/* * GCodes2.cpp * * Created on: 3 Dec 2016 * Author: David * * This file contains the code to see what G, M or T command we have and start processing it. */ #include "GCodes.h" #include "GCodeBuffer/GCodeBuffer.h" #include "GCodeException.h" #include "GCodeQueue.h" #include "Heating/Heat.h" #if HAS_SBC_INTERFACE # include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if SUPPORT_IOBITS # include #endif #if HAS_WIFI_NETWORKING # include #endif #if SUPPORT_12864_LCD # include #endif #if SUPPORT_LED_STRIPS # include #endif #if SUPPORT_CAN_EXPANSION # include # include #endif #if SUPPORT_ACCELEROMETERS # include #endif #ifdef DUET3_ATE # include #endif #if HAS_MASS_STORAGE # include #endif // If the code to act on is completed, this returns true, otherwise false. // It is called repeatedly for a given code until it returns true for that code. bool GCodes::ActOnCode(GCodeBuffer& gb, const StringRef& reply) noexcept { try { // Can we queue this code? if (gb.CanQueueCodes() && codeQueue->ShouldQueueCode(gb)) { // Don't queue any GCodes if there are segments not yet picked up by Move, because in the event that a segment corresponds to no movement, // the move gets discarded, which throws out the count of scheduled moves and hence the synchronisation if (moveState.segmentsLeft != 0) { return false; } if (codeQueue->QueueCode(gb, reprap.GetMove().GetScheduledMoves() + moveState.segmentsLeft)) { HandleReply(gb, GCodeResult::ok, ""); return true; } return false; // we should queue this code but we can't, so wait until we can either execute it or queue it } switch (gb.GetCommandLetter()) { case 'G': if (gb.HasCommandNumber()) { return HandleGcode(gb, reply); } break; case 'M': if (gb.HasCommandNumber()) { return HandleMcode(gb, reply); } break; case 'T': return HandleTcode(gb, reply); case 'Q': return HandleQcode(gb, reply); default: break; } } catch (const GCodeException& e) { e.GetMessage(reply, &gb); HandleReply(gb, GCodeResult::error, reply.c_str()); return true; } // If we get here then we didn't see a command that was worth parsing reply.printf("Bad command: "); gb.AppendFullCommand(reply); HandleReply(gb, GCodeResult::error, reply.c_str()); return true; } bool GCodes::HandleGcode(GCodeBuffer& gb, const StringRef& reply) THROWS(GCodeException) { GCodeResult result = GCodeResult::ok; const int code = gb.GetCommandNumber(); if (IsSimulating() && code > 4 && code != 10 && code != 11 && code != 20 && code != 21 && (code < 53 || code > 59) && (code < 90 || code > 92)) { HandleReply(gb, result, ""); return true; // we only simulate some gcodes } if (gb.GetCommandFraction() > 0 && code != 38 && code != 59 // these are the only G-codes we implement that can have fractional parts ) { result = TryMacroFile(gb); } else { switch (code) { case 0: // Rapid move case 1: // Ordinary move if (moveState.segmentsLeft != 0) // do this check first to avoid locking movement unnecessarily { return false; } if (!LockMovement(gb)) { return false; } { const char* err = nullptr; if (!DoStraightMove(gb, code == 1, err)) { return false; } if (err != nullptr) { gb.SetState(GCodeState::abortWhenMovementFinished); // empty the queue before ending simulation, and force the user position to be restored gb.LatestMachineState().SetError(err); // must do this *after* calling SetState } } break; case 2: // Clockwise arc case 3: // Anti clockwise arc // We only support X and Y axes in these (and optionally Z for corkscrew moves), but you can map them to other axes in the tool definitions if (moveState.segmentsLeft != 0) // do this check first to avoid locking movement unnecessarily { return false; } if (!LockMovement(gb)) { return false; } { const char* err = nullptr; if (!DoArcMove(gb, code == 2, err)) { return false; } if (err != nullptr) { gb.SetState(GCodeState::abortWhenMovementFinished); // empty the queue before ending simulation, and force the user position to be restored gb.LatestMachineState().SetError(err); // must do this *after* calling SetState } } break; case 4: // Dwell result = DoDwell(gb); break; case 10: // Set/report offsets and temperatures, or retract { #if SUPPORT_WORKPLACE_COORDINATES if (gb.Seen('L')) { const uint32_t ival = gb.GetUIValue(); switch (ival) { case 1: result = SetOrReportOffsets(gb, reply, 10); // same as G10 with offsets and no L parameter break; case 2: result = GetSetWorkplaceCoordinates(gb, reply, false); break; case 20: result = GetSetWorkplaceCoordinates(gb, reply, true); break; default: result = GCodeResult::badOrMissingParameter; break; } } else #endif { bool modifyingTool = gb.Seen('P') || gb.Seen('R') || gb.Seen('S') || gb.Seen('F'); for (size_t axis = 0; axis < numVisibleAxes; ++axis) { modifyingTool |= gb.Seen(axisLetters[axis]); } if (modifyingTool) { if (IsSimulating()) { break; } result = SetOrReportOffsets(gb, reply, 10); } else { result = RetractFilament(gb, true); } } } break; case 11: // Un-retract result = RetractFilament(gb, false); break; case 17: // Select XY plane for G2/G3 case 18: // Select XZ plane case 19: // Select YZ plane if (!LockMovementAndWaitForStandstill(gb)) // do this in case a G2 or G3 command is in progress { return false; } gb.LatestMachineState().selectedPlane = code - 17; break; case 20: // Inches (which century are we living in, here?) gb.UseInches(true); reprap.InputsUpdated(); break; case 21: // mm gb.UseInches(false); reprap.InputsUpdated(); break; case 28: // Home result = DoHome(gb, reply); break; case 29: // Grid-based bed probing if (!LockMovementAndWaitForStandstill(gb)) // do this first to make sure that a new grid isn't being defined { return false; } { int sparam; if (gb.Seen('S')) { sparam = gb.GetIValue(); } else if (DoFileMacro(gb, MESH_G, false, 29)) // no S parameter found so try to execute mesh.g { break; } else { sparam = 0; // mesh.g not found, so treat G29 the same as G29 S0 } switch(sparam) { case 0: // probe and save height map result = ProbeGrid(gb, reply); break; case 1: // load height map file #if HAS_MASS_STORAGE || HAS_SBC_INTERFACE result = LoadHeightMap(gb, reply); #else result = GCodeResult::errorNotSupported; #endif break; case 2: // clear height map ClearBedMapping(); break; case 3: // save height map to names file #if HAS_MASS_STORAGE || HAS_SBC_INTERFACE result = SaveHeightMap(gb, reply); #else result = GCodeResult::errorNotSupported; #endif break; default: result = GCodeResult::badOrMissingParameter; break; } } break; case 30: // Z probe/manually set at a position and set that as point P if (!LockMovementAndWaitForStandstill(gb)) { return false; } if (reprap.GetMove().GetKinematics().AxesToHomeBeforeProbing().Intersects(~axesVirtuallyHomed)) { reply.copy("Insufficient axes homed for bed probing"); result = GCodeResult::error; } else { result = ExecuteG30(gb, reply); } break; case 31: // Return the probe value, or set probe variables result = platform.GetEndstops().HandleG31(gb, reply); break; case 32: // Probe Z at multiple positions and generate the bed transform if (!LockMovementAndWaitForStandstill(gb)) { return false; } // We need to unlock the movement system here in case there is no Z probe and we are doing manual probing. // Otherwise, even though the bed probing code calls UnlockAll when doing a manual bed probe, the movement system // remains locked because the current MachineState object already held the lock when the macro file was started, // which means that no gcode source other than the one that executed G32 is allowed to jog the Z axis. UnlockAll(gb); DoFileMacro(gb, BED_EQUATION_G, true, 32); // Try to execute bed.g break; case 38: // Straight probe - move until either the probe is triggered or the commanded move ends if (!LockMovementAndWaitForStandstill(gb)) { return false; } result = StraightProbe(gb, reply); break; case 53: // Temporarily use machine coordinates gb.LatestMachineState().g53Active = true; break; #if SUPPORT_WORKPLACE_COORDINATES case 54: // Switch to coordinate system 1 case 55: // Switch to coordinate system 2 case 56: // Switch to coordinate system 3 case 57: // Switch to coordinate system 4 case 58: // Switch to coordinate system 5 case 59: // Switch to coordinate system 6,7,8,9 { unsigned int cs = code - 54; if (code == 59) { const int8_t fraction = gb.GetCommandFraction(); if (fraction > 0) { cs += (unsigned int)fraction; } } if (cs < NumCoordinateSystems) { moveState.currentCoordinateSystem = cs; // this is the zero-base coordinate system number reprap.MoveUpdated(); gb.LatestMachineState().g53Active = false; // cancel any active G53 } else { result = GCodeResult::errorNotSupported; } } break; #endif case 60: // Save position result = SavePosition(gb, reply); break; #if SUPPORT_COORDINATE_ROTATION case 68: result = HandleG68(gb, reply); break; case 69: g68Angle = 0.0; break; #endif case 90: // Absolute coordinates gb.LatestMachineState().axesRelative = false; reprap.InputsUpdated(); break; case 91: // Relative coordinates gb.LatestMachineState().axesRelative = true; // Axis movements (i.e. X, Y and Z) reprap.InputsUpdated(); break; case 92: // Set position result = SetPositions(gb, reply); break; default: result = TryMacroFile(gb); break; } } return HandleResult(gb, result, reply, nullptr); } bool GCodes::HandleMcode(GCodeBuffer& gb, const StringRef& reply) THROWS(GCodeException) { const int code = gb.GetCommandNumber(); if ( IsSimulating() && (code < 20 || code > 37) && code != 0 && code != 1 && code != 82 && code != 83 && code != 105 && code != 109 && code != 111 && code != 112 && code != 122 && code != 200 && code != 204 && code != 207 && code != 408 && code != 409 && code != 486 && code != 999) { HandleReply(gb, GCodeResult::ok, ""); return true; // we don't simulate most M codes } #if HAS_SBC_INTERFACE // Pass file- and system-related commands to the SBC service if they came from somewhere else. // They will be passed back to us via a binary buffer or separate SPI message if necessary. if ( reprap.UsingSbcInterface() && reprap.GetSbcInterface().IsConnected() && !gb.IsBinary() && ( code == 0 || code == 1 || code == 20 || code == 21 || code == 22 || code == 23 || code == 24 || code == 26 || code == 27 || code == 28 || code == 30 || code == 32 || code == 36 || code == 37 || code == 38 || code == 39 || code == 112 || code == 470 || code == 471 || code == 503 || code == 505 || code == 540 || code == 550 || code == 552 || code == 586 || (code >= 587 && code <= 589) || code == 703 || code == 905 || code == 929 || code == 997 || code == 999 ) ) { gb.SendToSbc(); return false; } #endif OutputBuffer *outBuf = nullptr; try { #ifdef DUET3_ATE if (code >= 1000) { const GCodeResult rc = Duet3Ate::HandleAteMCode(code, gb, reply); return HandleResult(gb, rc, reply, outBuf); } #endif GCodeResult result; if (gb.GetCommandFraction() > 0 && code != 569 && code != 201 // these are the only M-codes we implement that can have fractional parts ) { result = TryMacroFile(gb); } else { result = GCodeResult::ok; switch (code) { case 0: // Stop case 1: // Sleep // Don't allow M0 or M1 to stop a print, unless the print is paused or the command comes from the file being printed itself. if (reprap.GetPrintMonitor().IsPrinting() && &gb != fileGCode && pauseState != PauseState::paused) { reply.copy("Pause the print before attempting to cancel it"); result = GCodeResult::error; } else if (!LockMovementAndWaitForStandstill(gb)) // wait until everything has stopped and deferred command queue has caught up { return false; } else { const auto oldPauseState = pauseState; // pauseState gets reset by CancelPrint const bool wasSimulating = IsSimulating(); // simulationMode may get cleared by CancelPrint isWaiting = cancelWait = false; // we may have been waiting for temperatures to be reached StopPrint((&gb == fileGCode) ? StopPrintReason::normalCompletion : StopPrintReason::userCancelled); if (!wasSimulating) // don't run any macro files or turn heaters off etc. if we were simulating before we stopped the print { // If we are cancelling a paused print with M0 and we are homed and cancel.g exists then run it and do nothing else if (oldPauseState != PauseState::notPaused && code == 0 && AllAxesAreHomed()) { gb.SetState(GCodeState::cancelling); if (DoFileMacro(gb, CANCEL_G, false, SystemHelperMacroCode)) { pauseState = PauseState::cancelling; break; } // The state will be changed a few lines down, so no need to reset it to normal here } gb.SetState(GCodeState::stopping); if (!DoFileMacro(gb, (code == 0) ? STOP_G : SLEEP_G, false, SystemHelperMacroCode)) { reprap.GetHeat().SwitchOffAll(true); } } } break; case 3: // Spin spindle clockwise case 4: // Spin spindle counter clockwise if (machineType == MachineType::cnc) { // Determine what spindle number we are using Tool * const currentTool = reprap.GetCurrentTool(); uint32_t slot; if (gb.Seen('P')) { slot = gb.GetLimitedUIValue('P', MaxSpindles); } else if (currentTool != nullptr && currentTool->GetSpindleNumber() >= 0) { slot = currentTool->GetSpindleNumber(); } else { reply.copy("No P parameter and no active tool with spindle"); result = GCodeResult::error; break; } Spindle& spindle = platform.AccessSpindle(slot); if (gb.Seen('S')) { const uint32_t rpm = gb.GetUIValue(); if (currentTool != nullptr && currentTool->GetSpindleNumber() == (int)slot) { currentTool->SetSpindleRpm(rpm); } else { spindle.SetConfiguredRpm(rpm, false); } } spindle.SetState((code == 4) ? SpindleState::reverse : SpindleState::forward); } #if SUPPORT_LASER else if (machineType == MachineType::laser && code == 3 && gb.Seen('S')) { if (moveState.segmentsLeft != 0) { return false; // don't modify moves that haven't gone yet } moveState.laserPwmOrIoBits.laserPwm = ConvertLaserPwm(gb.GetFValue()); } #endif else { result = GCodeResult::notSupportedInCurrentMode; } break; case 5: // Spindle motor off switch (machineType) { case MachineType::cnc: { // Determine what spindle number we are using Tool * const currentTool = reprap.GetCurrentTool(); uint32_t slot; if (gb.Seen('P')) { slot = gb.GetLimitedUIValue('P', MaxSpindles); } else if (currentTool != nullptr && currentTool->GetSpindleNumber() >= 