// State machine function for GCode class #include "GCodes.h" #include "GCodeBuffer/GCodeBuffer.h" #include #include #include #include #include #if HAS_WIFI_NETWORKING || HAS_AUX_DEVICES # include #endif // Execute a step of the state machine // CAUTION: don't allocate any long strings or other large objects directly within this function. // The reason is that this function calls FinishedBedProbing(), which on a delta calls DoAutoCalibration(), which uses lots of stack. // So any large local objects allocated here increase the amount of MAIN stack size needed. void GCodes::RunStateMachine(GCodeBuffer& gb, const StringRef& reply) noexcept { #if HAS_LINUX_INTERFACE // Wait for the G-code replies and abort requests to go before anything else is done in the state machine if (reprap.UsingLinuxInterface() && (gb.IsAbortRequested() || gb.IsAbortAllRequested())) { return; } #endif // Perform the next operation of the state machine for this gcode source GCodeResult stateMachineResult = GCodeResult::ok; const GCodeState state = gb.GetState(); switch (state) { case GCodeState::waitingForSpecialMoveToComplete: case GCodeState::abortWhenMovementFinished: if (LockMovementAndWaitForStandstill(gb)) // movement should already be locked, but we need to wait for standstill and fetch the current position { // Check whether we made any G1 S3 moves and need to set the axis limits axesToSenseLength.Iterate([this](unsigned int axis, unsigned int) { const EndStopPosition stopType = platform.GetEndstops().GetEndStopPosition(axis); if (stopType == EndStopPosition::highEndStop) { platform.SetAxisMaximum(axis, moveBuffer.coords[axis], true); } else if (stopType == EndStopPosition::lowEndStop) { platform.SetAxisMinimum(axis, moveBuffer.coords[axis], true); } } ); if (gb.LatestMachineState().compatibility == Compatibility::NanoDLP && !DoingFileMacro()) { reply.copy("Z_move_comp"); } gb.SetState(GCodeState::normal); if (state == GCodeState::abortWhenMovementFinished) { AbortPrint(gb); } } break; case GCodeState::waitingForSegmentedMoveToGo: // Wait for all segments of the arc move to go into the movement queue and check whether an error occurred switch (moveBuffer.segMoveState) { case SegmentedMoveState::inactive: // move completed without error gb.SetState(GCodeState::normal); break; case SegmentedMoveState::aborted: // move terminated abnormally if (!LockMovementAndWaitForStandstill(gb)) // update the the user position from the machine position at which we stop { break; } gb.LatestMachineState().SetError("G1/G2/G3: intermediate position outside machine limits"); gb.SetState(GCodeState::normal); if (machineType != MachineType::fff) { AbortPrint(gb); } break; case SegmentedMoveState::active: // move still ongoing break; } break; case GCodeState::probingToolOffset2: // Z probe has been deployed and recovery timer is running { const auto zp = platform.GetZProbeOrDefault(currentZProbeNumber); if (millis() - lastProbedTime >= (uint32_t)(zp->GetRecoveryTime() * SecondsToMillis)) { gb.AdvanceState(); } } break; case GCodeState::probingToolOffset3: // executing M585 with an endstop, or with a probe after deploying the probe and waiting for the recovery time if (SetupM585ProbingMove(gb)) { gb.AdvanceState(); } else { AbortPrint(gb); gb.SetState(GCodeState::checkError); if (m585Settings.useProbe) { reprap.GetHeat().SuspendHeaters(false); RetractZProbe(gb); } } break; case GCodeState::probingToolOffset4: // executing M585, probing move has started if (LockMovementAndWaitForStandstill(gb)) { if (m585Settings.useProbe) { const auto zp = platform.GetZProbeOrDefault(currentZProbeNumber); zp->SetProbing(false); reprap.GetHeat().SuspendHeaters(false); if (!zProbeTriggered) { gb.LatestMachineState().SetError("Probe was not triggered during probing move"); gb.SetState(GCodeState::checkError); RetractZProbe(gb); break; } } Tool * const currentTool = reprap.GetCurrentTool(); if (currentTool != nullptr) { // We get here when the tool probe has been activated. In this case we know how far we // went (i.e. the difference between our start and end positions) and if we need to // incorporate any correction factors. That's why we only need to set the final tool // offset to this value in order to finish the tool probing. const float coord = toolChangeRestorePoint.moveCoords[m585Settings.axisNumber] - currentUserPosition[m585Settings.axisNumber] + m585Settings.offset; currentTool->SetOffset(m585Settings.axisNumber, coord, true); } gb.SetState(GCodeState::normal); if (m585Settings.useProbe) { RetractZProbe(gb); } } break; case GCodeState::findCenterOfCavity1: // Executing M675 using a Z probe, have already deployed the probe case GCodeState::probingToolOffset1: // Executing M585 using a probe, which we have deployed if (LockMovementAndWaitForStandstill(gb)) { lastProbedTime = millis(); // start the recovery timer const auto zp = platform.GetZProbeOrDefault(currentZProbeNumber); if (zp->GetProbeType() != ZProbeType::none && zp->GetTurnHeatersOff()) { reprap.GetHeat().SuspendHeaters(true); } gb.AdvanceState(); } break; case GCodeState::findCenterOfCavity2: // Executing M675 using a Z probe, recovery timer is running { const auto zp = platform.GetZProbeOrDefault(currentZProbeNumber); if (millis() - lastProbedTime >= (uint32_t)(zp->GetRecoveryTime() * SecondsToMillis)) { if (SetupM675ProbingMove(gb, true)) { gb.AdvanceState(); } else { AbortPrint(gb); gb.SetState(GCodeState::checkError); reprap.GetHeat().SuspendHeaters(false); RetractZProbe(gb); } } } break; case GCodeState::findCenterOfCavity3: // Executing M675, min probing move has started if (LockMovementAndWaitForStandstill(gb)) { const auto zp = platform.GetZProbeOrDefault(currentZProbeNumber); zp->SetProbing(false); if (zProbeTriggered) { m675Settings.minDistance = currentUserPosition[m675Settings.axisNumber]; SetupM675BackoffMove(gb, m675Settings.minDistance + m675Settings.backoffDistance); gb.AdvanceState(); } else { gb.LatestMachineState().SetError("Probe was not triggered during probing