/* * IoPort.cpp * * Created on: 30 Sep 2017 * Author: David */ #include "IoPorts.h" #include #include #include #include #ifdef DUET_NG # include #endif #include #include #include using #if SAME5x AnalogIn #else LegacyAnalogIn #endif ::AdcBits; #if SUPPORT_CAN_EXPANSION # include #endif #if SUPPORT_REMOTE_COMMANDS # include #endif // Read a port name parameter and assign some ports. Caller must call gb.Seen() with the appropriate letter and get 'true' returned before calling this. // Return the number of ports allocated, or 0 if there was an error with the error message in 'reply'. /*static*/ size_t IoPort::AssignPorts(GCodeBuffer& gb, const StringRef& reply, PinUsedBy neededFor, size_t numPorts, IoPort* const ports[], const PinAccess access[]) THROWS(GCodeException) { // Get the full port names string String portNames; // 50 characters wasn't always enough when passing 4 duex endstop input names in a M574 command gb.GetReducedString(portNames.GetRef()); return AssignPorts(portNames.c_str(), reply, neededFor, numPorts, ports, access); } // Read a port name parameter and assign one port. Caller must call gb.Seen() with the appropriate letter and get 'true' returned before calling this. // If successful, return true; else return false with the error message in 'reply'. bool IoPort::AssignPort(GCodeBuffer& gb, const StringRef& reply, PinUsedBy neededFor, PinAccess access) THROWS(GCodeException) { IoPort* const p = this; return AssignPorts(gb, reply, neededFor, 1, &p, &access) == 1; } // Try to assign ports, returning the number of ports successfully assigned /*static*/ size_t IoPort::AssignPorts(const char* pinNames, const StringRef& reply, PinUsedBy neededFor, size_t numPorts, IoPort* const ports[], const PinAccess access[]) noexcept { // Release any existing assignments for (size_t i = 0; i < numPorts; ++i) { ports[i]->Release(); } // Parse the string into individual port names size_t index = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < numPorts; ++i) { // Get the next port name String pn; char c; while ((c = pinNames[index]) != 0 && c != '+') { pn.cat(c); ++index; } #if SUPPORT_CAN_EXPANSION const CanAddress boardAddress = RemoveBoardAddress(pn.GetRef()); if (boardAddress != CanInterface::GetCanAddress()) { reply.lcat("Remote ports are not supported by this command"); #else if (!RemoveBoardAddress(pn.GetRef())) { reply.lcat("Board address of port must be 0"); #endif for (size_t j = 0; j < i; ++j) { ports[j]->Release(); } return 0; } // Try to allocate the port if (!ports[i]->Allocate(pn.c_str(), reply, neededFor, access[i])) { for (size_t j = 0; j < i; ++j) { ports[j]->Release(); } return 0; } if (c != '+') { return i + 1; } ++index; // skip the "+" } return numPorts; } bool IoPort::AssignPort(const char* pinName, const StringRef& reply, PinUsedBy neededFor, PinAccess access) noexcept { IoPort* const p = this; return AssignPorts(pinName, reply, neededFor, 1, &p, &access) == 1; } /*static*/ const char* IoPort::TranslatePinAccess(PinAccess access) noexcept { switch (access) { case PinAccess::read: return "digital read"; case PinAccess::readWithPullup_InternalUseOnly: return "digital read (pullup resistor enabled)"; case PinAccess::readAnalog: return "analog read"; case PinAccess::write0: return "write (initially low)"; case PinAccess::write1: return "write (initially high)"; case PinAccess::pwm: return "write PWM"; case PinAccess::servo: return "servo write"; default: return "[unknown]"; } } // Members