/**************************************************************************************************** RepRapFirmware - Heat This is all the code to deal with heat and temperature. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.1 18 November 2012 Adrian Bowyer RepRap Professional Ltd http://reprappro.com Licence: GPL ****************************************************************************************************/ #include "Heat.h" #include "LocalHeater.h" #include "HeaterMonitor.h" #include #include #include "Sensors/TemperatureSensor.h" #include #include #include #include #if SUPPORT_DHT_SENSOR # include "Sensors/DhtSensor.h" #endif #if SUPPORT_CAN_EXPANSION # include "RemoteHeater.h" # include # include # include # include "CAN/CanInterface.h" #endif #if SUPPORT_REMOTE_COMMANDS # include # include # include "Sensors/RemoteSensor.h" #endif #ifdef DUET3_ATE # include #endif #if SUPPORT_CAN_EXPANSION constexpr uint32_t HeaterTaskStackWords = 470; // task stack size in dwords, must be large enough for auto tuning and a local CAN buffer #else constexpr uint32_t HeaterTaskStackWords = 420; // task stack size in dwords, must be large enough for auto tuning. 400 was not quite enough for one Duet WiFi user running 3.2.2. #endif static Task heaterTask; extern "C" [[noreturn]] void HeaterTaskStart(void * pvParameters) noexcept { reprap.GetHeat().HeaterTask(); } #if SUPPORT_OBJECT_MODEL // Object model table and functions // Note: if using GCC version 7.3.1 20180622 and lambda functions are used in this table, you must compile this file with option -std=gnu++17. // Otherwise the table will be allocated in RAM instead of flash, which wastes too much RAM. constexpr ObjectModelArrayDescriptor Heat::bedHeatersArrayDescriptor = { &heatersLock, [] (const ObjectModel *self, const ObjectExplorationContext&) noexcept -> size_t { return MaxBedHeaters; }, [] (const ObjectModel *self, ObjectExplorationContext& context) noexcept -> ExpressionValue { return ExpressionValue((int32_t)((const Heat*)self)->bedHeaters[context.GetLastIndex()]); } }; constexpr ObjectModelArrayDescriptor Heat::chamberHeatersArrayDescriptor = { &heatersLock, [] (const ObjectModel *self, const ObjectExplorationContext&) noexcept -> size_t { return MaxChamberHeaters; }, [] (const ObjectModel *self, ObjectExplorationContext& context) noexcept -> ExpressionValue { return ExpressionValue((int32_t)((const Heat*)self)->chamberHeaters[context.GetLastIndex()]); } }; constexpr ObjectModelArrayDescriptor Heat::heatersArrayDescriptor = { &heatersLock, [] (const ObjectModel *self, const ObjectExplorationContext&) noexcept -> size_t { return ((const Heat*)self)->GetNumHeatersToReport(); }, [] (const ObjectModel *self, ObjectExplorationContext& context) noexcept -> ExpressionValue { return ExpressionValue(((const Heat*)self)->heaters[context.GetLastIndex()]); } }; // Macro to build a standard lambda function that includes the necessary type conversions #define OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC(...) OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC_BODY(Heat, __VA_ARGS__) constexpr ObjectModelTableEntry Heat::objectModelTable[] = { // These entries must be in alphabetical order // 0. Heat class { "bedHeaters", OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC_NOSELF(&bedHeatersArrayDescriptor), ObjectModelEntryFlags::none }, { "chamberHeaters", OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC_NOSELF(&chamberHeatersArrayDescriptor), ObjectModelEntryFlags::none }, { "coldExtrudeTemperature", OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC((self->coldExtrude) ? 0.0f : self->extrusionMinTemp, 1), ObjectModelEntryFlags::none }, { "coldRetractTemperature", OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC((self->coldExtrude) ? 0.0f : self->retractionMinTemp, 1), ObjectModelEntryFlags::none }, { "heaters", OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC_NOSELF(&heatersArrayDescriptor), ObjectModelEntryFlags::live }, }; constexpr uint8_t Heat::objectModelTableDescriptor[] = { 1, 5 }; DEFINE_GET_OBJECT_MODEL_TABLE(Heat) #endif ReadWriteLock Heat::heatersLock; ReadWriteLock Heat::sensorsLock; Heat::Heat() noexcept : sensorCount(0), sensorsRoot(nullptr), sensorOrderingErrors(0), coldExtrude(false), heaterBeingTuned(-1), lastHeaterTuned(-1) #if SUPPORT_REMOTE_COMMANDS , newHeaterFaultState(0), newDriverFaultState(0) #endif { for (int8_t& h : bedHeaters) { h = -1; } for (int8_t& h : chamberHeaters) { h = -1; } for (Heater*& h : heaters) { h = nullptr; } // Then set up the real heaters and the corresponding PIDs for (const Tool*& t : lastStandbyTools) { t = nullptr; } } ReadLockedPointer Heat::FindHeater(int heater) const noexcept { ReadLocker locker(heatersLock); return ReadLockedPointer(locker, (heater < 0 || heater >= (int)MaxHeaters) ? nullptr : heaters[heater]); } // Process M307 GCodeResult Heat::SetOrReportHeaterModel(GCodeBuffer& gb, const StringRef& reply) THROWS(GCodeException) { const unsigned int heater = gb.GetLimitedUIValue('H', MaxHeaters); const auto h = FindHeater(heater); if (h.IsNotNull()) { return h->SetOrReportModel(heater, gb, reply); } reply.printf("Heater %u not found", heater); return GCodeResult::error; } // Process M301 or M304. 