move"); gb.SetState(GCodeState::checkError); reprap.GetHeat().SuspendHeaters(false); RetractZProbe(gb); } } break; case GCodeState::findCenterOfCavity4: // Executing M675, backoff move from min has started if (LockMovementAndWaitForStandstill(gb)) { if (SetupM675ProbingMove(gb, false)) { gb.AdvanceState(); } else { AbortPrint(gb); gb.SetState(GCodeState::checkError); reprap.GetHeat().SuspendHeaters(false); RetractZProbe(gb); } } break; case GCodeState::findCenterOfCavity5: // Executing M675, max probing move has started if (LockMovementAndWaitForStandstill(gb)) { reprap.GetHeat().SuspendHeaters(false); const auto zp = platform.GetZProbeOrDefault(currentZProbeNumber); zp->SetProbing(false); if (zProbeTriggered) { const float centre = (m675Settings.minDistance + currentUserPosition[m675Settings.axisNumber])/2; SetupM675BackoffMove(gb, centre); gb.AdvanceState(); } else { gb.LatestMachineState().SetError("Probe was not triggered during probing move"); gb.SetState(GCodeState::checkError); RetractZProbe(gb); } } break; case GCodeState::findCenterOfCavity6: // Executing M675, move to centre has started if (LockMovementAndWaitForStandstill(gb)) { gb.SetState(GCodeState::normal); RetractZProbe(gb); } break; case GCodeState::homing1: if (toBeHomed.IsEmpty()) { gb.SetState(GCodeState::normal); } else { String nextHomingFileName; const AxesBitmap mustHomeFirst = reprap.GetMove().GetKinematics().GetHomingFileName(toBeHomed, axesHomed, numVisibleAxes, nextHomingFileName.GetRef()); if (mustHomeFirst.IsNonEmpty()) { // Error, can't home this axes reply.copy("Must home axes ["); AppendAxes(reply, mustHomeFirst); reply.cat("] before homing ["); AppendAxes(reply, toBeHomed); reply.cat(']'); stateMachineResult = GCodeResult::error; toBeHomed.Clear(); gb.SetState(GCodeState::normal); } else { gb.SetState(GCodeState::homing2); if (!DoFileMacro(gb, nextHomingFileName.c_str(), false, SystemHelperMacroCode)) { reply.printf("Homing file %s not found", nextHomingFileName.c_str()); stateMachineResult = GCodeResult::error; toBeHomed.Clear(); gb.SetState(GCodeState::normal); } } } break; case GCodeState::homing2: if (LockMovementAndWaitForStandstill(gb)) // movement should already be locked, but we need to wait for the previous homing move to complete { // Test whether the previous homing move homed any axes if (toBeHomed.Disjoint(axesHomed)) { reply.copy("Homing failed"); stateMachineResult = GCodeResult::error; toBeHomed.Clear(); gb.SetState(GCodeState::normal); } else { toBeHomed &= ~axesHomed; gb.SetState((toBeHomed.IsEmpty()) ? GCodeState::normal : GCodeState::homing1); } } break; case GCodeState::toolChange0: // run tfree for the old tool (if any) case GCodeState::m109ToolChange0: // run tfree for the old tool (if any) doingToolChange = true; SavePosition(toolChangeRestorePoint, gb); toolChangeRestorePoint.toolNumber = reprap.GetCurrentToolNumber(); toolChangeRestorePoint.fanSpeed = lastDefaultFanSpeed; reprap.SetPreviousToolNumber(); gb.AdvanceState(); // If the tool is in the firmware-retracted state, there may be some Z hop applied, which we must remove currentUserPosition[Z_AXIS] += currentZHop; currentZHop = 0.0; if ((toolChangeParam & TFreeBit) != 0) { const Tool * const oldTool = reprap.GetCurrentTool(); if (oldTool != nullptr) // 2020-04-29: run tfree file even if not all axes have been homed { String scratchString; scratchString.printf("tfree%d.g", oldTool->Number()); DoFileMacro(gb, scratchString.c_str(), false, ToolChangeMacroCode); // don't pass the T code here because it may be negative } } break; case GCodeState::toolChange1: // release the old tool (if any), then run tpre for the new tool case GCodeState::m109ToolChange1: // release the old tool (if any), then run tpre for the new tool if (LockMovementAndWaitForStandstill(gb)) // wait for tfree.g to finish executing { const Tool * const oldTool = reprap.GetCurrentTool(); if (oldTool != nullptr) { reprap.StandbyTool(oldTool->Number(), simulationMode != 0); UpdateCurrentUserPosition(); // the tool offset may have changed, so get the current position } gb.AdvanceState(); if (reprap.GetTool(newToolNumber).IsNotNull() && (toolChangeParam & TPreBit) != 0) // 2020-04-29: run tpre file even if not all axes have been homed { String scratchString; scratchString.printf("tpre%d.g", newToolNumber); DoFileMacro(gb, scratchString.c_str(), false, ToolChangeMacroCode); } } break; case GCodeState::toolChange2: // select the new tool if it exists and run tpost case GCodeState::m109ToolChange2: // select the new tool if it exists and run tpost if (LockMovementAndWaitForStandstill(gb)) // wait for tpre.g to finish executing { reprap.SelectTool(newToolNumber, simulationMode != 0); UpdateCurrentUserPosition(); // get the actual position of the new tool gb.AdvanceState(); if (machineType != MachineType::fff || toolChangeParam == 0) { gb.AdvanceState(); // skip moving tool to the new height if not a 3D printer or Tn P0 was given } if (reprap.GetCurrentTool() != nullptr && (toolChangeParam & TPostBit) != 0) // 2020-04-29: run tpost file even if not all axes have been homed { String scratchString; scratchString.printf("tpost%d.g", newToolNumber); DoFileMacro(gb, scratchString.c_str(), false, ToolChangeMacroCode); } } break; case GCodeState::toolChange3: // move the new tool to the correct height case GCodeState::m109ToolChange3: // move the new tool to the correct height if (LockMovementAndWaitForStandstill(gb)) // wait for tpost.g to finish executing { // Check here if the tool offsets being applied would exceed Z axis limits auto currentTool = reprap.GetCurrentTool(); if (currentTool != nullptr) { const float newZPos = (moveBuffer.coords[Z_AXIS] - currentTool->GetOffset(Z_AXIS)); if (newZPos > platform.AxisMaximum(Z_AXIS) || newZPos < platform.AxisMinimum(Z_AXIS)) { gb.LatestMachineState().feedRate = toolChangeRestorePoint.feedRate; doingToolChange = false; gb.LatestMachineState().SetError("New tool too close to Z axis limit. Aborting tool change"); AbortPrint(gb); gb.SetState(GCodeState::checkError); break; } } // Restore the original