/* * DataTransfer.h * * Created on: 29 Mar 2019 * Author: Christian */ #ifndef SRC_LINUX_DATATRANSFER_H_ #define SRC_LINUX_DATATRANSFER_H_ #include "RepRapFirmware.h" #if HAS_LINUX_INTERFACE #include #include #include "LinuxMessageFormats.h" #include class BinaryGCodeBuffer; class StringRef; class OutputBuffer; class GCodeMachineState; class HeightMap; struct ExpressionValue; class DataTransfer { public: DataTransfer() noexcept; void Init() noexcept; void SetSBCTask(TaskHandle handle) noexcept; void Diagnostics(MessageType mtype) noexcept; bool IsConnected() const noexcept; // Check if the connection to DCS is live bool IsReady() noexcept; // Returns true when data can be read void StartNextTransfer() noexcept; // Kick off the next transfer bool LinuxHadReset() const noexcept; // Check if the remote end reset size_t PacketsToRead() const noexcept; const PacketHeader *ReadPacket() noexcept; // Attempt to read the next packet header or return null. Advances the read pointer to the next packet or the packet's data const char *ReadData(size_t packetLength) noexcept; // Read the packet data and advance to the next packet (if any) bool ReadBoolean() noexcept; // Read a boolean value void ReadGetObjectModel(size_t packetLength, const StringRef &key, const StringRef &flags) noexcept; // Read an object model request void ReadPrintStartedInfo(size_t packetLength, const StringRef& filename, GCodeFileInfo &info) noexcept; // Read info about the started file print PrintStoppedReason ReadPrintStoppedInfo() noexcept; // Read info about why the print has been stopped GCodeChannel ReadMacroCompleteInfo(bool &error) noexcept; // Read info about a completed macro file bool ReadHeightMap() noexcept; // Read heightmap parameters GCodeChannel ReadCodeChannel() noexcept; // Read a code channel void ReadAssignFilament(int& extruder, const StringRef& filamentName) noexcept; // Read a request to assign the given filament to an extruder drive void ReadFileChunk(char *buffer, int32_t& dataLength, uint32_t& fileLength) noexcept; // Read another chunk of a file GCodeChannel ReadEvaluateExpression(size_t packetLength, const StringRef& expression) noexcept; // Read an expression request bool ReadMessage(MessageType& type, OutputBuffer *buf) noexcept; // Read a request to output a message GCodeChannel ReadSetVariable(bool& createVariable, const StringRef& varName, const StringRef& expression) noexcept; // Read a variable set request GCodeChannel ReadDeleteLocalVariable(const StringRef& varName) noexcept; // Read a variable deletion request FileHandle ReadOpenFileResult(FilePosition& fileLength) noexcept; // Read the result of a file open request int ReadFileData(char *buffer, size_t length) noexcept; // Read file data from the SBC void ResendPacket(const PacketHeader *packet) noexcept; bool WriteObjectModel(OutputBuffer *data) noexcept; bool WriteCodeBufferUpdate(uint16_t bufferSpace) noexcept; bool WriteCodeReply(MessageType type, OutputBuffer *&response) noexcept; bool WriteMacroRequest(GCodeChannel channel, const char *filename, bool fromCode) noexcept; bool WriteAbortFileRequest(GCodeChannel channel, bool abortAll) noexcept; bool WriteMacroFileClosed(GCodeChannel channel) noexcept; bool WritePrintPaused(FilePosition position, PrintPausedReason reason) noexcept; bool WriteHeightMap() noexcept; bool WriteLocked(GCodeChannel channel) noexcept; bool WriteFileChunkRequest(const char *filename, uint32_t offset, uint32_t maxLength) noexcept; bool WriteEvaluationResult(const char *expression, const ExpressionValue& value) noexcept; bool WriteEvaluationError(const char *expression, const char *errorMessage) noexcept; bool WriteDoCode(GCodeChannel channel, const char *code, size_t length) noexcept; bool WriteWaitForAcknowledgement(GCodeChannel channel) noexcept; bool WriteMessageAcknowledged(GCodeChannel channel) noexcept; bool WriteSetVariableResult(const char *varName, const ExpressionValue& value) noexcept; bool WriteSetVariableError(const