'heater' is the default heater number to use. GCodeResult Heat::SetPidParameters(unsigned int heater, GCodeBuffer& gb, const StringRef& reply) THROWS(GCodeException) { if (gb.Seen('H')) { heater = gb.GetUIValue(); } const auto h = FindHeater(heater); if (h.IsNotNull()) { const FopDt& model = h->GetModel(); M301PidParameters pp = model.GetM301PidParameters(false); bool seen = false; gb.TryGetFValue('P', pp.kP, seen); gb.TryGetFValue('I', pp.kI, seen); gb.TryGetFValue('D', pp.kD, seen); if (seen) { h->SetM301PidParameters(pp); reprap.HeatUpdated(); } else if (!model.UsePid()) { reply.printf("Heater %d is in bang-bang mode", heater); } else if (model.ArePidParametersOverridden()) { reply.printf("Heater %d P:%.1f I:%.3f D:%.1f", heater, (double)pp.kP, (double)pp.kI, (double)pp.kD); } else { reply.printf("Heater %d uses model-derived PID parameters. Use M307 H%d to view them", heater, heater); } return GCodeResult::ok; } reply.printf("Heater %u not found", heater); return GCodeResult::error; } // Is the heater enabled? bool Heat::IsHeaterEnabled(size_t heater) const noexcept { const auto h = FindHeater(heater); return h.IsNotNull() && h->IsHeaterEnabled(); } // Get a pointer to the temperature sensor entry, or nullptr if the heater number is bad ReadLockedPointer Heat::FindSensor(int sn) const noexcept { ReadLocker locker(sensorsLock); for (TemperatureSensor *sensor = sensorsRoot; sensor != nullptr; sensor = sensor->GetNext()) { if ((int)sensor->GetSensorNumber() == sn) { return ReadLockedPointer(locker, sensor); } if ((int)sensor->GetSensorNumber() > sn) { break; } } return ReadLockedPointer(locker, nullptr); } // Get a pointer to the first temperature sensor with the specified or higher number ReadLockedPointer Heat::FindSensorAtOrAbove(unsigned int sn) const noexcept { ReadLocker locker(sensorsLock); for (TemperatureSensor *sensor = sensorsRoot; sensor != nullptr; sensor = sensor->GetNext()) { if (sensor->GetSensorNumber() >= sn) { return ReadLockedPointer(locker, sensor); } } return ReadLockedPointer(locker, nullptr); } // Reset all heater models to defaults. Called when running M502. void Heat::ResetHeaterModels() noexcept { ReadLocker lock(heatersLock); for (Heater* h : heaters) { if (h != nullptr && h->IsHeaterEnabled()) { h->ClearModelAndMonitors(); } } } void Heat::Init() noexcept { extrusionMinTemp = HOT_ENOUGH_TO_EXTRUDE; retractionMinTemp = HOT_ENOUGH_TO_RETRACT; coldExtrude = false; heaterTask.Create(HeaterTaskStart, "HEAT", nullptr, TaskPriority::HeatPriority); } void Heat::Exit() noexcept { { ReadLocker Lock(heatersLock); for (Heater *h : heaters) { if (h != nullptr) { h->SwitchOff(); } } } heaterTask.Suspend(); } #if SUPPORT_REMOTE_COMMANDS void Heat::SendHeatersStatus(CanMessageBuffer& buf) noexcept { CanMessageHeatersStatus * const msg = buf.SetupStatusMessage(CanInterface::GetCanAddress(), CanInterface::GetCurrentMasterAddress()); msg->whichHeaters = 0; unsigned int heatersFound = 0; { ReadLocker lock(heatersLock); for (size_t heater = 0; heater < MaxHeaters; ++heater) { Heater * const h = heaters[heater]; if (h != nullptr) { msg->whichHeaters |= (uint64_t)1u << heater; msg->reports[heatersFound].mode = h->GetModeByte(); msg->reports[heatersFound].averagePwm = (uint8_t)(h->GetAveragePWM() * 255.0); msg->reports[heatersFound].SetTemperature(h->GetTemperature()); ++heatersFound; } } } if (heatersFound != 0) { buf.dataLength = msg->GetActualDataLength(heatersFound); CanInterface::SendMessageNoReplyNoFree(&buf); } } #endif [[noreturn]] void Heat::HeaterTask() noexcept { uint32_t nextWakeTime = millis(); for (;;) { // Wait until we are woken or it's time to send another regular broadcast. If we are really unlucky, we could end up waiting for one tick too long. nextWakeTime += HeatSampleIntervalMillis; int32_t delayTime = (int32_t)(nextWakeTime - millis()); if (delayTime > 0) { TaskBase::Take((uint32_t)delayTime); } #if SUPPORT_CAN_EXPANSION CanMessageBuffer buf(nullptr); #endif #if SUPPORT_REMOTE_COMMANDS if (CanInterface::InExpansionMode()) { // Check whether we have any urgent messages to send if (newDriverFaultState == 1) { newDriverFaultState = 2; reprap.GetPlatform().SendDriversStatus(buf); } // Check whether we have new heater fault status messages to send if (newHeaterFaultState == 1) { newHeaterFaultState = 2; SendHeatersStatus(buf); } } #endif // Check whether it is time to