/* * DDA.cpp * * Created on: 7 Dec 2014 * Author: David */ #include "DDA.h" #include #include #include "Move.h" #include "StepTimer.h" #include #include "Kinematics/LinearDeltaKinematics.h" #include #if SUPPORT_CAN_EXPANSION # include #endif #ifdef DUET_NG # define DDA_MOVE_DEBUG (0) #else // On the wired Duets we don't have enough RAM to support this # define DDA_MOVE_DEBUG (0) #endif #if DDA_MOVE_DEBUG // Structure to hold the essential parameters of a move, for debugging struct MoveParameters { float accelDistance; float steadyDistance; float decelDistance; float requestedSpeed; float startSpeed; float topSpeed; float endSpeed; float targetNextSpeed; uint32_t endstopChecks; uint16_t flags; MoveParameters() noexcept { accelDistance = steadyDistance = decelDistance = requestedSpeed = startSpeed = topSpeed = endSpeed = targetNextSpeed = 0.0; endstopChecks = 0; flags = 0; } void DebugPrint() const noexcept { reprap.GetPlatform().MessageF(DebugMessage, "%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%08" PRIX32 ",%04x\n", (double)accelDistance, (double)steadyDistance, (double)decelDistance, (double)requestedSpeed, (double)startSpeed, (double)topSpeed, (double)endSpeed, (double)targetNextSpeed, endstopChecks, flags); } static void PrintHeading() noexcept { reprap.GetPlatform().Message(DebugMessage, "accelDistance,steadyDistance,decelDistance,requestedSpeed,startSpeed,topSpeed,endSpeed," "targetNextSpeed,endstopChecks,flags\n"); } }; const size_t NumSavedMoves = 128; static MoveParameters savedMoves[NumSavedMoves]; static size_t savedMovePointer = 0; // Print the saved moves in CSV format for analysis /*static*/ void DDA::PrintMoves() noexcept { // Print the saved moved in CSV format MoveParameters::PrintHeading(); for (size_t i = 0; i < NumSavedMoves; ++i) { savedMoves[savedMovePointer].DebugPrint(); savedMovePointer = (savedMovePointer + 1) % NumSavedMoves; } } #else /*static*/ void DDA::PrintMoves() noexcept { } #endif #if DDA_LOG_PROBE_CHANGES size_t DDA::numLoggedProbePositions = 0; int32_t DDA::loggedProbePositions[XYZ_AXES * MaxLoggedProbePositions]; bool DDA::probeTriggered = false; void DDA::LogProbePosition() noexcept { if (numLoggedProbePositions < MaxLoggedProbePositions) { int32_t *p = loggedProbePositions + (numLoggedProbePositions * XYZ_AXES); for (size_t drive = 0; drive < XYZ_AXES; ++drive) { DriveMovement *dm = pddm[drive]; if (dm != nullptr && dm->state == DMState::moving) { p[drive] = endPoint[drive] - dm->GetNetStepsLeft(); } else { p[drive] = endPoint[drive]; } } ++numLoggedProbePositions; } } #endif // Set up the parameters from the DDA, excluding steadyClocks because that may be affected by input shaping void PrepParams::SetFromDDA(const DDA& dda) noexcept { unshaped.decelStartDistance = dda.totalDistance - dda.beforePrepare.decelDistance; // Due to rounding error, for an accelerate-decelerate move we may have accelDistance+decelDistance slightly greater than totalDistance. // We need to make sure that accelDistance <= decelStartDistance for subsequent calculations to work. unshaped.accelDistance = min(dda.beforePrepare.accelDistance, unshaped.decelStartDistance); unshaped.acceleration = dda.acceleration; unshaped.deceleration = dda.deceleration; unshaped.accelClocks = (dda.topSpeed - dda.startSpeed)/dda.acceleration; unshaped.decelClocks = (dda.topSpeed - dda.endSpeed)/dda.deceleration; #if SUPPORT_CAN_EXPANSION initialSpeedFraction = dda.startSpeed/dda.topSpeed; finalSpeedFraction = dda.endSpeed/dda.topSpeed; #endif } // Calculate the steady clocks and set the total clocks in the DDA void PrepParams::PrepParamSet::Finalise(float topSpeed) noexcept { const float steadyDistance = decelStartDistance - accelDistance; steadyClocks = (steadyDistance <= 0.0) ? 0.0 : steadyDistance/topSpeed; } DDA::DDA(DDA* n) noexcept : next(n), prev(nullptr), state(empty) { activeDMs = completedDMs = nullptr; shapedSegments = unshapedSegments = nullptr; tool = nullptr; // needed in case we pause before any moves have been done // Set the endpoints to zero, because Move will ask for them. // They will be wrong if we are on a delta. We take care of that when we process the M665 command in config.g. for (int32_t& ep : endPoint) { ep = 0; } flags.all = 0; // in particular we need to set endCoordinatesValid and usePressureAdvance to false virtualExtruderPosition = 0.0; filePos = noFilePosition; #if SUPPORT_LASER || SUPPORT_IOBITS laserPwmOrIoBits.Clear(); #endif } void DDA::ReleaseDMs() noexcept { // Normally there should be no active DMs, but release any that there may be for (DriveMovement* dm = activeDMs; dm != nullptr; ) { DriveMovement* const dnext = dm->nextDM; DriveMovement::Release(dm); dm = dnext; } for (DriveMovement* dm = completedDMs; dm != nullptr; ) { DriveMovement* const dnext = dm->nextDM; DriveMovement::Release(dm); dm = dnext; } activeDMs = completedDMs = nullptr; for (MoveSegment* seg = shapedSegments; seg != nullptr; ) { MoveSegment* const nextSeg = seg->GetNext(); MoveSegment::Release(seg); seg = nextSeg; } for (MoveSegment* seg = unshapedSegments; seg != nullptr; ) { MoveSegment* const nextSeg = seg->GetNext(); MoveSegment::Release(seg); seg = nextSeg; } shapedSegments = unshapedSegments = nullptr; } // Return the number of clocks this DDA still needs to execute. // This could be slightly negative, if the move is overdue for completion. int32_t DDA::GetTimeLeft() const noexcept pre(state == executing || state == frozen || state == completed) { return (state == completed) ? 0 : (state == executing) ? (int32_t)(afterPrepare.moveStartTime + clocksNeeded - StepTimer::GetTimerTicks()) : (int32_t)clocksNeeded; } // Insert the specified drive into the step list, in step time order. // We insert the drive before any existing entries with the same step time for best performance. Now that we generate step pulses // for multiple motors simultaneously, there is no need to preserve round-robin order. inline void DDA::InsertDM(DriveMovement *dm) noexcept { DriveMovement **dmp = &activeDMs; while (*dmp != nullptr && (*dmp)->nextStepTime < dm->nextStepTime) { dmp = &((*dmp)->nextDM); } dm->nextDM = *dmp; *dmp = dm; } // Remove this drive from the list of drives with steps due and put it in the completed list // Called from the step ISR only. void DDA::DeactivateDM(size_t drive) noexcept { DriveMovement **dmp = &activeDMs; while (*dmp != nullptr) { DriveMovement * const dm = *dmp; if (dm->drive == drive) { (*dmp) = dm->nextDM; dm->state = DMState::idle; dm->nextDM = completedDMs; completedDMs = dm; break; } dmp = &(dm->nextDM); } } void DDA::DebugPrintVector(const char *name, const float *vec, size_t len) const noexcept { debugPrintf("%s=", name); for (size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) { debugPrintf("%c%f", ((i == 0) ? '[' : ' '), (double)vec[i]); } debugPrintf("]"); } // Print the text followed by the DDA only void DDA::DebugPrint(const char *tag) const noexcept { const size_t numAxes = reprap.GetGCodes().GetTotalAxes(); debugPrintf("%s %u ts=%" PRIu32 " DDA:", tag, (unsigned int)state, afterPrepare.moveStartTime); if (flags.endCoordinatesValid) { float startCoordinates[MaxAxes]; for (size_t i = 0; i < numAxes; ++i) { startCoordinates[i] = endCoordinates[i] - (totalDistance * directionVector[i]); } DebugPrintVector(" start", startCoordinates, numAxes); DebugPrintVector(" end", endCoordinates, numAxes); } debugPrintf(" s=%.4e", (double)totalDistance); DebugPrintVector(" vec", directionVector, MaxAxesPlusExtruders); debugPrintf("\n" "a=%.4e d=%.4e reqv=%.4e startv=%.4e topv=%.4e endv=%.4e cks=%" PRIu32 " fp=%" PRIu32 " fl=%04x\n", (double)acceleration, (double)deceleration, (double)requestedSpeed, (double)startSpeed, (double)topSpeed, (double)endSpeed, clocksNeeded, (uint32_t)filePos, flags.all); for (const MoveSegment *segs = shapedSegments; segs != nullptr; segs = segs->GetNext()) { segs->DebugPrint('S'); } for (const MoveSegment *segs = unshapedSegments; segs != nullptr; segs = segs->GetNext()) { segs->DebugPrint('U'); } } // Print the DDA and active DMs void DDA::DebugPrintAll(const char *tag) const noexcept { DebugPrint(tag); for (DriveMovement* dm = activeDMs; dm != nullptr; dm = dm->nextDM) { dm->DebugPrint(); } for (DriveMovement* dm = completedDMs; dm != nullptr; dm = dm->nextDM) { dm->DebugPrint(); } } // Set up a real move. Return true if it represents real movement, else false. // Either way, return the amount of extrusion we didn't do in the extruder coordinates of nextMove bool DDA::InitStandardMove(DDARing& ring, const RawMove &nextMove, bool doMotorMapping) noexcept { // 0. If there are more total axes than visible axes, then we must ignore any movement data in nextMove for the invisible axes. // The call to CartesianToMotorSteps may adjust the invisible axis endpoints for architectures such as CoreXYU and