0) { slot = currentTool->GetSpindleNumber(); } else { // Turn off every spindle if no 'P' parameter is present and the current tool does not have a spindle for (size_t i = 0; i < MaxSpindles; i++) { platform.AccessSpindle(i).SetState(SpindleState::stopped); } break; } platform.AccessSpindle(slot).SetState(SpindleState::stopped); } break; #if SUPPORT_LASER case MachineType::laser: if (moveState.segmentsLeft != 0) { return false; // don't modify moves that haven't gone yet } moveState.laserPwmOrIoBits.Clear(); break; #endif default: result = GCodeResult::notSupportedInCurrentMode; break; } break; case 18: // Motors off case 84: if (!LockMovementAndWaitForStandstill(gb)) { return false; } // no break case 17: // Motors on { bool seen = false; for (size_t axis = 0; axis < numTotalAxes; axis++) { if (gb.Seen(axisLetters[axis])) { if (code == 17) { platform.EnableDrivers(axis, true); } else { SetAxisNotHomed(axis); platform.DisableDrivers(axis); } seen = true; } } if (gb.Seen(extrudeLetter)) { uint32_t eDrive[MaxExtruders]; size_t eCount = numExtruders; gb.GetUnsignedArray(eDrive, eCount, false); for (size_t i = 0; i < eCount; i++) { seen = true; if (eDrive[i] >= numExtruders) { reply.printf("Invalid extruder number specified: %" PRIu32, eDrive[i]); result = GCodeResult::error; break; } if (code == 17) { platform.EnableDrivers(ExtruderToLogicalDrive(eDrive[i]), true); } else { platform.DisableDrivers(ExtruderToLogicalDrive(eDrive[i])); } } } if (gb.Seen('S')) { seen = true; const float idleTimeout = gb.GetFValue(); if (idleTimeout < 0.0) { reply.copy("Idle timeouts cannot be negative"); result = GCodeResult::error; } else { reprap.GetMove().SetIdleTimeout(idleTimeout); } } if (!seen) { if (code == 17) { for (size_t axis = 0; axis < numTotalAxes; ++axis) { reprap.GetPlatform().EnableDrivers(axis, true); } for (size_t extruder = 0; extruder < numExtruders; ++extruder) { reprap.GetPlatform().EnableDrivers(ExtruderToLogicalDrive(extruder), true); } } else { DisableDrives(); } } } break; #if HAS_MASS_STORAGE || HAS_EMBEDDED_FILES case 20: // List files on SD card if (!LockFileSystem(gb)) // don't allow more than one at a time to avoid contention on output buffers { return false; } { const int sparam = (gb.Seen('S')) ? gb.GetIValue() : 0; const unsigned int rparam = (gb.Seen('R')) ? gb.GetUIValue() : 0; String dir; if (gb.Seen('P')) { gb.GetPossiblyQuotedString(dir.GetRef()); } else { dir.copy(platform.GetGCodeDir()); } if (sparam == 2) { outBuf = reprap.GetFilesResponse(dir.c_str(), rparam, true); // send the file list in JSON format if (outBuf == nullptr) { reply.copy("{\"err\":-1}"); } } else if (sparam == 3) { outBuf = reprap.GetFilelistResponse(dir.c_str(), rparam); if (outBuf == nullptr) { reply.copy("{\"err\":-1}"); } } else { if (!OutputBuffer::Allocate(outBuf)) { return false; // cannot allocate an output buffer, try again later } // To mimic the behaviour of the official RepRapPro firmware: // If we are emulating RepRap then we print "GCode files:\n" at the start, otherwise we don't. // If we are emulating Marlin and the code came via the serial/USB interface, then we don't put quotes around the names and we separate them with newline; // otherwise we put quotes around them and separate them with comma. if (gb.LatestMachineState().compatibility == Compatibility::Default || gb.LatestMachineState().compatibility == Compatibility::RepRapFirmware) { outBuf->copy("GCode files:\n"); } const bool encapsulateList = gb.LatestMachineState().compatibility != Compatibility::Marlin; FileInfo fileInfo; if (MassStorage::FindFirst(dir.c_str(), fileInfo)) { // Iterate through all entries and append each file name bool first = true; do { if (encapsulateList) { outBuf->catf((first) ? "\"%s\"" : ",\"%s\"", fileInfo.fileName.c_str()); first = false; } else { outBuf->catf("%s\n", fileInfo.fileName.c_str()); } } while (MassStorage::FindNext(fileInfo)); } else if (!encapsulateList) { outBuf->cat("NONE\n"); } } } break; case 21: // Initialise SD card if (!LockFileSystem(gb)) // don't allow more than one at a time to avoid contention on output buffers { return false; } { const size_t card = (gb.Seen('P')) ? gb.GetIValue() : 0; result = MassStorage::Mount(card, reply, true); } break; case 22: // Release SD card if (!LockFileSystem(gb)) // don't allow more than one at a time to avoid contention on output buffers { return false; } { const size_t card = (gb.Seen('P')) ? gb.GetIValue() : 0; result = MassStorage::Unmount(card, reply); } break; #endif #if HAS_MASS_STORAGE || HAS_SBC_INTERFACE || HAS_EMBEDDED_FILES case 23: // Set file to print case 32: // Select file and start SD print // We now allow a file that is being printed to chain to another file. This is required for the resume-after-power-fail functionality. if (fileGCode->IsDoingFile() && (&gb) != fileGCode) { reply.copy("Cannot set file to print, because a file is already being printed"); result = GCodeResult::error; break; } if (code == 32 && !LockMovementAndWaitForStandstill(gb)) { return false; } { String filename; gb.GetUnprecedentedString(filename.GetRef()); if ( #if HAS_SBC_INTERFACE reprap.UsingSbcInterface() # if HAS_MASS_STORAGE || # endif #endif #if HAS_MASS_STORAGE || HAS_EMBEDDED_FILES QueueFileToPrint(filename.c_str(), reply) #endif ) { reprap.GetPrintMonitor().StartingPrint(filename.c_str()); if (gb.LatestMachineState().compatibility == Compatibility::Marlin) { reply.copy("File opened\nFile selected"); } else { // Command came from web interface or PanelDue, or not emulating Marlin, so send a nicer response reply.printf("File %s selected for printing", filename.c_str()); } if (code == 32) { StartPrinting(true); } } else { result = GCodeResult::error; } } break; #endif case 24: // Print/resume-printing the selected file if (pauseState == PauseState::pausing || pauseState == PauseState::resuming) { // ignore the resume request } else { if (!LockMovementAndWaitForStandstill(gb)) { return false; } if (pauseState == PauseState::paused) { #if HAS_VOLTAGE_MONITOR if (!platform.IsPowerOk()) { reply.copy("Cannot resume while power voltage is low"); result = GCodeResult::error; } else #endif { pauseState = PauseState::resuming; gb.SetState(GCodeState::resuming1); if (AllAxesAreHomed() && (!gb.Seen('P') || gb.GetUIValue() != 0)) // P0 parameter skips running resume.g { DoFileMacro(gb, RESUME_G, true, SystemHelperMacroCode); } } } #if HAS_MASS_STORAGE || HAS_SBC_INTERFACE || HAS_EMBEDDED_FILES else if ( # if HAS_MASS_STORAGE || HAS_EMBEDDED_FILES !fileToPrint.IsLive() # else true # endif # if HAS_SBC_INTERFACE && !reprap.UsingSbcInterface() # endif ) { reply.copy("Cannot print, because no file is selected!"); result = GCodeResult::error; } else { # if HAS_VOLTAGE_MONITOR if (!platform.IsPowerOk()) { reply.copy("Cannot start a print while power voltage is low"); result = GCodeResult::error; } else # endif { bool fromStart = (fileOffsetToPrint == 0); if (!fromStart) { // We executed M26 to set the file offset, which normally means that we are executing resurrect.g. // We need to copy the absolute/relative and volumetric extrusion flags over fileGCode->OriginalMachineState().CopyStateFrom(gb.LatestMachineState()); # if HAS_SBC_INTERFACE if (!reprap.UsingSbcInterface()) # endif # if HAS_MASS_STORAGE || HAS_EMBEDDED_FILES { fileToPrint.Seek(fileOffsetToPrint); } # endif moveFractionToSkip = restartMoveFractionDone; } StartPrinting(fromStart); } } #endif } break; case 226: // Synchronous pause, normally initiated from within the file being printed case 601: if (pauseState == PauseState::notPaused) { if (gb.IsDoingFileMacro() && !gb.LatestMachineState().CanRestartMacro()) { if (deferredPauseCommandPending == nullptr) // filament change pause takes priority { deferredPauseCommandPending = (gb.Seen('P') && gb.GetUIValue() == 0) ? "M226 P0" : "M226"; } } else { if (!LockMovementAndWaitForStandstill(gb)) // lock movement before calling DoPause, also wait for movement to complete { return false; } DoPause(gb, PauseReason::gcode, nullptr); } } break; case 600: // Filament change pause, synchronous if (pauseState == PauseState::notPaused) { if (fileGCode->IsDoingFileMacro()) { deferredPauseCommandPending = "M600"; if (&gb != fileGCode) { return false; // wait for the current macro to finish } } else { if (!LockMovementAndWaitForStandstill(gb)) // lock movement before calling DoPause, also wait for movement to complete { return false; } DoPause(gb, PauseReason::filamentChange, nullptr); } } break; case 25: // Pause the print if (pauseState != PauseState::notPaused) { reply.copy("Printing is already paused!"); result = GCodeResult::error; } else if (!reprap.GetPrintMonitor().IsPrinting()) { reply.copy("Cannot pause print, because no file is being printed!"); result = GCodeResult::error; } else if (fileGCode->IsDoingFileMacro() && !fileGCode->LatestMachineState().CanRestartMacro()) { if (deferredPauseCommandPending == nullptr) // filament change pause takes priority { deferredPauseCommandPending = (gb.Seen('P') && gb.GetUIValue() == 0) ? "M226 P0" : "M226"; } if (&gb != fileGCode) { return false; // wait for the current macro to finish } } else { if (!LockMovement(gb)) // lock movement before calling DoPause { return false; } DoPause(gb, PauseReason::user, nullptr); } break; #if HAS_MASS_STORAGE || HAS_SBC_INTERFACE || HAS_EMBEDDED_FILES case 26: // Set SD position // This is used between executing M23 to set up the file to print, and M25 to print it gb.MustSee('S'); fileOffsetToPrint = (FilePosition)gb.GetUIValue(); restartMoveFractionDone = (gb.Seen('P')) ? constrain(gb.GetFValue(), 0.0, 1.0) : 0.0; { const unsigned int selectedPlane = gb.LatestMachineState().selectedPlane; const char c0 = (selectedPlane == 2) ? 'Y' : 'X'; const char c1 = (selectedPlane == 0) ? 'Y' : 'Z'; restartInitialUserC0 = (gb.Seen(c0)) ? gb.GetFValue() : 0.0; restartInitialUserC1 = (gb.Seen(c1)) ? gb.GetFValue() : 0.0; } break; #endif #if HAS_MASS_STORAGE || HAS_EMBEDDED_FILES case 27: // Report print status - Deprecated if (reprap.GetPrintMonitor().IsPrinting()) { // Pronterface keeps sending M27 commands if "Monitor status" is checked, and it specifically expects the following response syntax FileData& fileBeingPrinted = fileGCode->OriginalMachineState().fileState; // In case there are short periods of time when PrintMonitor says a file is printing but the file is not open, or DSF passes M27 to us, check that we have a file if (fileBeingPrinted.IsLive()) { reply.printf("SD printing byte %lu/%lu", GetFilePosition(), fileBeingPrinted.Length()); break; } } reply.copy("Not SD printing."); break; #endif #if HAS_MASS_STORAGE case 28: // Write to file { String filename; gb.GetUnprecedentedString(filename.GetRef()); const bool ok = gb.OpenFileToWrite(platform.GetGCodeDir(), filename.c_str(), 0, false, 0); if (ok) { reply.printf("Writing to file: %s", filename.c_str()); } else { reply.printf("Can't open file %s for writing.", filename.c_str()); result = GCodeResult::error; } } break; case 29: // End of file being written; should be intercepted before getting here reply.copy("GCode end-of-file being interpreted."); break; case 30: // Delete file { String filename; gb.GetUnprecedentedString(filename.GetRef()); result = (platform.Delete(platform.GetGCodeDir(), filename.c_str())) ? GCodeResult::ok : GCodeResult::warning; } break; #endif // For case 32, see case 23 #if HAS_MASS_STORAGE || HAS_SBC_INTERFACE || HAS_EMBEDDED_FILES case 36: // Return file information # if HAS_SBC_INTERFACE if (reprap.UsingSbcInterface()) { reprap.GetFileInfoResponse(nullptr, outBuf, true); } else # endif { # if HAS_MASS_STORAGE || HAS_EMBEDDED_FILES if (!LockFileSystem(gb)) // getting file info takes several calls and isn't reentrant { return false; } String filename; gb.GetUnprecedentedString(filename.GetRef(), true); result = reprap.GetFileInfoResponse((filename.IsEmpty()) ? nullptr : filename.c_str(), outBuf, false); # endif } break; case 37: // Simulation mode on/off, or simulate a whole file # if HAS_SBC_INTERFACE if (reprap.UsingSbcInterface() && !gb.IsBinary()) { reply.copy("M37 can be only started from the SBC interface"); result = GCodeResult::error; } else # endif { bool seen = false; String simFileName; gb.TryGetPossiblyQuotedString('P', simFileName.GetRef(), seen); if (seen) { const bool updateFile = !gb.Seen('F') || gb.GetUIValue() == 1; result = SimulateFile(gb, reply, simFileName.GetRef(), updateFile); } else { uint32_t newSimulationMode; gb.TryGetLimitedUIValue('S', newSimulationMode, seen, (uint32_t)SimulationMode::highest + 1); if (seen) { result = ChangeSimulationMode(gb, reply, (SimulationMode)newSimulationMode); } else { reply.printf("Simulation mode: %s, move time: %.1f sec, other time: %.1f sec", (IsSimulating()) ? "on" : "off", (double)reprap.GetMove().GetSimulationTime(), (double)simulationTime); } } } break; #endif #if HAS_MASS_STORAGE || HAS_EMBEDDED_FILES case 38: // Report SHA1 of file if (!LockFileSystem(gb)) // getting file hash takes several calls and isn't reentrant { return false; } if (fileBeingHashed == nullptr) { // See if we can open the file and start hashing String filename; gb.GetUnprecedentedString(filename.GetRef()); if (StartHash(filename.c_str())) { // Hashing is now in progress... result = GCodeResult::notFinished; } else { reply.printf("Cannot open file: %s", filename.c_str()); result = GCodeResult::error; } } else { // This can take some time. All the actual heavy lifting is in dedicated methods result = AdvanceHash(reply); } break; #endif #if HAS_MASS_STORAGE case 39: // Return SD card info { uint32_t slot = 0; bool dummy; gb.TryGetUIValue('P', slot, dummy); int32_t format = 0; gb.TryGetIValue('S', format, dummy); uint64_t capacity, freeSpace; uint32_t speed; uint32_t clSize; const MassStorage::InfoResult res = MassStorage::GetCardInfo(slot, capacity, freeSpace, speed, clSize); if (format == 2) { reply.printf("{\"SDinfo\":{\"slot\":%" PRIu32 ",\"present\":", slot); if (res == MassStorage::InfoResult::ok) { reply.catf("1,\"capacity\":%" PRIu64 ",\"free\":%" PRIu64 ",\"speed\":%" PRIu32 ",\"clsize\":%" PRIu32 "}}", capacity, freeSpace, speed, clSize); } else { reply.cat("0}}"); } } else { switch(res) { case MassStorage::InfoResult::badSlot: default: reply.printf("Bad SD slot number: %" PRIu32, slot); result = GCodeResult::error; break; case MassStorage::InfoResult::noCard: reply.printf("No SD card mounted in slot %" PRIu32, slot); result = GCodeResult::error; break; case MassStorage::InfoResult::ok: reply.printf("SD card in slot %" PRIu32 ": capacity %.2fGb, free space %.2fGb, speed %.2fMBytes/sec, cluster size ", slot, (double)capacity/(1000*1000*1000), (double)freeSpace/(1000*1000*1000), (double)speed/(1000*1000)); if (clSize < 1024) { reply.catf("%" PRIu32 " bytes", clSize); } else { reply.catf("%" PRIu32 "kb", clSize/1024); } break; } } } break; #endif case 42: // Turn an output pin on or off { const uint32_t gpioPortNumber = gb.GetLimitedUIValue('P', MaxGpOutPorts); gb.MustSee('S'); result = platform.GetGpOutPort(gpioPortNumber).WriteAnalog(gpioPortNumber, false, gb.GetPwmValue(), gb, reply); } break; case 73: // Slicer-inserted print time values result = reprap.GetPrintMonitor().ProcessM73(gb, reply); break; case 80: // ATX power on result = platform.HandleM80(gb, reply); break; case 81: // ATX power off if (!LockMovementAndWaitForStandstill(gb)) { return false; } result = platform.HandleM81(gb, reply); break; case 82: // Use absolute extruder positioning gb.LatestMachineState().drivesRelative = false; reprap.InputsUpdated(); break; case 83: // Use relative extruder positioning gb.LatestMachineState().drivesRelative = true; reprap.InputsUpdated(); break; // For case 84, see case 18 case 85: // Set inactive time break; case 92: // Set/report steps/mm for some axes { bool seenUstepMultiplier = false; uint32_t ustepMultiplier = 0; gb.TryGetUIValue('S', ustepMultiplier, seenUstepMultiplier); bool seen = false; #if SUPPORT_CAN_EXPANSION AxesBitmap axesToUpdate; #endif for (size_t axis = 0; axis < numTotalAxes; axis++) { if (gb.Seen(axisLetters[axis])) { if (!LockMovementAndWaitForStandstill(gb)) { return false; } platform.SetDriveStepsPerUnit(axis, gb.GetFValue(), ustepMultiplier); #if SUPPORT_CAN_EXPANSION axesToUpdate.SetBit(axis); #endif seen = true; } } if (gb.Seen(extrudeLetter)) { if (!LockMovementAndWaitForStandstill(gb)) { return false; } seen = true; float eVals[MaxExtruders]; size_t eCount = numExtruders; gb.GetFloatArray(eVals, eCount, true); // The user may not have as many extruders as we allow for, so just set the ones for which a value is provided for (size_t e = 0; e < eCount; e++) { const size_t drive = ExtruderToLogicalDrive(e); #if SUPPORT_CAN_EXPANSION axesToUpdate.SetBit(drive); #endif platform.SetDriveStepsPerUnit(drive, eVals[e], ustepMultiplier); } } if (seen) { // On a delta, if we change the drive steps/mm then we need to recalculate the motor positions reprap.GetMove().SetNewPosition(moveState.coords, true); #if SUPPORT_CAN_EXPANSION result = platform.UpdateRemoteStepsPerMmAndMicrostepping(axesToUpdate, reply); #endif } else { reply.copy("Steps/mm: "); for (size_t axis = 0; axis < numTotalAxes; ++axis) { reply.catf("%c: %.3f, ", axisLetters[axis], (double)platform.DriveStepsPerUnit(axis)); } reply.catf("E:"); char sep = ' '; for (size_t extruder = 0; extruder < numExtruders; extruder++) { reply.catf("%c%.3f", sep, (double)platform.DriveStepsPerUnit(ExtruderToLogicalDrive(extruder))); sep = ':'; } } } break; case 98: // Call Macro/Subprogram if (gb.Seen('P')) { String filename; gb.GetPossiblyQuotedString(filename.GetRef()); DoFileMacro(gb, filename.c_str(), true, code); } else if (gb.Seen('R')) { const bool restartable = (gb.GetUIValue() == 1); gb.LatestMachineState().SetMacroRestartable(restartable); reprap.InputsUpdated(); if (restartable) { CheckForDeferredPause(gb); } } else { reply.copy("No P or R parameter"); result = GCodeResult::error; } break; case 99: // Return from Macro/Subprogram FileMacroCyclesReturn(gb); break; case 101: // Un-retract, generated by S3D if "Include M101/101/103" is enabled result = RetractFilament(gb, false); break; case 102: // S3D generates this command just before each explicit retraction command if both explicit retraction and "Include M101/101/103" are enabled. // Old versions of S3D also generate it once at the start of each print file if "Include M101/101/103" is enabled. // It's not documented, so we just ignore it rather than generate an error message. break; case 103: // Retract, generated by S3D if "Include M101/101/103" is enabled result = RetractFilament(gb, true); break; // For case 104, see 109 case 105: // Get temperatures GenerateTemperatureReport(reply); break; case 106: // Set/report fan values { bool seenFanNum = false; uint32_t fanNum; gb.TryGetUIValue('P', fanNum, seenFanNum); bool processed; // 2018-08-09: only configure the fan if a fan number was given. // This avoids M106 Snn failing if we have disabled Fan 0 and mapped the print cooling fan to a different fan. if (seenFanNum) { bool error = false; processed = reprap.GetFansManager().ConfigureFan(code, fanNum, gb, reply, error); result = GetGCodeResultFromError(error); } else { processed = false; } // ConfigureFan only processes S parameters if there were other parameters to process if (!processed && gb.Seen('S')) { // Convert the parameter to an interval in 0.0..1.0 here so that we save the correct value in lastDefaultFanSpeed const float f = gb.GetPwmValue(); if (seenFanNum) { result = reprap.GetFansManager().SetFanValue(fanNum, f, reply); if (IsMappedFan(fanNum)) { lastDefaultFanSpeed = f; } } else { // We are processing an M106 S### command with no other recognised parameters and we have a tool selected. // Apply the fan speed setting to the fans in the fan mapping for the current tool. SetMappedFanSpeed(f); } } // ConfigureFan doesn't process R parameters if (gb.Seen('R') && !seenFanNum) { const size_t restorePointNumber = gb.GetLimitedUIValue('R', NumRestorePoints); SetMappedFanSpeed(numberedRestorePoints[restorePointNumber].fanSpeed); } } break; case 107: // Fan off - deprecated SetMappedFanSpeed(0.0); break; case 108: // Cancel waiting for temperature if (isWaiting) { cancelWait = true; } break; case 109: // Deprecated in RRF, but widely generated by slicers { const bool movementWasLocked = gb.LatestMachineState().lockedResources.IsBitSet(MoveResource); if (!LockMovementAndWaitForStandstill(gb)) // wait until movement has finished and deferred command queue has caught up to avoid out-of-order execution { return false; } // 2020-02-04 Don't unlock movement if it was already locked, e.g. because M109 was used in a macro if (!movementWasLocked) { UnlockMovement(gb); // allow babystepping and pausing while heating } } // no break case 104: // New behaviour from 1.20beta12: // M109 Snnn // - If no tools are active, set Tool 0 to active // - Set active tool's active and standby temperatures to Snnn // // M109 Tnnn Snnn // - If no tools are active, set Tnnn to active // - If another tool is active but Tnnn is off, set Tnnn to standby // - Set Tnnn's active and standby temperatures to Snnn // M104 does the same but doesn't ever select a tool { // Get the temperature to set float temperature; if (gb.Seen('R')) { gb.LatestMachineState().waitWhileCooling = true; temperature = gb.GetFValue(); } else if (gb.Seen('S')) { gb.LatestMachineState().waitWhileCooling = false; temperature = gb.GetFValue(); } else { break; // no target temperature given } // Find the tool that the command applies to. // This is the tool specified in the T parameter, else the current tool if there is one, else the default tool int32_t toolNumber = 0; bool seenT = false; gb.TryGetIValue('T', toolNumber, seenT); ReadLockedPointer const applicableTool = (seenT) ? reprap.GetTool(toolNumber) : reprap.GetCurrentOrDefaultTool(); // Check that we have a tool if (applicableTool.IsNull()) { reply.copy("Invalid tool number"); result = GCodeResult::error; break; } // Set the heater temperatures for that tool. We set the standby temperatures as well as the active ones, // because any slicer that uses M109 doesn't understand that there are separate active and standby temperatures. if (!IsSimulating()) { SetToolHeaters(applicableTool.Ptr(), temperature, true); // this may throw } Tool * const currentTool = reprap.GetCurrentTool(); if (code == 109 && currentTool == nullptr) { // Switch to the tool if (!LockMovementAndWaitForStandstill(gb)) { return false; } newToolNumber = applicableTool->Number(); toolChangeParam = (IsSimulating()) ? 0 : DefaultToolChangeParam; gb.SetState(GCodeState::m109ToolChange0); result = GCodeResult::ok; } else { if (applicableTool.Ptr() == currentTool) { // Even though the tool is selected, we may have turned it off e.g. when upgrading the WiFi firmware or following a heater fault that has been cleared. // So make sure the tool heaters are on. reprap.SelectTool(applicableTool->Number(), IsSimulating()); } else { // If we already have an active tool and we are setting temperatures for a different tool, set that tool's heaters to standby in case it is off reprap.StandbyTool(applicableTool->Number(), IsSimulating()); } if (code == 109 && !IsSimulating()) { gb.SetState(GCodeState::m109WaitForTemperature); result = GCodeResult::ok; } } } break; case 110: // Set line numbers //TODO break; case 111: // Debug level { bool seen = false; uint32_t flags = 0; Module module = Module::noModule; if (gb.Seen('S')) { flags = gb.GetUIValue(); if (flags != 0) { flags = 0xFFFFFFFF; } seen = true; } else if (gb.Seen('D')) { flags = gb.GetUIValue(); seen = true; } if (gb.Seen('P')) { module = static_cast(gb.GetLimitedUIValue('P', Module::numModules)); seen = true; } if (seen) { if (module != Module::noModule) { reprap.SetDebug(module, flags); reprap.PrintDebug(gb.GetResponseMessageType()); return true; } else if (flags != 0) { // Repetier Host sends M111 with various S parameters to enable echo and similar features, which used to turn on all out debugging. // But it's not useful to enable all debugging anyway. So we no longer allow debugging to be enabled without a P parameter. reply.copy("Use P parameter to specify which module to debug"); } else { // M111 S0 still clears all debugging reprap.ClearDebug(); } } else { reprap.PrintDebug(gb.GetResponseMessageType()); return true; } } break; case 112: // Emergency stop - acted upon in Webserver, but also here in case it comes from USB etc. DoEmergencyStop(); break; case 114: GetCurrentCoordinates(reply); break; case 115: // Print firmware version or set hardware type #if defined(DUET_NG) || defined(DUET_06_85) if (gb.Seen('P')) { if (runningConfigFile) { platform.SetBoardType((BoardType)gb.GetIValue()); } else { reply.copy("Board type can only be set within config.g"); result = GCodeResult::error; } } else #endif { #if SUPPORT_CAN_EXPANSION if (gb.Seen('B')) { const uint32_t board = gb.GetUIValue(); if (board != CanInterface::GetCanAddress()) { result = CanInterface::GetRemoteFirmwareDetails(board, gb, reply); break; } } #endif reply.printf("FIRMWARE_NAME: %s FIRMWARE_VERSION: %s ELECTRONICS: %s", FIRMWARE_NAME, VERSION, platform.GetElectronicsString()); #ifdef DUET_NG const char* const expansionName = DuetExpansion::GetExpansionBoardName(); if (expansionName != nullptr) { reply.catf(" + %s", expansionName); } const char* const additionalExpansionName = DuetExpansion::GetAdditionalExpansionBoardName(); if (additionalExpansionName != nullptr) { reply.catf(" + %s", additionalExpansionName); } #endif #ifdef DUET3_ATE reply.lcatf("ATE firmware version %s date %s %s", Duet3Ate::GetFirmwareVersionString(), Duet3Ate::GetFirmwareDateString(), Duet3Ate::GetFirmwareTimeString()); #else reply.catf(" FIRMWARE_DATE: %s%s", DATE, TIME_SUFFIX); #endif } break; case 116: // Wait for set temperatures if (!LockMovementAndWaitForStandstill(gb)) // wait until movement has finished and deferred command queue has caught up to avoid out-of-order execution { return false; } if (!cancelWait) { const float tolerance = (gb.Seen('S')) ? max(gb.GetFValue(), 0.1) : TEMPERATURE_CLOSE_ENOUGH; bool seen = false; if (gb.Seen('P')) { // Wait for the heaters associated with the specified tool to be ready if (!ToolHeatersAtSetTemperatures(reprap.GetTool(gb.GetIValue()).Ptr(), true, tolerance)) { isWaiting = true; return false; } seen = true; } if (gb.Seen('H')) { // Wait for specified heaters to be ready uint32_t heaters[MaxHeaters]; size_t heaterCount = MaxHeaters; gb.GetUnsignedArray(heaters, heaterCount, false); for (size_t i = 0; i < heaterCount; i++) { if (!reprap.GetHeat().HeaterAtSetTemperature(heaters[i], true, tolerance)) { isWaiting = true; return false; } } seen = true; } if (gb.Seen('C')) { // Wait for specified chamber(s) to be ready uint32_t chamberIndices[MaxChamberHeaters]; size_t chamberCount = MaxChamberHeaters; gb.GetUnsignedArray(chamberIndices, chamberCount, false); if (chamberCount == 0) { // If no values are specified, wait for all chamber heaters for (size_t i = 0; i < MaxChamberHeaters; i++) { const int8_t heater = reprap.GetHeat().GetChamberHeater(i); if (heater >= 0 && !reprap.GetHeat().HeaterAtSetTemperature(heater, true, tolerance)) { isWaiting = true; return false; } } } else { // Otherwise wait only for the specified chamber heaters for (size_t i = 0; i < chamberCount; i++) { if (chamberIndices[i] >= 0 && chamberIndices[i] < MaxChamberHeaters) { const int8_t heater = reprap.GetHeat().GetChamberHeater(chamberIndices[i]); if (heater >= 0 && !reprap.GetHeat().HeaterAtSetTemperature(heater, true, tolerance)) { isWaiting = true; return false; } } } } seen = true; } // Wait for all heaters except chamber(s) to be ready if (!seen && !reprap.GetHeat().AllHeatersAtSetTemperatures(true, tolerance)) { isWaiting = true; return false; } } // If we get here, there is nothing more to wait for cancelWait = isWaiting = false; break; case 117: // Display message { String msg; gb.GetUnprecedentedString(msg.GetRef(), true); reprap.SetMessage(msg.c_str()); } break; case 118: // Echo message on host { gb.MustSee('S'); String