/* * ObjectCancellation.cpp * * Created on: 24 Mar 2020 * Author: David */ #include "ObjectTracker.h" #include #include #include "GCodes.h" #if TRACK_OBJECT_NAMES // Object model tables and functions for class ObjectTracker // Macro to build a standard lambda function that includes the necessary type conversions #define OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC(...) OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC_BODY(ObjectTracker, __VA_ARGS__) #define OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC_IF(_condition,...) OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC_IF_BODY(ObjectTracker, _condition,__VA_ARGS__) constexpr ObjectModelArrayDescriptor ObjectTracker::objectsArrayDescriptor = { nullptr, [] (const ObjectModel *self, const ObjectExplorationContext&) noexcept -> size_t { return min(((const ObjectTracker*)self)->numObjects, MaxTrackedObjects); }, [] (const ObjectModel *self, ObjectExplorationContext& context) noexcept -> ExpressionValue { return ExpressionValue(self, 1); } }; constexpr ObjectModelArrayDescriptor ObjectTracker::xArrayDescriptor = { nullptr, [] (const ObjectModel *self, const ObjectExplorationContext&) noexcept -> size_t { return 2; }, [] (const ObjectModel *self, ObjectExplorationContext& context) noexcept -> ExpressionValue { return ((const ObjectTracker*)self)->GetXCoordinate(context); } }; constexpr ObjectModelArrayDescriptor ObjectTracker::yArrayDescriptor = { nullptr, [] (const ObjectModel *self, const ObjectExplorationContext&) noexcept -> size_t { return 2; }, [] (const ObjectModel *self, ObjectExplorationContext& context) noexcept -> ExpressionValue { return ((const ObjectTracker*)self)->GetYCoordinate(context); } }; constexpr ObjectModelTableEntry ObjectTracker::objectModelTable[] = { // Within each group, these entries must be in alphabetical order // 0. BuildObjects root { "currentObject", OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC((int32_t)self->currentObjectNumber), ObjectModelEntryFlags::live }, { "m486Names", OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC(self->usingM486Naming), ObjectModelEntryFlags::none }, { "m486Numbers", OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC(self->usingM486Labelling), ObjectModelEntryFlags::none }, { "objects", OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC_NOSELF(&objectsArrayDescriptor), ObjectModelEntryFlags::none }, #if TRACK_OBJECT_NAMES // 1. ObjectDirectoryEntry root { "cancelled", OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC(self->IsCancelled(context.GetLastIndex())), ObjectModelEntryFlags::none }, { "name", OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC(self->objectDirectory[context.GetLastIndex()].name.IncreaseRefCount()), ObjectModelEntryFlags::none }, { "x", OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC_NOSELF(&xArrayDescriptor), ObjectModelEntryFlags::none }, { "y", OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC_NOSELF(&yArrayDescriptor), ObjectModelEntryFlags::none }, #endif }; constexpr uint8_t ObjectTracker::objectModelTableDescriptor[] = { 1 + TRACK_OBJECT_NAMES, // number of sub-tables 4, #if TRACK_OBJECT_NAMES 4 #endif }; DEFINE_GET_OBJECT_MODEL_TABLE(ObjectTracker) #endif void ObjectTracker::Init() noexcept { objectsCancelled.Clear(); currentObjectNumber = -1; numObjects = 0; currentObjectCancelled = printingJustResumed = usingM486Labelling = false; #if TRACK_OBJECT_NAMES // Clear out all object names in case of late object model requests for (ObjectDirectoryEntry& ode : objectDirectory) { ode.Init(""); } usingM486Naming = false; #endif } void ObjectTracker::ChangeToObject(GCodeBuffer& gb, int i) noexcept { currentObjectNumber = i; if (currentObjectNumber >= (int)numObjects) { numObjects = currentObjectNumber + 1; } const bool cancelCurrentObject = currentObjectNumber >= 0 && currentObjectNumber < (int)objectsCancelled.MaxBits() && objectsCancelled.IsBitSet(currentObjectNumber); if (cancelCurrentObject && !currentObjectCancelled) { StopPrinting(gb); } else if (!cancelCurrentObject && currentObjectCancelled) { ResumePrinting(gb); } } GCodeResult