of class IoPort PinUsedBy IoPort::portUsedBy[NumNamedPins]; int8_t IoPort::logicalPinModes[NumNamedPins]; // what mode each logical pin is set to - would ideally be class PinMode not int8_t /*static*/ void IoPort::Init() noexcept { for (PinUsedBy& p : portUsedBy) { p = PinUsedBy::unused; } for (int8_t& p : logicalPinModes) { p = PIN_MODE_NOT_CONFIGURED; } } IoPort::IoPort() noexcept : logicalPin(NoLogicalPin), hardwareInvert(false), totalInvert(false), isSharedInput(false) { } void IoPort::Release() noexcept { if (IsValid() && !isSharedInput) { #ifdef __LPC17xx__ // Release PWM/Servo from pin if needed if (logicalPinModes[logicalPin] == OUTPUT_SERVO_HIGH || logicalPinModes[logicalPin] == OUTPUT_SERVO_LOW) { ReleaseServoPin(GetPinNoCheck()); } if (logicalPinModes[logicalPin] == OUTPUT_PWM_HIGH || logicalPinModes[logicalPin] == OUTPUT_PWM_LOW) { ReleasePWMPin(GetPinNoCheck()); } #endif detachInterrupt(GetPinNoCheck()); portUsedBy[logicalPin] = PinUsedBy::unused; logicalPinModes[logicalPin] = PIN_MODE_NOT_CONFIGURED; } logicalPin = NoLogicalPin; hardwareInvert = totalInvert = false; } // Attach an interrupt to the pin. Nor permitted if we allocated the pin in shared input mode. bool IoPort::AttachInterrupt(StandardCallbackFunction callback, InterruptMode mode, CallbackParameter param) const noexcept { return IsValid() && !isSharedInput && attachInterrupt(GetPinNoCheck(), callback, mode, param); } void IoPort::DetachInterrupt() const noexcept { if (IsValid() && !isSharedInput) { detachInterrupt(GetPinNoCheck()); } } #if SAME5x bool IoPort::SetAnalogCallback(AnalogInCallbackFunction fn, CallbackParameter cbp, uint32_t ticksPerCall) noexcept { return AnalogIn::SetCallback(GetAnalogChannel(), fn, cbp, ticksPerCall, false); } #endif // Allocate the specified logical pin, returning true if successful bool IoPort::Allocate(const char *pn, const StringRef& reply, PinUsedBy neededFor, PinAccess access) noexcept { Release(); bool inverted = false; for (;;) { if (*pn == '!') { inverted = !inverted; } else if (*pn == '^') { if (access == PinAccess::read) { access = PinAccess::readWithPullup_InternalUseOnly; } } else if (*pn == '*') { alternateConfig = true; } else { break; } ++pn; } const char *const fullPinName = pn; // the full pin name less the inversion and pullup flags #if SUPPORT_CAN_EXPANSION if (isdigit(*pn)) { const uint32_t expansionNumber = StrToU32(pn, &pn); if (*pn != '.') { reply.printf("Bad pin name '%s'", fullPinName); return false; } if (expansionNumber != 0) { reply.printf("Pin '%s': only main board pins allowed here", fullPinName); return false; } } #endif LogicalPin lp; bool hwInvert; if (!LookupPinName(pn, lp, hwInvert)) { reply.printf("Unknown pin name '%s'", fullPinName); return false; } if (lp != NoLogicalPin) // if not assigning "nil" { bool doSetMode = true; if (portUsedBy[lp] == PinUsedBy::unused || (portUsedBy[lp] == PinUsedBy::temporaryInput && neededFor != PinUsedBy::temporaryInput)) { portUsedBy[lp] = neededFor; } else { const PinMode pm = (PinMode)logicalPinModes[lp]; if ( neededFor != PinUsedBy::temporaryInput || (pm != INPUT && pm != INPUT_PULLUP) ) { reply.printf("Pin '%s' is not free", fullPinName); return false; } doSetMode = false; } logicalPin = lp; hardwareInvert = hwInvert; isSharedInput = (neededFor == PinUsedBy::temporaryInput); SetInvert(inverted); if (doSetMode && !SetMode(access)) { reply.printf("Pin '%s' does not support mode %s", fullPinName, TranslatePinAccess(access)); Release(); return