Z axis user position, so that different tool Z offsets work even if the first move after the tool change doesn't have a Z coordinate SetMoveBufferDefaults(); currentUserPosition[Z_AXIS] = toolChangeRestorePoint.moveCoords[Z_AXIS]; ToolOffsetTransform(currentUserPosition, moveBuffer.coords); moveBuffer.feedRate = ConvertSpeedFromMmPerMin(DefaultFeedRate); // ask for a good feed rate, we may have paused during a slow move moveBuffer.tool = reprap.GetCurrentTool(); // needed so that bed compensation is applied correctly NewMoveAvailable(1); gb.AdvanceState(); } break; case GCodeState::toolChangeComplete: case GCodeState::m109ToolChangeComplete: if (LockMovementAndWaitForStandstill(gb)) // wait for the move to height to finish { gb.LatestMachineState().feedRate = toolChangeRestorePoint.feedRate; // We don't restore the default fan speed in case the user wants to use a different one for the new tool doingToolChange = false; if (gb.GetState() == GCodeState::toolChangeComplete) { gb.SetState(GCodeState::normal); } else { UnlockAll(gb); // allow movement again gb.AdvanceState(); // advance to m109WaitForTemperature } } break; case GCodeState::m109WaitForTemperature: if (cancelWait || simulationMode != 0 || ToolHeatersAtSetTemperatures(reprap.GetCurrentTool(), gb.LatestMachineState().waitWhileCooling, TEMPERATURE_CLOSE_ENOUGH)) { cancelWait = isWaiting = false; gb.SetState(GCodeState::normal); } else { isWaiting = true; } break; case GCodeState::pausing1: if (LockMovementAndWaitForStandstill(gb)) { gb.AdvanceState(); if (AllAxesAreHomed()) { DoFileMacro(gb, PAUSE_G, true, SystemHelperMacroCode); } } break; case GCodeState::filamentChangePause1: if (LockMovementAndWaitForStandstill(gb)) { gb.AdvanceState(); if (AllAxesAreHomed()) { if (!DoFileMacro(gb, FILAMENT_CHANGE_G, false, AsyncSystemMacroCode)) { DoFileMacro(gb, PAUSE_G, true, AsyncSystemMacroCode); } } } break; case GCodeState::filamentErrorPause1: if (LockMovementAndWaitForStandstill(gb)) { gb.AdvanceState(); if (AllAxesAreHomed()) { String macroName; macroName.printf(FILAMENT_ERROR "%u.g", gb.LatestMachineState().stateParameter); if (!DoFileMacro(gb, macroName.c_str(), false, AsyncSystemMacroCode)) { if (!DoFileMacro(gb, FILAMENT_ERROR ".g", false, AsyncSystemMacroCode)) { DoFileMacro(gb, PAUSE_G, true, AsyncSystemMacroCode); } } } } break; case GCodeState::pausing2: case GCodeState::filamentChangePause2: case GCodeState::filamentErrorPause2: if (LockMovementAndWaitForStandstill(gb)) { reply.printf((gb.GetState() == GCodeState::filamentChangePause2) ? "Printing paused for filament change at" : "Printing paused at"); for (size_t axis = 0; axis < numVisibleAxes; ++axis) { reply.catf(" %c%.1f", axisLetters[axis], (double)pauseRestorePoint.moveCoords[axis]); } platform.MessageF(LogWarn, "%s\n", reply.c_str()); pauseState = PauseState::paused; gb.SetState(GCodeState::normal); } break; case GCodeState::resuming1: case GCodeState::resuming2: // Here when we have just finished running the resume macro file. // Move the head back to the paused location if (LockMovementAndWaitForStandstill(gb)) { const float currentZ = moveBuffer.coords[Z_AXIS]; for (size_t axis = 0; axis < numVisibleAxes; ++axis) { currentUserPosition[axis] = pauseRestorePoint.moveCoords[axis]; } SetMoveBufferDefaults(); ToolOffsetTransform(currentUserPosition, moveBuffer.coords); moveBuffer.feedRate = ConvertSpeedFromMmPerMin(DefaultFeedRate); // ask for a good feed rate, we may have paused during a slow move moveBuffer.tool = reprap.GetCurrentTool(); // needed so that bed compensation is applied correctly if (gb.GetState() == GCodeState::resuming1 && currentZ > pauseRestorePoint.moveCoords[Z_AXIS]) { // First move the head to the correct XY point, then move it down in a separate move moveBuffer.coords[Z_AXIS] = currentZ; gb.SetState(GCodeState::resuming2); } else { // Just move to the saved position in one go gb.SetState(GCodeState::resuming3); } NewMoveAvailable(1); } break; case GCodeState::resuming3: if (LockMovementAndWaitForStandstill(gb)) { // We no longer restore the paused fan speeds automatically on resuming, because that messes up the print cooling fan speed if a tool change has been done // They can be restored manually in resume.g if required virtualExtruderPosition = pauseRestorePoint.virtualExtruderPosition; // reset the extruder position in case we are receiving absolute extruder moves moveBuffer.virtualExtruderPosition = pauseRestorePoint.virtualExtruderPosition; fileGCode->LatestMachineState().feedRate = pauseRestorePoint.feedRate; moveFractionToSkip = pauseRestorePoint.proportionDone; restartInitialUserC0 = pauseRestorePoint.initialUserC0; restartInitialUserC1 = pauseRestorePoint.initialUserC1; reply.copy("Printing resumed"); platform.Message(LogWarn, "Printing resumed\n"); pauseState = PauseState::notPaused; gb.SetState(GCodeState::normal); } break; case GCodeState::cancelling: if (LockMovementAndWaitForStandstill(gb)) // wait until cancel.g has completely finished { pauseState = PauseState::notPaused; gb.SetState(GCodeState::normal); } break; case GCodeState::flashing1: #if HAS_WIFI_NETWORKING || HAS_AUX_DEVICES // Update additional modules before the main firmware if (FirmwareUpdater::IsReady()) { bool updating = false; String filenameString; try { bool dummy; gb.TryGetQuotedString('P', filenameString.GetRef(), dummy); } catch (const GCodeException&) { } for (unsigned int module = 1; module < NumFirmwareUpdateModules; ++module) { if (firmwareUpdateModuleMap.IsBitSet(module)) { firmwareUpdateModuleMap.ClearBit(module); FirmwareUpdater::UpdateModule(module, serialChannelForPanelDueFlashing, filenameString.GetRef()); updating = true; isFlashingPanelDue = (module == FirmwareUpdater::PanelDueFirmwareModule); break; } } if (!updating) { isFlashingPanelDue = false; gb.SetState(GCodeState::flashing2); } } # if HAS_AUX_DEVICES else { PanelDueUpdater* panelDueUpdater = platform.GetPanelDueUpdater(); if (panelDueUpdater != nullptr) { panelDueUpdater->Spin(); } } # endif #else gb.SetState(GCodeState::flashing2); #endif