delta with >3 towers, so set them up here. const size_t numTotalAxes = reprap.GetGCodes().GetTotalAxes(); const size_t numVisibleAxes = reprap.GetGCodes().GetVisibleAxes(); const int32_t * const positionNow = prev->DriveCoordinates(); for (size_t axis = numVisibleAxes; axis < numTotalAxes; ++axis) { endPoint[axis] = positionNow[axis]; } flags.all = 0; // set all flags false // 1. Compute the new endpoints and the movement vector const Move& move = reprap.GetMove(); if (doMotorMapping) { if (!move.CartesianToMotorSteps(nextMove.coords, endPoint, nextMove.isCoordinated)) // transform the axis coordinates if on a delta or CoreXY printer { return false; // throw away the move if it couldn't be transformed } flags.isDeltaMovement = move.IsDeltaMode() && (endPoint[X_AXIS] != positionNow[X_AXIS] || endPoint[Y_AXIS] != positionNow[Y_AXIS] || endPoint[Z_AXIS] != positionNow[Z_AXIS]); } bool linearAxesMoving = false; bool rotationalAxesMoving = false; bool extrudersMoving = false; bool forwardExtruding = false; float accelerations[MaxAxesPlusExtruders]; const float * const normalAccelerations = reprap.GetPlatform().Accelerations(nextMove.reduceAcceleration); for (size_t drive = 0; drive < MaxAxesPlusExtruders; drive++) { accelerations[drive] = normalAccelerations[drive]; if (drive < numVisibleAxes) { int32_t delta; if (doMotorMapping) { endCoordinates[drive] = nextMove.coords[drive]; delta = endPoint[drive] - positionNow[drive]; const float positionDelta = endCoordinates[drive] - prev->GetEndCoordinate(drive, false); directionVector[drive] = positionDelta; if (positionDelta != 0.0) { if (reprap.GetPlatform().IsAxisRotational(drive)) { rotationalAxesMoving = true; } else { linearAxesMoving = true; } if (Tool::GetXAxes(nextMove.tool).IsBitSet(drive) || Tool::GetYAxes(nextMove.tool).IsBitSet(drive)) { flags.xyMoving = true; // this move has XY movement in user space, before axis were mapped } } } else { // Raw motor move on a visible axis endPoint[drive] = Move::MotorMovementToSteps(drive, nextMove.coords[drive]); delta = endPoint[drive] - positionNow[drive]; directionVector[drive] = (float)delta/reprap.GetPlatform().DriveStepsPerUnit(drive); if (delta != 0) { if (reprap.GetPlatform().IsAxisRotational(drive)) { rotationalAxesMoving = true; } else { linearAxesMoving = true; } } } #if 0 // debug only if (delta != 0) { stepsRequested[drive] += labs(delta); } #endif } else if (LogicalDriveToExtruder(drive) < reprap.GetGCodes().GetNumExtruders()) { // It's an extruder drive. We defer calculating the steps because they may be affected by nonlinear extrusion, which we can't calculate until we // know the speed of the move, and because extruder movement is relative so we need to accumulate fractions of a whole step between moves. const float movement = nextMove.coords[drive]; endCoordinates[drive] = directionVector[drive] = movement; // for an extruder, endCoordinates is the amount of movement if (movement != 0.0) { extrudersMoving = true; if (movement > 0.0) { forwardExtruding = true; } if (flags.xyMoving && nextMove.usePressureAdvance) { const float compensationClocks = reprap.GetMove().GetPressureAdvanceClocks(LogicalDriveToExtruder(drive)); if (compensationClocks > 0.0) { // Compensation causes instant velocity changes equal to acceleration * k, so we may need to limit the acceleration accelerations[drive] = min(accelerations[drive], reprap.GetPlatform().GetInstantDv(drive)/compensationClocks); } } } } else { directionVector[drive] = 0.0; } } // 2. Throw it away if there's no real movement. if (!(linearAxesMoving || rotationalAxesMoving || extrudersMoving)) { // Update the end position in the previous move, so that on the next move we don't think there is XY movement when the user didn't ask for any if (doMotorMapping) { for (size_t drive = 0; drive < numTotalAxes; ++drive) { prev->endCoordinates[drive] = nextMove.coords[drive]; } } return false; } // 3. Store some values tool = nextMove.tool; flags.checkEndstops = nextMove.checkEndstops; filePos = nextMove.filePos; virtualExtruderPosition = nextMove.virtualExtruderPosition; proportionDone = nextMove.proportionDone; initialUserC0 = nextMove.initialUserC0; initialUserC1 = nextMove.initialUserC1; flags.canPauseAfter = nextMove.canPauseAfter; flags.usingStandardFeedrate = nextMove.usingStandardFeedrate; flags.isPrintingMove = flags.xyMoving && forwardExtruding; // require forward extrusion so that wipe-while-retracting doesn't count flags.isNonPrintingExtruderMove = extrudersMoving && !flags.isPrintingMove; // flag used by filament monitors - we can ignore Z movement flags.usePressureAdvance = nextMove.usePressureAdvance; flags.controlLaser = nextMove.isCoordinated && nextMove.checkEndstops == 0; // The end coordinates will be valid at the end of this move if it does not involve endstop checks and is not a raw motor move flags.endCoordinatesValid = !nextMove.checkEndstops && doMotorMapping; flags.continuousRotationShortcut = (nextMove.moveType == 0); #if SUPPORT_LASER || SUPPORT_IOBITS if (flags.controlLaser) { laserPwmOrIoBits = nextMove.laserPwmOrIoBits; } else { laserPwmOrIoBits.Clear(); } #endif // 4. Normalise the direction vector and compute the amount of motion. // NIST standard section rule A: if any of XYZ is moving then the feed rate specifies the linear XYZ movement // We treat additional linear axes the same as XYZ const Kinematics& k = move.GetKinematics(); if (linearAxesMoving) { // There is some linear axis movement, so normalise the direction vector so that the total linear movement has unit length and 'totalDistance' is the linear distance moved. // This means that the user gets the feed rate that he asked for. It also makes the delta calculations simpler. // First do the bed tilt compensation for deltas. directionVector[Z_AXIS] += (directionVector[X_AXIS] * k.GetTiltCorrection(X_AXIS)) + (directionVector[Y_AXIS] * k.GetTiltCorrection(Y_AXIS)); totalDistance = NormaliseLinearMotion(reprap.GetPlatform().GetLinearAxes()); } else if (rotationalAxesMoving) { // Some axes are moving, but not axes that X or Y are mapped to. Normalise the movement to the vector sum of the axes that are moving. totalDistance = Normalise(directionVector, reprap.GetPlatform().GetRotationalAxes()); } else { // Extruder-only movement. Normalise so that the magnitude is the total absolute movement. This gives the correct feed rate for mixing extruders. totalDistance = 0.0; for (size_t d = 0; d < MaxAxesPlusExtruders; d++) { totalDistance += fabsf(directionVector[d]); } if (totalDistance > 0.0) // should always be true { Scale(directionVector, 1.0/totalDistance); } } // 5. Compute the maximum acceleration available float normalisedDirectionVector[MaxAxesPlusExtruders]; // used to hold a unit-length vector in the direction of motion memcpyf(normalisedDirectionVector, directionVector, ARRAY_SIZE(normalisedDirectionVector)); Absolute(normalisedDirectionVector, MaxAxesPlusExtruders); acceleration = beforePrepare.maxAcceleration = VectorBoxIntersection(normalisedDirectionVector, accelerations); if (flags.xyMoving) // apply M204 acceleration limits to XY moves { acceleration = min(acceleration, (flags.isPrintingMove) ? move.GetMaxPrintingAcceleration() : move.GetMaxTravelAcceleration()); } deceleration = acceleration; // 6. Set the speed to the smaller of the requested and maximum speed. // Also enforce a minimum speed of 0.5mm/sec. We need a minimum speed to avoid overflow in the movement calculations. float reqSpeed = nextMove.feedRate; if (!doMotorMapping) { // Special case of a raw or homing move on a delta printer // We use the Cartesian motion system to implement these moves, so the feed rate will be interpreted in Cartesian coordinates. // This is wrong, we want the feed rate to apply to the drive that is moving the farthest. float maxDistance = 0.0; for (size_t axis = 0; axis < numTotalAxes; ++axis) { if (k.GetMotionType(axis) == MotionType::segmentFreeDelta && normalisedDirectionVector[axis] > maxDistance) { maxDistance = normalisedDirectionVector[axis]; } } if (maxDistance != 0.0) // should be true if we are homing a delta { reqSpeed /= maxDistance; // because normalisedDirectionVector is unit-normalised } } // Don't use the constrain function in the following, because if we have a very small XY movement and a lot of extrusion, we may have to make the // speed lower than the configured minimum movement speed. We must apply the minimum speed first and then limit it if necessary after that. requestedSpeed = min(max(reqSpeed, reprap.GetPlatform().MinMovementSpeed()), VectorBoxIntersection(normalisedDirectionVector, reprap.GetPlatform().MaxFeedrates())); // On a Cartesian printer, it is OK to limit the X and Y speeds and accelerations independently, and in consequence to allow greater values // for diagonal moves. On other