poll sensors and PIDs and send regular messages if ((int32_t)(millis() - nextWakeTime) >= 0) { #if SUPPORT_REMOTE_COMMANDS // Announce ourselves to the main board, if it hasn't acknowledged us already CanInterface::SendAnnounce(&buf); #endif // Walk the sensor list and poll all sensors. The list is in increasing sensor number order. { #if SUPPORT_CAN_EXPANSION // Set up to broadcast our sensor temperatures CanMessageSensorTemperatures * const msg = buf.SetupBroadcastMessage(CanInterface::GetCanAddress()); msg->whichSensors = 0; unsigned int sensorsFound = 0; #endif { #if SUPPORT_CAN_EXPANSION unsigned int nextUnreportedSensor = 0; #endif ReadLocker lock(sensorsLock); TemperatureSensor *currentSensor = sensorsRoot; while (currentSensor != nullptr) { currentSensor->Poll(); #if SUPPORT_CAN_EXPANSION if (currentSensor->GetBoardAddress() == CanInterface::GetCanAddress() && sensorsFound < ARRAY_SIZE(msg->temperatureReports)) { const unsigned int sn = currentSensor->GetSensorNumber(); if (sn >= nextUnreportedSensor && sn < 64) { msg->whichSensors |= (uint64_t)1u << currentSensor->GetSensorNumber(); float temperature; msg->temperatureReports[sensorsFound].errorCode = (uint8_t)currentSensor->GetLatestTemperature(temperature); msg->temperatureReports[sensorsFound].SetTemperature(temperature); ++sensorsFound; nextUnreportedSensor = sn + 1; } else { // We have a duplicate sensor number, or the sensors list is not ordered by sensor number, or the sensor number is out of range // Don't send its temperature because that will mess up the relationship between the bitmap and the sensor data in the message ++sensorOrderingErrors; } } #endif currentSensor = currentSensor->GetNext(); } } #if SUPPORT_CAN_EXPANSION if (sensorsFound != 0) // don't send an empty report { buf.dataLength = msg->GetActualDataLength(sensorsFound); CanInterface::SendBroadcastNoFree(&buf); } #endif } // Spin the heaters { ReadLocker lock(heatersLock); for (Heater *h : heaters) { if (h != nullptr) { h->Spin(); } } } // See if we have finished tuning a heater if (heaterBeingTuned != -1) { const auto h = FindHeater(heaterBeingTuned); if (h.IsNull() || h->GetStatus() != HeaterStatus::tuning) { lastHeaterTuned = heaterBeingTuned; heaterBeingTuned = -1; } #if SUPPORT_REMOTE_COMMANDS else if (CanInterface::InExpansionMode()) { auto msg = buf.SetupStatusMessage(CanInterface::GetCanAddress(), CanInterface::GetCurrentMasterAddress()); if (LocalHeater::GetTuningCycleData(*msg)) { msg->SetStandardFields(heaterBeingTuned); CanInterface::SendMessageNoReplyNoFree(&buf); } } #endif } #if SUPPORT_REMOTE_COMMANDS if (CanInterface::InExpansionMode()) { if (newHeaterFaultState == 0) { SendHeatersStatus(buf); // send the status of our heaters } else { newHeaterFaultState = 0; // we recently sent it, so send it again next time } // Send our fan RPMs { CanMessageFansReport * const msg = buf.SetupStatusMessage(CanInterface::GetCanAddress(), CanInterface::GetCurrentMasterAddress()); const unsigned int numReported = reprap.GetFansManager().PopulateFansReport(*msg); if (numReported != 0) { buf.dataLength = msg->GetActualDataLength(numReported); CanInterface::SendMessageNoReplyNoFree(&buf); } } if (newDriverFaultState == 0) { reprap.GetPlatform().SendDriversStatus(buf); // send the status of our drivers } else { newDriverFaultState = 0; // we recently sent it, so send it again next time } // Send a board health message { CanMessageBoardStatus * const boardStatusMsg = buf.SetupStatusMessage(CanInterface::GetCanAddress(), CanInterface::GetCurrentMasterAddress()); boardStatusMsg->Clear(); // We must add fields in the following order: VIN, V12, MCU temperature size_t index = 0; #if HAS_VOLTAGE_MONITOR boardStatusMsg->values[index++] = reprap.GetPlatform().GetPowerVoltages(); boardStatusMsg->hasVin = true; #endif #if HAS_12V_MONITOR boardStatusMsg->values[index++] = reprap.GetPlatform().GetV12Voltages(); boardStatusMsg->hasV12 = true; #endif #if HAS_CPU_TEMP_SENSOR boardStatusMsg->values[index++] = reprap.GetPlatform().GetMcuTemperatures(); boardStatusMsg->hasMcuTemp = true; #endif buf.dataLength = boardStatusMsg->GetActualDataLength(); CanInterface::SendMessageNoReplyNoFree(&buf); } } #endif reprap.KickHeatTaskWatchdog(); } } } void Heat::Diagnostics(MessageType mtype) noexcept { Platform& platform = reprap.GetPlatform(); platform.Message(mtype, "=== Heat ===\n"); String str; str.copy("Bed heaters"); for (int8_t bedHeater : bedHeaters) { str.catf(" %d", bedHeater); } str.cat(", chamber heaters"); for (int8_t chamberHeater : chamberHeaters) { str.catf(" %d", chamberHeater); } str.catf(", ordering errs %u\n", sensorOrderingErrors); platform.Message(mtype, str.c_str()); for (size_t heater : ARRAY_INDICES(heaters)) { auto h = FindHeater(heater); if (h.IsNotNull() && h->GetStatus() == HeaterStatus::active) { const