break; case GCodeState::flashing2: if (firmwareUpdateModuleMap.IsBitSet(0)) { // Update main firmware firmwareUpdateModuleMap.Clear(); String filenameString; try { bool dummy; gb.TryGetQuotedString('P', filenameString.GetRef(), dummy); reprap.UpdateFirmware(filenameString.GetRef()); // The above call does not return unless an error occurred } catch (const GCodeException&) { } } isFlashing = false; gb.SetState(GCodeState::normal); break; case GCodeState::stoppingWithHeatersOff: // MO or M1 after executing stop.g/sleep.g if present reprap.GetHeat().SwitchOffAll(true); if (LockMovementAndWaitForStandstill(gb)) { pauseState = PauseState::notPaused; platform.SetDriversIdle(); gb.SetState(GCodeState::normal); } break; // States used for grid probing case GCodeState::gridProbing1: // ready to move to next grid probe point { // Move to the current probe point Move& move = reprap.GetMove(); const GridDefinition& grid = move.AccessHeightMap().GetGrid(); const float axis0Coord = grid.GetCoordinate(0, gridAxis0index); const float axis1Coord = grid.GetCoordinate(1, gridAxis1index); if (grid.IsInRadius(axis0Coord, axis1Coord)) { const size_t axis0Num = grid.GetAxisNumber(0); const size_t axis1Num = grid.GetAxisNumber(1); AxesBitmap axes; axes.SetBit(axis0Num); axes.SetBit(axis1Num); float axesCoords[MaxAxes]; const auto zp = platform.GetZProbeOrDefault(currentZProbeNumber); axesCoords[axis0Num] = axis0Coord - zp->GetOffset(axis0Num); axesCoords[axis1Num] = axis1Coord - zp->GetOffset(axis1Num); if (move.IsAccessibleProbePoint(axesCoords, axes)) { SetMoveBufferDefaults(); moveBuffer.coords[axis0Num] = axesCoords[axis0Num]; moveBuffer.coords[axis1Num] = axesCoords[axis1Num]; moveBuffer.coords[Z_AXIS] = zp->GetStartingHeight(); moveBuffer.feedRate = zp->GetTravelSpeed(); NewMoveAvailable(1); InitialiseTaps(false); gb.AdvanceState(); } else { platform.MessageF(WarningMessage, "Skipping grid point %c=%.1f, %c=%.1f because Z probe cannot reach it\n", grid.GetAxisLetter(0), (double)axis0Coord, grid.GetAxisLetter(1), (double)axis1Coord); gb.SetState(GCodeState::gridProbing6); } } else { gb.SetState(GCodeState::gridProbing6); } } break; case GCodeState::gridProbing2a: // ready to probe the current grid probe point (we return to this state when doing the second and subsequent taps) if (LockMovementAndWaitForStandstill(gb)) { gb.AdvanceState(); if (platform.GetZProbeOrDefault(currentZProbeNumber)->GetProbeType() == ZProbeType::blTouch) { DeployZProbe(gb); } } break; case GCodeState::gridProbing2b: // ready to probe the current grid probe point if (LockMovementAndWaitForStandstill(gb)) { lastProbedTime = millis(); // start the recovery timer const auto zp = platform.GetZProbeOrDefault(currentZProbeNumber); if (zp->GetProbeType() != ZProbeType::none && zp->GetTurnHeatersOff()) { reprap.GetHeat().SuspendHeaters(true); } gb.AdvanceState(); } break; case GCodeState::gridProbing3: // ready to probe the current grid probe point { const auto zp = platform.GetZProbeOrDefault(currentZProbeNumber); if (millis() - lastProbedTime >= (uint32_t)(zp->GetRecoveryTime() * SecondsToMillis)) { // Probe the bed at the current XY coordinates // Check for probe already triggered at start if (zp->GetProbeType() == ZProbeType::none) { // No Z probe, so do manual mesh levelling instead UnlockAll(gb); // release the movement lock to allow manual Z moves gb.AdvanceState(); // resume at next state when user has finished adjusting the height doingManualBedProbe = true; // suspend the Z movement limit DoManualBedProbe(gb); } else if (zp->Stopped()) { reprap.GetMove().heightMapLock.ReleaseWriter(); reprap.GetHeat().SuspendHeaters(false); gb.LatestMachineState().SetError("Probe already triggered before probing move started"); gb.SetState(GCodeState::checkError); RetractZProbe(gb); break; } else { zProbeTriggered = false; SetMoveBufferDefaults(); if (!platform.GetEndstops().EnableZProbe(currentZProbeNumber) || !zp->SetProbing(true)) { reprap.GetMove().heightMapLock.ReleaseWriter(); gb.LatestMachineState().SetError("Failed to enable probe"); gb.SetState(GCodeState::checkError); RetractZProbe(gb); break; } moveBuffer.checkEndstops = true; moveBuffer.reduceAcceleration = true; moveBuffer.coords[Z_AXIS] = -zp->GetDiveHeight() + zp->GetActualTriggerHeight(); moveBuffer.feedRate = zp->GetProbingSpeed(tapsDone); NewMoveAvailable(1); gb.AdvanceState(); } } } break; case GCodeState::gridProbing4: // ready to lift the probe after probing the current grid probe point if (LockMovementAndWaitForStandstill(gb)) { doingManualBedProbe = false; ++tapsDone; reprap.GetHeat().SuspendHeaters(false); const auto zp = platform.GetZProbeOrDefault(currentZProbeNumber); if (zp->GetProbeType() == ZProbeType::none) { // No Z probe, so we are doing manual mesh levelling. Take the current Z height as the height error. g30zHeightError = moveBuffer.coords[Z_AXIS]; } else { zp->SetProbing(false); if (!zProbeTriggered) { reprap.GetMove().heightMapLock.ReleaseWriter(); gb.LatestMachineState().SetError("Probe was not triggered during probing move"); gb.SetState(GCodeState::checkError); RetractZProbe(gb); break; } // Grid probing never does an additional fast tap, so we can always include this tap in the average g30zHeightError = moveBuffer.coords[Z_AXIS] - zp->GetActualTriggerHeight(); g30zHeightErrorSum += g30zHeightError; } gb.AdvanceState(); if (zp->GetProbeType() == ZProbeType::blTouch) // bltouch needs to be retracted when it triggers { RetractZProbe(gb); } } break; case GCodeState::gridProbing4a: // ready to lift the probe after probing the current grid probe point // Move back up to the dive height SetMoveBufferDefaults(); { const auto zp = platform.GetZProbeOrDefault(currentZProbeNumber); moveBuffer.coords[Z_AXIS] = zp->GetStartingHeight(); moveBuffer.feedRate = zp->GetTravelSpeed(); } NewMoveAvailable(1); gb.AdvanceState(); break; case GCodeState::gridProbing5: // finished probing a point and moved back to the dive height if (LockMovementAndWaitForStandstill(gb)) { // See whether we