architectures, this is not OK and any movement in the XY plane should be limited on other ways. if (doMotorMapping) { k.LimitSpeedAndAcceleration(*this, normalisedDirectionVector, numVisibleAxes, flags.continuousRotationShortcut); // give the kinematics the chance to further restrict the speed and acceleration } // 7. Calculate the provisional accelerate and decelerate distances and the top speed endSpeed = 0.0; // until the next move asks us to adjust it if (prev->state == provisional && (move.GetJerkPolicy() != 0 || (flags.isPrintingMove == prev->flags.isPrintingMove && flags.xyMoving == prev->flags.xyMoving))) { // Try to meld this move to the previous move to avoid stop/start // Assuming that this move ends with zero speed, calculate the maximum possible starting speed: u^2 = v^2 - 2as prev->beforePrepare.targetNextSpeed = min(fastSqrtf(deceleration * totalDistance * 2.0), requestedSpeed); DoLookahead(ring, prev); startSpeed = prev->endSpeed; } else { // There is no previous move that we can adjust, so start at zero speed. startSpeed = 0.0; } RecalculateMove(ring); state = provisional; return true; } // Set up a leadscrew motor move returning true if the move does anything bool DDA::InitLeadscrewMove(DDARing& ring, float feedrate, const float adjustments[MaxDriversPerAxis]) noexcept { // 1. Compute the new endpoints and the movement vector bool realMove = false; for (size_t drive = 0; drive < MaxAxesPlusExtruders; drive++) { endPoint[drive] = prev->endPoint[drive]; // adjusting leadscrews doesn't change the endpoint endCoordinates[drive] = prev->endCoordinates[drive]; // adjusting leadscrews doesn't change the position directionVector[drive] = 0.0; } for (size_t driver = 0; driver < MaxDriversPerAxis; ++driver) { directionVector[driver] = adjustments[driver]; // for leadscrew adjustment moves, store the adjustment needed in directionVector const int32_t delta = lrintf(adjustments[driver] * reprap.GetPlatform().DriveStepsPerUnit(Z_AXIS)); if (delta != 0) { realMove = true; } } // 2. Throw it away if there's no real movement. if (!realMove) { return false; } // 3. Store some values flags.all = 0; flags.isLeadscrewAdjustmentMove = true; virtualExtruderPosition = prev->virtualExtruderPosition; tool = nullptr; filePos = prev->filePos; flags.endCoordinatesValid = prev->flags.endCoordinatesValid; acceleration = deceleration = reprap.GetPlatform().Acceleration(Z_AXIS); #if SUPPORT_LASER && SUPPORT_IOBITS if (reprap.GetGCodes().GetMachineType() == MachineType::laser) { laserPwmOrIoBits.Clear(); } else { laserPwmOrIoBits = prev->laserPwmOrIoBits; } #elif SUPPORT_LASER laserPwmOrIoBits.Clear(); #elif SUPPORT_IOBITS laserPwmOrIoBits = prev->laserPwmOrIoBits; #endif // 4. Normalise the direction vector and compute the amount of motion. // Currently we normalise the vector sum of all Z motor movement to unit length. totalDistance = Normalise(directionVector); // 6. Set the speed to the smaller of the requested and maximum speed. requestedSpeed = feedrate; // 7. Calculate the provisional accelerate and decelerate distances and the top speed startSpeed = endSpeed = 0.0; RecalculateMove(ring); state = provisional; return true; } # if SUPPORT_ASYNC_MOVES // Set up an async motor move returning true if the move does anything. // All async moves are relative and linear. bool DDA::InitAsyncMove(DDARing& ring, const AsyncMove& nextMove) noexcept { // 1. Compute the new endpoints and the movement vector bool realMove = false; for (size_t drive = 0; drive < MaxAxesPlusExtruders; drive++) { // Note, the correspondence between endCoordinates and endPoint will not be exact because of rounding error. // This doesn't matter for the current application because we don't use either of these fields. // If it's a delta then we can only do async tower moves in the Z direction and on any additional linear axes const size_t axisToUse = (reprap.GetMove().GetKinematics().GetMotionType(drive) == MotionType::segmentFreeDelta) ? Z_AXIS : drive; directionVector[drive] = nextMove.movements[axisToUse]; const int32_t delta = lrintf(nextMove.movements[axisToUse] * reprap.GetPlatform().DriveStepsPerUnit(drive)); endPoint[drive] = prev->endPoint[drive] + delta; endCoordinates[drive] = prev->endCoordinates[drive]; if (delta != 0) { realMove = true; } } // 2. Throw it away if there's no real movement. if (!realMove) { return false; } // 3. Store some values flags.all = 0; virtualExtruderPosition = 0; tool = nullptr; filePos = noFilePosition; startSpeed = nextMove.startSpeed; endSpeed = nextMove.endSpeed; requestedSpeed = nextMove.requestedSpeed; acceleration = nextMove.acceleration; deceleration = nextMove.deceleration; #if SUPPORT_LASER || SUPPORT_IOBITS laserPwmOrIoBits.Clear(); #endif // Currently we normalise the vector sum of all motor movements to unit length. totalDistance = Normalise(directionVector); RecalculateMove(ring); state = provisional; return true; } #endif #if SUPPORT_REMOTE_COMMANDS // Set up a remote move. Return true if it represents real movement, else false. // All values have already been converted to step clocks and the total distance has been normalised to 1.0. //TODO pass the input shaping plan in the message. For now we don't use input shaping. # if USE_REMOTE_INPUT_SHAPING bool DDA::InitShapedFromRemote(const CanMessageMovementLinearShaped& msg) noexcept # else bool DDA::InitFromRemote(const CanMessageMovementLinear& msg) noexcept #endif { afterPrepare.moveStartTime = StepTimer::ConvertToLocalTime(msg.whenToExecute); clocksNeeded = msg.accelerationClocks + msg.steadyClocks + msg.decelClocks; flags.all = 0; flags.isRemote = true; # if !USE_REMOTE_INPUT_SHAPING flags.isPrintingMove = (msg.pressureAdvanceDrives != 0); # endif // Normalise the move to unit distance and convert time units from step clocks to seconds totalDistance = 1.0; topSpeed = 2.0/(2 * msg.steadyClocks + (msg.initialSpeedFraction + 1.0) * msg.accelerationClocks + (msg.finalSpeedFraction + 1.0) * msg.decelClocks); startSpeed = topSpeed * msg.initialSpeedFraction; endSpeed = topSpeed * msg.finalSpeedFraction; acceleration = (msg.accelerationClocks == 0) ? 0.0 : (topSpeed * (1.0 - msg.initialSpeedFraction))/msg.accelerationClocks; deceleration = (msg.decelClocks == 0) ? 0.0 : (topSpeed * (1.0 - msg.finalSpeedFraction))/msg.decelClocks; PrepParams params; params.unshaped.accelDistance = topSpeed * (1.0 + msg.initialSpeedFraction) * msg.accelerationClocks * 0.5; const float decelDistance = topSpeed * (1.0 + msg.finalSpeedFraction) * msg.decelClocks * 0.5; params.unshaped.decelStartDistance = 1.0 - decelDistance; params.unshaped.accelClocks = msg.accelerationClocks; params.unshaped.steadyClocks = msg.steadyClocks; params.unshaped.decelClocks = msg.decelClocks; shapedSegments = unshapedSegments = nullptr; activeDMs = completedDMs = nullptr; # if USE_REMOTE_INPUT_SHAPING const size_t numDrivers = min(msg.numDriversMinusOne + 1, min(NumDirectDrivers, MaxLinearDriversPerCanSlave)); # else const size_t numDrivers = min(msg.numDrivers, min(NumDirectDrivers, MaxLinearDriversPerCanSlave)); # endif for (size_t drive = 0; drive < numDrivers; drive++) { endPoint[drive] = prev->endPoint[drive]; // the steps for this move will be added later # if USE_REMOTE_INPUT_SHAPING switch (msg.GetMoveType(drive)) { case CanMessageMovementLinearShaped::shapedAxis: // Note, drivers that are not moving are set to shapedAxis, so we need to check that the driver really is moving { const int32_t delta = msg.perDrive[drive].iSteps; if (delta != 0) { if (shapedSegments == nullptr) { // Calculate the segments needed for axis movement //TODO the message will include input shaping info shapedSegments = AxisShaper::GetUnshapedSegments(*this, params); } DriveMovement* const pdm = DriveMovement::Allocate(drive, DMState::idle); pdm->totalSteps = labs(delta); // for now this is the number of net steps, but gets adjusted later if there is a reverse in direction pdm->direction = (delta >= 0); // for now this is the direction of net movement, but gets adjusted later if it is a delta movement reprap.GetPlatform().EnableDrivers(drive); const bool stepsToDo = pdm->PrepareCartesianAxis(*this, params); if (stepsToDo) { pdm->directionChanged = false; InsertDM(pdm); const uint32_t netSteps = (pdm->reverseStartStep < pdm->totalSteps) ? (2 * pdm->reverseStartStep) - pdm->totalSteps : pdm->totalSteps; if (pdm->direction) { endPoint[drive] += netSteps; } else { endPoint[drive] -= netSteps; } // Check for sensible values, print them if they look dubious if (reprap.Debug(moduleDda) && pdm->totalSteps > 1000000) { DebugPrintAll("rem"); } } else { DriveMovement::Release(pdm); } } } break; case CanMessageMovementLinearShaped::shapedDelta: { if (shapedSegments == nullptr) { // Calculate the segments needed for axis movement //TODO the message will include input shaping info