float acc = h->GetAccumulator(); h.Release(); platform.MessageF(mtype, "Heater %u is on, I-accum = %.1f\n", heater, (double)acc); } } } // Configure a heater. Invoked by M950. GCodeResult Heat::ConfigureHeater(GCodeBuffer& gb, const StringRef& reply) THROWS(GCodeException) { const size_t heater = gb.GetLimitedUIValue('H', MaxHeaters); if (gb.Seen('C')) { String pinName; gb.GetReducedString(pinName.GetRef()); #if SUPPORT_CAN_EXPANSION const CanAddress board = IoPort::RemoveBoardAddress(pinName.GetRef()); #endif if (StringEqualsIgnoreCase(pinName.c_str(), NoPinName)) { // Setting the pin name to "nil" deletes the heater WriteLocker lock(heatersLock); DeleteObject(heaters[heater]); reprap.HeatUpdated(); return GCodeResult::ok; } gb.MustSee('T'); const unsigned int sensorNumber = gb.GetUIValue(); WriteLocker lock(heatersLock); DeleteObject(heaters[heater]); const PwmFrequency freq = (gb.Seen('Q')) ? min(gb.GetPwmFrequency(), MaxHeaterPwmFrequency) : DefaultHeaterPwmFreq; #if SUPPORT_CAN_EXPANSION Heater * const newHeater = (board != CanInterface::GetCanAddress()) ? (Heater *)new RemoteHeater(heater, board) : new LocalHeater(heater); #else Heater * const newHeater = new LocalHeater(heater); #endif const GCodeResult rslt = newHeater->ConfigurePortAndSensor(pinName.c_str(), freq, sensorNumber, reply); if (rslt == GCodeResult::ok || rslt == GCodeResult::warning) { heaters[heater] = newHeater; } else { delete newHeater; } reprap.HeatUpdated(); return rslt; } if (gb.Seen('T')) { reply.copy("Can't change sensor number of existing heater"); return GCodeResult::error; } const auto h = FindHeater(heater); if (h.IsNull()) { reply.printf("Heater %u does not exist", (unsigned int)heater); return GCodeResult::error; } if (gb.Seen('Q')) { const GCodeResult rslt = h->SetPwmFrequency(gb.GetPwmFrequency(), reply); reprap.HeatUpdated(); return rslt; } return h->ReportDetails(reply); } bool Heat::AllHeatersAtSetTemperatures(bool includingBed, float tolerance) const noexcept { for (size_t heater : ARRAY_INDICES(heaters)) { if (!HeaterAtSetTemperature(heater, true, tolerance) && (includingBed || !IsBedHeater(heater))) { return false; } } return true; } //query an individual heater bool Heat::HeaterAtSetTemperature(int heater, bool waitWhenCooling, float tolerance) const noexcept { const auto h = FindHeater(heater); if (h.IsNotNull()) { const HeaterStatus stat = h->GetStatus(); if (stat == HeaterStatus::active || stat == HeaterStatus::standby) { const float dt = h->GetTemperature(); const float target = (stat == HeaterStatus::active) ? h->GetActiveTemperature() : h->GetStandbyTemperature(); return (target < TEMPERATURE_LOW_SO_DONT_CARE) || (fabsf(dt - target) <= tolerance) || (target < dt && !waitWhenCooling); } } // If the heater doesn't exist or is switched off or in a fault state, there is nothing to wait for return true; } HeaterStatus Heat::GetStatus(int heater) const noexcept { const auto h = FindHeater(heater); return (h.IsNull()) ? HeaterStatus::off : heaters[heater]->GetStatus(); } void Heat::SetBedHeater(size_t index, int heater) noexcept { // First, turn off any existing bed heater in this slot { const auto h = FindHeater(bedHeaters[index]); if (h.IsNotNull()) { h->SwitchOff(); } } bedHeaters[index] = heater; { const auto h = FindHeater(heater); if (h.IsNotNull()) { h->SetAsBedOrChamberHeater(); } } reprap.HeatUpdated(); } bool Heat::IsBedHeater(int heater) const noexcept { for (int8_t bedHeater : bedHeaters) { if (heater == bedHeater) { return true; } } return false; } void Heat::SetChamberHeater(size_t index, int heater) noexcept { // First, turn off any existing chamber heater in this slot { const auto h = FindHeater(chamberHeaters[index]); if (h.IsNotNull()) { h->SwitchOff(); } } chamberHeaters[index] = heater; const auto h = FindHeater(heater); if (h.IsNotNull()) { h->SetAsBedOrChamberHeater(); } reprap.HeatUpdated(); } bool Heat::IsChamberHeater(int heater) const noexcept { for (int8_t chamberHeater : chamberHeaters) { if (heater == chamberHeater) { return true; } } return false; } // This is called when a tool is created that uses this heater void Heat::SetAsToolHeater(int8_t heater) const noexcept { const auto h = FindHeater(heater); if (h.IsNotNull()) { h->SetAsToolHeater(); } reprap.HeatUpdated(); } void Heat::SetTemperature(int heater, float t, bool activeNotStandby) THROWS(GCodeException) { const auto h = FindHeater(heater); if (h.IsNotNull()) { h->SetTemperature(t, activeNotStandby); } } float Heat::GetActiveTemperature(int heater) const noexcept { const auto h = FindHeater(heater); return (h.IsNull()) ? ABS_ZERO : h->GetActiveTemperature(); } float Heat::GetStandbyTemperature(int heater) const noexcept { const auto h = FindHeater(heater); return (h.IsNull()) ? ABS_ZERO : h->GetStandbyTemperature(); } float