need to do any more taps const auto zp = platform.GetZProbeOrDefault(currentZProbeNumber); bool acceptReading = false; if (zp->GetMaxTaps() < 2) { acceptReading = true; } else if (tapsDone >= 2) { g30zHeightErrorLowestDiff = min(g30zHeightErrorLowestDiff, fabsf(g30zHeightError - g30PrevHeightError)); if (zp->GetTolerance() > 0.0) { if (g30zHeightErrorLowestDiff <= zp->GetTolerance()) { g30zHeightError = (g30zHeightError + g30PrevHeightError)/2; acceptReading = true; } } else if (tapsDone == (int)zp->GetMaxTaps()) { g30zHeightError = g30zHeightErrorSum/tapsDone; acceptReading = true; } } if (acceptReading) { reprap.GetMove().AccessHeightMap().SetGridHeight(gridAxis0index, gridAxis1index, g30zHeightError); gb.AdvanceState(); } else if (tapsDone < (int)zp->GetMaxTaps()) { // Tap again lastProbedTime = millis(); g30PrevHeightError = g30zHeightError; gb.SetState(GCodeState::gridProbing2a); } else { reprap.GetMove().heightMapLock.ReleaseWriter(); gb.LatestMachineState().SetError("Z probe readings not consistent"); gb.SetState(GCodeState::checkError); RetractZProbe(gb); } } break; case GCodeState::gridProbing6: // ready to compute the next probe point { const HeightMap& hm = reprap.GetMove().AccessHeightMap(); if (gridAxis1index & 1) { // Odd row, so decreasing X if (gridAxis0index == 0) { ++gridAxis1index; } else { --gridAxis0index; } } else { // Even row, so increasing X if (gridAxis0index + 1 == hm.GetGrid().NumAxisPoints(0)) { ++gridAxis1index; } else { ++gridAxis0index; } } if (gridAxis1index == hm.GetGrid().NumAxisPoints(1)) { // Done all the points gb.AdvanceState(); RetractZProbe(gb); } else { gb.SetState(GCodeState::gridProbing1); } } break; case GCodeState::gridProbing7: // Finished probing the grid, and retracted the probe if necessary { float minError, maxError; Deviation deviation; const uint32_t numPointsProbed = reprap.GetMove().AccessHeightMap().GetStatistics(deviation, minError, maxError); if (numPointsProbed >= 4) { reprap.GetMove().SetLatestMeshDeviation(deviation); reply.printf("%" PRIu32 " points probed, min error %.3f, max error %.3f, mean %.3f, deviation %.3f\n", numPointsProbed, (double)minError, (double)maxError, (double)deviation.GetMean(), (double)deviation.GetDeviationFromMean()); #if HAS_MASS_STORAGE # if HAS_LINUX_INTERFACE if (!reprap.UsingLinuxInterface()) # endif { if (TrySaveHeightMap(DefaultHeightMapFile, reply)) { stateMachineResult = GCodeResult::error; } } #endif reprap.GetMove().AccessHeightMap().ExtrapolateMissing(); reprap.GetMove().UseMesh(true); const float absMean = fabsf(deviation.GetMean()); if (absMean >= 0.05 && absMean >= 2 * deviation.GetDeviationFromMean()) { platform.Message(WarningMessage, "the height map has a substantial Z offset. Suggest use Z-probe to establish Z=0 datum, then re-probe the mesh.\n"); } } else { gb.LatestMachineState().SetError("Too few points probed"); } reprap.GetMove().heightMapLock.ReleaseWriter(); } if (stateMachineResult == GCodeResult::ok) { reprap.GetPlatform().MessageF(LogWarn, "%s\n", reply.c_str()); } gb.SetState(GCodeState::normal); break; // States used for G30 probing case GCodeState::probingAtPoint0: // Initial state when executing G30 with a P parameter. Start by moving to the dive height at the current position. SetMoveBufferDefaults(); { const auto zp = platform.GetZProbeOrDefault(currentZProbeNumber); moveBuffer.coords[Z_AXIS] = zp->GetStartingHeight(); moveBuffer.feedRate = zp->GetTravelSpeed(); } NewMoveAvailable(1); gb.AdvanceState(); break; case GCodeState::probingAtPoint1: // The move to raise/lower the head to the correct dive height has been commanded. if (LockMovementAndWaitForStandstill(gb)) { // Head is at the dive height but needs to be moved to the correct XY position. The XY coordinates have already been stored. SetMoveBufferDefaults(); (void)reprap.GetMove().GetProbeCoordinates(g30ProbePointIndex, moveBuffer.coords[X_AXIS], moveBuffer.coords[Y_AXIS], true); const auto zp = platform.GetZProbeOrDefault(currentZProbeNumber); moveBuffer.coords[Z_AXIS] = zp->GetStartingHeight(); moveBuffer.feedRate = zp->GetTravelSpeed(); NewMoveAvailable(1); InitialiseTaps(false); gb.AdvanceState(); } break; case GCodeState::probingAtPoint2a: // note we return to this state when doing the second and subsequent taps // Executing G30 with a P parameter. The move to put the head at the specified XY coordinates has been commanded. // OR initial state when executing G30 with no P parameter (must call InitialiseTaps first) if (LockMovementAndWaitForStandstill(gb)) { gb.AdvanceState(); if (platform.GetZProbeOrDefault(currentZProbeNumber)->GetProbeType() == ZProbeType::blTouch) // bltouch needs to be redeployed prior to each probe point { DeployZProbe(gb); } } break; case GCodeState::probingAtPoint2b: if (LockMovementAndWaitForStandstill(gb)) { // Head has finished moving to the correct XY position and BLTouch has been deployed lastProbedTime = millis(); // start the probe recovery timer if (platform.GetZProbeOrDefault(currentZProbeNumber)->GetTurnHeatersOff()) { reprap.GetHeat().SuspendHeaters(true); } gb.AdvanceState(); } break; case GCodeState::probingAtPoint3: // Executing G30 with a P parameter. The move to put the head at the specified XY coordinates has been completed and the recovery timer started. // OR executing G30 without a P parameter, and the recovery timer has been started. { const auto zp = platform.GetZProbeOrDefault(currentZProbeNumber); if (millis() - lastProbedTime >= (uint32_t)(zp->GetRecoveryTime() * SecondsToMillis)) { // The probe recovery time has elapsed, so we can start the probing move if (zp->GetProbeType() == ZProbeType::none) { // No Z probe, so we are doing manual 'probing' UnlockAll(gb); // release the movement lock to allow manual Z moves gb.AdvanceState(); // resume at the next state when the user has finished doingManualBedProbe = true; // suspend the Z movement limit DoManualBedProbe(gb); } else if (zp->Stopped()) // check for probe already triggered at start { // Z probe is already triggered at the start of the