false; } } return true; } // Set the specified pin mode returning true if successful bool IoPort::SetMode(PinAccess access) noexcept { if (!IsValid()) { return false; } // Check that the pin mode has been defined suitably PinMode desiredMode; switch (access) { case PinAccess::write0: desiredMode = (totalInvert) ? OUTPUT_HIGH : OUTPUT_LOW; break; case PinAccess::write1: desiredMode = (totalInvert) ? OUTPUT_LOW : OUTPUT_HIGH; break; #ifdef __LPC17xx__ case PinAccess::pwm: desiredMode = (totalInvert) ? OUTPUT_PWM_HIGH : OUTPUT_PWM_LOW; break; case PinAccess::servo: desiredMode = (totalInvert) ? OUTPUT_SERVO_HIGH : OUTPUT_SERVO_LOW; break; #else case PinAccess::pwm: case PinAccess::servo: desiredMode = (totalInvert) ? OUTPUT_PWM_HIGH : OUTPUT_PWM_LOW; break; #endif case PinAccess::readAnalog: desiredMode = AIN; break; case PinAccess::readWithPullup_InternalUseOnly: desiredMode = INPUT_PULLUP; break; case PinAccess::read: default: desiredMode = INPUT; break; } if (logicalPinModes[logicalPin] != (int8_t)desiredMode) { const AnalogChannelNumber chan = PinToAdcChannel(GetPinNoCheck()); if (chan != NO_ADC) { if (access == PinAccess::readAnalog) { IoPort::SetPinMode(GetPinNoCheck(), AIN); // SAME70 errata says we must disable the pullup resistor before enabling the AFEC channel AnalogInEnableChannel(chan, true); logicalPinModes[logicalPin] = (int8_t)desiredMode; return true; } else { AnalogInEnableChannel(chan, false); } } else if (access == PinAccess::readAnalog) { return false; } #ifdef __LPC17xx__ if (access == PinAccess::servo) { if (!IsServoCapable(GetPinNoCheck)) //check that we have slots free to provide Servo { return false; } } else if (access == PinAccess::pwm) { if (!IsPwmCapable(GetPinNoCheck)) //Check if there is enough slots free for PWM { return false; } } #endif IoPort::SetPinMode(GetPinNoCheck(), desiredMode); logicalPinModes[logicalPin] = (int8_t)desiredMode; } return true; } bool IoPort::GetInvert() const noexcept { return (hardwareInvert) ? !totalInvert : totalInvert; } void IoPort::SetInvert(bool pInvert) noexcept { totalInvert = (hardwareInvert) ? !pInvert : pInvert; } void IoPort::ToggleInvert(bool pInvert) noexcept { if (pInvert) { totalInvert = !totalInvert; } } void IoPort::AppendDetails(const StringRef& str) const noexcept { if (IsValid()) { str.catf(" pin "); AppendPinName(str); if (logicalPinModes[logicalPin] == INPUT_PULLUP) { str.cat(", pullup enabled"); } else if (logicalPinModes[logicalPin] == INPUT) { str.cat(", pullup disabled"); } } else { str.cat(" has no pin"); } } // Append the names of the pin to a string, picking only those that have the correct hardware invert status void IoPort::AppendPinName(const StringRef& str) const noexcept { if (IsValid()) { #if SUPPORT_REMOTE_COMMANDS if (CanInterface::InExpansionMode()) { str.catf("%u.", CanInterface::GetCanAddress()); } #endif if (GetInvert()) { str.cat('!'); } const size_t insertPoint = str.strlen(); const char *pn = PinTable[logicalPin].GetNames(); unsigned int numPrinted = 0; do { bool inverted = (*pn == '!'); if (inverted) { ++pn; } if (hardwareInvert) { inverted = !inverted; } if (inverted) { // skip this one while (*pn != 0 && *pn != ',') { ++pn; } } else { // Include this one if (numPrinted != 0) { str.cat(','); } ++numPrinted; while (*pn != 0 && *pn != ',') { str.cat(*pn); ++pn; } } } while (*pn++ == ','); if (numPrinted > 1) { str.Insert(insertPoint, '('); str.cat(')'); } } else { str.cat(NoPinName); } } /*static*/ void IoPort::AppendPinNames(const StringRef& str, size_t numPorts, const IoPort * const ports[]) noexcept { for (size_t i = 0; i < numPorts; ++i) { if (ports[i]->IsValid()) { if (i != 0) { str.cat('+'); } ports[i]->AppendPinName(str); } else { if (i == 0) { str.cat(NoPinName); } break; } } } void IoPort::WriteDigital(bool high) const noexcept { if (IsValid()) { WriteDigital(GetPinNoCheck(), (totalInvert) ? !high : high); } } Pin IoPort::GetPin() const noexcept { return (IsValid()) ? GetPinNoCheck() : NoPin; } bool IoPort::ReadDigital() const noexcept { if (IsValid()) { const bool b = ReadPin(GetPinNoCheck()); return (totalInvert) ? !b : b; } return false; } uint16_t IoPort::ReadAnalog() const noexcept { const uint16_t val = AnalogInReadChannel(GetAnalogChannel()); return (totalInvert) ? ((1u << AdcBits) - 1) - val : val; } #if SUPPORT_CAN_EXPANSION // Remove the board address from a port name string and return it /*static*/ CanAddress IoPort::RemoveBoardAddress(const StringRef& portName) noexcept #else // Remove the board address if present, returning true if it was zero or not present /*static*/ bool IoPort::RemoveBoardAddress(const StringRef& portName) noexcept #endif { size_t prefix = 0; while (portName[prefix] == '!' || portName[prefix] == '^' || portName[prefix] == '*') { ++prefix; } size_t numToSkip = prefix; unsigned int boardAddress = 0; while (isdigit(portName[numToSkip])) { boardAddress = (boardAddress * 10) + (portName[numToSkip] - '0'); ++numToSkip; } #if SUPPORT_CAN_EXPANSION if (numToSkip != prefix && portName[numToSkip] == '.' && boardAddress <= CanId::MaxCanAddress) { portName.Erase(prefix, numToSkip - prefix + 1); // remove the board address prefix return (CanAddress)boardAddress; } return CanInterface::GetCanAddress(); #else if (numToSkip != prefix && portName[numToSkip] == '.') { if (boardAddress != 0) { return false; } portName.Erase(prefix, numToSkip - prefix + 1); // remove the board address prefix } return true; #endif } // Low level pin access methods /*static*/ void IoPort::SetPinMode(Pin pin, PinMode mode) noexcept { #ifdef DUET_NG if (pin >= DueXnExpansionStart) { // Note: the SX1509B I/O expander chip doesn't seem to work if you set PWM mode and then set digital output mode. DuetExpansion::SetPinMode(pin, mode); } else { pinMode(pin, mode); } #else pinMode(pin, mode); #endif } /*static*/ bool IoPort::ReadPin(Pin pin) noexcept { #ifdef DUET_NG if (pin >= DueXnExpansionStart) { return DuetExpansion::DigitalRead(pin); } else { return digitalRead(pin); } #else return digitalRead(pin); #endif } /*static*/ void IoPort::WriteDigital(Pin pin, bool high) noexcept { #ifdef DUET_NG if (pin >= DueXnExpansionStart) { DuetExpansion::DigitalWrite(pin, high); } else { digitalWrite(pin, high); } #else digitalWrite(pin, high); #endif } /*static*/ void IoPort::WriteAnalog(Pin pin, float pwm, uint16_t freq) noexcept { #if defined(DUET_NG) if (pin >= DueXnExpansionStart) { DuetExpansion::AnalogOut(pin, pwm); } else #endif { AnalogOut::Write(pin, pwm, freq); } } // Members of class PwmPort PwmPort::PwmPort() noexcept { frequency = DefaultPinWritePwmFreq; } void PwmPort::AppendDetails(const StringRef& str) const noexcept { IoPort::AppendDetails(str); if (IsValid()) { str.catf(" frequency %uHz", frequency); } } void PwmPort::WriteAnalog(float pwm) const noexcept { if (IsValid()) { IoPort::WriteAnalog(GetPinNoCheck(), ((totalInvert) ? 1.0 - pwm : pwm), frequency); } } // End