char *varName, const char *errorMessage) noexcept; bool WriteCheckFileExists(const char *filename) noexcept; bool WriteDeleteFileOrDirectory(const char *filename) noexcept; bool WriteOpenFile(const char *filename, bool forWriting, bool append, uint32_t preAllocSize) noexcept; bool WriteReadFile(FileHandle handle, size_t bufferSize) noexcept; bool WriteFileData(FileHandle handle, const char *data, size_t& length) noexcept; bool WriteSeekFile(FileHandle handle, FilePosition offset) noexcept; bool WriteTruncateFile(FileHandle handle) noexcept; bool WriteCloseFile(FileHandle handle) noexcept; private: enum class SpiState { ExchangingHeader, ExchangingHeaderResponse, ExchangingData, ExchangingDataResponse, ProcessingData, Resetting } state; // Transfer properties uint32_t lastTransferTime; uint16_t lastTransferNumber; unsigned int failedTransfers, checksumErrors; // Transfer buffers #if SAME70 // SAME70 has a write-back cache, so these must be in non-cached memory because we DMA to/from them. // See http://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/DeviceDoc/Managing-Cache-Coherency-on-Cortex-M7-Based-MCUs-DS90003195A.pdf // This in turn means that we must declare them static, so we can only have one DataTransfer instance static __nocache TransferHeader rxHeader; static __nocache TransferHeader txHeader; static __nocache uint32_t rxResponse; static __nocache uint32_t txResponse; alignas(4) static __nocache char rxBuffer[LinuxTransferBufferSize]; alignas(4) static __nocache char txBuffer[LinuxTransferBufferSize]; #else // The other processors we support have write-through cache // Allocate the buffers in the object so that we can delete the object and recycle the memory if the SBC interface is not being used // Align the headers on 16-byte boundaries so that they span only one cache line alignas(16) TransferHeader rxHeader; alignas(16) TransferHeader txHeader; uint32_t rxResponse; uint32_t txResponse; char *rxBuffer; // not allocated until we know we need it char *txBuffer; // not allocated until we know we need it #endif size_t rxPointer, txPointer; // Packet properties uint16_t packetId; void ExchangeHeader() noexcept; void ExchangeResponse(uint32_t response) noexcept; void ExchangeData() noexcept; void ResetTransfer(bool ownRequest) noexcept; uint32_t CalcCRC32(const char *buffer, size_t length) const noexcept; template const T *ReadDataHeader() noexcept; // Always keep enough tx space to allow resend requests in case RRF runs out of // resources and cannot process an incoming request right away size_t FreeTxSpace() const noexcept { return LinuxTransferBufferSize - AddPadding(txPointer) - rxHeader.numPackets * sizeof(PacketHeader); } bool CanWritePacket(size_t dataLength = 0) const noexcept; PacketHeader *WritePacketHeader(FirmwareRequest request, size_t dataLength = 0, uint16_t resendPacktId = 0) noexcept; void WriteData(const char *data, size_t length) noexcept; template T *WriteDataHeader() noexcept; size_t AddPadding(size_t length) const noexcept; }; inline bool DataTransfer::IsConnected() const noexcept { return lastTransferTime != 0 && (millis() - lastTransferTime < SpiConnectionTimeout); } inline bool DataTransfer::LinuxHadReset() const noexcept { uint16_t nextTransferNumber = lastTransferNumber + 1; return lastTransferNumber != 0 && (nextTransferNumber != rxHeader.sequenceNumber); } inline size_t DataTransfer::PacketsToRead() const noexcept { return rxHeader.numPackets; } inline void DataTransfer::ResendPacket(const PacketHeader *packet) noexcept { WritePacketHeader(FirmwareRequest::ResendPacket, 0, packet->id); } inline bool DataTransfer::CanWritePacket(size_t dataLength) const noexcept { return FreeTxSpace() >= sizeof(PacketHeader) + dataLength; } inline size_t DataTransfer::AddPadding(size_t length) const noexcept { size_t extraBytes = (length & 3); return (extraBytes == 0) ? length : length + 4 - extraBytes; } #endif // HAS_LINUX_INTERFACE #endif /* SRC_LINUX_DATATRANSFER_H_ */