move, so abandon the probe and record an error reprap.GetHeat().SuspendHeaters(false); gb.LatestMachineState().SetError("Probe already triggered at start of probing move"); if (g30ProbePointIndex >= 0) { reprap.GetMove().SetZBedProbePoint(g30ProbePointIndex, zp->GetDiveHeight(), true, true); } gb.SetState(GCodeState::checkError); // no point in doing anything else RetractZProbe(gb); } else { zProbeTriggered = false; SetMoveBufferDefaults(); if (!platform.GetEndstops().EnableZProbe(currentZProbeNumber) || !zp->SetProbing(true)) { gb.LatestMachineState().SetError("Failed to enable probe"); gb.SetState(GCodeState::checkError); RetractZProbe(gb); break; } moveBuffer.checkEndstops = true; moveBuffer.reduceAcceleration = true; moveBuffer.coords[Z_AXIS] = (IsAxisHomed(Z_AXIS)) ? platform.AxisMinimum(Z_AXIS) - zp->GetDiveHeight() + zp->GetActualTriggerHeight() // Z axis has been homed, so no point in going very far : -1.1 * platform.AxisTotalLength(Z_AXIS); // Z axis not homed yet, so treat this as a homing move moveBuffer.feedRate = zp->GetProbingSpeed(tapsDone); NewMoveAvailable(1); gb.AdvanceState(); } } } break; case GCodeState::probingAtPoint4: // Executing G30. The probe wasn't triggered at the start of the move, and the probing move has been commanded. if (LockMovementAndWaitForStandstill(gb)) { // Probing move has stopped reprap.GetHeat().SuspendHeaters(false); doingManualBedProbe = false; hadProbingError = false; ++tapsDone; const auto zp = platform.GetZProbeOrDefault(currentZProbeNumber); if (zp->GetProbeType() == ZProbeType::none) { // No Z probe, so we are doing manual mesh levelling. Take the current Z height as the height error. g30zHeightError = moveBuffer.coords[Z_AXIS]; zp->SetLastStoppedHeight(g30zHeightError); } else { zp->SetProbing(false); if (!zProbeTriggered) { gb.LatestMachineState().SetError("Probe was not triggered during probing move"); g30zHeightErrorSum = g30zHeightError = 0.0; hadProbingError = true; } else { // Successful probing float m[MaxAxes]; reprap.GetMove().GetCurrentMachinePosition(m, false); // get height without bed compensation const float g30zStoppedHeight = m[Z_AXIS] - g30HValue; // save for later zp->SetLastStoppedHeight(g30zStoppedHeight); if (tapsDone > 0) // don't accumulate the result of we are doing fast-then-slow probing and this was the fast probe { g30zHeightError = g30zStoppedHeight - zp->GetActualTriggerHeight(); g30zHeightErrorSum += g30zHeightError; } } } if (g30ProbePointIndex < 0) // if no P parameter { // Simple G30 probing move if (g30SValue == -1 || g30SValue == -2 || g30SValue == -3) { // G30 S-1 command taps once and reports the height, S-2 sets the tool offset to the negative of the current height, S-3 sets the Z probe trigger height gb.SetState(GCodeState::probingAtPoint7); // special state for reporting the stopped height at the end RetractZProbe(gb); // retract the probe before moving to the new state break; } if (tapsDone <= 1 && !hadProbingError) { // Reset the Z axis origin according to the height error so that we can move back up to the dive height moveBuffer.coords[Z_AXIS] = zp->GetActualTriggerHeight(); reprap.GetMove().SetNewPosition(moveBuffer.coords, false); // Find the coordinates of the Z probe to pass to SetZeroHeightError float tempCoords[MaxAxes]; memcpyf(tempCoords, moveBuffer.coords, ARRAY_SIZE(tempCoords)); tempCoords[X_AXIS] += zp->GetOffset(X_AXIS); tempCoords[Y_AXIS] += zp->GetOffset(Y_AXIS); reprap.GetMove().SetZeroHeightError(tempCoords); ToolOffsetInverseTransform(moveBuffer.coords, currentUserPosition); g30zHeightErrorSum = g30zHeightError = 0; // there is no longer any height error from this probe SetAxisIsHomed(Z_AXIS); // this is only correct if the Z axis is Cartesian-like, but other architectures must be homed before probing anyway zDatumSetByProbing = true; } } gb.AdvanceState(); if (zp->GetProbeType() == ZProbeType::blTouch) // bltouch needs to be retracted when it triggers { RetractZProbe(gb); } } break; case GCodeState::probingAtPoint4a: // Move back up to the dive height before we change anything, in particular before we adjust leadscrews SetMoveBufferDefaults(); { const auto zp = platform.GetZProbeOrDefault(currentZProbeNumber); moveBuffer.coords[Z_AXIS] = zp->GetStartingHeight(); moveBuffer.feedRate = zp->GetTravelSpeed(); } NewMoveAvailable(1); gb.AdvanceState(); break; case GCodeState::probingAtPoint5: // Here when we have moved the head back up to the dive height if (LockMovementAndWaitForStandstill(gb)) { // See whether we need to do any more taps const auto zp = platform.GetZProbeOrDefault(currentZProbeNumber); bool acceptReading = false; if (zp->GetMaxTaps() < 2 && tapsDone == 1) { acceptReading = true; } else if (tapsDone >= 2) { g30zHeightErrorLowestDiff = min(g30zHeightErrorLowestDiff, fabsf(g30zHeightError - g30PrevHeightError)); if (zp->GetTolerance() > 0.0 && g30zHeightErrorLowestDiff <= zp->GetTolerance()) { g30zHeightError = (g30zHeightError + g30PrevHeightError)/2; acceptReading = true; } } if (!acceptReading) { if (tapsDone < (int)zp->GetMaxTaps()) { // Tap again g30PrevHeightError = g30zHeightError; lastProbedTime = millis(); gb.SetState(GCodeState::probingAtPoint2a); break; } // We no longer flag this as a probing error, instead we take the average and issue a warning g30zHeightError = g30zHeightErrorSum/tapsDone; if (zp->GetTolerance() > 0.0) // zero or negative tolerance means always average all readings, so no warning message { gb.LatestMachineState().SetError("Z probe readings not consistent"); } } if (g30ProbePointIndex >= 0) { reprap.GetMove().SetZBedProbePoint(g30ProbePointIndex, g30zHeightError, true, hadProbingError); } else { // Setting the Z height with G30 moveBuffer.coords[Z_AXIS] -= g30zHeightError; reprap.GetMove().SetNewPosition(moveBuffer.coords, false); // Find the coordinates of the Z probe to pass to SetZeroHeightError float tempCoords[MaxAxes]; memcpyf(tempCoords, moveBuffer.coords, ARRAY_SIZE(tempCoords)); tempCoords[X_AXIS] += zp->GetOffset(X_AXIS); tempCoords[Y_AXIS] += zp->GetOffset(Y_AXIS); reprap.GetMove().SetZeroHeightError(tempCoords); ToolOffsetInverseTransform(moveBuffer.coords, currentUserPosition); } gb.AdvanceState(); if (zp->GetProbeType() != ZProbeType::blTouch) // if it's a BLTouch then we have already retracted it { RetractZProbe(gb); } } break; case GCodeState::probingAtPoint6: // Here when we have finished probing and have retracted the probe if necessary if (LockMovementAndWaitForStandstill(gb)) // retracting the Z probe { if (g30SValue == 1) { // G30 with a silly Z value and S=1 is equivalent to G30 with no parameters in that it sets the current Z height // This is useful because it adjusts the XY position to account for the probe offset. moveBuffer.coords[Z_AXIS] -= g30zHeightError; reprap.GetMove().SetNewPosition(moveBuffer.coords, false); ToolOffsetInverseTransform(moveBuffer.coords, currentUserPosition); } else if (g30SValue >= -1) { if (reprap.GetMove().FinishedBedProbing(g30SValue, reply)) { stateMachineResult = GCodeResult::error; } else if (reprap.GetMove().GetKinematics().SupportsAutoCalibration()) { zDatumSetByProbing = true; // if we successfully auto calibrated or adjusted leadscrews, we've set the Z datum by probing } } gb.SetState(GCodeState::normal); } break; case GCodeState::probingAtPoint7: // Here when we have finished executing G30 S-1 or S-2 or S-3 including retracting the probe if necessary if (g30SValue == -3) { // Adjust the Z probe trigger height to the stop height const auto zp = platform.GetZProbeOrDefault(currentZProbeNumber); zp->SetTriggerHeight(zp->GetLastStoppedHeight()); reply.printf("Z probe trigger height set to %.3f mm", (double)zp->GetLastStoppedHeight()); } else if (g30SValue == -2) { // Adjust the Z offset of the current tool to account for the height error Tool * const tool = reprap.GetCurrentTool(); if (tool == nullptr) { gb.LatestMachineState().SetError("Tool was deselected during G30 S-2 command"); } else { tool->SetOffset(Z_AXIS, -g30zHeightError, true); ToolOffsetInverseTransform(moveBuffer.coords, currentUserPosition); // update user coordinates to reflect the new tool offset } } else { // Just print the stop height reply.printf("Stopped at height %.3f mm", (double)platform.GetZProbeOrDefault(currentZProbeNumber)->GetLastStoppedHeight()); } gb.SetState(GCodeState::normal); break; case GCodeState::straightProbe0: // ready to deploy the probe if (LockMovementAndWaitForStandstill(gb)) { gb.AdvanceState(); currentZProbeNumber = straightProbeSettings.GetZProbeToUse(); DeployZProbe(gb); } break; case GCodeState::straightProbe1: if (LockMovementAndWaitForStandstill(gb)) { const auto zp = platform.GetEndstops().GetZProbe(straightProbeSettings.GetZProbeToUse()); lastProbedTime = millis(); // start the probe recovery timer if (zp.IsNotNull() && zp->GetTurnHeatersOff()) { reprap.GetHeat().SuspendHeaters(true); } gb.AdvanceState(); } break; case GCodeState::straightProbe2: // Executing G38. The probe has been deployed and the recovery timer has been started. { if (millis() - lastProbedTime >= (uint32_t)(platform.GetZProbeOrDefault(straightProbeSettings.GetZProbeToUse())->GetRecoveryTime() * SecondsToMillis)) { // The probe recovery time has elapsed, so we can start the probing move const auto zp = platform.GetEndstops().GetZProbe(straightProbeSettings.GetZProbeToUse()); if (zp.IsNull() || zp->GetProbeType() == ZProbeType::none) { // No Z probe, so we are doing manual 'probing' UnlockAll(gb); // release the movement lock to allow manual Z moves gb.AdvanceState(); // resume at the next state when the user has finished DoStraightManualProbe(gb, straightProbeSettings); // call out to separate function because it used a lot of stack } else { const bool probingAway = straightProbeSettings.ProbingAway(); const bool atStop = zp->Stopped(); if (probingAway != atStop) { // Z probe is already in target state at the start of the move, so abandon the probe and signal an error if the type demands so reprap.GetHeat().SuspendHeaters(false); if (straightProbeSettings.SignalError()) { gb.LatestMachineState().SetError((probingAway) ? "Probe not triggered at start of probing move" : "Probe already triggered at start of probing move"); } gb.SetState(GCodeState::checkError); // no point in doing anything else RetractZProbe(gb); } else { zProbeTriggered = false; SetMoveBufferDefaults(); if (!platform.GetEndstops().EnableZProbe(straightProbeSettings.GetZProbeToUse(), probingAway) || !zp->SetProbing(true)) { gb.LatestMachineState().SetError("Failed to enable probe"); gb.SetState(GCodeState::checkError); RetractZProbe(gb); break; } moveBuffer.checkEndstops = true; moveBuffer.reduceAcceleration = true; straightProbeSettings.SetCoordsToTarget(moveBuffer.coords); moveBuffer.feedRate = zp->GetProbingSpeed(0); NewMoveAvailable(1); gb.AdvanceState(); } } } } break; case GCodeState::straightProbe3: // Executing G38. The probe wasn't in target state at the start of the move, and the probing move has been commanded. if (LockMovementAndWaitForStandstill(gb)) { // Probing move has stopped reprap.GetHeat().SuspendHeaters(false); const bool probingAway = straightProbeSettings.ProbingAway(); const auto zp = platform.GetEndstops().GetZProbe(straightProbeSettings.GetZProbeToUse()); if (zp.IsNotNull() && zp->GetProbeType() != ZProbeType::none) { zp->SetProbing(false); if (!zProbeTriggered && straightProbeSettings.SignalError()) { gb.LatestMachineState().SetError((probingAway) ? "Probe did not lose contact during probing move" : "Probe was not triggered during probing move"); } } gb.SetState(GCodeState::checkError); RetractZProbe(gb); // retract the probe before moving to the new state } break; // Firmware retraction/un-retraction states case GCodeState::doingFirmwareRetraction: // We just did the retraction part of a firmware retraction, now we need to do the Z hop if (moveBuffer.segmentsLeft == 0) { const Tool * const tool = reprap.GetCurrentTool(); if (tool != nullptr) { SetMoveBufferDefaults(); moveBuffer.tool = tool; reprap.GetMove().GetCurrentUserPosition(moveBuffer.coords, 