortDetails(reply); } // Set or report the parameters for the specified fan // If 'mCode' is an M-code used to set parameters for the current kinematics (which should only ever be 106 or 107) // then search for parameters used to configure the fan. If any are found, perform appropriate actions and return true. // If errors were discovered while processing parameters, put an appropriate error message in 'reply' and set 'error' to true. // If no relevant parameters are found, print the existing ones to 'reply' and return false. bool FansManager::ConfigureFan(unsigned int mcode, size_t fanNum, GCodeBuffer& gb, const StringRef& reply, bool& error) THROWS(GCodeException) { auto fan = FindFan(fanNum); if (fan.IsNull()) { reply.printf("Fan number %u not found", fanNum); error = true; return false; } return fan->Configure(mcode, fanNum, gb, reply, error); } float FansManager::GetFanValue(size_t fanNum) const noexcept { auto fan = FindFan(fanNum); return (fan.IsNull()) ? -1 : fan->GetConfiguredPwm(); } GCodeResult FansManager::SetFanValue(size_t fanNum, float speed, const StringRef& reply) noexcept { auto fan = FindFan(fanNum); if (fan.IsNotNull()) { return fan->SetPwm(speed, reply); } reply.printf("Fan number %u not found", fanNum); return GCodeResult::error; } // Update the PWM of the specified fan, returning the PWM change float FansManager::SetFanValue(size_t fanNum, float speed) noexcept { auto fan = FindFan(fanNum); if (fan.IsNotNull()) { const float oldPwm = fan->GetPwm(); String<1> dummy; (void)fan->SetPwm(speed, dummy.GetRef()); return fan->GetPwm() - oldPwm; } return 0.0; } // Update the PWM of the specified fans, returning the total PWM change divided by the number of fans float FansManager::SetFansValue(FansBitmap whichFans, float speed) noexcept { float pwmChange = 0; if (!whichFans.IsEmpty()) { whichFans.Iterate([speed, this, &pwmChange](unsigned int i, unsigned int) noexcept { pwmChange += SetFanValue(i, speed); }); pwmChange /= whichFans.CountSetBits(); } return pwmChange; } // Check if the given fan can be controlled manually so that DWC can decide whether or not to show the corresponding fan // controls. This is the case if no thermostatic control is enabled and if the fan was configured at least once before. bool FansManager::IsFanControllable(size_t fanNum) const noexcept { auto fan = FindFan(fanNum); return fan.IsNotNull() && !fan->HasMonitoredSensors(); } // Return the fan's name const char *FansManager::GetFanName(size_t fanNum) const noexcept { auto fan = FindFan(fanNum); return (fan.IsNull()) ? "" : fan->GetName(); } // Get current fan RPM, or -1 if the fan is invalid or doesn't have a tacho pin int32_t FansManager::GetFanRPM(size_t fanNum) const noexcept { auto fan = FindFan(fanNum); return (fan.IsNull()) ? -1 : fan->GetRPM(); } // Initialise fans. Call this only once, and only during initialisation. void FansManager::Init() noexcept { #if ALLOCATE_DEFAULT_PORTS for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(DefaultFanPinNames); ++i) { String<1> dummy; fans[i] = CreateLocalFan(i, DefaultFanPinNames[i], i < ARRAY_SIZE(DefaultFanPwmFrequencies) && DefaultFanPwmFrequencies[i] != 0 ? DefaultFanPwmFrequencies[i] : DefaultFanPwmFreq, dummy.GetRef() ); } # if defined(PCCB) // Fan 3 needs to be set explicitly to zero PWM, otherwise it turns on because the MCU output pin isn't set low if (fans[3] != nullptr) { String<1> dummy; (void)fans[3]->SetPwm(0.0, dummy.GetRef()); } # endif #endif } // Shut down the fans system, in particular stop any interrupts into Fan objects. Called before loading IAP into the last 64K of RAM. // The simplest way is to delete all the fans. void FansManager::Exit() noexcept { WriteLocker lock(fansLock); for (Fan*& fan : fans) { Fan *f; std::swap(f, fan); delete f; } } #if SUPPORT_CAN_EXPANSION void FansManager::ProcessRemoteFanRpms(CanAddress src, const CanMessageFansReport& msg) noexcept { size_t numFansProcessed = 0; uint64_t whichFans = msg.whichFans; while (whichFans != 0) { const unsigned int fanNum = LowestSetBit(whichFans); auto fan = FindFan(fanNum); if (fan.IsNotNull()) { fan->UpdateFromRemote(src, msg.fanReports[numFansProcessed]); } ++numFansProcessed; whichFans &= ~((uint64_t)1 << fanNum); } } #endif // End