Heat::GetHighestTemperatureLimit(int heater) const noexcept { const auto h = FindHeater(heater); return (h.IsNull()) ? BadErrorTemperature : h->GetHighestTemperatureLimit(); } float Heat::GetLowestTemperatureLimit(int heater) const noexcept { const auto h = FindHeater(heater); return (h.IsNull()) ? ABS_ZERO : h->GetLowestTemperatureLimit(); } // Get the current temperature of a real or virtual heater // Return ABS_ZERO if the heater doesn't exist. The Z probe class relies on this. float Heat::GetHeaterTemperature(int heater) const noexcept { const auto h = FindHeater(heater); return (h.IsNull()) ? ABS_ZERO : h->GetTemperature(); } // Get the target temperature of a heater float Heat::GetTargetTemperature(int heater) const noexcept { const HeaterStatus hs = GetStatus(heater); return (hs == HeaterStatus::active) ? GetActiveTemperature(heater) : (hs == HeaterStatus::standby) ? GetStandbyTemperature(heater) : 0.0; } GCodeResult Heat::Activate(int heater, const StringRef& reply) noexcept { const auto h = FindHeater(heater); if (h.IsNotNull()) { return h->Activate(reply); } reply.copy("Heater %d not found", heater); return GCodeResult::error; } void Heat::SwitchOff(int heater) noexcept { const auto h = FindHeater(heater); if (h.IsNotNull()) { h->SwitchOff(); lastStandbyTools[heater] = nullptr; } } void Heat::SwitchOffAll(bool includingChamberAndBed) noexcept { ReadLocker lock(heatersLock); for (int heater = 0; heater < (int)MaxHeaters; ++heater) { Heater * const h = heaters[heater]; if (h != nullptr && (includingChamberAndBed || !IsBedOrChamberHeater(heater))) { h->SwitchOff(); } } } // Turn off all local heaters. Safe to call from an ISR. Called only from the tick ISR. void Heat::SwitchOffAllLocalFromISR() noexcept { for (Heater* h : heaters) { if (h != nullptr #if SUPPORT_CAN_EXPANSION && h->IsLocal() #endif ) { h->SwitchOff(); } } } void Heat::Standby(int heater, const Tool *tool) noexcept { const auto h = FindHeater(heater); if (h.IsNotNull()) { h->Standby(); lastStandbyTools[heater] = tool; } } void Heat::FeedForwardAdjustment(unsigned int heater, float fanPwmChange, float extrusionChange) const noexcept { const auto h = FindHeater(heater); if (h.IsNotNull()) { h->FeedForwardAdjustment(fanPwmChange, extrusionChange); } } // This one is called from an ISR so we must not get a lock void Heat::SetExtrusionFeedForward(unsigned int heater, float pwm) const noexcept { if (heater < MaxHeaters) { Heater * const h = heaters[heater]; if (h != nullptr) { h->SetExtrusionFeedForward(pwm); } } } GCodeResult Heat::ResetFault(int heater, const StringRef& reply) noexcept { // This gets called for all heater numbers when clearing all temperature faults, so don't report an error if the heater was not found const auto h = FindHeater(heater); return (h.IsNotNull()) ? h->ResetFault(reply) : GCodeResult::ok; } float Heat::GetAveragePWM(size_t heater) const noexcept { const auto h = FindHeater(heater); return (h.IsNull()) ? 0.0 : h->GetAveragePWM(); } bool Heat::IsBedOrChamberHeater(int heater) const noexcept { return IsBedHeater(heater) || IsChamberHeater(heater); } // Get the highest temperature limit of any heater float Heat::GetHighestTemperatureLimit() const noexcept { float limit = ABS_ZERO; ReadLocker lock(heatersLock); for (const Heater *h : heaters) { if (h != nullptr) { const float tlimit = h->GetHighestTemperatureLimit(); if (tlimit > limit) { limit = tlimit; } } } return limit; } #if HAS_MASS_STORAGE || HAS_SBC_INTERFACE // Write heater model parameters to file returning true if no error bool Heat::WriteModelParameters(FileStore *f) const noexcept { bool ok = f->Write("; Heater model parameters\n"); for (size_t h : ARRAY_INDICES(heaters)) { if (heaters[h] != nullptr) { const FopDt& model = heaters[h]->GetModel(); if (model.IsEnabled()) { String scratchString; model.AppendM307Command(h, scratchString.GetRef(), !IsBedOrChamberHeater(h)); model.AppendM301Command(h, scratchString.GetRef()); ok = f->Write(scratchString.c_str()); } } } return ok; } #endif // Process M570 GCodeResult Heat::ConfigureHeaterMonitoring(size_t heater, GCodeBuffer& gb, const StringRef& reply) THROWS(GCodeException) { const auto h = FindHeater(heater); if (h.IsNull()) { reply.printf("Heater %u not found", heater); return GCodeResult::error; } bool seenValue = false; float maxTempExcursion, maxFaultTime; h->GetFaultDetectionParameters(maxTempExcursion, maxFaultTime); gb.TryGetFValue('P', maxFaultTime, seenValue); gb.TryGetFValue('T', maxTempExcursion, seenValue); if (seenValue) { return h->SetFaultDetectionParameters(maxTempExcursion, maxFaultTime, reply); } reply.printf("Heater %u allowed excursion %.1f" DEGREE_SYMBOL "C, fault trigger time %.1f seconds", heater, (double)maxTempExcursion, (double)maxFaultTime); return GCodeResult::ok; } // Process M303 GCodeResult