message; gb.GetQuotedString(message.GetRef()); MessageType type = GenericMessage; #if HAS_MASS_STORAGE bool seenP = false; #endif if (gb.Seen('P')) { #if HAS_MASS_STORAGE seenP = true; #endif const int32_t param = gb.GetIValue(); switch (param) { case 0: // Generic (default) // no need to set it twice break; case 1: // USB type = UsbMessage; break; case 2: // UART port type = DirectAuxMessage; break; case 3: // HTTP type = HttpMessage; break; case 4: // Telnet type = TelnetMessage; break; #ifdef SERIAL_AUX2_DEVICE case 5: // AUX2 type = Aux2Message; break; #endif default: reply.printf("Invalid message type: %" PRIi32, param); result = GCodeResult::error; break; } } #if HAS_MASS_STORAGE if (gb.Seen('L')) { // If we haven't seen a P parameter but seen the L parameter we are going to log // only to log file so reset message type first if (!seenP) { type = MessageType::NoDestinationMessage; } const LogLevel logLevel = (LogLevel) gb.GetLimitedUIValue('L', LogLevel::off, LogLevel::NumValues); switch (logLevel.ToBaseType()) { case LogLevel::off: type = RemoveLogging(type); break; case LogLevel::warn: type = AddLogWarn(type); break; case LogLevel::info: type = AddLogInfo(type); break; case LogLevel::debug: type = AddLogDebug(type); break; } } #endif if (result != GCodeResult::error) { // Append newline and send the message to the destinations message.cat('\n'); platform.Message(type, message.c_str()); } } break; case 119: platform.GetEndstops().GetM119report(reply); break; case 120: Push(gb, true); break; case 121: Pop(gb); break; case 122: { const unsigned int type = (gb.Seen('P')) ? gb.GetIValue() : 0; const MessageType mt = (MessageType)(gb.GetResponseMessageType() | PushFlag); // set the Push flag to combine multiple messages into a single OutputBuffer chain #if SUPPORT_CAN_EXPANSION const uint32_t board = (gb.Seen('B')) ? gb.GetUIValue() : CanInterface::GetCanAddress(); if (board != CanInterface::GetCanAddress()) { result = CanInterface::RemoteDiagnostics(mt, board, type, gb, reply); break; } #endif if (type == 0) { reprap.Diagnostics(mt); } else { result = platform.DiagnosticTest(gb, reply, outBuf, type); } } break; // M135 (set PID sample interval) is no longer supported case 140: // Bed temperature case 141: // Chamber temperature { Heat& heat = reprap.GetHeat(); bool seen = false; // Check if the heater index is passed const unsigned int index = gb.Seen('P') ? gb.GetLimitedUIValue('P', (code == 140) ? MaxBedHeaters : MaxChamberHeaters) : 0; // See if the heater number is being set if (gb.Seen('H')) { seen = true; int heater = gb.GetIValue(); if (heater < 0) { heater = -1; } else if (heater >= (int)MaxHeaters) { reply.printf("Invalid heater number '%d'", heater); result = GCodeResult::error; break; } if (code == 141) { heat.SetChamberHeater(index, heater); } else { heat.SetBedHeater(index, heater); } } const int8_t currentHeater = (code == 141) ? heat.GetChamberHeater(index) : heat.GetBedHeater(index); const char* const heaterName = (code == 141) ? "chamber" : "bed"; // Active temperature if (gb.Seen('S')) { seen = true; const float temperature = gb.GetFValue(); if (currentHeater < 0) { if (temperature > 0.0) // turning off a non-existent bed or chamber heater is not an error { reply.printf("No %s heater has been configured for slot %d", heaterName, index); result = GCodeResult::error; } } else { if (temperature < NEARLY_ABS_ZERO) { heat.SwitchOff(currentHeater); } else { heat.SetActiveTemperature(currentHeater, temperature); // may throw result = heat.Activate(currentHeater, reply); } } } // Standby temperature if (gb.Seen('R')) { seen = true; if (currentHeater < 0) { reply.printf("No %s heater has been configured for slot %d", heaterName, index); result = GCodeResult::error; } else { heat.SetStandbyTemperature(currentHeater, gb.GetFValue()); } } if (!seen) { if (currentHeater < 0) { reply.printf("No %s heater has been configured for slot %d", heaterName, index); } else { reply.printf("%c%s heater %d (slot %d) is currently at %.1f" DEGREE_SYMBOL "C", toupper(heaterName[0]), heaterName + 1, currentHeater, index, (double)reprap.GetHeat().GetHeaterTemperature(currentHeater)); } } } break; case 143: // Configure heater protection result = reprap.GetHeat().HandleM143(gb, reply); break; case 144: // Set bed to standby, or to active if S1 parameter given { const unsigned int index = gb.Seen('P') ? gb.GetLimitedUIValue('P', MaxBedHeaters) : 0; const int8_t bedHeater = reprap.GetHeat().GetBedHeater(index); if (bedHeater >= 0) { if (gb.Seen('S') && gb.GetIValue() == 1) { result = reprap.GetHeat().Activate(bedHeater, reply); } else { reprap.GetHeat().Standby(bedHeater, nullptr); } } } break; #if SUPPORT_LED_STRIPS case 150: result = LedStripDriver::SetColours(gb, reply); break; #endif case 190: // Set bed temperature and wait case 191: // Set chamber temperature and wait if (!LockMovementAndWaitForStandstill(gb)) // wait until movement has finished and deferred command queue has caught up to avoid out-of-order execution { return false; } UnlockMovement(gb); // allow babystepping and pausing while heating { // Check if the heater index is passed const uint32_t index = gb.Seen('P') ? gb.GetLimitedUIValue('P', (code == 190) ? MaxBedHeaters : MaxChamberHeaters) : 0; const int8_t heater = (code == 191) ? reprap.GetHeat().GetChamberHeater(index) : reprap.GetHeat().GetBedHeater(index); if (heater >= 0) { float temperature; bool waitWhenCooling; if (gb.Seen('R')) { waitWhenCooling = true; temperature = gb.GetFValue(); } else if (gb.Seen('S')) { waitWhenCooling = false; temperature = gb.GetFValue(); } else { break; // no target temperature given } reprap.GetHeat().SetActiveTemperature(heater, temperature); // may throw result = reprap.GetHeat().Activate(heater, reply); if (cancelWait || reprap.GetHeat().HeaterAtSetTemperature(heater, waitWhenCooling, TEMPERATURE_CLOSE_ENOUGH)) { cancelWait = isWaiting = false; break; } isWaiting = true; return false; } } break; case 200: // Set filament diameter for volumetric extrusion and enable/disable volumetric extrusion if (gb.Seen('D')) { float diameters[MaxExtruders]; size_t len = MaxExtruders; gb.GetFloatArray(diameters, len, true); for (size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) { const float d = diameters[i]; volumetricExtrusionFactors[i] = (d <= 0.0) ? 1.0 : 4.0/(fsquare(d) * Pi); } gb.LatestMachineState().volumetricExtrusion = (diameters[0] > 0.0); reprap.InputsUpdated(); } else if (!gb.LatestMachineState().volumetricExtrusion) { reply.copy("Volumetric extrusion is disabled for this input source"); } else { reply.copy("Filament diameters for volumetric extrusion:"); for (size_t i = 0; i < numExtruders; ++i) { const float vef = volumetricExtrusionFactors[i]; if (vef == 1.0) { reply.cat(" n/a"); } else { reply.catf(" %.03f", (double)(2.0/fastSqrtf(vef * Pi))); } } } break; case 201: // Set/print axis accelerations { const int frac = gb.GetCommandFraction(); if (frac > 1) { result = GCodeResult::errorNotSupported; break; } bool seen = false; for (size_t axis = 0; axis < numTotalAxes; axis++) { if (gb.Seen(axisLetters[axis])) { platform.SetAcceleration(axis, gb.GetAcceleration(), frac == 1); seen = true; } } if (gb.Seen(extrudeLetter)) { seen = true; float eVals[MaxExtruders]; size_t eCount = numExtruders; gb.GetFloatArray(eVals, eCount, true); for (size_t e = 0; e < eCount; e++) { platform.SetAcceleration(ExtruderToLogicalDrive(e), ConvertAcceleration(eVals[e]), frac == 1); } } if (seen) { reprap.MoveUpdated(); } else { reply.copy((frac == 1) ? "Reduced accelerations (mm/sec^2): " : "Accelerations (mm/sec^2): "); for (size_t axis = 0; axis < numTotalAxes; ++axis) { reply.catf("%c: %.1f, ", axisLetters[axis], (double)InverseConvertAcceleration(platform.Accelerations(frac == 1)[axis])); } reply.cat("E:"); char sep = ' '; for (size_t extruder = 0; extruder < numExtruders; extruder++) { reply.catf("%c%.1f", sep, (double)InverseConvertAcceleration(platform.Accelerations(frac == 1)[ExtruderToLogicalDrive(extruder)])); sep = ':'; } } } break; case 203: // Set/print minimum/maximum feedrates { // Units are mm/sec if S1 is given, else mm/min const bool usingMmPerSec = (gb.Seen('S') && gb.GetIValue() == 1); bool seen = false; // Do the minimum first, because we constrain the maximum rates to be no lower than it if (gb.Seen('I')) { seen = true; platform.SetMinMovementSpeed(gb.GetSpeedFromMm(usingMmPerSec)); } for (size_t axis = 0; axis < numTotalAxes; ++axis) { if (gb.Seen(axisLetters[axis])) { seen = true; platform.SetMaxFeedrate(axis, gb.GetSpeedFromMm(usingMmPerSec)); } } if (gb.Seen(extrudeLetter)) { seen = true; float eVals[MaxExtruders]; size_t eCount = numExtruders; gb.GetFloatArray(eVals, eCount, true); for (size_t e = 0; e < eCount; e++) { platform.SetMaxFeedrate(ExtruderToLogicalDrive(e), ConvertSpeedFromMm(eVals[e], usingMmPerSec)); } } if (seen) { reprap.MoveUpdated(); } else { reply.printf("Max speeds (%s)): ", (usingMmPerSec) ? "mm/sec" : "mm/min"); for (size_t axis = 0; axis < numTotalAxes; ++axis) { reply.catf("%c: %.1f, ", axisLetters[axis], (double)InverseConvertSpeedToMm(platform.MaxFeedrate(axis), usingMmPerSec)); } reply.cat("E:"); char sep = ' '; for (size_t extruder = 0; extruder < numExtruders; extruder++) { reply.catf("%c%.1f", sep, (double)InverseConvertSpeedToMm(platform.MaxFeedrate(ExtruderToLogicalDrive(extruder)), usingMmPerSec)); sep = ':'; } reply.catf(", min. speed %.2f", (double)InverseConvertSpeedToMm(platform.MinMovementSpeed(), usingMmPerSec)); } } break; case 204: // Set max travel and printing accelerations result = reprap.GetMove().ConfigureAccelerations(gb, reply); break; // For case 205 see case 566 case 206: // Offset axes result = OffsetAxes(gb, reply); break; case 207: // Set firmware retraction details if (gb.Seen('P')) { const unsigned int toolNumber = gb.GetUIValue(); auto tool = reprap.GetTool(toolNumber); if (tool.IsNull()) { reply.printf("Tool %u does not exist", toolNumber); result = GCodeResult::error; } else { result = tool->SetFirmwareRetraction(gb, reply, outBuf); } } else { result = reprap.SetAllToolsFirmwareRetraction(gb, reply, outBuf); } break; case 208: // Set/print maximum axis lengths. If there is an S parameter with value 1 then we set the min value, else we set the max value. { bool setMin = (gb.Seen('S') ? (gb.GetIValue() == 1) : false); bool seen = false; for (size_t axis = 0; axis < numTotalAxes; axis++) { if (gb.Seen(axisLetters[axis])) { seen = true; float values[2]; size_t numValues = 2; gb.GetFloatArray(values, numValues, false); bool ok; if (numValues == 2) { ok = values[1] > values[0]; if (ok) { platform.SetAxisMinimum(axis, values[0], gb.LatestMachineState().runningM501); platform.SetAxisMaximum(axis, values[1], gb.LatestMachineState().runningM501); } } else if (setMin) { ok = platform.AxisMaximum(axis) > values[0]; if (ok) { platform.SetAxisMinimum(axis, values[0], gb.LatestMachineState().runningM501); } } else { ok = values[0] > platform.AxisMinimum(axis); if (ok) { platform.SetAxisMaximum(axis, values[0], gb.LatestMachineState().runningM501); } } if (!ok) { reply.printf("%c axis maximum must be greater than minimum", axisLetters[axis]); result = GCodeResult::error; } } } if (!seen) { reply.copy("Axis limits (mm)"); char sep = 's'; for (size_t axis = 0; axis < numTotalAxes; axis++) { reply.catf("%c %c%.1f:%.1f", sep, axisLetters[axis], (double)platform.AxisMinimum(axis), (double)platform.AxisMaximum(axis)); sep = ','; } } } break; case 220: // Set/report speed factor override percentage if (gb.Seen('S')) { const float newSpeedFactor = gb.GetFValue() * 0.01; if (newSpeedFactor >= 0.01) { // If the last move hasn't gone yet, update its feed rate if it is not a firmware retraction if (moveState.segmentsLeft != 0 && moveState.applyM220M221) { moveState.feedRate *= newSpeedFactor / speedFactor; } speedFactor = newSpeedFactor; reprap.MoveUpdated(); } else { reply.copy("Invalid speed factor"); result = GCodeResult::error; } } else { reply.printf("Speed factor: %.1f%%", (double)(speedFactor * 100.0)); } break; case 221: // Set/report extrusion factor override percentage { uint32_t extruder = 0; const bool seenD = gb.Seen('D'); if (seenD) { extruder = gb.GetLimitedUIValue('D', numExtruders); } const Tool * const ct = reprap.GetCurrentTool(); if (!seenD && ct == nullptr) { reply.copy("No tool selected"); result = GCodeResult::error; } else if (gb.Seen('S')) // S parameter sets the override percentage { const float extrusionFactor = gb.GetFValue() * 0.01; if (extrusionFactor >= 0.01) { if (seenD) { ChangeExtrusionFactor(extruder, extrusionFactor); } else { ct->IterateExtruders([this, extrusionFactor](unsigned int extruder) { ChangeExtrusionFactor(extruder, extrusionFactor); }); } } } else if (seenD) { reply.printf("Extrusion factor for extruder %" PRIu32 ": %.1f%%", extruder, (double)(extrusionFactors[extruder] * 100.0)); } else { reply.copy("Extrusion factor(s) for current tool:"); ct->IterateExtruders([reply, this](unsigned int extruder) { reply.catf(" %.1f%%", (double)(extrusionFactors[extruder] * 100.0)); }); } } break; // For case 226, see case 25 case 260: // I2C send result = SendI2c(gb, reply); break; case 261: // I2C send result = ReceiveI2c(gb, reply); break; case 280: // Servos { const uint32_t gpioPortNumber = gb.GetLimitedUIValue('P', MaxGpOutPorts); gb.MustSee('S'); float angleOrWidth = gb.GetFValue(); if (angleOrWidth < 0.0) { // Disable the servo by setting the pulse width to zero angleOrWidth = 0.0; } else if (angleOrWidth < MinServoPulseWidth) { // User gave an angle so convert it to a pulse width in microseconds angleOrWidth = (min(angleOrWidth, 180.0) * ((MaxServoPulseWidth - MinServoPulseWidth) / 180.0)) + MinServoPulseWidth; } else if (angleOrWidth > MaxServoPulseWidth) { angleOrWidth = MaxServoPulseWidth; } const float pwm = angleOrWidth * (ServoRefreshFrequency/1e6); result = platform.GetGpOutPort(gpioPortNumber).WriteAnalog(gpioPortNumber, true, pwm, gb, reply); } break; case 290: // Baby stepping { const bool absolute = (gb.Seen('R') && gb.GetIValue() == 