shapedSegments = AxisShaper::GetUnshapedSegments(*this, params); } //TODO } break; case CanMessageMovementLinearShaped::extruderWithPa: flags.usePressureAdvance = true; // either all extruder use pressure advance, or none do // no break case CanMessageMovementLinearShaped::MoveType::extruderNoPa: { if (unshapedSegments != nullptr) { unshapedSegments = AxisShaper::GetUnshapedSegments(*this, params); } if (unshapedSegments != nullptr) { DriveMovement* const pdm = DriveMovement::Allocate(drive, DMState::idle); pdm->PrepareExtruder(*this, params); InsertDM(pdm); } } break; } } # else const int32_t delta = msg.perDrive[drive].steps; if (delta != 0) { if (shapedSegments == nullptr) { EnsureUnshapedSegments(params); } DriveMovement* const pdm = DriveMovement::Allocate(drive, DMState::idle); pdm->totalSteps = labs(delta); // for now this is the number of net steps, but gets adjusted later if there is a reverse in direction pdm->direction = (delta >= 0); // for now this is the direction of net movement, but gets adjusted later if it is a delta movement reprap.GetPlatform().EnableDrivers(drive, false); const bool stepsToDo = ((msg.pressureAdvanceDrives & (1u << drive)) != 0) ? pdm->PrepareExtruder(*this, params) : pdm->PrepareCartesianAxis(*this, params); if (stepsToDo) { pdm->directionChanged = false; InsertDM(pdm); const uint32_t netSteps = (pdm->reverseStartStep < pdm->totalSteps) ? (2 * pdm->reverseStartStep) - pdm->totalSteps : pdm->totalSteps; if (pdm->direction) { endPoint[drive] += netSteps; } else { endPoint[drive] -= netSteps; } // Check for sensible values, print them if they look dubious if (reprap.Debug(moduleDda) && pdm->totalSteps > 1000000) { DebugPrintAll("rem"); } } else { DriveMovement::Release(pdm); } } } # endif // 2. Throw it away if there's no real movement. if (activeDMs == nullptr) { return false; } if (reprap.Debug(moduleDda) && reprap.Debug(moduleMove)) // temp show the prepared DDA if debug enabled for both modules { DebugPrintAll("rem"); } state = frozen; // must do this last so that the ISR doesn't start executing it before we have finished setting it up return true; } #endif // Return true if this move is or might have been intended to be a deceleration-only move // A move planned as a deceleration-only move may have a short acceleration segment at the start because of rounding error bool DDA::IsDecelerationMove() const noexcept { return beforePrepare.decelDistance == totalDistance // the simple case - is a deceleration-only move || (topSpeed < requestedSpeed // can't have been intended as deceleration-only if it reaches the requested speed && beforePrepare.decelDistance > 0.98 * totalDistance // rounding error can only go so far ); } // Return true if this move is or might have been intended to be a deceleration-only move // A move planned as a deceleration-only move may have a short acceleration segment at the start because of rounding error bool DDA::IsAccelerationMove() const noexcept { return beforePrepare.accelDistance == totalDistance // the simple case - is an acceleration-only move || (topSpeed < requestedSpeed // can't have been intended as deceleration-only if it reaches the requested speed && beforePrepare.accelDistance > 0.98 * totalDistance // rounding error can only go so far ); } #if 0 #define LA_DEBUG do { if (fabsf(fsquare(laDDA->endSpeed) - fsquare(laDDA->startSpeed)) > 2.02 * laDDA->acceleration * laDDA->totalDistance \ || laDDA->topSpeed > laDDA->requestedSpeed) { \ debugPrintf("%s(%d) ", __FILE__, __LINE__); \ laDDA->DebugPrint(); \ } \ } while(false) #else #define LA_DEBUG do { } while(false) #endif // Try to increase the ending speed of this move to allow the next move to start at targetNextSpeed. // Only called if this move and the next one are both printing moves. /*static*/ void DDA::DoLookahead(DDARing& ring, DDA *laDDA) noexcept pre(state == provisional) { // if (reprap.Debug(moduleDda)) debugPrintf("Adjusting, %f\n", laDDA->targetNextSpeed); unsigned int laDepth = 0; bool goingUp = true; for(;;) // this loop is used to nest lookahead without making recursive calls { if (goingUp) { // We have been asked to adjust the end speed of this move to match the next move starting at targetNextSpeed if (laDDA->beforePrepare.targetNextSpeed > laDDA->requestedSpeed) { laDDA->beforePrepare.targetNextSpeed = laDDA->requestedSpeed; // don't try for an end speed higher than our requested speed } if (laDDA->topSpeed >= laDDA->requestedSpeed) { // This move already reaches its top speed, so we just need to adjust the deceleration part laDDA->MatchSpeeds(); // adjust it if necessary goingUp = false; } else if ( laDDA->IsDecelerationMove() && laDDA->prev->beforePrepare.decelDistance > 0.0 // if the previous move has no deceleration phase then no point in adjusting it ) { const DDAState st = laDDA->prev->state; // This is a deceleration-only move, and the previous one has a deceleration phase. We may have to adjust the previous move as well to get optimum behaviour. if ( st == provisional && ( reprap.GetMove().GetJerkPolicy() != 0 || ( laDDA->prev->flags.xyMoving == laDDA->flags.xyMoving && ( laDDA->prev->flags.isPrintingMove == laDDA->flags.isPrintingMove || (laDDA->prev->flags.isPrintingMove && laDDA->prev->requestedSpeed == laDDA->requestedSpeed) // special case to support coast-to-end ) ) ) ) { laDDA->MatchSpeeds(); const float maxStartSpeed = fastSqrtf(fsquare(laDDA->beforePrepare.targetNextSpeed) + (2 * laDDA->deceleration * laDDA->totalDistance)); laDDA->prev->beforePrepare.targetNextSpeed = min(maxStartSpeed, laDDA->requestedSpeed); // leave 'goingUp' true } else { // This move is a deceleration-only move but we can't adjust the previous one if (st == frozen || st == executing) { laDDA->flags.hadLookaheadUnderrun = true; } const float maxReachableSpeed = fastSqrtf(fsquare(laDDA->startSpeed) + (2 * laDDA->deceleration * laDDA->totalDistance)); if (laDDA->beforePrepare.targetNextSpeed > maxReachableSpeed) { laDDA->beforePrepare.targetNextSpeed = maxReachableSpeed; } laDDA->MatchSpeeds(); goingUp = false; } } else { // This move doesn't reach its requested speed, but it isn't a deceleration-only move // Set its end speed to the minimum of the requested speed and the highest we can reach const float maxReachableSpeed = fastSqrtf(fsquare(laDDA->startSpeed) + (2 * laDDA->acceleration * laDDA->totalDistance)); if (laDDA->beforePrepare.targetNextSpeed > maxReachableSpeed) { // Looks like this is an acceleration segment, so to ensure smooth acceleration we should reduce targetNextSpeed to endSpeed as well laDDA->beforePrepare.targetNextSpeed = maxReachableSpeed; } laDDA->MatchSpeeds(); goingUp = false; } } else { // Going back down the list // We have adjusted the end speed of the previous move as much as is possible. Adjust this move to match it. laDDA->startSpeed = laDDA->prev->endSpeed; const float maxEndSpeed = fastSqrtf(fsquare(laDDA->startSpeed) + (2 * laDDA->acceleration * laDDA->totalDistance)); if (maxEndSpeed < laDDA->beforePrepare.targetNextSpeed) { laDDA->beforePrepare.targetNextSpeed = maxEndSpeed; } } if (goingUp) { // Still going up laDDA = laDDA->prev; ++laDepth; #if 0 if (reprap.Debug(moduleDda)) { debugPrintf("Recursion start %u\n", laDepth); } #endif } else { // Either just stopped going up, or going down if (laDDA->beforePrepare.targetNextSpeed < laDDA->endSpeed) { // This situation should not normally happen except by a small amount because of rounding error. // Don't reduce the end speed of the current move, because that may make the move infeasible. // Report a lookahead error if the change is too large to be accounted for by rounding error. if (laDDA->beforePrepare.targetNextSpeed < laDDA->endSpeed * 0.99) { ring.RecordLookaheadError(); if (reprap.Debug(moduleMove)) { debugPrintf("DDA.cpp(%d) tn=%f ", __LINE__, (double)laDDA->beforePrepare.targetNextSpeed); laDDA->DebugPrint("la"); } } } else { laDDA->endSpeed = laDDA->beforePrepare.targetNextSpeed; } LA_DEBUG; laDDA->RecalculateMove(ring); if (laDepth == 0) { #if 0 if (reprap.Debug(moduleDda)) { debugPrintf("Complete, %f\n", laDDA->targetNextSpeed); } #endif return; } laDDA = laDDA->next; --laDepth; } } } // Try to push babystepping earlier in the move queue, returning the amount we pushed // Caution! Thus is called with scheduling locked, therefore it must make no FreeRTOS calls, or call anything that makes them //TODO this won't work for CoreXZ, rotary delta, Kappa, or SCARA with Z crosstalk float DDA::AdvanceBabyStepping(DDARing& ring, size_t axis, float amount) noexcept { if (axis != Z_AXIS) { return 0.0; // only Z axis babystepping is supported at present } DDA *cdda = this; while (cdda->prev->state == DDAState::provisional) { cdda = cdda->prev; } // cdda addresses the earliest un-prepared move, which is the first one we can apply babystepping