ObjectTracker::HandleM486(GCodeBuffer &gb, const StringRef &reply, OutputBuffer*& buf) THROWS(GCodeException) { bool seen = false; if (gb.Seen('T')) { // Specify how many objects. May be useful for a user interface. seen = true; numObjects = gb.GetUIValue(); objectsCancelled.Clear(); // assume this command is only used at the start of a print reprap.JobUpdated(); } if (gb.Seen('S')) { // Specify which object we are about to print seen = true; if (!usingM486Labelling) { usingM486Labelling = true; reprap.JobUpdated(); } const int num = gb.GetIValue(); #if TRACK_OBJECT_NAMES if (num >= 0 && num < (int)MaxTrackedObjects && gb.Seen('A')) { String objectName; gb.GetQuotedString(objectName.GetRef()); usingM486Naming = true; if (num >= (int)numObjects) // if this is a new object { CreateObject(num, objectName.c_str()); } else if (num < (int)MaxTrackedObjects && strcmp(objectName.c_str(), objectDirectory[num].name.Get().Ptr()) != 0) { objectDirectory[num].SetName(objectName.c_str()); reprap.JobUpdated(); } } #endif ChangeToObject(gb, num); } const bool seenC = gb.Seen('C'); if (seenC || gb.Seen('P')) { // Cancel an object seen = true; const int objectToCancel = (seenC) ? currentObjectNumber : (int)gb.GetUIValue(); if (objectToCancel < 0) { reply.copy("No current object"); return GCodeResult::error; } if (objectToCancel >= (int)objectsCancelled.MaxBits()) { reply.copy("Object number out of range"); return GCodeResult::error; } // We don't flag an error if you try to cancel the same object twice if (!objectsCancelled.IsBitSet(objectToCancel)) { objectsCancelled.SetBit(objectToCancel); if (objectToCancel == currentObjectNumber) { StopPrinting(gb); } reprap.JobUpdated(); reply.printf("Object %d cancelled", objectToCancel); } } if (gb.Seen('U')) { // Resume an object seen = true; const int objectToResume = gb.GetUIValue(); if (objectToResume >= (int)objectsCancelled.MaxBits()) { reply.copy("Object number out of range"); return GCodeResult::error; } // We don't flag an error if you try to resume an object that is not cancelled if (objectsCancelled.IsBitSet(objectToResume)) { objectsCancelled.ClearBit(objectToResume); if (objectToResume == currentObjectNumber) { ResumePrinting(gb); } reprap.JobUpdated(); reply.printf("Object %d resumed", objectToResume); } } if (!seen) { #if TRACK_OBJECT_NAMES // List objects on build plate if (!OutputBuffer::Allocate(buf)) { return GCodeResult::notFinished; } if (numObjects == 0) { buf->copy("No known objects on build plate"); } else { for (size_t i = 0; i < min(numObjects, MaxTrackedObjects); ++i) { const ObjectDirectoryEntry& obj = objectDirectory[i]; buf->lcatf("%2u%s: X %d to %dmm, Y %d to %dmm, %s", i, (objectsCancelled.IsBitSet(i) ? " (cancelled)" : ""), (int)obj.x[0], (int)obj.x[1], (int)obj.y[0], (int)obj.y[1], obj.name.Get().Ptr()); } if (numObjects > MaxTrackedObjects) { buf->lcatf("%u more objects", numObjects - MaxTrackedObjects); } } #else if (numObjects == 0) { reply.copy("No known objects on build plate"); } else { reply.printf("%u objects on build plate", numObjects); } #endif } return GCodeResult::ok; } // We are currently printing, but we must now stop because the current object is cancelled void ObjectTracker::StopPrinting(GCodeBuffer& gb) noexcept { currentObjectCancelled = true; virtualToolNumber = reprap.GetCurrentToolNumber(); } // We are currently not printing because the current object was cancelled, but now we need to print again void ObjectTracker::ResumePrinting(GCodeBuffer& gb) noexcept { currentObjectCancelled = false; printingJustResumed = true; reprap.GetGCodes().SavePosition(rp, gb); // save the position we should be at for the start of the next move if (reprap.GetCurrentToolNumber() != virtualToolNumber) // if the wrong tool is loaded { reprap.GetGCodes().StartToolChange(gb, virtualToolNumber, DefaultToolChangeParam); } } #if HAS_MASS_STORAGE || HAS_LINUX_INTERFACE // Write the object details to file, returning true if successful bool ObjectTracker::WriteObjectDirectory(FileStore *f) const noexcept { bool ok = true; // Write the object list #if