0); float differences[MaxAxes]; AxesBitmap axesMentioned; for (size_t axis = 0; axis < numVisibleAxes; ++axis) { if (gb.Seen(axisLetters[axis]) || (axis == 2 && gb.Seen('S'))) // S is a synonym for Z { if (!LockMovement(gb)) { return false; } axesMentioned.SetBit(axis); const float fval = gb.GetFValue(); if (absolute) { differences[axis] = fval - GetTotalBabyStepOffset(axis); } else { differences[axis] = constrain(fval, -1.0, 1.0); } } else { differences[axis] = 0.0; } } if (axesMentioned.IsNonEmpty()) { const bool canMove = !CheckEnoughAxesHomed(axesMentioned); if (!canMove && !absolute) { reply.copy("insufficient axes homed"); result = GCodeResult::error; break; } // Perform babystepping synchronously with moves. Only move axes that have been flagged as homed. bool haveResidual = false; for (size_t axis = 0; axis < numVisibleAxes; ++axis) { currentBabyStepOffsets[axis] += differences[axis]; reprap.MoveUpdated(); if (IsAxisHomed(axis)) { const float amountPushed = reprap.GetMove().PushBabyStepping(axis, differences[axis]); moveState.initialCoords[axis] += amountPushed; // The following causes all the remaining baby stepping that we didn't manage to push to be added to the [remainder of the] currently-executing move, if there is one. // This could result in an abrupt Z movement, however the move will be processed as normal so the jerk limit will be honoured. moveState.coords[axis] += differences[axis]; if (amountPushed != differences[axis]) { haveResidual = true; } } } if (canMove && haveResidual && moveState.segmentsLeft == 0 && reprap.GetMove().NoLiveMovement()) { // The pipeline is empty, so execute the babystepping move immediately if it is safe to do SetMoveBufferDefaults(); moveState.feedRate = ConvertSpeedFromMmPerMin(DefaultFeedRate); moveState.tool = reprap.GetCurrentTool(); NewMoveAvailable(1); } } else { reply.printf("Baby stepping offsets (mm):"); for (size_t axis = 0; axis < numVisibleAxes; ++axis) { reply.catf(" %c:%.3f", axisLetters[axis], (double)GetTotalBabyStepOffset(axis)); } } } break; case 291: // Display message, optionally wait for acknowledgement { gb.MustSee('P'); String message; gb.GetQuotedString(message.GetRef()); bool dummy = false; String title; gb.TryGetQuotedString('R', title.GetRef(), dummy); int32_t sParam = 1; gb.TryGetIValue('S', sParam, dummy); if (sParam < 0 || sParam > 3) { reply.copy("Invalid message box mode"); result = GCodeResult::error; break; } float tParam; if (sParam == 0 || sParam == 1) { tParam = DefaultMessageTimeout; gb.TryGetFValue('T', tParam, dummy); } else { tParam = 0.0; } if (sParam == 0 && tParam <= 0.0) { reply.copy("Attempt to create a message box that cannot be dismissed"); result = GCodeResult::error; break; } AxesBitmap axisControls; for (size_t axis = 0; axis < numTotalAxes; axis++) { if (gb.Seen(axisLetters[axis]) && gb.GetIValue() > 0) { axisControls.SetBit(axis); } } // Don't lock the movement system, because if we do then only the channel that issues the M291 can move the axes if (sParam == 2 || sParam == 3) { #if HAS_SBC_INTERFACE if (reprap.UsingSbcInterface()) { gb.SetState(GCodeState::waitingForAcknowledgement); } #endif if (Push(gb, true)) // stack the machine state including the file position { UnlockMovement(gb); // allow movement so that e.g. an SD card print can call M291 and then DWC or PanelDue can be used to jog axes gb.WaitForAcknowledgement(); // flag that we are waiting for acknowledgement } } // Display the message box on all relevant devices. Acknowledging any one of them clears them all. const MessageType mt = GetMessageBoxDevice(gb); // get the display device platform.SendAlert(mt, message.c_str(), title.c_str(), (int)sParam, tParam, axisControls); } break; case 292: // Acknowledge message { reprap.ClearAlert(); const bool cancelled = (gb.Seen('P') && gb.GetIValue() == 1); for (GCodeBuffer* targetGb : gcodeSources) { if (targetGb != nullptr) { targetGb->MessageAcknowledged(cancelled); } } platform.MessageF(MessageType::LogInfo, "M292: cancelled: %s", (cancelled ? "true" : "false")); } break; case 300: // Beep { const unsigned int ms = (gb.Seen('P')) ? gb.GetUIValue() : 1000; // time in milliseconds const unsigned int freq = (gb.Seen('S')) ? gb.GetUIValue() : 4600; // 4600Hz produces the loudest sound on a PanelDue reprap.Beep(freq, ms); } break; case 301: // Set/report hot end PID values result = reprap.GetHeat().SetPidParameters(1, gb, reply); break; case 302: // Allow, deny or report cold extrudes and configure minimum extrusion/retraction temps { bool seen = false; if (gb.Seen('P')) { if (!LockMovementAndWaitForStandstill(gb)) { return false; } seen = true; reprap.GetHeat().AllowColdExtrude(gb.GetIValue() > 0); } if (gb.Seen('S')) { if (!LockMovementAndWaitForStandstill(gb)) { return false; } seen = true; reprap.GetHeat().SetExtrusionMinTemp(gb.GetFValue()); } if (gb.Seen('R')) { if (!LockMovementAndWaitForStandstill(gb)) { return false; } seen = true; reprap.GetHeat().SetRetractionMinTemp(gb.GetFValue()); } if (!seen) { if (reprap.GetHeat().ColdExtrude()) { reply.copy("Cold extrusion is allowed (use M302 P0 to forbid it)"); } else { reply.printf("Cold extrusion is forbidden (use M302 P1 to allow it), min. extrusion temperature %.1fC, min. retraction temperature %.1fC", (double)reprap.GetHeat().GetExtrusionMinTemp(), (double)reprap.GetHeat().GetRetractionMinTemp()); } } } break; case 303: // Run PID tuning result = reprap.GetHeat().TuneHeater(gb, reply); break; case 304: // Set/report heated bed PID values result = reprap.GetHeat().SetPidParameters(0, gb, reply); break; case 305: // Set/report specific heater parameters reply.copy("M305 has been replaced by M308 and M950 in RepRapFirmware 3"); result = GCodeResult::error; break; case 307: // Set heater process model parameters result = reprap.GetHeat().SetOrReportHeaterModel(gb, reply); break; case 308: result = reprap.GetHeat().ConfigureSensor(gb, reply); break; case 309: { ReadLockedPointer const tool = GetSpecifiedOrCurrentTool(gb); result = tool->GetSetFeedForward(gb, reply); } break; case 350: // Set/report microstepping { #if SUPPORT_CAN_EXPANSION AxesBitmap axesToUpdate; #endif bool interp = (gb.Seen('I') && gb.GetIValue() > 0); bool seen = false; for (size_t axis = 0; axis < numTotalAxes; axis++) { if (gb.Seen(axisLetters[axis])) { if (!LockMovementAndWaitForStandstill(gb)) { return false; } seen = true; #if SUPPORT_CAN_EXPANSION axesToUpdate.SetBit(axis); #endif const unsigned int microsteps = gb.GetUIValue(); if (ChangeMicrostepping(axis, microsteps, interp, reply)) { SetAxisNotHomed(axis); } else { result = GCodeResult::error; } } } if (gb.Seen(extrudeLetter)) { if (!LockMovementAndWaitForStandstill(gb)) { return false; } seen = true; uint32_t eVals[MaxExtruders]; size_t eCount = numExtruders; gb.GetUnsignedArray(eVals, eCount, true); for (size_t e = 0; e < eCount; e++) { const size_t drive = ExtruderToLogicalDrive(e); #if SUPPORT_CAN_EXPANSION axesToUpdate.SetBit(drive); #endif if (!ChangeMicrostepping(drive, eVals[e], interp, reply)) { result = GCodeResult::error; } } } if (seen) { #if SUPPORT_CAN_EXPANSION result = max(result, platform.UpdateRemoteStepsPerMmAndMicrostepping(axesToUpdate, reply)); #endif } else { reply.copy("Microstepping - "); for (size_t axis = 0; axis < numTotalAxes; ++axis) { bool actualInterp; const unsigned int microsteps = platform.GetMicrostepping(axis, actualInterp); reply.catf("%c:%u%s, ", axisLetters[axis], microsteps, (actualInterp) ? "(on)" : ""); } reply.cat("E"); for (size_t extruder = 0; extruder < numExtruders; extruder++) { bool actualInterp; const unsigned int microsteps = platform.GetMicrostepping(ExtruderToLogicalDrive(extruder), actualInterp); reply.catf(":%u%s", microsteps, (actualInterp) ? "(on)" : ""); } } } break; #if HAS_MASS_STORAGE || HAS_SBC_INTERFACE case 374: // Save grid and height map to file result = SaveHeightMap(gb, reply); break; case 375: // Load grid and height map from file and enable compensation if (!LockMovementAndWaitForStandstill(gb)) { return false; } result = LoadHeightMap(gb, reply); break; #endif case 376: // Set taper height { Move& move = reprap.GetMove(); if (gb.Seen('H')) { move.SetTaperHeight(gb.GetFValue()); } else if (move.GetTaperHeight() > 0.0) { reply.printf("Bed compensation taper height is %.1fmm", (double)move.GetTaperHeight()); } else { reply.copy("Bed compensation is not tapered"); } } break; case 400: // Wait for current moves to finish if (!LockMovementAndWaitForStandstill(gb)) { return false; } break; case 401: // Deploy Z probe { currentZProbeNumber = (gb.Seen('P')) ? gb.GetUIValue() : 0; auto zp = platform.GetEndstops().GetZProbe(currentZProbeNumber); if (zp.IsNotNull() && zp->GetProbeType() != ZProbeType::none) { zp->SetDeployedByUser(false); // pretend that the probe isn't deployed, to make sure we deploy it unconditionally DeployZProbe(gb); zp->SetDeployedByUser(true); // probe is now deployed } } break; case 402: // Retract Z probe { currentZProbeNumber = (gb.Seen('P')) ? gb.GetUIValue() : 0; auto zp = platform.GetEndstops().GetZProbe(currentZProbeNumber); if (zp.IsNotNull() && zp->GetProbeType() != ZProbeType::none) { zp->SetDeployedByUser(false); // do this first, otherwise the probe won't be retracted RetractZProbe(gb); } } break; case 404: // Filament width. See also M200. // TODO support per-extruder values if (gb.Seen('N')) { platform.SetFilamentWidth(gb.GetFValue()); break; } // no break case 407: reply.printf("Filament width %.2fmm", (double)platform.GetFilamentWidth()); break; case 408: // Get status in JSON format { const unsigned int type = gb.Seen('S') ? gb.GetUIValue() : 0; #if SUPPORT_CAN_EXPANSION const uint32_t board = (gb.Seen('B')) ? gb.GetUIValue() : 0; if (board != 0) { result = CanInterface::RemoteM408(board, type, gb, reply); break; } #endif const int seq = gb.Seen('R') ? gb.GetIValue() : -1; if (&gb == auxGCode && (type == 0 || type == 2)) { lastAuxStatusReportType = type; } outBuf = GenerateJsonStatusResponse(type, seq, (&gb == auxGCode) ? ResponseSource::AUX : ResponseSource::Generic); if (outBuf == nullptr) { result = GCodeResult::notFinished; // we ran out of buffers, so try again later } } break; #if SUPPORT_OBJECT_MODEL case 409: // Get object model values in JSON format { String key; String flags; bool dummy; gb.TryGetQuotedString('K', key.GetRef(), dummy, true); gb.TryGetQuotedString('F', flags.GetRef(), dummy, true); if (&gb == auxGCode) { lastAuxStatusReportType = ObjectModelAuxStatusReportType; } outBuf = reprap.GetModelResponse(key.c_str(), flags.c_str()); if (outBuf == nullptr) { OutputBuffer::ReleaseAll(outBuf); // We don't delay and retry here, in case the user asked for too much of the object model in one go for the output buffers to contain it reply.copy("{\"err\":-1}\n"); } if (&gb == auxGCode) { gb.ResetReportDueTimer(); } } break; #endif case 450: // Report printer mode reply.printf("PrinterMode:%s", GetMachineModeString()); break; case 451: // Select FFF printer mode if (!LockMovementAndWaitForStandstill(gb)) { return false; } #if SUPPORT_LASER platform.ReleaseLaserPin(); #endif machineType = MachineType::fff; reprap.StateUpdated(); break; #if SUPPORT_LASER case 452: // Select laser mode if (!LockMovementAndWaitForStandstill(gb)) { return false; } machineType = MachineType::laser; Move::CreateLaserTask(); if (gb.Seen('C')) { if (!platform.AssignLaserPin(gb, reply)) { result = GCodeResult::error; } } if (gb.Seen('F') || gb.Seen('Q')) { platform.SetLaserPwmFrequency(gb.GetPwmFrequency()); } if (result == GCodeResult::ok) { if (gb.Seen('S')) { laserPowerSticky = (gb.GetUIValue() == 1); } if (gb.Seen('R')) { laserMaxPower = max(1.0, gb.GetFValue()); } } reprap.StateUpdated(); break; #endif case 453: // Select CNC mode if (!LockMovementAndWaitForStandstill(gb)) { return false; } // M453 may be repeated to set up multiple spindles, so only print the message on the initial switch if (machineType != MachineType::cnc) { #if SUPPORT_LASER platform.ReleaseLaserPin(); #endif machineType = MachineType::cnc; // switch to CNC mode even if the spindle parameter is bad reprap.StateUpdated(); } if (gb.Seen('S')) { reply.copy("Spindle management has been moved to M950"); result = GCodeResult::error; } break; #if HAS_MASS_STORAGE case 470: // mkdir { gb.MustSee('P'); String dirName; gb.GetQuotedString(dirName.GetRef()); result = (MassStorage::MakeDirectory(dirName.c_str(), true)) ? GCodeResult::ok : GCodeResult::error; } break; case 471: // move/rename file/directory { gb.MustSee('S'); String oldVal; gb.GetQuotedString(oldVal.GetRef()); String newVal; gb.MustSee('T'); gb.GetQuotedString(newVal.GetRef()); const bool deleteExisting = (gb.Seen('D') && gb.GetUIValue() == 1); result = (MassStorage::Rename(oldVal.c_str(), newVal.c_str(), deleteExisting, true)) ? GCodeResult::ok : GCodeResult::error; } break; #endif case 486: // number object or cancel object result = buildObjects.HandleM486(gb, reply, outBuf); break; #if HAS_MASS_STORAGE || HAS_SBC_INTERFACE case 500: // Store parameters in config-override.g result = WriteConfigOverrideFile(gb, reply); break; #endif #if HAS_MASS_STORAGE || HAS_EMBEDDED_FILES || HAS_SBC_INTERFACE case 501: // Load parameters from config-override.g if (!gb.LatestMachineState().runningM502 && !gb.LatestMachineState().runningM501) // when running M502 we ignore config-override.g { if (runningConfigFile) { m501SeenInConfigFile = true; } DoFileMacro(gb, CONFIG_OVERRIDE_G, true, code); } break; case 502: // Revert to default "factory settings" ignoring values in config-override.g if (!gb.LatestMachineState().runningM502) // avoid recursion { if (!LockMovementAndWaitForStandstill(gb)) { return false; } reprap.GetHeat().SwitchOffAll(true); // turn heaters off before changing the models reprap.GetHeat().ResetHeaterModels(); // in case some heaters have no M307 commands in config.g reprap.GetMove().GetKinematics().SetCalibrationDefaults(); // in case M665/M666/M667/M669 in config.g don't define all the parameters platform.GetEndstops().SetZProbeDefaults(); DoFileMacro(gb, CONFIG_FILE, true, code); } break; #endif #if HAS_MASS_STORAGE || HAS_EMBEDDED_FILES case 503: // List variable settings { if (!LockFileSystem(gb)) { return false; } // Need a valid output buffer to continue if (!OutputBuffer::Allocate(outBuf)) { // No buffer available, try again later return false; } // Read the entire file FileStore * const f = platform.OpenSysFile(CONFIG_FILE, OpenMode::read); if (f == nullptr) { reply.copy("Configuration file not found"); result = GCodeResult::error; } else { char fileBuffer[FILE_BUFFER_SIZE]; size_t bytesRead, bytesLeftForWriting = OutputBuffer::GetBytesLeft(outBuf); while ((bytesRead = f->Read(fileBuffer, FILE_BUFFER_SIZE)) > 0 && bytesLeftForWriting > 0) { // Don't write more data than we can process if (bytesRead < bytesLeftForWriting) { bytesLeftForWriting -= bytesRead; } else { bytesRead = bytesLeftForWriting; bytesLeftForWriting = 0; } // Write it outBuf->cat(fileBuffer, bytesRead); } f->Close(); } } break; case 505: // set sys folder if (gb.Seen('P')) { // Lock movement to try to prevent other threads opening system files while we change the system path if (!LockMovementAndWaitForStandstill(gb)) { return false; } String path; gb.GetQuotedString(path.GetRef()); result = platform.SetSysDir(path.c_str(), reply); } else { String path; platform.AppendSysDir(path.GetRef()); reply.printf("Sys file path is %s", path.c_str()); } break; #endif case 540: // Set/report MAC address if (CheckNetworkCommandAllowed(gb, reply, result)) { const unsigned int interface = (gb.Seen('I') ? gb.GetUIValue() : 0); if (gb.Seen('P')) { MacAddress mac; gb.GetMacAddress(mac); result = reprap.GetNetwork().SetMacAddress(interface, mac, reply); } else { const MacAddress& mac = reprap.GetNetwork().GetMacAddress(interface); reply.printf("MAC: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x", mac.bytes[0], mac.bytes[1], mac.bytes[2], mac.bytes[3], mac.bytes[4], mac.bytes[5]); } } break; case 550: // Set/report machine name #if HAS_SBC_INTERFACE if (reprap.UsingSbcInterface() && !gb.IsBinary()) { result = GCodeResult::errorNotSupported; } else #endif { String name; bool seen = false; gb.TryGetPossiblyQuotedString('P', name.GetRef(), seen); if (seen) { reprap.SetName(name.c_str()); } else { reply.printf("RepRap name: %s", reprap.GetName()); } } break; case 551: // Set password (no option to report it) { if (gb.Seen('P')) { String password; gb.GetPossiblyQuotedString(password.GetRef(), true); reprap.SetPassword(password.c_str()); } } break; case 552: // Enable/Disable network and/or Set/Get IP address if (CheckNetworkCommandAllowed(gb, reply, result)) { bool seen = false; const unsigned int interface = (gb.Seen('I')) ? gb.GetUIValue() : 0; String ssid; if (reprap.GetNetwork().IsWiFiInterface(interface)) { if (gb.Seen('S')) // Has the user turned the network on or off? { const int enableValue = gb.GetIValue(); seen = true; if (gb.Seen('P')) { gb.GetQuotedString(ssid.GetRef()); } result = reprap.GetNetwork().EnableInterface(interface, enableValue, ssid.GetRef(), reply); } } else { if (gb.Seen('P')) { seen = true; IPAddress eth; gb.GetIPAddress(eth); platform.SetIPAddress(eth); } // Process this one last in case the IP address is changed and the network enabled in the same command if (gb.Seen('S')) // Has the user turned the network on or off? { seen = true; result = reprap.GetNetwork().EnableInterface(interface, gb.GetIValue(), ssid.GetRef(), reply); } } if (!seen) { result = reprap.GetNetwork().GetNetworkState(interface, reply); } } break; case 553: // Set/Get netmask if (CheckNetworkCommandAllowed(gb, reply, result)) { if (gb.Seen('P')) { IPAddress eth; gb.GetIPAddress(eth); platform.SetNetMask(eth); } else { const IPAddress nm = platform.NetMask(); reply.printf("Net mask: %d.%d.%d.%d ", nm.GetQuad(0), nm.GetQuad(1), nm.GetQuad(2), nm.GetQuad(3)); } } break; case 554: // Set/Get gateway if (CheckNetworkCommandAllowed(gb, reply, result)) { if (gb.Seen('P')) { IPAddress eth; gb.GetIPAddress(eth); platform.SetGateWay(eth); } else { const IPAddress gw = platform.GateWay(); reply.printf("Gateway: %d.%d.%d.%d ", gw.GetQuad(0), gw.GetQuad(1), gw.GetQuad(2), gw.GetQuad(3)); } } break; case 555: // Set/report firmware type to emulate if (gb.Seen('P')) { gb.LatestMachineState().compatibility.Assign(gb.GetIValue()); reprap.InputsUpdated(); } else { reply.printf("Output mode: %s", gb.LatestMachineState().compatibility.ToString()); } break; case 556: // Axis compensation (we support only X, Y, Z) { bool seen = false; if (gb.Seen('S')) { const float value = gb.GetFValue(); if (value >= 10.0) // avoid divide by zero and silly results { for (size_t axis = 0; axis <= Z_AXIS; axis++) { if (gb.Seen(axisLetters[axis])) { reprap.GetMove().SetAxisCompensation(axis, gb.GetFValue() / value); seen = true; } } } } if (gb.Seen('P')) { reprap.GetMove().SetXYCompensation(gb.GetIValue() <= 0); seen = true; } if (!seen) { reply.printf("Axis compensations - %s: %.5f, YZ: %.5f, ZX: %.5f", reprap.GetMove().IsXYCompensated() ? "XY" : "YX", (double)reprap.GetMove().AxisCompensation(X_AXIS), (double)reprap.GetMove().AxisCompensation(Y_AXIS), (double)reprap.GetMove().AxisCompensation(Z_AXIS)); } break; } case 557: // Set/report Z probe point coordinates result = DefineGrid(gb, reply); break; case 558: // Set or report Z probe type and for which axes it is used result = platform.GetEndstops().HandleM558(gb, reply); break; #if HAS_MASS_STORAGE case 559: case 560: // Binary writing { String defaultFolder; if (code == 560) { defaultFolder.copy(platform.GetWebDir()); } else { platform.AppendSysDir(defaultFolder.GetRef()); } String filename; gb.MustSee('P'); gb.GetQuotedString(filename.GetRef()); const FilePosition size = (gb.Seen('S') ? (FilePosition)gb.GetIValue() : 0); const uint32_t crc32 = (gb.Seen('C') ? gb.GetUIValue() : 0); const bool ok = gb.OpenFileToWrite(defaultFolder.c_str(), filename.c_str(), size, true, crc32); if (ok) { reply.printf("Writing to file: %s", filename.c_str()); } else { reply.printf("Can't open file %s for writing", filename.c_str()); result = GCodeResult::error; } } break; #endif case 561: // Set identity transform and disable height map if (!LockMovementAndWaitForStandstill(gb)) { return false; } ClearBedMapping(); break; case 562: // Reset temperature fault - use with great caution if (gb.Seen('P')) { const unsigned int heater = gb.GetLimitedUIValue('P', MaxHeaters); result = reprap.ClearTemperatureFault(heater, reply); } else { // Clear all heater faults for (unsigned int heater = 0; heater < MaxHeaters; ++heater) { result = max(result, reprap.ClearTemperatureFault(heater, reply)); } } heaterFaultState = HeaterFaultState::noFault; break; case 563: // Define tool result = ManageTool(gb, reply); break; case 564: // Think outside the box? { bool seen = false; if (gb.Seen('S')) { seen = true; limitAxes = (gb.GetIValue() > 0); } if (gb.Seen('H')) { seen = true; noMovesBeforeHoming = (gb.GetIValue() > 0); } if (!seen) { reply.printf("Movement outside the bed is %spermitted, movement before homing is %spermitted", (limitAxes) ? "not " : "", (noMovesBeforeHoming) ? "not " : ""); } } break; case 205: // Set/print maximum jerk speeds in mm/sec case 566: // Set/print maximum jerk speeds in mm/min { const bool useMmPerSec = (code == 205); bool seenAxis = false, seenExtruder = false; for (size_t axis = 0; axis < numTotalAxes; axis++) { if (gb.Seen(axisLetters[axis])) { platform.SetInstantDv(axis, gb.GetSpeedFromMm(useMmPerSec)); seenAxis = true; } } if (gb.Seen(extrudeLetter)) { seenExtruder = true; float eVals[MaxExtruders]; size_t eCount = numExtruders; gb.GetFloatArray(eVals, eCount, true); for (size_t e = 0; e < eCount; e++) { platform.SetInstantDv(ExtruderToLogicalDrive(e), ConvertSpeedFromMm(eVals[e], useMmPerSec)); } } if (code == 566 && gb.Seen('P')) { seenAxis = true; reprap.GetMove().SetJerkPolicy(gb.GetUIValue()); } if (seenAxis) { reprap.MoveUpdated(); } else if (!seenExtruder) { reply.printf("Maximum jerk rates (%s): ", (useMmPerSec) ? "mm/sec" : "mm/min"); for (size_t axis = 0; axis < numTotalAxes; ++axis) { reply.catf("%c: %.1f, ", axisLetters[axis], (double)InverseConvertSpeedToMm(platform.GetInstantDv(axis), useMmPerSec)); } reply.cat("E:"); char sep = ' '; for (size_t extruder = 0; extruder < numExtruders; extruder++) { reply.catf("%c%.1f", sep, (double)InverseConvertSpeedToMm(platform.GetInstantDv(ExtruderToLogicalDrive(extruder)), useMmPerSec)); sep = ':'; } if (code == 566) { reply.catf(", jerk policy: %u", reprap.GetMove().GetJerkPolicy()); } } } break; case 567: // Set/report tool mix ratios { ReadLockedPointer const tool = GetSpecifiedOrCurrentTool(gb); if (gb.Seen(extrudeLetter)) { float eVals[MaxExtruders]; size_t eCount = tool->DriveCount(); gb.GetFloatArray(eVals, eCount, false); if (eCount != tool->DriveCount()) { reply.copy("Setting mix ratios - wrong number of E drives: "); gb.AppendFullCommand(reply); } else { tool->DefineMix(eVals); } } else { reply.printf("Tool %d mix ratios:", tool->Number()); char sep = ' '; for (size_t drive = 0; drive < tool->DriveCount(); drive++) { reply.catf("%c%.3f", sep, (double)tool->GetMix()[drive]); sep = ':'; } } } break; case 568: // Tool Settings result = SetOrReportOffsets(gb, reply, 568); break; case 569: // Set/report axis direction result = ConfigureDriver(gb, reply); break; case 570: // Set/report heater monitoring { bool seen = false; if (gb.Seen('S')) { seen = true; heaterFaultTimeout = gb.GetUIValue() * (60 * 1000); } if (gb.Seen('H')) { seen = true; result = reprap.GetHeat().ConfigureHeaterMonitoring(gb.GetUIValue(), gb, reply); } if (!seen) { reply.printf("Print will be terminated if a heater fault is not reset within %" PRIu32 " minutes", heaterFaultTimeout/(60 * 1000)); } } break; case 571: // Set output on extrude result = platform.GetSetAncillaryPwm(gb, reply); break; case 572: // Set/report pressure advance result = reprap.GetMove().ConfigurePressureAdvance(gb, reply); break; case 573: // Report heater average PWM { const unsigned int heater = gb.GetLimitedUIValue('P', MaxHeaters); reply.printf("Average heater %u PWM: %.3f", heater, (double)reprap.GetHeat().GetAveragePWM(heater)); } break; case 574: // Set endstop configuration // We may be about to delete endstops, so make sure we are not executing a move that uses them if (!LockMovementAndWaitForStandstill(gb)) { return false; } result = platform.GetEndstops().HandleM574(gb, reply, outBuf); break; case 575: // Set communications parameters { const size_t chan = gb.GetLimitedUIValue('P', NumSerialChannels); bool seen = false; if (gb.Seen('B')) { platform.SetBaudRate(chan, gb.GetIValue()); seen = true; } if (gb.Seen('S')) { const uint32_t val = gb.GetIValue(); platform.SetCommsProperties(chan, val); if (chan == 0) { usbGCode->SetCommsProperties(val); } #if HAS_AUX_DEVICES else if (chan < NumSerialChannels) { GCodeBuffer *& gbp = (chan == 1) ? auxGCode : aux2GCode; if (gbp != nullptr) { gbp->SetCommsProperties(val); const bool rawMode = (val & 2u) != 0; platform.SetAuxRaw(chan - 1, rawMode); if (rawMode && !platform.IsAuxEnabled(chan - 1)) // if enabling aux for the first time and in raw mode, set Marlin compatibility { gbp->LatestMachineState().compatibility = Compatibility::Marlin; } } } #endif seen = true; } if (seen) { #if HAS_AUX_DEVICES if (chan != 0 && !platform.IsAuxEnabled(chan - 1)) { platform.EnableAux(chan - 1); } else { platform.ResetChannel(chan); } } else if (chan != 0 && !platform.IsAuxEnabled(chan - 1)) { reply.printf("Channel %u is disabled", chan); #endif } else { const uint32_t cp = platform.GetCommsProperties(chan); reply.printf("Channel %d: baud rate %" PRIu32 ", %s checksum", chan, platform.GetBaudRate(chan), (cp & 1) ? "requires" : "does not require"); if (chan == 0 && SERIAL_MAIN_DEVICE.IsConnected()) { reply.cat(", connected"); } #if HAS_AUX_DEVICES else if (chan != 0 && platform.IsAuxRaw(chan - 1)) { reply.cat(", raw mode"); } #endif } } break; #if HAS_SBC_INTERFACE case 576: // Set SPI communication parameters if (reprap.UsingSbcInterface()) { result = reprap.GetSbcInterface().HandleM576(gb, reply); } else { reply.copy("Board is running in standalone mode"); result = GCodeResult::error; } break; #endif case 577: // Wait until endstop input is triggered result = WaitForPin(gb, reply); break; #if SUPPORT_INKJET case 578: // Fire Inkjet bits if (!LockMovementAndWaitForStandstill()) { return false; } if (gb.Seen('S')) // Need to handle the 'P' parameter too; see http://reprap.org/wiki/G-code#M578:_Fire_inkjet_bits { platform.Inkjet(gb.GetIValue()); } break; #endif case 579: // Scale Cartesian axes (mostly for Delta configurations) { bool seen = false; for (size_t axis = 0; axis < numVisibleAxes; axis++) { gb.TryGetFValue(axisLetters[axis], axisScaleFactors[axis], seen); } if (!seen) { char sep = ':'; reply.copy("Axis scale factors"); for(size_t axis = 0; axis < numVisibleAxes; axis++) { reply.catf("%c %c: %.3f", sep, axisLetters[axis], (double)axisScaleFactors[axis]); sep = ','; } } } break; // case 580 was (De)Select Roland mill case 581: // Configure external trigger result = ConfigureTrigger(gb, reply); break; case 582: // Check external trigger result = CheckTrigger(gb, reply); break; case 584: // Set axis/extruder to stepper driver(s) mapping result = DoDriveMapping(gb, reply); break; case 585: // Probe Tool result = ProbeTool(gb, reply); break; case 586: // Configure network protocols if (CheckNetworkCommandAllowed(gb, reply, result)) { const unsigned int interface = (gb.Seen('I') ? gb.GetUIValue() : 0); bool seen = false; #if SUPPORT_HTTP if (gb.Seen('C')) { String corsSite; gb.GetQuotedString(corsSite.GetRef(), true); reprap.GetNetwork().SetCorsSite(corsSite.c_str()); seen = true; } #endif if (gb.Seen('P')) { const unsigned int protocol = gb.GetUIValue(); if (gb.Seen('S')) { const bool enable = (gb.GetIValue() == 1); if (enable) { const int port = (gb.Seen('R')) ? gb.GetIValue() : -1; const int secure = (gb.Seen('T')) ? gb.GetIValue() : -1; result = reprap.GetNetwork().EnableProtocol(interface, protocol, port, secure, reply); } else { result = reprap.GetNetwork().DisableProtocol(interface, protocol, reply); } seen = true; } } if (!seen) { #if SUPPORT_HTTP if (reprap.GetNetwork().GetCorsSite() != nullptr) { reply.printf("CORS enabled for site '%s'", reprap.GetNetwork().GetCorsSite()); } else { reply.copy("CORS disabled"); } #endif // Default to reporting current protocols if P or S parameter missing result = reprap.GetNetwork().ReportProtocols(interface, reply); } } break; #if HAS_WIFI_NETWORKING case 587: // Add WiFi network or list remembered networks case 588: // Forget WiFi network case 589: // Configure access point if (CheckNetworkCommandAllowed(gb, reply, result)) { result = reprap.GetNetwork().HandleWiFiCode(code, gb, reply, outBuf); } break; #endif case 591: // Configure filament sensor { const unsigned int extruder = gb.GetLimitedUIValue('D', numExtruders); result = FilamentMonitor::Configure(gb, reply, extruder); } break; #if SUPPORT_NONLINEAR_EXTRUSION case 592: // Configure nonlinear extrusion { const unsigned int extruder = gb.GetLimitedUIValue('D', MaxExtruders); bool seen = false; float a = 0.0, b = 0.0, limit = DefaultNonlinearExtrusionLimit; gb.TryGetFValue('A', a, seen); gb.TryGetFValue('B', b, seen); gb.TryGetFValue('L', limit, seen); if (seen) { platform.SetNonlinearExtrusion(extruder, a, b, limit); } else { const NonlinearExtrusion& nl = platform.GetExtrusionCoefficients(extruder); reply.printf("Drive %u nonlinear extrusion coefficients: A=%.3f, B=%.4f, limit=%.2f", extruder, (double)nl.A, (double)nl.B, (double)nl.limit); } } break; #endif case 593: // Configure dynamic ringing cancellation result = reprap.GetMove().GetAxisShaper().Configure(gb, reply); break; #if SUPPORT_ASYNC_MOVES case 594: // Enter or leave height following mode result = reprap.GetMove().StartHeightFollowing(gb, reply); break; #endif case 595: // Configure movement queue size result = reprap.GetMove().ConfigureMovementQueue(gb, reply); break; // For cases 600 and 601, see 226 // M650 (set peel move parameters) and M651 (execute peel move) are no longer handled specially. Use macros to specify what they should do. case 665: // Set delta configuration if (!LockMovementAndWaitForStandstill(gb)) { return false; } { Move& move = reprap.GetMove(); bool changedMode = false; if ((gb.Seen('L') || gb.Seen('D')) && move.GetKinematics().GetKinematicsType() != KinematicsType::linearDelta) { // Not in delta mode, so switch to it changedMode = true; move.SetKinematics(KinematicsType::linearDelta); } bool error = false; const bool changed = move.GetKinematics().Configure(code, gb, reply, error); if (changedMode) { move.GetKinematics().GetAssumedInitialPosition(numVisibleAxes, moveState.coords); ToolOffsetInverseTransform(moveState.coords, moveState.currentUserPosition); } if (changed || changedMode) { if (reprap.GetMove().GetKinematics().LimitPosition(moveState.coords, nullptr, numVisibleAxes, axesVirtuallyHomed, false, false) != LimitPositionResult::ok) { ToolOffsetInverseTransform(moveState.coords, moveState.currentUserPosition); // make sure the limits are reflected in the user position } reprap.GetMove().SetNewPosition(moveState.coords, true); SetAllAxesNotHomed(); reprap.MoveUpdated(); } result = GetGCodeResultFromError(error); } break; case 666: // Set delta endstop adjustments if (!LockMovementAndWaitForStandstill(gb)) { return false; } { bool error = false; const bool changed = reprap.GetMove().GetKinematics().Configure(code, gb, reply, error); if (changed) { SetAllAxesNotHomed(); reprap.MoveUpdated(); } result = GetGCodeResultFromError(error); } break; case 667: // Set CoreXY mode if (!LockMovementAndWaitForStandstill(gb)) { return false; } { Move& move = reprap.GetMove(); const KinematicsType oldK = move.GetKinematics().GetKinematicsType(); // get the current kinematics type so we can tell whether it changed bool seen = false; if (gb.Seen('S')) { // Switch to the correct CoreXY mode const int mode = gb.GetIValue(); switch (mode) { case 0: move.SetKinematics(KinematicsType::cartesian); break; case 1: move.SetKinematics(KinematicsType::coreXY); break; case 2: move.SetKinematics(KinematicsType::coreXZ); break; default: reply.printf("Mode %d is not valid", mode); result = GCodeResult::error; break; } seen = true; } if (result == GCodeResult::ok) { if (gb.Seen('X') || gb.Seen('Y') || gb.Seen('Z')) { reply.copy("M667 XYZ parameters are no longer supported, use M669 matrix parameters instead"); result = GCodeResult::error; } if (seen) { // We changed something, so reset the positions and set all axes not homed if (move.GetKinematics().GetKinematicsType() != oldK) { move.GetKinematics().GetAssumedInitialPosition(numVisibleAxes, moveState.coords); ToolOffsetInverseTransform(moveState.coords, moveState.currentUserPosition); } if (reprap.GetMove().GetKinematics().LimitPosition(moveState.coords, nullptr, numVisibleAxes, axesVirtuallyHomed, false, false) != LimitPositionResult::ok) { ToolOffsetInverseTransform(moveState.coords, moveState.currentUserPosition); // make sure the limits are reflected in the user position } reprap.GetMove().SetNewPosition(moveState.coords, true); SetAllAxesNotHomed(); reprap.MoveUpdated(); } } } break; case 669: // Set kinematics and parameters for SCARA and other kinematics that don't use M665, M666 or M667 if (!LockMovementAndWaitForStandstill(gb)) { return false; } { Move& move = reprap.GetMove(); const KinematicsType oldK = move.GetKinematics().GetKinematicsType(); // get the current kinematics type so we can tell whether it changed bool seen = false; if (gb.Seen('K')) { const int nk = gb.GetIValue(); if (nk < 0 || nk >= (int)KinematicsType::unknown || !move.SetKinematics(static_cast(nk))) { reply.printf("Unknown kinematics type %d", nk); result = GCodeResult::error; break; } seen = true; } bool error = false; if (move.GetKinematics().Configure(code, gb, reply, error)) { seen = true; } result = GetGCodeResultFromError(error); if (seen) { // We changed something significant, so reset the positions and set all axes not homed if (move.GetKinematics().GetKinematicsType() != oldK) { move.GetKinematics().GetAssumedInitialPosition(numVisibleAxes, moveState.coords); ToolOffsetInverseTransform(moveState.coords, moveState.currentUserPosition); } if (reprap.GetMove().GetKinematics().LimitPosition(moveState.coords, nullptr, numVisibleAxes, axesVirtuallyHomed, false, false) != LimitPositionResult::ok) { ToolOffsetInverseTransform(moveState.coords, moveState.currentUserPosition); // make sure the limits are reflected in the user position } reprap.GetMove().SetNewPosition(moveState.coords, true); SetAllAxesNotHomed(); reprap.MoveUpdated(); } } break; #if SUPPORT_IOBITS case 670: Move::CreateLaserTask(); result = GetGCodeResultFromError(reprap.GetPortControl().Configure(gb, reply)); break; #endif case 671: // Set Z leadscrew positions if (!LockMovementAndWaitForStandstill(gb)) { return false; } { bool error = false; (void)reprap.GetMove().GetKinematics().Configure(code, gb, reply, error); result = GetGCodeResultFromError(error); } break; case 672: // Program Z probe result = platform.GetEndstops().ProgramZProbe(gb, reply); break; case 673: // Align plane on rotary axis if (numTotalAxes < U_AXIS) { reply.copy("Insufficient axes configured"); result = GCodeResult::error; } else if (LockMovementAndWaitForStandstill(gb)) { if (reprap.GetMove().GetNumProbedProbePoints() < 2) { reply.copy("Insufficient probe points"); result = GCodeResult::error; } else if (!AllAxesAreHomed()) { reply.copy("Home the axes first"); result = GCodeResult::error; } else { // See which rotary axis needs to be compensated (if any) size_t axisToUse = 0; for (size_t axis = U_AXIS; axis < numVisibleAxes; axis++) { if (gb.Seen(axisLetters[axis])) { axisToUse = axis; break; } } // Get the coordinates of the first two G30 points and calculate how far off the axis is float x1, y1, x2, y2; const float z1 = reprap.GetMove().GetProbeCoordinates(0, x1, y1, true); const float z2 = reprap.GetMove().GetProbeCoordinates(1, x2, y2, true); const float a1 = (x1 == x2) ? y1 : x1; const float a2 = (x1 == x2) ? y2 : x2; // See what kind of compensation we need to perform SetMoveBufferDefaults(); if (axisToUse != 0) { // An axis letter is given, so try to level the given axis const float correctionAngle = atanf((z2 - z1) / (a2 - a1)) * 180.0 / M_PI; const float correctionFactor = gb.Seen('S') ? gb.GetFValue() : 1.0; moveState.coords[axisToUse] += correctionAngle * correctionFactor; reply.printf("%c axis is off by %.2f deg", axisLetters[axisToUse], (double)correctionAngle); HandleReply(gb, GCodeResult::notFinished, reply.c_str()); } else if (reprap.GetMove().GetNumProbedProbePoints() >= 4) { // At least four G30 points are given. This lets us figure out how far off the centre of the axis is const float z3 = reprap.GetMove().GetProbeCoordinates(2, x1, y1, true); const float z4 = reprap.GetMove().GetProbeCoordinates(3, x2, y2, true); const float a3 = (x1 == x2) ? y1 : x1; const float a4 = (x1 == x2) ? y2 : x2; // Calculate intersection points in [XY] and Z directions const float aS = ((a4 - a3) * (a2 * z1 - a1 * z2) - (a2 - a1) * (a4 * z3 - a3 * z4)) / ((z4 - z3) * (a2 - a1) - (z2 - z1) * (a4 - a3)); const float zS = ((z1 - z2) * (a4 * z3 - a3 * z4) - (z3 - z4) * (a2 * z1 - a1 * z2)) / ((z4 - z3) * (a2 - a1) - (z2 - z1) * (a4 - a3)); moveState.coords[(x1 == x2) ? Y_AXIS : X_AXIS] += aS; moveState.coords[Z_AXIS] += zS; reply.printf("%c is offset by %.2fmm, Z is offset by %.2fmm", (x2 == x1) ? 'Y' : 'X', (double)aS, (double)zS); HandleReply(gb, GCodeResult::notFinished, reply.c_str()); } else { reply.copy("No rotary axis letter and/or not enough probe points for rotary axis alignment"); result = GCodeResult::error; break; } // Get the feedrate (if any) and kick off a new move if (gb.Seen(feedrateLetter)) { gb.LatestMachineState().feedRate = gb.GetSpeed(); // don't apply the speed factor } moveState.feedRate = gb.LatestMachineState().feedRate; moveState.usingStandardFeedrate = true; moveState.tool = reprap.GetCurrentTool(); NewMoveAvailable(1); gb.SetState(GCodeState::waitingForSpecialMoveToComplete); } } else { result = GCodeResult::notFinished; } break; #if false // This code is not finished yet case 674: // Set Z to center point if (LockMovementAndWaitForStandstill(gb)) { if (reprap.GetMove().GetNumProbedProbePoints() < 2) { reply.copy("Insufficient probe points"); result = GCodeResult::error; } else if (!AllAxesAreHomed()) { reply.copy("Home the axes first"); result = GCodeResult::error; } else { float x, y; const float z1 = reprap.GetMove().GetProbeCoordinates(0, x, y, true); const float z2 = reprap.GetMove().GetProbeCoordinates(1, x, y, true); const float offset = gb.Seen('P') ? gb.GetFValue() : 0.0; currentUserPosition[Z_AXIS] -= (z1 + z2) / 2.0 + offset; ToolOffsetTransform(currentUserPosition, moveState.coords); if (reprap.GetMove().GetKinematics().LimitPosition(moveState.coords, numVisibleAxes, LowestNBits(numVisibleAxes), false)) // pretend that all axes are homed { ToolOffsetInverseTransform(moveState.coords, currentUserPosition); // make sure the limits are reflected in the user position } reprap.GetMove().SetNewPosition(moveState.coords, true); axesHomed |= reprap.GetMove().GetKinematics().AxesAssumedHomed(MakeBitmap(Z_AXIS)); reply.printf("Probe points at %.2f %.2f, setting new Z to %.2f", (double)z1, (double)z2, (double)currentUserPosition[Z_AXIS]); } } break; #endif case 675: // Find center of cavity result = FindCenterOfCavity(gb, reply); break; case 701: // Load filament result = LoadFilament(gb, reply); break; case 702: // Unload filament result = UnloadFilament(gb, reply); break; case 703: // Configure Filament if (reprap.GetCurrentTool() != nullptr) { const Filament *filament = reprap.GetCurrentTool()->GetFilament(); if (filament != nullptr && filament->IsLoaded()) { String scratchString; scratchString.printf("%s%s/%s", FILAMENTS_DIRECTORY, filament->GetName(), CONFIG_FILAMENT_G); DoFileMacro(gb, scratchString.c_str(), false, SystemHelperMacroCode); } } else { result = GCodeResult::error; reply.copy("No tool selected"); } break; #if SUPPORT_SCANNER case 750: // Enable 3D scanner extension reprap.GetScanner().Enable(); break; case 751: // Register 3D scanner extension over USB if (&gb == usbGCode) { if (reprap.GetScanner().IsEnabled()) { reprap.GetScanner().Register(); } else { reply.copy("Scanner extension is not enabled"); result = GCodeResult::error; } } else { reply.copy("Invalid source"); result = GCodeResult::error; } break; case 752: // Start 3D scan { gb.MustSee('P'); String file; gb.GetPossiblyQuotedString(file.GetRef()); gb.MustSee('S'); const int range = gb.GetIValue(); if (reprap.GetScanner().IsEnabled()) { if (reprap.GetScanner().IsRegistered()) { const int resolution = gb.Seen('R') ? gb.GetIValue() : 100; const int mode = gb.Seen('N') ? gb.GetIValue() : 0; result = GetGCodeResultFromFinished(reprap.GetScanner().StartScan(file.c_str(), range, resolution, mode)); } else { reply.copy("Scanner is not registered"); result = GCodeResult::error; } } else { reply.copy("Scanner extension is not enabled"); result = GCodeResult::error; } } break; case 753: // Cancel current 3D scanner action if (reprap.GetScanner().IsEnabled()) { if (reprap.GetScanner().IsRegistered()) { result = GetGCodeResultFromFinished(reprap.GetScanner().Cancel()); } else { reply.copy("Scanner is not registered"); result = GCodeResult::error; } } else { reply.copy("Scanner extension is not enabled"); result = GCodeResult::error; } break; case 754: // Calibrate scanner if (reprap.GetScanner().IsEnabled()) { if (reprap.GetScanner().IsRegistered()) { const int mode = gb.Seen('N') ? gb.GetIValue() : 0; result = GetGCodeResultFromFinished(reprap.GetScanner().Calibrate(mode)); } else { reply.copy("Scanner is not registered"); result = GCodeResult::error; } } else { reply.copy("Scanner extension is not enabled"); result = GCodeResult::error; } break; case 755: // Set alignment mode for 3D scanner if (reprap.GetScanner().IsEnabled()) { if (reprap.GetScanner().IsRegistered()) { const