Heat::TuneHeater(GCodeBuffer& gb, const StringRef& reply) THROWS(GCodeException) { // To tune a heater, a heater number and/or a tool number musty be given FansBitmap fans; int heaterNumber; const bool seenHeater = gb.Seen('H'); if (seenHeater) { heaterNumber = gb.GetIValue(); } const bool seenTool = gb.Seen('T'); if (seenTool) { const int toolNumber = gb.GetIValue(); const auto tool = reprap.GetTool(toolNumber); if (tool.IsNull()) { reply.printf("tool %d not found", toolNumber); return GCodeResult::error; } if (seenHeater) { if (!tool->UsesHeater(heaterNumber)) { reply.printf("tool %d does not use heater %d", toolNumber, heaterNumber); return GCodeResult::error; } } else if (tool->HeaterCount() == 0) { reply.printf("tool %d has no heaters", toolNumber); return GCodeResult::error; } else { heaterNumber = tool->GetHeater(0); } fans = tool->GetFanMapping(); } if (seenHeater || seenTool) { if (heaterBeingTuned != -1) { // Trying to start a new auto tune, but we are already tuning a heater reply.printf("Error: cannot start a new auto tune because heater %d is being tuned", heaterBeingTuned); return GCodeResult::error; } const auto h = FindHeater(heaterNumber); if (h.IsNull()) { reply.printf("Heater %u not found", heaterNumber); return GCodeResult::error; } const GCodeResult rslt = h->StartAutoTune(gb, reply, fans); if (rslt <= GCodeResult::warning) { heaterBeingTuned = (int8_t)heaterNumber; } return rslt; } // If we get here then neither T nor H was given, so report the auto tune status const int whichPid = (heaterBeingTuned == -1) ? lastHeaterTuned : heaterBeingTuned; const auto h = FindHeater(whichPid); if (h.IsNotNull()) { h->GetAutoTuneStatus(reply); } else { reply.copy("No heater has been tuned since startup"); } return GCodeResult::ok; } // Process M308 GCodeResult Heat::ConfigureSensor(GCodeBuffer& gb, const StringRef& reply) THROWS(GCodeException) { gb.MustSee('S'); const unsigned sensorNum = gb.GetUIValue(); if (sensorNum >= MaxSensors) { reply.copy("Sensor number out of range"); return GCodeResult::error; } #if SUPPORT_CAN_EXPANSION // Set boardAddress to the board number that the port is on, or NoAddress if the port was not given CanAddress boardAddress = CanId::NoAddress; #endif if (gb.Seen('P')) { String portName; gb.GetReducedString(portName.GetRef()); #if SUPPORT_CAN_EXPANSION boardAddress = IoPort::RemoveBoardAddress(portName.GetRef()); #else if (!IoPort::RemoveBoardAddress(portName.GetRef())) { reply.lcat("Board address of port must be 0"); return GCodeResult::error; } #endif if (portName.EqualsIgnoreCase(NoPinName)) // if deleting this sensor { WriteLocker lock(sensorsLock); DeleteSensor(sensorNum); return GCodeResult::ok; } } if (gb.Seen('Y')) { // Creating a new sensor WriteLocker lock(sensorsLock); DeleteSensor(sensorNum); String typeName; // StringLength20 is too short for "thermocouple-max31856" gb.GetReducedString(typeName.GetRef()); #if SUPPORT_CAN_EXPANSION if (boardAddress == CanId::NoAddress) { boardAddress = CanInterface::GetCanAddress(); // no port name was given, so default to local } TemperatureSensor * const newSensor = TemperatureSensor::Create(sensorNum, boardAddress, typeName.c_str(), reply); #else TemperatureSensor * const newSensor = TemperatureSensor::Create(sensorNum, typeName.c_str(), reply); #endif if (newSensor == nullptr) { return GCodeResult::error; } bool changed = false; try { const GCodeResult rslt = newSensor->Configure(gb, reply, changed); if (rslt == GCodeResult::ok) { InsertSensor(newSensor); } else { delete newSensor; } return rslt; } catch (const GCodeException&) { delete newSensor; throw; } } // Modifying or reporting on an existing sensor const auto sensor = FindSensor(sensorNum); if (sensor.IsNull()) { reply.printf("Sensor %u does not exist", sensorNum); return GCodeResult::error; } #if SUPPORT_CAN_EXPANSION const CanAddress existingBoardAddress = sensor->GetBoardAddress(); if (boardAddress == CanId::NoAddress) { boardAddress = existingBoardAddress; } else if (boardAddress != existingBoardAddress) { reply.copy("Sensor type parameter needed when moving a sensor to a different board"); return GCodeResult::error; } #endif bool changed = false; const GCodeResult rslt = sensor->Configure(gb, reply, changed); if (changed) { reprap.SensorsUpdated(); } return rslt; } // Get the name of a heater, or nullptr if it hasn't been named const char *Heat::GetHeaterSensorName(size_t heater) const noexcept { const auto h = FindHeater(heater); return (h.IsNotNull()) ? h->GetSensorName() : nullptr; } // Configure heater protection (M143). Returns true if an error occurred GCodeResult Heat::HandleM143(GCodeBuffer& gb, const StringRef& reply) THROWS(GCodeException) { const size_t heaterNumber = (gb.Seen('H')) ? gb.GetLimitedUIValue('H', MaxHeaters) : 1; const auto h = FindHeater(heaterNumber); if (h.IsNull()) { reply.printf("Heater %u does not exist", heaterNumber); return GCodeResult::error; } return h->ConfigureMonitor(gb, reply); } // Get the temperature of a sensor float Heat::GetSensorTemperature(int sensorNum, TemperatureError& err) const noexcept { const auto sensor = FindSensor(sensorNum); if (sensor.IsNotNull()) { float temp; err = sensor->GetLatestTemperature(temp); return temp; } err = TemperatureError::unknownSensor; return BadErrorTemperature; } // Return the highest used heater number plus one. Used by RepRap.cpp to shorten responses by omitting unused trailing heater numbers. size_t Heat::GetNumHeatersToReport() const noexcept { size_t ret = ARRAY_SIZE(heaters); while (ret != 0 && heaters[ret - 1] == nullptr) { --ret; } return ret; } // Return the highest used sensor number plus one size_t Heat::GetNumSensorsToReport() const noexcept { ReadLocker lock(sensorsLock); const TemperatureSensor *s = sensorsRoot; if (s == nullptr) { return 0; } // Find the last sensor in the list while (s->GetNext() != nullptr) { s = s->GetNext(); } return s->GetSensorNumber() + 1; } // Suspend the heaters to conserve power or while doing Z probing void Heat::SuspendHeaters(bool sus) noexcept { for (Heater *h : heaters) { if (h != nullptr) { h->Suspend(sus); } } } // Delete a sensor, if there is one. Must write-lock the sensors lock before calling this. void Heat::DeleteSensor(unsigned int sn) noexcept { TemperatureSensor *currentSensor = sensorsRoot; TemperatureSensor *lastSensor = nullptr; while (currentSensor != nullptr) { if (currentSensor->GetSensorNumber() == sn) { TemperatureSensor *sensorToDelete = currentSensor; currentSensor = currentSensor->GetNext(); if (lastSensor == nullptr) { sensorsRoot = currentSensor; } else { lastSensor->SetNext(currentSensor); } delete sensorToDelete; --sensorCount; reprap.SensorsUpdated(); break; } lastSensor = currentSensor; currentSensor = currentSensor->GetNext(); } } // Insert a sensor. Must write-lock the sensors lock before calling this. The sensors list is kept in order of increasing sensor number. void Heat::InsertSensor(TemperatureSensor *newSensor) noexcept { TemperatureSensor *prev = nullptr; TemperatureSensor *ts = sensorsRoot; for (;;) { if (ts == nullptr || ts->GetSensorNumber() > newSensor->GetSensorNumber()) { newSensor->SetNext(ts); if (prev == nullptr) { sensorsRoot = newSensor; } else { prev->SetNext(newSensor); } ++sensorCount; reprap.SensorsUpdated(); break; } prev = ts; ts = ts->GetNext(); } } #if HAS_MASS_STORAGE || HAS_SBC_INTERFACE // Save some resume information returning true if successful. // We assume that the bed and chamber heaters are either on and active, or off (not on standby). bool Heat::WriteBedAndChamberTempSettings(FileStore *f) const noexcept { String bufSpace; const StringRef buf = bufSpace.GetRef(); for (size_t index : ARRAY_INDICES(bedHeaters)) { const auto h = FindHeater(bedHeaters[index]); if (h.IsNotNull() && h->GetStatus() == HeaterStatus::active) { buf.catf("M140 P%u S%.1f\n", index, (double)h->GetActiveTemperature()); } } for (size_t index : ARRAY_INDICES(chamberHeaters)) { const auto h = FindHeater(chamberHeaters[index]); if (h.IsNotNull() && h->GetStatus() == HeaterStatus::active) { buf.catf("M141 P%u S%.1f\n", index, (double)h->GetActiveTemperature()); } } return (buf.strlen() == 0) || f->Write(buf.c_str()); } #endif #if SUPPORT_CAN_EXPANSION void Heat::ProcessRemoteSensorsReport(CanAddress src, const CanMessageSensorTemperatures& msg) noexcept { Bitmap sensorsReported(msg.whichSensors); sensorsReported.Iterate([this, src, &msg](unsigned int sensor, unsigned int index) { if (index < ARRAY_SIZE(msg.temperatureReports)) { const CanSensorReport& sr = msg.temperatureReports[index]; auto ts = FindSensor(sensor); if (ts.IsNotNull()) { ts->UpdateRemoteTemperature(src, sr); } # ifdef DUET3_ATE else { Duet3Ate::ProcessOrphanedSensorReport(src, sensor, sr); } # elif SUPPORT_REMOTE_COMMANDS else if (CanInterface::InExpansionMode()) { // Create a new RemoteSensor ts.Release(); RemoteSensor * const rs = new RemoteSensor(sensor, src); rs->UpdateRemoteTemperature(src, sr); InsertSensor(rs); } # endif } } ); } void Heat::ProcessRemoteHeatersReport(CanAddress src, const CanMessageHeatersStatus& msg) noexcept { Bitmap heatersReported(msg.whichHeaters); heatersReported.Iterate([this, src, &msg](unsigned int heaterNum, unsigned int index) { if (index < ARRAY_SIZE(msg.reports)) { const auto h = FindHeater(heaterNum); if (h.IsNotNull()) { h->UpdateRemoteStatus(src, msg.reports[index]); } } } ); } void Heat::ProcessRemoteHeaterTuningReport(CanAddress src, const CanMessageHeaterTuningReport& msg) noexcept { const auto h = FindHeater(msg.heater); if (h.IsNotNull()) { h->UpdateHeaterTuning(src, msg); } } #endif #if SUPPORT_REMOTE_COMMANDS static GCodeResult