TRACK_OBJECT_NAMES for (size_t i = 0; ok && i < min(numObjects, MaxTrackedObjects); ++i) { String buf; buf.printf("M486 S%u A\"%s\"\n", i, objectDirectory[i].name.Get().Ptr()); ok = f->Write(buf.c_str()); } #else { String buf; buf.printf("M486 T%u", numObjects); ok = f->Write(buf.c_str()); } #endif if (ok) { // Write which objects have been cancelled ok = objectsCancelled.IterateWhile([f](unsigned int index, bool first) -> bool { String buf; buf.printf("M486 P%u\n", index); return f->Write(buf.c_str()); }); } // Write the current object if (ok) { String buf; buf.printf("M486 S%d\n", currentObjectNumber); ok = f->Write(buf.c_str()); } return ok; } #endif #if TRACK_OBJECT_NAMES // Create a new entry in the object directory void ObjectDirectoryEntry::Init(const char *label) noexcept { name.Assign(label); x[0] = x[1] = y[0] = y[1] = std::numeric_limits::min(); } // Update the min and max object coordinates to include the coordinates passed, returning true if anything was changed bool ObjectDirectoryEntry::UpdateObjectCoordinates(const float coords[], AxesBitmap axes) noexcept { bool updated = false; if (axes.IsBitSet(X_AXIS)) { const int16_t xVal = lrintf(coords[X_AXIS]); if (x[1] == std::numeric_limits::min()) { x[0] = x[1] = xVal; updated = true; } else if (xVal < x[0]) { x[0] = xVal; updated = true; } else if (xVal > x[1]) { x[1] = xVal; updated = true; } } if (axes.IsBitSet(Y_AXIS)) { const int16_t yVal = lrintf(coords[Y_AXIS]); if (y[1] == std::numeric_limits::min()) { y[0] = y[1] = yVal; updated = true; } else if (yVal < y[0]) { y[0] = yVal; updated = true; } else if (yVal > y[1]) { y[1] = yVal; updated = true; } } return updated; } void ObjectDirectoryEntry::SetName(const char *label) noexcept { name.Assign(label); } // Update the min and max object coordinates to include the coordinates passed // We could pass both the start and end coordinates of the printing move, however it is simpler just to pass the end coordinates. // This is OK because it is very unlikely that there won't be a subsequent extruding move that ends close to the original one. void ObjectTracker::UpdateObjectCoordinates(const float coords[], AxesBitmap axes) noexcept { if (currentObjectNumber >= 0 && currentObjectNumber < (int)MaxTrackedObjects) { if (objectDirectory[currentObjectNumber].UpdateObjectCoordinates(coords, axes)) { reprap.JobUpdated(); } } } // This is called when we need to create a new named object void ObjectTracker::CreateObject(unsigned int number, const char *label) noexcept { if (number < MaxTrackedObjects) { while (numObjects <= number) { objectDirectory[numObjects].Init(""); ++numObjects; } objectDirectory[number].SetName(label); reprap.JobUpdated(); } } // This is called when we have found an object label in a comment void ObjectTracker::StartObject(GCodeBuffer& gb, const char *label) noexcept { if (!usingM486Naming) { for (size_t i = 0; i < min(numObjects, MaxTrackedObjects); ++i) { if (strcmp(objectDirectory[i].name.Get().Ptr(), label) == 0) { ChangeToObject(gb, i); return; } } // The object was not found, so add it if (numObjects < MaxTrackedObjects) { const int newObjectNumber = numObjects; CreateObject(newObjectNumber, label); ChangeToObject(gb, newObjectNumber); } else { // Here if the new object won't fit in the directory ChangeToObject(gb, MaxTrackedObjects); } } } // This is called when we have found a "stop printing object" comment void ObjectTracker::StopObject(GCodeBuffer& gb) noexcept { if (!usingM486Naming) { ChangeToObject(gb, -1); } } ExpressionValue ObjectTracker::GetXCoordinate(const ObjectExplorationContext& context) const noexcept { const int16_t val = objectDirectory[context.GetIndex(1)].x[context.GetIndex(0)]; return (val == std::numeric_limits::min()) ? ExpressionValue(nullptr) : ExpressionValue((int32_t)val); } ExpressionValue ObjectTracker::GetYCoordinate(const ObjectExplorationContext& context) const noexcept { const int16_t val = objectDirectory[context.GetIndex(1)].y[context.GetIndex(0)]; return (val == std::numeric_limits::min()) ? ExpressionValue(nullptr) : ExpressionValue((int32_t)val); } #endif // End