0, moveBuffer.tool); moveBuffer.coords[Z_AXIS] += tool->GetRetractHop(); moveBuffer.feedRate = platform.MaxFeedrate(Z_AXIS); moveBuffer.filePos = (&gb == fileGCode) ? gb.GetFilePosition() : noFilePosition; moveBuffer.canPauseAfter = false; // don't pause after a retraction because that could cause too much retraction currentZHop = tool->GetRetractHop(); NewMoveAvailable(1); } gb.SetState(GCodeState::normal); } break; case GCodeState::doingFirmwareUnRetraction: // We just undid the Z-hop part of a firmware un-retraction, now we need to do the un-retract if (moveBuffer.segmentsLeft == 0) { const Tool * const tool = reprap.GetCurrentTool(); if (tool != nullptr && tool->DriveCount() != 0) { SetMoveBufferDefaults(); moveBuffer.tool = tool; reprap.GetMove().GetCurrentUserPosition(moveBuffer.coords, 0, tool); for (size_t i = 0; i < tool->DriveCount(); ++i) { moveBuffer.coords[ExtruderToLogicalDrive(tool->Drive(i))] = tool->GetRetractLength() + tool->GetRetractExtra(); } moveBuffer.feedRate = tool->GetUnRetractSpeed() * tool->DriveCount(); moveBuffer.filePos = (&gb == fileGCode) ? gb.GetFilePosition() : noFilePosition; moveBuffer.canPauseAfter = true; NewMoveAvailable(1); } gb.SetState(GCodeState::normal); } break; case GCodeState::loadingFilament: // We just returned from the filament load macro if (reprap.GetCurrentTool() != nullptr) { reprap.GetCurrentTool()->GetFilament()->Load(filamentToLoad); if (reprap.Debug(moduleGcodes)) { platform.MessageF(LoggedGenericMessage, "Filament %s loaded", filamentToLoad); } } gb.SetState(GCodeState::normal); break; case GCodeState::unloadingFilament: // We just returned from the filament unload macro if (reprap.GetCurrentTool() != nullptr) { if (reprap.Debug(moduleGcodes)) { platform.MessageF(LoggedGenericMessage, "Filament %s unloaded", reprap.GetCurrentTool()->GetFilament()->GetName()); } reprap.GetCurrentTool()->GetFilament()->Unload(); } gb.SetState(GCodeState::normal); break; #if HAS_VOLTAGE_MONITOR case GCodeState::powerFailPausing1: if (gb.IsReady() || gb.IsExecuting()) { gb.SetFinished(ActOnCode(gb, reply)); // execute the pause script } else { # if HAS_MASS_STORAGE || HAS_LINUX_INTERFACE SaveResumeInfo(true); // create the resume file so that we can resume after power down # endif platform.Message(LoggedGenericMessage, "Print auto-paused due to low voltage\n"); gb.SetState(GCodeState::normal); } break; #endif #if HAS_MASS_STORAGE case GCodeState::timingSDwrite: for (uint32_t writtenThisTime = 0; writtenThisTime < 100 * 1024; ) { if (timingBytesWritten >= timingBytesRequested) { const uint32_t ms = millis() - timingStartMillis; const float fileMbytes = (float)timingBytesWritten/(float)(1024 * 1024); const float mbPerSec = (fileMbytes * 1000.0)/(float)ms; platform.MessageF(gb.GetResponseMessageType(), "SD write speed for %.1fMbyte file was %.2fMbytes/sec\n", (double)fileMbytes, (double)mbPerSec); sdTimingFile->Close(); sdTimingFile = platform.OpenFile(platform.GetGCodeDir(), TimingFileName, OpenMode::read); if (sdTimingFile == nullptr) { platform.Delete(platform.GetGCodeDir(), TimingFileName); gb.LatestMachineState().SetError("Failed to re-open timing file"); gb.SetState(GCodeState::normal); break; } platform.Message(gb.GetResponseMessageType(), "Testing SD card read speed...\n"); timingBytesWritten = 0; timingStartMillis = millis(); gb.SetState(GCodeState::timingSDread); break; } const unsigned int bytesToWrite = min(reply.Capacity(), timingBytesRequested - timingBytesWritten); if (!sdTimingFile->Write(reply.c_str(), bytesToWrite)) { sdTimingFile->Close(); platform.Delete(platform.GetGCodeDir(), TimingFileName); gb.LatestMachineState().SetError("Failed to write to timing file"); gb.SetState(GCodeState::normal); break; } timingBytesWritten += bytesToWrite; writtenThisTime += bytesToWrite; } break; case GCodeState::timingSDread: for (uint32_t readThisTime = 0; readThisTime < 100 * 1024; ) { if (timingBytesWritten >= timingBytesRequested) { const uint32_t ms = millis() - timingStartMillis; const float fileMbytes = (float)timingBytesWritten/(float)(1024 * 1024); const float mbPerSec = (fileMbytes * 1000.0)/(float)ms; sdTimingFile->Close(); reply.printf("SD read speed for %.1fMbyte file was %.2fMbytes/sec", (double)fileMbytes, (double)mbPerSec); platform.Delete(platform.GetGCodeDir(), TimingFileName); gb.SetState(GCodeState::normal); break; } const unsigned int bytesToRead = min(reply.Capacity(), timingBytesRequested - timingBytesWritten); if (sdTimingFile->Read(reply.Pointer(), bytesToRead) != (int)bytesToRead) { sdTimingFile->Close(); platform.Delete(platform.GetGCodeDir(), TimingFileName); gb.LatestMachineState().SetError("Failed to read from timing file"); gb.SetState(GCodeState::normal); break; } timingBytesWritten += bytesToRead; readThisTime += bytesToRead; } break; #endif #if HAS_LINUX_INTERFACE case GCodeState::waitingForAcknowledgement: // finished M291 and the SBC expects a response next #endif case GCodeState::checkError: // we return to this state after running the retractprobe macro when there may be a stored error message gb.SetState(GCodeState::normal); break; default: // should not happen gb.LatestMachineState().SetError("Undefined GCodeState"); gb.SetState(GCodeState::normal); break; } if (gb.GetState() == GCodeState::normal) { // We completed a command, so unlock resources and tell the host about it gb.StopTimer(); UnlockAll(gb); gb.LatestMachineState().RetrieveStateMachineResult(stateMachineResult, reply); HandleReply(gb, stateMachineResult, reply.c_str()); CheckForDeferredPause(gb); } } // Do a manual probe. This is in its own function to reduce the amount of stack space needed by RunStateMachine(). See the comment at the top of that function. void GCodes::DoStraightManualProbe(GCodeBuffer& gb, const StraightProbeSettings& sps) { String message; message.printf("Adjust position until the reference point just %s the target, then press OK", sps.ProbingAway() ? "loses contact with" : "touches"); DoManualProbe(gb, message.c_str(), "Manual Straight Probe", sps.GetMovingAxes()); } // End