UnknownHeater(unsigned int heater, const StringRef& reply) noexcept { reply.printf("Board %u does not have heater %u", CanInterface::GetCanAddress(), heater); return GCodeResult::error; } GCodeResult Heat::ConfigureHeater(const CanMessageGeneric& msg, const StringRef& reply) noexcept { CanMessageGenericParser parser(msg, M950HeaterParams); uint16_t heater; if (!parser.GetUintParam('H', heater)) { return GCodeResult::remoteInternalError; } if (heater >= MaxHeaters) { reply.copy("Heater number out of range"); return GCodeResult::error; } PwmFrequency freq = DefaultFanPwmFreq; const bool seenFreq = parser.GetUintParam('Q', freq); String pinName; if (parser.GetStringParam('C', pinName.GetRef())) { uint16_t sensorNumber; if (!parser.GetUintParam('T', sensorNumber)) { reply.copy("Missing sensor number"); return GCodeResult::error; } WriteLocker lock(heatersLock); Heater *oldHeater = nullptr; std::swap(oldHeater, heaters[heater]); delete oldHeater; Heater *newHeater = new LocalHeater(heater); const GCodeResult rslt = newHeater->ConfigurePortAndSensor(pinName.c_str(), freq, sensorNumber, reply); if (rslt == GCodeResult::ok || rslt == GCodeResult::warning) { heaters[heater] = newHeater; } else { delete newHeater; } return rslt; } const auto h = FindHeater(heater); if (h.IsNull()) { return UnknownHeater(heater, reply); } if (seenFreq) { return h->SetPwmFrequency(freq, reply); } return h->ReportDetails(reply); } GCodeResult Heat::ProcessM307New(const CanMessageHeaterModelNewNew& msg, const StringRef& reply) noexcept { const auto h = FindHeater(msg.heater); return (h.IsNotNull()) ? h->SetModel(msg.heater, msg, reply) : UnknownHeater(msg.heater, reply); } GCodeResult Heat::SetTemperature(const CanMessageSetHeaterTemperature& msg, const StringRef& reply) noexcept { const auto h = FindHeater(msg.heaterNumber); return (h.IsNotNull()) ? h->SetTemperature(msg, reply) : UnknownHeater(msg.heaterNumber, reply); } GCodeResult Heat::SetFaultDetection(const CanMessageSetHeaterFaultDetectionParameters& msg, const StringRef& reply) noexcept { const auto h = FindHeater(msg.heater); return (h.IsNotNull()) ? h->SetFaultDetectionParameters(msg.maxTempExcursion, msg.maxFaultTime, reply) : UnknownHeater(msg.heater, reply); } GCodeResult Heat::SetHeaterMonitors(const CanMessageSetHeaterMonitors& msg, const StringRef& reply) noexcept { const auto h = FindHeater(msg.heater); return (h.IsNotNull()) ? h->SetHeaterMonitors(msg, reply) : UnknownHeater(msg.heater, reply); } GCodeResult Heat::TuningCommand(const CanMessageHeaterTuningCommand& msg, const StringRef& reply) noexcept { if (heaterBeingTuned != -1 && heaterBeingTuned != (int)msg.heaterNumber) { reply.printf("Heater %d is already being tuned", heaterBeingTuned); return GCodeResult::error; } const auto h = FindHeater(msg.heaterNumber); if (h.IsNull()) { return UnknownHeater(msg.heaterNumber, reply); } heaterBeingTuned = (int)msg.heaterNumber; // setting this is OK even if we are stopping or fail to start tuning, because we check it in the heater task loop return h->TuningCommand(msg, reply); } GCodeResult Heat::FeedForward(const CanMessageHeaterFeedForward& msg, const StringRef& reply) noexcept { const auto h = FindHeater(msg.heaterNumber); if (h.IsNull()) { return UnknownHeater(msg.heaterNumber, reply); } h->FeedForwardAdjustment(msg.fanPwmAdjustment, msg.extrusionAdjustment); return GCodeResult::ok; } GCodeResult Heat::ProcessM308(const CanMessageGeneric& msg, const StringRef& reply) noexcept { CanMessageGenericParser parser(msg, M308NewParams); uint16_t sensorNum; if (parser.GetUintParam('S', sensorNum)) { if (sensorNum < MaxSensors) { // Check for deleting the sensor by assigning a null port. Borrow the sensor type name string temporarily for this. String sensorTypeName; if (parser.GetStringParam('P', sensorTypeName.GetRef()) && sensorTypeName.EqualsIgnoreCase(NoPinName)) { WriteLocker lock(sensorsLock); DeleteSensor(sensorNum); return GCodeResult::ok; } if (parser.GetStringParam('Y', sensorTypeName.GetRef())) { WriteLocker lock(sensorsLock); DeleteSensor(sensorNum); TemperatureSensor * const newSensor = TemperatureSensor::Create(sensorNum, CanInterface::GetCanAddress(), sensorTypeName.c_str(), reply); if (newSensor == nullptr) { return GCodeResult::error; } const GCodeResult rslt = newSensor->Configure(parser, reply); if (rslt == GCodeResult::ok || rslt == GCodeResult::warning) { InsertSensor(newSensor); } else { delete newSensor; } return rslt; } const auto sensor = FindSensor(sensorNum); if (sensor.IsNull()) { reply.printf("Sensor %u does not exist", sensorNum); return GCodeResult::error; } return sensor->Configure(parser, reply); } else { reply.copy("Sensor number out of range"); return GCodeResult::error; } } reply.copy("Missing sensor number parameter"); return GCodeResult::error; } #endif // End