bool on = (gb.Seen('P') && gb.GetIValue() > 0); result = GetGCodeResultFromFinished(reprap.GetScanner().SetAlignment(on)); } else { reply.copy("Scanner is not registered"); result = GCodeResult::error; } } else { reply.copy("Scanner extension is not enabled"); result = GCodeResult::error; } break; case 756: // Shutdown 3D scanner if (reprap.GetScanner().IsEnabled()) { if (reprap.GetScanner().IsRegistered()) { result = GetGCodeResultFromFinished(reprap.GetScanner().Shutdown()); } else { reply.copy("Scanner is not registered"); result = GCodeResult::error; } } else { reply.copy("Scanner extension is not enabled"); result = GCodeResult::error; } break; #else case 750: case 751: case 752: case 753: case 754: case 755: case 756: reply.copy("Scanner support not built-in"); result = GCodeResult::error; break; #endif case 851: // Set Z probe offset, only for Marlin compatibility { auto zp = platform.GetZProbeOrDefault(0); if (gb.Seen('Z')) { zp->SetTriggerHeight(-gb.GetFValue()); zp->SetSaveToConfigOverride(); reprap.SensorsUpdated(); } else { reply.printf("Z probe offset is %.2fmm", (double)(-zp->GetConfiguredTriggerHeight())); } } break; case 905: // Set current RTC date and time result = SetDateTime(gb, reply); break; case 906: // Set/report Motor currents case 913: // Set/report motor current percent #if HAS_SMART_DRIVERS case 917: // Set/report standstill motor current percentage #endif #if HAS_VOLTAGE_MONITOR if (gb.GetState() != GCodeState::powerFailPausing1) // we don't wait for movement to stop if we are running the power fail script #endif { if (!LockMovementAndWaitForStandstill(gb)) { return false; } } { bool seen = false; for (size_t axis = 0; axis < numTotalAxes; axis++) { if (gb.Seen(axisLetters[axis])) { result = max(result, platform.SetMotorCurrent(axis, gb.GetFValue(), code, reply)); seen = true; } } if (gb.Seen(extrudeLetter)) { seen = true; float eVals[MaxExtruders]; size_t eCount = numExtruders; gb.GetFloatArray(eVals, eCount, true); for (size_t e = 0; e < eCount; e++) { result = max(result, platform.SetMotorCurrent(ExtruderToLogicalDrive(e), eVals[e], code, reply)); } } if (code == 906 && gb.Seen('I')) { seen = true; platform.SetIdleCurrentFactor(gb.GetFValue()/100.0); } if (seen) { reprap.MoveUpdated(); } else { reply.copy( (code == 913) ? "Motor current % of normal - " #if HAS_SMART_DRIVERS : (code == 917) ? "Motor standstill current % of normal - " #endif : "Motor current (mA) - " ); for (size_t axis = 0; axis < numTotalAxes; ++axis) { reply.catf("%c:%d, ", axisLetters[axis], platform.GetMotorCurrent(axis, code)); } reply.cat("E"); for (size_t extruder = 0; extruder < numExtruders; extruder++) { reply.catf(":%d", platform.GetMotorCurrent(ExtruderToLogicalDrive(extruder), code)); } if (code == 906) { reply.catf(", idle factor %d%%", (int)(platform.GetIdleCurrentFactor() * 100.0)); } } } break; #if HAS_VOLTAGE_MONITOR case 911: // Enable auto save on loss of power if (gb.Seen('S')) { const float saveVoltage = gb.GetFValue(); if (saveVoltage < 10.0) { platform.DisableAutoSave(); } else { float resumeVoltage = saveVoltage + 1.0; // set up default resume voltage bool dummy; gb.TryGetFValue('R', resumeVoltage, dummy); String<80> powerFailString; bool seenCommandString = false; gb.TryGetQuotedString('P', powerFailString.GetRef(), seenCommandString); if (seenCommandString) { // Replace the power fail script atomically char *newPowerFailScript = new char[powerFailString.strlen() + 1]; strcpy(newPowerFailScript, powerFailString.c_str()); ReplaceObject(powerFailScript, newPowerFailScript); reprap.StateUpdated(); } else if (powerFailScript == nullptr) { reply.copy("No power fail script provided"); result = GCodeResult::error; break; } platform.EnableAutoSave(saveVoltage, resumeVoltage); } } else { float saveVoltage, resumeVoltage; if (platform.GetAutoSaveSettings(saveVoltage, resumeVoltage)) { reply.printf("Auto save voltage %.1fV, resume %.1fV, script \"%s\"", (double)saveVoltage, (double)resumeVoltage, (powerFailScript == nullptr) ? "" : powerFailScript); } else { reply.copy("Auto save is disabled"); } } break; #endif #if HAS_CPU_TEMP_SENSOR case 912: // Set electronics temperature monitor adjustment // Currently we ignore the P parameter (i.e. temperature measurement channel) if (gb.Seen('S')) { platform.SetMcuTemperatureAdjust(gb.GetFValue()); } else { reply.printf("MCU temperature calibration adjustment is %.1f" DEGREE_SYMBOL "C", (double)platform.GetMcuTemperatureAdjust()); } break; #endif // For case 913, see 906 #if defined(__ALLIGATOR__) case 914: // Set/Get J14 Expansion Voltage Level Translator on Port J5, 5.5V or 3.3V // Get Piggy module presence status if (gb.Seen('S')) { const int voltageValue = gb.GetIValue(); if (voltageValue != 5 && voltageValue != 3 ) { reply.printf("The Expansion Voltage Translator does not support %dV. \n Only 5V or 3V are supported.",voltageValue); } else { // Change Voltage translator level digitalWrite(ExpansionVoltageLevelPin, voltageValue == 5); } } else { // Change Voltage translator level Status reply.printf("The Voltage of Expansion Translator is %dV \nPiggy module %s", digitalRead(ExpansionVoltageLevelPin) ? 5 : 3 , digitalRead(ExpansionPiggyDetectPin) ? "not detected" : "detected"); } break; #endif #if HAS_STALL_DETECT case 915: result = platform.ConfigureStallDetection(gb, reply, outBuf); break; #endif #if HAS_MASS_STORAGE || HAS_SBC_INTERFACE case 916: if (!platform.SysFileExists(RESUME_AFTER_POWER_FAIL_G)) { reply.copy("No resume file found"); result = GCodeResult::error; } else if (!platform.SysFileExists(RESUME_PROLOGUE_G)) { reply.printf("Resume prologue file '%s' not found", RESUME_PROLOGUE_G); result = GCodeResult::error; } else { DoFileMacro(gb, RESUME_AFTER_POWER_FAIL_G, true, SystemHelperMacroCode); } break; #endif // For case 917, see 906 #if SUPPORT_12864_LCD case 918: // Configure direct-connect display # ifdef DUET_NG // On Duet 2 configuring the display may affect the number of supported stepper drivers, so wait until there is no movement if (!LockMovementAndWaitForStandstill(gb)) { return false; } # endif result = reprap.GetDisplay().Configure(gb, reply); # ifdef DUET_NG platform.AdjustNumDrivers((reprap.GetDisplay().IsPresent()) ? 2 : 0); # endif break; #endif case 929: // Start/stop event logging #if HAS_MASS_STORAGE result = platform.ConfigureLogging(gb, reply); #else result = GCodeResult::warningNotSupported; #endif break; case 950: // configure I/O pins result = platform.ConfigurePort(gb, reply); break; #if SUPPORT_ASYNC_MOVES case 951: // configure height control result = reprap.GetMove().ConfigureHeightFollowing(gb, reply); break; #endif #if SUPPORT_CAN_EXPANSION case 952: // change expansion board CAN address result = CanInterface::ChangeAddressAndNormalTiming(gb, reply); break; case 953: // set CAN-FD data rate result = CanInterface::ChangeFastTiming(gb, reply); break; #endif #if SUPPORT_REMOTE_COMMANDS case 954: // configure as expansion board { CanAddress addr = gb.GetLimitedUIValue('A', 1, CanId::MaxCanAddress + 1); CanInterface::SwitchToExpansionMode(addr); } break; #endif #if SUPPORT_ACCELEROMETERS case 955: result = Accelerometers::ConfigureAccelerometer(gb, reply); break; case 956: result = Accelerometers::StartAccelerometer(gb, reply); break; #endif case 997: // Perform firmware update result = UpdateFirmware(gb, reply); break; case 998: // The input handling code replaces the gcode by this when it detects a checksum error. // Since we have no way of asking for the line to be re-sent, just report an error. if (gb.Seen('P')) { const int val = gb.GetIValue(); if (val != 0) { reply.printf("Checksum error on line %d", val); } } break; case 999: #ifdef DUET3_ATE Duet3Ate::PowerOffEUT(); #endif #if SUPPORT_CAN_EXPANSION if (gb.Seen('B')) { const uint32_t address = gb.GetUIValue(); if (address != CanInterface::GetCanAddress()) { result = reprap.GetExpansion().ResetRemote(address, gb, reply); break; } } #endif #if HAS_AUX_DEVICES if (gb.Seen('A')) { const uint32_t serialChannel = gb.GetLimitedUIValue('A', 1, NumSerialChannels); const uint32_t auxChannel = serialChannel - 1; if (platform.IsAuxEnabled(auxChannel)) { if (gb.Seen('P')) { String eraseString; gb.GetQuotedString(eraseString.GetRef()); if (eraseString.Equals("ERASE")) { platform.AppendAuxReply(auxChannel, panelDueCommandEraseAndReset, true); } } else { platform.AppendAuxReply(auxChannel, panelDueCommandReset, true); } break; } } #endif if (!gb.DoDwellTime(1000)) // wait a second to allow the response to be sent back to the web server, otherwise it may retry { return false; } reprap.EmergencyStop(); // this disables heaters and drives - Duet WiFi pre-production boards need drives disabled here { SoftwareResetReason reason = SoftwareResetReason::user; if (gb.Seen('P')) { String eraseString; gb.GetQuotedString(eraseString.GetRef()); if (eraseString.Equals("ERASE")) { reason = SoftwareResetReason::erase; } } SoftwareReset(reason); // doesn't return } break; default: result = TryMacroFile(gb); break; } } return HandleResult(gb, result, reply, outBuf); } catch (...) { OutputBuffer::ReleaseAll(outBuf); throw; } } // Try to find a macro file that implements a G or M command GCodeResult GCodes::TryMacroFile(GCodeBuffer& gb) noexcept { const int code = gb.GetCommandNumber(); if (code >= 0 && code < 10000) { String macroName; const int fraction = gb.GetCommandFraction(); if (fraction > 0) { macroName.printf("%c%d.%d.g", gb.GetCommandLetter(), code, fraction); } else { macroName.printf("%c%d.g", gb.GetCommandLetter(), code); } if (DoFileMacro(gb, macroName.c_str(), false, code)) { return GCodeResult::ok; } } return GCodeResult::warningNotSupported; } bool GCodes::HandleTcode(GCodeBuffer& gb, const StringRef& reply) { if (gb.LatestMachineState().runningM502) { return true; // when running M502 we don't execute T commands } bool seen = false; int toolNum; if (gb.HasCommandNumber()) { seen = true; toolNum = gb.GetCommandNumber(); } else if (gb.Seen('T')) { // We handle "T T{expression}" as if it's "T "{expression}, also DSF may pass a T{expression} command in this way seen = true; toolNum = gb.GetIValue(); } else if (gb.Seen('R')) { const unsigned int rpNumber = gb.GetIValue(); if (rpNumber < ARRAY_SIZE(numberedRestorePoints)) { seen = true; toolNum = numberedRestorePoints[rpNumber].toolNumber; } else { UnlockAll(gb); HandleReply(gb, GCodeResult::error, "T: bad restore point number"); return true; // bad restore point number so ignore the T command } } if (seen) { if (!LockMovementAndWaitForStandstill(gb)) { return false; } if (buildObjects.IsCurrentObjectCancelled()) { buildObjects.SetVirtualTool(toolNum); // don't do the tool change, just remember which one we are supposed to use } else { const Tool * const oldTool = reprap.GetCurrentTool(); // If old and new are the same we no longer follow the sequence. User can deselect and then reselect the tool if he wants the macros run. if (oldTool == nullptr || oldTool->Number() != toolNum) { StartToolChange(gb, toolNum, (gb.Seen('P')) ? gb.GetUIValue() : DefaultToolChangeParam); return true; // proceeding with state machine, so don't unlock or send a reply } else { // Even though the tool is selected, we may have turned it off e.g. when upgrading the WiFi firmware or following a heater fault that has been cleared. // So make sure the tool heaters are on. reprap.SelectTool(toolNum, IsSimulating()); } } } else { // Report the tool number in use if no parameter is passed const Tool * const tool = reprap.GetCurrentTool(); if (tool == nullptr) { reply.copy("No tool is selected"); } else { reply.printf("Tool %d is selected", tool->Number()); } } // If we get here, we have finished UnlockAll(gb); HandleReply(gb, GCodeResult::ok, reply.c_str()); return true; } // This is called to handle internally-generated codes bool GCodes::HandleQcode(GCodeBuffer& gb, const StringRef& reply) THROWS(GCodeException) { // Currently we don't need to worry about whether we are simulating or not switch (gb.GetCommandNumber()) { case 0: // process a whole-line comment in the print file return ProcessWholeLineComment(gb, reply); default: return true; // at present these are always internally-generated, so no handling of unknown codes } } // This is called to deal with the result of processing a G- or M-code bool GCodes::HandleResult(GCodeBuffer& gb, GCodeResult rslt, const StringRef& reply, OutputBuffer *outBuf) noexcept { gb.LatestMachineState().commandRepeated = (rslt == GCodeResult::notFinished); if (outBuf != nullptr) { // We only ever have an OutputBuffer when rslt == GCodeResult::ok gb.StopTimer(); UnlockAll(gb); HandleReply(gb, outBuf); return true; } switch (rslt) { case GCodeResult::notFinished: return false; case GCodeResult::warningNotSupported: gb.PrintCommand(reply); reply.cat(": Command is not supported"); rslt = GCodeResult::warning; break; case GCodeResult::errorNotSupported: if (!gb.IsDoingLocalFile()) { gb.PrintCommand(reply); reply.cat(": "); } reply.cat("Command is not supported"); rslt = GCodeResult::error; break; case GCodeResult::notSupportedInCurrentMode: if (!gb.IsDoingLocalFile()) { gb.PrintCommand(reply); reply.cat(": "); } reply.catf("Command is not supported in machine mode %s", GetMachineModeString()); rslt = GCodeResult::error; break; case GCodeResult::badOrMissingParameter: if (!gb.IsDoingLocalFile()) { gb.PrintCommand(reply); reply.cat(": "); } reply.cat("Bad or missing parameter"); rslt = GCodeResult::error; break; case GCodeResult::remoteInternalError: if (!gb.IsDoingLocalFile()) { gb.PrintCommand(reply); reply.cat(": "); } reply.cat("CAN-connected board reported internal error"); rslt = GCodeResult::error; break; case GCodeResult::error: case GCodeResult::warning: if (!gb.IsDoingLocalFile()) { String scratchString; gb.PrintCommand(scratchString.GetRef()); reply.Prepend(": "); reply.Prepend(scratchString.c_str()); } break; default: break; } if (gb.LatestMachineState().GetState() == GCodeState::normal) { gb.StopTimer(); UnlockAll(gb); HandleReply(gb, rslt, reply.c_str()); } return true; } // End