to // Allow babystepping Z speed up to 10% of the move top speed or up to half the Z jerk rate, whichever is lower float babySteppingDone = 0.0; while(cdda != this) { float babySteppingToDo = 0.0; if (amount != 0.0 && cdda->flags.xyMoving) { // Limit the babystepping Z speed to the lower of 0.1 times the original XYZ speed and 0.5 times the Z jerk Platform& platform = reprap.GetPlatform(); const float maxBabySteppingAmount = cdda->totalDistance * min(0.1, 0.5 * platform.GetInstantDv(Z_AXIS)/cdda->topSpeed); babySteppingToDo = constrain(amount, -maxBabySteppingAmount, maxBabySteppingAmount); cdda->directionVector[Z_AXIS] += babySteppingToDo/cdda->totalDistance; cdda->totalDistance *= cdda->NormaliseLinearMotion(platform.GetLinearAxes()); cdda->RecalculateMove(ring); babySteppingDone += babySteppingToDo; amount -= babySteppingToDo; } // Even if there is no babystepping to do this move, we may need to adjust the end coordinates cdda->endCoordinates[Z_AXIS] += babySteppingDone; if (cdda->flags.isDeltaMovement) { for (size_t motor = 0; motor < reprap.GetGCodes().GetTotalAxes(); ++motor) { if (reprap.GetMove().GetKinematics().GetMotionType(motor) == MotionType::segmentFreeDelta) { cdda->endPoint[motor] += (int32_t)(babySteppingDone * reprap.GetPlatform().DriveStepsPerUnit(motor)); } } } else { cdda->endPoint[Z_AXIS] += (int32_t)(babySteppingDone * reprap.GetPlatform().DriveStepsPerUnit(Z_AXIS)); } // Now do the next move cdda = cdda->next; } return babySteppingDone; } // Recalculate the top speed, acceleration distance and deceleration distance, and whether we can pause after this move // This may cause a move that we intended to be a deceleration-only move to have a tiny acceleration segment at the start void DDA::RecalculateMove(DDARing& ring) noexcept { const float twoA = 2 * acceleration; const float twoD = 2 * deceleration; beforePrepare.accelDistance = (fsquare(requestedSpeed) - fsquare(startSpeed))/twoA; beforePrepare.decelDistance = (fsquare(requestedSpeed) - fsquare(endSpeed))/twoD; if (beforePrepare.accelDistance + beforePrepare.decelDistance < totalDistance) { // This move reaches its top speed topSpeed = requestedSpeed; } else { // This move has no steady-speed phase, so it's accelerate-decelerate or accelerate-only or decelerate-only move. // If V is the peak speed, then (V^2 - u^2)/2a + (V^2 - v^2)/2d = dist // So V^2(2a + 2d) = 2a.2d.dist + 2a.v^2 + 2d.u^2 // So V^2 = (2a.2d.dist + 2a.v^2 + 2d.u^2)/(2a + 2d) const float vsquared = ((twoA * twoD * totalDistance) + (twoA * fsquare(endSpeed)) + twoD * fsquare(startSpeed))/(twoA + twoD); if (vsquared > fsquare(startSpeed) && vsquared > fsquare(endSpeed)) { // It's an accelerate-decelerate move. Calculate accelerate distance from: V^2 = u^2 + 2as. beforePrepare.accelDistance = (vsquared - fsquare(startSpeed))/twoA; beforePrepare.decelDistance = (vsquared - fsquare(endSpeed))/twoD; topSpeed = fastSqrtf(vsquared); } else { // It's an accelerate-only or decelerate-only move. // Due to rounding errors and babystepping adjustments, we may have to adjust the acceleration or deceleration slightly. if (startSpeed < endSpeed) { beforePrepare.accelDistance = totalDistance; beforePrepare.decelDistance = 0.0; topSpeed = endSpeed; const float newAcceleration = (fsquare(endSpeed) - fsquare(startSpeed))/(2 * totalDistance); if (newAcceleration > 1.02 * acceleration) { // The acceleration increase is greater than we expect from rounding error, so record an error ring.RecordLookaheadError(); if (reprap.Debug(moduleMove)) { debugPrintf("DDA.cpp(%d) na=%f", __LINE__, (double)newAcceleration); DebugPrint("rm"); } } acceleration = newAcceleration; } else { beforePrepare.accelDistance = 0.0; beforePrepare.decelDistance = totalDistance; topSpeed = startSpeed; const float newDeceleration = (fsquare(startSpeed) - fsquare(endSpeed))/(2 * totalDistance); if (newDeceleration > 1.02 * deceleration) { // The deceleration increase is greater than we expect from rounding error, so record an error ring.RecordLookaheadError(); if (reprap.Debug(moduleMove)) { debugPrintf("DDA.cpp(%d) nd=%f", __LINE__, (double)newDeceleration); DebugPrint("rm"); } } deceleration = newDeceleration; } } } if (flags.canPauseAfter && endSpeed != 0.0) { const Platform& p = reprap.GetPlatform(); for (size_t drive = 0; drive < MaxAxesPlusExtruders; ++drive) { if (endSpeed * fabsf(directionVector[drive]) > p.GetInstantDv(drive)) { flags.canPauseAfter = false; break; } } } // We need to set the number of clocks needed here because we use it before the move has been frozen const float totalTime = (topSpeed - startSpeed)/acceleration + (topSpeed - endSpeed)/deceleration + (totalDistance - beforePrepare.accelDistance - beforePrepare.decelDistance)/topSpeed; clocksNeeded = (uint32_t)totalTime; } // Decide what speed we would really like this move to end at. // On entry, targetNextSpeed is the speed we would like the next move after this one to start at and this one to end at // On return, targetNextSpeed is the actual speed we can achieve without exceeding the jerk limits. void DDA::MatchSpeeds() noexcept { for (size_t drive = 0; drive < MaxAxesPlusExtruders; ++drive) { if (directionVector[drive] != 0.0 || next->directionVector[drive] != 0.0) { const float totalFraction = fabsf(directionVector[drive] - next->directionVector[drive]); const float jerk = totalFraction * beforePrepare.targetNextSpeed; const float allowedJerk = reprap.GetPlatform().GetInstantDv(drive); if (jerk > allowedJerk) { beforePrepare.targetNextSpeed = allowedJerk/totalFraction; } } } } // This is called by Move::CurrentMoveCompleted to update the live coordinates from the move that has just finished bool DDA::FetchEndPosition(volatile int32_t ep[MaxAxesPlusExtruders], volatile float endCoords[MaxAxesPlusExtruders]) noexcept { for (size_t drive = 0; drive < MaxAxesPlusExtruders; ++drive) { ep[drive] = endPoint[drive]; } if (flags.endCoordinatesValid) { const size_t visibleAxes = reprap.GetGCodes().GetVisibleAxes(); for (size_t axis = 0; axis < visibleAxes; ++axis) { endCoords[axis] = endCoordinates[axis]; } } // Extrusion amounts are always valid const size_t numExtruders = reprap.GetGCodes().GetNumExtruders(); for (size_t extruder = 0; extruder < numExtruders; ++extruder) { endCoords[ExtruderToLogicalDrive(extruder)] += endCoordinates[ExtruderToLogicalDrive(extruder)]; } return flags.endCoordinatesValid; } // This may be called from an ISR, e.g. via Kinematics::OnHomingSwitchTriggered void DDA::SetPositions(const float move[MaxAxesPlusExtruders]) noexcept { (void)reprap.GetMove().CartesianToMotorSteps(move, endPoint, true); const size_t numAxes = reprap.GetGCodes().GetVisibleAxes(); for (size_t axis = 0; axis < numAxes; ++axis) { endCoordinates[axis] = move[axis]; } flags.endCoordinatesValid = true; } // Get a Cartesian end coordinate from this move float DDA::GetEndCoordinate(size_t drive, bool disableMotorMapping) noexcept pre(disableDeltaMapping || drive < MaxAxes) { if (disableMotorMapping) { return Move::MotorStepsToMovement(drive, endPoint[drive]); } else { const size_t visibleAxes = reprap.GetGCodes().GetVisibleAxes(); if (drive < visibleAxes && !flags.endCoordinatesValid) { reprap.GetMove().MotorStepsToCartesian(endPoint, visibleAxes, reprap.GetGCodes().GetTotalAxes(), endCoordinates); flags.endCoordinatesValid = true; } return endCoordinates[drive]; } } // Set up unshapedSegments if we haven't done so already void DDA::EnsureUnshapedSegments(const PrepParams& params) noexcept { if (unshapedSegments == nullptr) { unshapedSegments = AxisShaper::GetUnshapedSegments(*this, params); } } // Prepare this DDA for execution. // This must not be called with interrupts disabled, because it calls Platform::EnableDrive. void DDA::Prepare(SimulationMode simMode) noexcept { flags.wasAccelOnlyMove = IsAccelerationMove(); // save this for the next move to look at #if SUPPORT_LASER if (topSpeed < requestedSpeed && reprap.GetGCodes().GetMachineType() == MachineType::laser) { // Scale back the laser power according to the actual speed laserPwmOrIoBits.laserPwm = (laserPwmOrIoBits.laserPwm * topSpeed)/requestedSpeed; } #endif // Prepare for movement shapedSegments = unshapedSegments = nullptr; PrepParams params; // the default constructor clears params.plan to 'no shaping' if (flags.xyMoving) { reprap.GetMove().GetAxisShaper().PlanShaping(*this, params, flags.xyMoving); // this will set up shapedSegments if we are doing any shaping } else { params.SetFromDDA(*this); params.unshaped.Finalise(topSpeed); clocksNeeded = params.unshaped.TotalClocks(); } // Copy the unshaped acceleration and deceleration back to the DDA because ManageLaserPower uses them //TODO change ManageLaserPower to work on the shaped segments instead acceleration = params.unshaped.acceleration; deceleration = params.unshaped.deceleration; if (simMode < SimulationMode::normal) { if (flags.isDeltaMovement) { // This code assumes that the previous move in the DDA ring is the previously-executed move, because it fetches the X and Y end coordinates from that move. // Therefore the Move code must not store a new move in that entry until this one has been prepared! (It took me ages to track this down.) // Ideally we would store the initial X and Y coordinates in the DDA, but we need to be economical with memory #if MS_USE_FPU // Nothing needed here, use directionVector[Z_AXIS] directly #else afterPrepare.cKc = lrintf(directionVector[Z_AXIS] * MoveSegment::KdirectionVector); #endif params.a2plusb2 = fsquare(directionVector[X_AXIS]) + fsquare(directionVector[Y_AXIS]); params.initialX = prev->GetEndCoordinate(X_AXIS, false); params.initialY = prev->GetEndCoordinate(Y_AXIS, false); #if SUPPORT_CAN_EXPANSION params.finalX = GetEndCoordinate(X_AXIS, false); params.finalY = GetEndCoordinate(Y_AXIS, false); params.zMovement = GetEndCoordinate(Z_AXIS, false) - prev->GetEndCoordinate(Z_AXIS, false); #endif params.dparams = static_cast(&(reprap.GetMove().GetKinematics())); } activeDMs = completedDMs = nullptr; #if SUPPORT_CAN_EXPANSION CanMotion::StartMovement(); #endif // Handle all drivers Platform& platform = reprap.GetPlatform(); if (flags.isLeadscrewAdjustmentMove) { platform.EnableDrivers(Z_AXIS, false); // ensure all Z motors are enabled } AxesBitmap additionalAxisMotorsToEnable, axisMotorsEnabled; #if SUPPORT_CAN_EXPANSION afterPrepare.drivesMoving.Clear(); #endif for (size_t drive = 0; drive < MaxAxesPlusExtruders; ++drive) { if (flags.isLeadscrewAdjustmentMove) { #if SUPPORT_CAN_EXPANSION afterPrepare.drivesMoving.SetBit(Z_AXIS); #endif // For a leadscrew adjustment move, the first N elements of the direction vector are the adjustments to the N Z motors const AxisDriversConfig& config = platform.GetAxisDriversConfig(Z_AXIS); if (drive < config.numDrivers) { const int32_t delta = lrintf(directionVector[drive] * totalDistance * platform.DriveStepsPerUnit(Z_AXIS)); const DriverId driver = config.driverNumbers[drive]; if (delta != 0) { #if SUPPORT_CAN_EXPANSION if (driver.IsRemote()) { CanMotion::AddMovement(params, driver, delta); } else #endif { EnsureUnshapedSegments(params); DriveMovement* const pdm = DriveMovement::Allocate(driver.localDriver + MaxAxesPlusExtruders, DMState::idle); pdm->direction = (delta >= 0); pdm->totalSteps = labs(delta); if (pdm->PrepareCartesianAxis(*this, params)) { pdm->directionChanged = false; // Check for sensible values, print them if they look dubious if (reprap.Debug(moduleDda) && pdm->totalSteps > 1000000) { DebugPrintAll("pr_err1"); } InsertDM(pdm); } else { pdm->state = DMState::idle; pdm->nextDM = completedDMs; completedDMs = pdm; } } } } } else if (flags.isDeltaMovement && reprap.GetMove().GetKinematics().GetMotionType(drive) == MotionType::segmentFreeDelta) { // On a delta we need to move all towers even if some of them have no net movement platform.EnableDrivers(drive, false); if (shapedSegments == nullptr) { EnsureUnshapedSegments(params); } const int32_t delta = endPoint[drive] - prev->endPoint[drive]; if (platform.GetDriversBitmap(drive) != 0) // if any of the drives is local { DriveMovement* const pdm = DriveMovement::Allocate(drive, DMState::idle); pdm->direction = (delta >= 0); pdm->totalSteps = labs(delta); // this is net steps for now if (pdm->PrepareDeltaAxis(*this, params)) { pdm->directionChanged = false; // Check for sensible values, print them if they look dubious if (reprap.Debug(moduleDda) && pdm->totalSteps > 1000000) { DebugPrintAll("pr_err2"); } InsertDM(pdm); } else { pdm->state = DMState::idle; pdm->nextDM = completedDMs; completedDMs = pdm; } } #if SUPPORT_CAN_EXPANSION afterPrepare.drivesMoving.SetBit(drive); const AxisDriversConfig& config = platform.GetAxisDriversConfig(drive); for (size_t i = 0; i < config.numDrivers; ++i) { const DriverId driver = config.driverNumbers[i]; if (driver.IsRemote()) { CanMotion::AddMovement(params, driver, delta); } } #endif axisMotorsEnabled.SetBit(drive); } else if (drive < reprap.GetGCodes().GetTotalAxes()) { // It's a linear axis int32_t delta = endPoint[drive] - prev->endPoint[drive]; if (delta != 0) { platform.EnableDrivers(drive, false); if (shapedSegments == nullptr) { EnsureUnshapedSegments(params); } if (flags.continuousRotationShortcut && reprap.GetMove().GetKinematics().IsContinuousRotationAxis(drive)) { // This is a continuous rotation axis, so we may have adjusted the move to cross the 180 degrees position const int32_t stepsPerRotation = lrintf(360.0 * platform.DriveStepsPerUnit(drive)); if (delta > stepsPerRotation/2) { delta -= stepsPerRotation; } else if (delta < -stepsPerRotation/2) { delta += stepsPerRotation; } } if ( platform.GetDriversBitmap(drive) != 0 // if any of the drives is local #if SUPPORT_CAN_EXPANSION || flags.checkEndstops // if checking endstops, create a DM even if there are no local drives involved #endif ) { DriveMovement* const pdm = DriveMovement::Allocate(drive, DMState::idle); pdm->direction = (delta >= 0); pdm->totalSteps = labs(delta); if (pdm->PrepareCartesianAxis(*this, params)) { pdm->directionChanged = false; // Check for sensible values, print them if they look dubious if (reprap.Debug(moduleDda) && pdm->totalSteps > 1000000) { DebugPrintAll("pr_err3"); } InsertDM(pdm); } else { pdm->state = DMState::idle; pdm->nextDM = completedDMs; completedDMs = pdm; } } #if SUPPORT_CAN_EXPANSION afterPrepare.drivesMoving.SetBit(drive); const AxisDriversConfig& config = platform.GetAxisDriversConfig(drive); for (size_t i = 0; i < config.numDrivers; ++i) { const DriverId driver = config.driverNumbers[i]; if (driver.IsRemote()) { CanMotion::AddMovement(params, driver, delta); } } #endif axisMotorsEnabled.SetBit(drive); additionalAxisMotorsToEnable |= reprap.GetMove().GetKinematics().GetConnectedAxes(drive); } } else { // It's an extruder drive if (directionVector[drive] != 0.0) { // Currently, we don't apply input shaping to extruders platform.EnableDrivers(drive, false); const size_t extruder = LogicalDriveToExtruder(drive); #if SUPPORT_NONLINEAR_EXTRUSION // Add the nonlinear extrusion correction to totalExtrusion. // If we are given a stupidly short move to execute then clocksNeeded can be zero, which leads to NaNs in this code; so we need to guard against that. if (flags.isPrintingMove && clocksNeeded != 0) { const NonlinearExtrusion& nl = platform.GetExtrusionCoefficients(extruder); float& dv = directionVector[drive]; const float averageExtrusionSpeed = (totalDistance * dv)/clocksNeeded; const float factor = 1.0 + min((averageExtrusionSpeed * nl.A) + (averageExtrusionSpeed * averageExtrusionSpeed * nl.B), nl.limit); dv *= factor; } #endif #if SUPPORT_CAN_EXPANSION afterPrepare.drivesMoving.SetBit(drive); const DriverId driver = platform.GetExtruderDriver(extruder); if (driver.IsRemote()) { // This calculation isn't quite right when we use PA and fractional steps accumulate. I will fix it when I change the CAN protocol. // The MovementLinear message requires the raw step count not adjusted for PA to be passed. The remote board adds the PA. ExtruderShaper& shaper = reprap.GetMove().GetExtruderShaper(LogicalDriveToExtruder(drive)); float netMovement = (totalDistance * directionVector[drive]) + shaper.GetExtrusionPending(); const float stepsPerMm = platform.DriveStepsPerUnit(drive); const int32_t rawSteps = lrintf(netMovement * stepsPerMm); // we round here instead of truncating to match the old code if (flags.usePressureAdvance) { netMovement += (endSpeed - startSpeed) * directionVector[drive] * shaper.GetKclocks(); } if (rawSteps != 0) { CanMotion::AddMovement(params, driver, rawSteps, flags.usePressureAdvance); const int32_t netSteps = (flags.usePressureAdvance) ? lrintf(netMovement * stepsPerMm) // work out how many steps the remote extruder will take : rawSteps; netMovement -= (float)netSteps/stepsPerMm; } shaper.SetExtrusionPending(netMovement); } else #endif { EnsureUnshapedSegments(params); DriveMovement* const pdm = DriveMovement::Allocate(drive, DMState::idle); pdm->direction = (directionVector[drive] >= 0); if (pdm->PrepareExtruder(*this, params)) { pdm->directionChanged = false; if (reprap.Debug(moduleDda) && pdm->totalSteps > 1000000) { DebugPrintAll("pr_err4"); } InsertDM(pdm); } else { pdm->state = DMState::idle; pdm->nextDM = completedDMs; completedDMs = pdm; } } } } } // On CoreXY and similar architectures, we also need to enable the motors controlling any connected axes additionalAxisMotorsToEnable &= ~axisMotorsEnabled; while (additionalAxisMotorsToEnable.IsNonEmpty()) { const size_t drive = additionalAxisMotorsToEnable.LowestSetBit(); additionalAxisMotorsToEnable.ClearBit(drive); platform.EnableDrivers(drive, false); } const DDAState st = prev->state; afterPrepare.moveStartTime = (st == DDAState::executing || st == DDAState::frozen) ? prev->afterPrepare.moveStartTime + prev->clocksNeeded // this move will follow the previous one, so calculate the start time assuming no more hiccups : StepTimer::GetTimerTicks() + AbsoluteMinimumPreparedTime; // else this move is the first so start it after a short delay if (flags.checkEndstops) { // Before we send movement commands to remote drives, if any endstop switches we are monitoring are already set, make sure we don't start the motors concerned. // This is especially important when using CAN-connected motors or endstops, because we rely on receiving "endstop changed" messages. // Moves that check endstops are always run as isolated moves, so there can be no move in progress and the endstops must already be primed. platform.EnableAllSteppingDrivers(); CheckEndstops(platform); // this may modify pending CAN moves, and may set status 'completed' } #if SUPPORT_CAN_EXPANSION const uint32_t canClocksNeeded = CanMotion::FinishMovement(afterPrepare.moveStartTime, simMode != SimulationMode::off); if (canClocksNeeded > clocksNeeded) { // Due to rounding error in the calculations, we quite often calculate the CAN move as being longer than our previously-calculated value, normally by just one clock. // Extend our move time in this case so that the expansion boards don't need to catch up. clocksNeeded = canClocksNeeded; } #endif if (reprap.Debug(moduleMove) && (reprap.Debug(moduleDda) || params.shapingPlan.debugPrint)) // show the prepared DDA if debug enabled for both modules { DebugPrintAll("pr"); } #if DDA_MOVE_DEBUG MoveParameters& m = savedMoves[savedMovePointer]; m.accelDistance = accelDistance; m.decelDistance = decelDistance; m.steadyDistance = totalDistance - accelDistance - decelDistance; m.requestedSpeed = requestedSpeed; m.startSpeed = startSpeed; m.topSpeed = topSpeed; m.endSpeed = endSpeed; m.targetNextSpeed = targetNextSpeed; m.endstopChecks = endStopsToCheck; m.flags = flags; savedMovePointer = (savedMovePointer + 1) % NumSavedMoves; #endif } if (state != completed) { state = frozen; // must do this last so that the ISR doesn't start executing it before we have finished setting it up } } // Take a unit positive-hyperquadrant vector, and return the factor needed to obtain // length of the vector as projected to touch box[]. /*static*/ float DDA::VectorBoxIntersection(const float v[], const float box[]) noexcept { // Generate a vector length that is guaranteed to exceed the size of the box float magnitude = 0.0; for (size_t d = 0; d < MaxAxesPlusExtruders; d++) { magnitude += box[d]; } // Now reduce the length until every axis fits for (size_t d = 0; d < MaxAxesPlusExtruders; d++) { if (magnitude * v[d] > box[d]) { magnitude = box[d]/v[d]; } } return magnitude; } // Get the magnitude measured over all axes and extruders /*static*/ float DDA::Magnitude(const float v[]) noexcept { float magnitudeSquared = 0.0; for (size_t d = 0; d < MaxAxesPlusExtruders; d++) { magnitudeSquared += fsquare(v[d]); } return fastSqrtf(magnitudeSquared); } // Normalise a vector with dim1 dimensions to unit length over the specified axes, and also return its previous magnitude in dim2 dimensions /*static*/ float DDA::Normalise(float v[], AxesBitmap unitLengthAxes) noexcept { const float magnitude = Magnitude(v, unitLengthAxes); if (magnitude <= 0.0) { return 0.0; } Scale(v, 1.0/magnitude); return magnitude; } // Normalise a vector to unit length over all axes /*static*/ float DDA::Normalise(float v[]) noexcept { const float magnitude = Magnitude(v); if (magnitude <= 0.0) { return 0.0; } Scale(v, 1.0/magnitude); return magnitude; } // Make the direction vector unit-normal in the linear axes, taking account of axis mapping, and return the previous magnitude float DDA::NormaliseLinearMotion(AxesBitmap linearAxes) noexcept { // First calculate the magnitude of the vector. If there is more than one X or Y axis, take an average of their movements (they should normally be equal). float xMagSquared = 0.0, yMagSquared = 0.0, magSquared = 0.0; unsigned int numXaxes = 0, numYaxes = 0; const AxesBitmap xAxes = Tool::GetXAxes(tool); const AxesBitmap yAxes = Tool::GetYAxes(tool); const float * const dv = directionVector; linearAxes.Iterate([&xMagSquared, &yMagSquared, &magSquared, &numXaxes, &numYaxes, xAxes, yAxes, dv](unsigned int axis, unsigned int count) { const float dv2 = fsquare(dv[axis]); if (xAxes.IsBitSet(axis)) { xMagSquared += dv2; ++numXaxes; } else if (yAxes.IsBitSet(axis)) { yMagSquared += dv2; ++numYaxes; } else { magSquared += dv2; } } ); if (numXaxes > 1) { xMagSquared /= numXaxes; } if (numYaxes > 1) { yMagSquared /= numYaxes; } const float magnitude = fastSqrtf(xMagSquared + yMagSquared + magSquared); if (magnitude <= 0.0) { return 0.0; } // Now normalise it Scale(directionVector, 1.0/magnitude); return magnitude; } // Return the magnitude of a vector over the specified orthogonal axes /*static*/ float DDA::Magnitude(const float v[], AxesBitmap axes) noexcept { float magnitude = 0.0; axes.Iterate([&magnitude, v](unsigned int axis, unsigned int count) { magnitude += fsquare(v[axis]); }); return fastSqrtf(magnitude); } // Multiply a vector by a scalar /*static*/ void DDA::Scale(float v[], float scale) noexcept { for (size_t d = 0; d < MaxAxesPlusExtruders; d++) { v[d] *= scale; } } // Move a vector into the positive hyperquadrant /*static*/ void DDA::Absolute(float v[], size_t dimensions) noexcept { for (size_t d = 0; d < dimensions; d++) { v[d] = fabsf(v[d]); } } // Check the endstops, given that we know that this move checks endstops. // Either this move is currently executing (DDARing.currentDDA == this) and the state is 'executing', or we have almost finished preparing it and the state is 'provisional'. void DDA::CheckEndstops(Platform& platform) noexcept { #if SUPPORT_CAN_EXPANSION const bool fromPrepare = (state == DDAState::provisional); // determine this before anything sets the state to 'completed' #endif for (;;) { const EndstopHitDetails hitDetails = platform.GetEndstops().CheckEndstops(); switch (hitDetails.GetAction()) { case EndstopHitAction::stopAll: MoveAborted(); // set the state to completed and recalculate the endpoints #if SUPPORT_CAN_EXPANSION CanMotion::StopAll(fromPrepare); #endif if (hitDetails.isZProbe) { reprap.GetGCodes().MoveStoppedByZProbe(); } else if (hitDetails.setAxisLow) { reprap.GetMove().GetKinematics().OnHomingSwitchTriggered(hitDetails.axis, false, platform.GetDriveStepsPerUnit(), *this); reprap.GetGCodes().SetAxisIsHomed(hitDetails.axis); } else if (hitDetails.setAxisHigh) { reprap.GetMove().GetKinematics().OnHomingSwitchTriggered(hitDetails.axis, true, platform.GetDriveStepsPerUnit(), *this); reprap.GetGCodes().SetAxisIsHomed(hitDetails.axis); } return; case EndstopHitAction::stopAxis: StopDrive(hitDetails.axis); // we must stop the drive before we mess with its coordinates #if SUPPORT_CAN_EXPANSION if (state == completed) // if the call to StopDrive flagged the move as completed { CanMotion::StopAll(fromPrepare); } else { CanMotion::StopAxis(fromPrepare, hitDetails.axis); } #endif if (hitDetails.setAxisLow) { reprap.GetMove().GetKinematics().OnHomingSwitchTriggered(hitDetails.axis, false, platform.GetDriveStepsPerUnit(), *this); reprap.GetGCodes().SetAxisIsHomed(hitDetails.axis); } else if (hitDetails.setAxisHigh) { reprap.GetMove().GetKinematics().OnHomingSwitchTriggered(hitDetails.axis, true, platform.GetDriveStepsPerUnit(), *this); reprap.GetGCodes().SetAxisIsHomed(hitDetails.axis); } break; case EndstopHitAction::stopDriver: #if SUPPORT_CAN_EXPANSION if (hitDetails.driver.IsRemote()) { CanMotion::StopDriver(fromPrepare, hitDetails.driver); } else #endif { platform.DisableSteppingDriver(hitDetails.driver.localDriver); } if (hitDetails.setAxisLow) { reprap.GetMove().GetKinematics().OnHomingSwitchTriggered(hitDetails.axis, false, platform.GetDriveStepsPerUnit(), *this); reprap.GetGCodes().SetAxisIsHomed(hitDetails.axis); } else if (hitDetails.setAxisHigh) { reprap.GetMove().GetKinematics().OnHomingSwitchTriggered(hitDetails.axis, true, platform.GetDriveStepsPerUnit(), *this); reprap.GetGCodes().SetAxisIsHomed(hitDetails.axis); } break; default: return; } } #if DDA_LOG_PROBE_CHANGES else if ((endStopsToCheck & LogProbeChanges) != 0) { switch (platform.GetZProbeResult()) { case EndStopHit::lowHit: if (!probeTriggered) { probeTriggered = true; LogProbePosition(); } break; case EndStopHit::nearStop: case EndStopHit::noStop: if (probeTriggered) { probeTriggered = false; LogProbePosition(); } break; default: break; } } #endif } // Start executing this move. Must be called with interrupts disabled or basepri >= set interrupt priority, to avoid a race condition. void DDA::Start(Platform& p, uint32_t tim) noexcept pre(state == frozen) { if ((int32_t)(tim - afterPrepare.moveStartTime ) > 25) { afterPrepare.moveStartTime = tim; // this move is late starting, so record the actual start time } state = executing; #if DDA_LOG_PROBE_CHANGES if ((endStopsToCheck & LogProbeChanges) != 0) { numLoggedProbePositions = 0; probeTriggered = false; } #endif if (activeDMs != nullptr) { if (!flags.checkEndstops) { p.EnableAllSteppingDrivers(); // make sure that all drivers are enabled } const size_t numTotalAxes = reprap.GetGCodes().GetTotalAxes(); unsigned int extrusions = 0, retractions = 0; // bitmaps of extruding and retracting drives float extrusionFraction = 0.0; for (const DriveMovement* pdm = activeDMs; pdm != nullptr; pdm = pdm->nextDM) { const size_t drive = pdm->drive; p.SetDirection(drive, pdm->direction); if (drive >= numTotalAxes && drive < MaxAxesPlusExtruders) // if it's an extruder { const size_t extruder = LogicalDriveToExtruder(drive); if (pdm->direction == FORWARDS) { extrusions |= (1u << extruder); extrusionFraction += directionVector[drive]; } else { retractions |= (1u << extruder); } } } bool extruding = false; if ((extrusions | retractions) != 0) { // Check for trying to extrude or retract when the hot end temperature is too low const unsigned int prohibitedMovements = reprap.GetProhibitedExtruderMovements(extrusions, retractions); for (DriveMovement **dmpp = &activeDMs; *dmpp != nullptr; ) { DriveMovement* const dm = *dmpp; const size_t drive = dm->drive; if (drive >= numTotalAxes && drive < MaxAxesPlusExtruders) { if ((prohibitedMovements & (1u << LogicalDriveToExtruder(drive))) != 0) { *dmpp = dm->nextDM; dm->nextDM = completedDMs; completedDMs = dm; } else { extruding = true; dmpp = &(dm->nextDM); } } else { dmpp = &(dm->nextDM); } } } if (extruding) { p.ExtrudeOn(); if (tool != nullptr) { // Pass the extrusion speed averaged over the whole move in mm/sec tool->ApplyFeedForward((extrusionFraction * totalDistance * (float)StepClockRate)/(float)clocksNeeded); } } else { p.ExtrudeOff(); if (tool != nullptr) { tool->StopFeedForward(); } } } } uint32_t DDA::lastStepLowTime = 0; uint32_t DDA::lastDirChangeTime = 0; #if 0 // debug only uint32_t DDA::stepsRequested[NumDirectDrivers]; uint32_t DDA::stepsDone[NumDirectDrivers]; #endif #if 0 //debug uint32_t lastDelay; uint32_t maxDelay; uint32_t maxDelayIncrease; #endif // Generate the step pulses of internal drivers used by this DDA // Sets the status to 'completed' if the move is complete and the next move should be started void DDA::StepDrivers(Platform& p, uint32_t now) noexcept { // Check endstop switches and Z probe if asked. This is not speed critical because fast moves do not use endstops or the Z probe. if (flags.checkEndstops) // if any homing switches or the Z probe is enabled in this move { CheckEndstops(p); // call out to a separate function because this may help cache usage in the more common and time-critical case where we don't call it if (state == completed) // we may have completed the move due to triggering an endstop switch or Z probe { return; } } uint32_t driversStepping = 0; DriveMovement* dm = activeDMs; const uint32_t elapsedTime = (now - afterPrepare.moveStartTime) + StepTimer::MinInterruptInterval; #if 0 //DEBUG if (dm != nullptr && elapsedTime >= dm->nextStepTime) { const uint32_t delay = elapsedTime - dm->nextStepTime; if (dm->nextStep != 1) { if (delay > maxDelay) { maxDelay = delay; } if (delay > lastDelay && (delay - lastDelay) > maxDelayIncrease) { maxDelayIncrease = delay - lastDelay; } } lastDelay = delay; } #endif //END DEBUG while (dm != nullptr && elapsedTime >= dm->nextStepTime) // if the next step is due { driversStepping |= p.GetDriversBitmap(dm->drive); #if 0 // debug only ++stepsDone[dm->drive]; #endif dm = dm->nextDM; } driversStepping &= p.GetSteppingEnabledDrivers(); #if SUPPORT_SLOW_DRIVERS // if supporting slow drivers if ((driversStepping & p.GetSlowDriversBitmap()) != 0) // if using some slow drivers { // Wait until step low and direction setup time have elapsed uint32_t lastStepPulseTime = lastStepLowTime; while (now - lastStepPulseTime < p.GetSlowDriverStepLowClocks() || now - lastDirChangeTime < p.GetSlowDriverDirSetupClocks()) { now = StepTimer::GetTimerTicks(); } StepPins::StepDriversHigh(driversStepping); // step drivers high lastStepPulseTime = StepTimer::GetTimerTicks(); for (DriveMovement *dm2 = activeDMs; dm2 != dm; dm2 = dm2->nextDM) { (void)dm2->CalcNextStepTime(*this); // calculate next step times } while (StepTimer::GetTimerTicks() - lastStepPulseTime < p.GetSlowDriverStepHighClocks()) {} StepPins::StepDriversLow(driversStepping); // step drivers low lastStepLowTime = StepTimer::GetTimerTicks(); } else #endif { StepPins::StepDriversHigh(driversStepping); // step drivers high #if SAME70 __DSB(); // without this the step pulse can be far too short #endif for (DriveMovement *dm2 = activeDMs; dm2 != dm; dm2 = dm2->nextDM) { (void)dm2->CalcNextStepTime(*this); // calculate next step times } StepPins::StepDriversLow(driversStepping); // step drivers low } // Remove those drives from the list, update the direction pins where necessary, and re-insert them so as to keep the list in step-time order. DriveMovement *dmToInsert = activeDMs; // head of the chain we need to re-insert activeDMs = dm; // remove the chain from the list while (dmToInsert != dm) // note that both of these may be nullptr { DriveMovement * const nextToInsert = dmToInsert->nextDM; if (dmToInsert->state >= DMState::firstMotionState) { InsertDM(dmToInsert); if (dmToInsert->directionChanged) { dmToInsert->directionChanged = false; p.SetDirection(dmToInsert->drive, dmToInsert->direction); } } else { dmToInsert->nextDM = completedDMs; completedDMs = dmToInsert; } dmToInsert = nextToInsert; } // If there are no more steps to do and the time for the move has nearly expired, flag the move as complete if (activeDMs == nullptr) { // We set a move as current up to MovementStartDelayClocks (about 10ms) before it is due to start. // We need to make sure it has really started, or we can get arithmetic wrap round in the case that there are no local drivers stepping. const uint32_t timeRunning = StepTimer::GetTimerTicks() - afterPrepare.moveStartTime; if ( timeRunning + WakeupTime >= clocksNeeded // if it looks like the move has almost finished && timeRunning < 0 - AbsoluteMinimumPreparedTime // and it really has started ) { state = completed; } } } // Simulate stepping the drivers, for debugging. // This is basically a copy of DDA::SetDrivers except that instead of being called from the timer ISR and generating steps, // it is called from the Move task and outputs info on the step timings. It ignores endstops. void DDA::SimulateSteppingDrivers(Platform& p) noexcept { static uint32_t lastStepTime; static bool checkTiming = false; DriveMovement* dm = activeDMs; if (dm != nullptr) { const uint32_t dueTime = dm->nextStepTime; while (dm != nullptr && dueTime >= dm->nextStepTime) // if the next step is due { const uint32_t timeDiff = dm->nextStepTime - lastStepTime; const bool badTiming = checkTiming && (timeDiff < 10 || timeDiff > 100000000); debugPrintf("%10" PRIu32 " D%u %c%s", dm->nextStepTime, dm->drive, (dm->direction) ? 'F' : 'B', (badTiming) ? " *\n" : "\n"); dm = dm->nextDM; } lastStepTime = dueTime; checkTiming = true; for (DriveMovement *dm2 = activeDMs; dm2 != dm; dm2 = dm2->nextDM) { (void)dm2->CalcNextStepTime(*this); // calculate next step times } // Remove those drives from the list, update the direction pins where necessary, and re-insert them so as to keep the list in step-time order. DriveMovement *dmToInsert = activeDMs; // head of the chain we need to re-insert activeDMs = dm; // remove the chain from the list while (dmToInsert != dm) // note that both of these may be nullptr { DriveMovement * const nextToInsert = dmToInsert->nextDM; if (dmToInsert->state >= DMState::firstMotionState) { InsertDM(dmToInsert); if (dmToInsert->directionChanged) { dmToInsert->directionChanged = false; } } else { dmToInsert->nextDM = completedDMs; completedDMs = dmToInsert; } dmToInsert = nextToInsert; } } // If there are no more steps to do and the time for the move has nearly expired, flag the move as complete if (activeDMs == nullptr) { checkTiming = false; // don't check the timing of the first step in the next move state = completed; } } // Stop a drive and re-calculate the corresponding endpoint. // For extruder drivers, we need to be able to calculate how much of the extrusion was completed after calling this. void DDA::StopDrive(size_t drive) noexcept { DriveMovement* const pdm = FindActiveDM(drive); if (pdm != nullptr) { if (drive < reprap.GetGCodes().GetTotalAxes()) { endPoint[drive] -= pdm->GetNetStepsLeft(); flags.endCoordinatesValid = false; // the XYZ position is no longer valid } DeactivateDM(drive); #if !SUPPORT_CAN_EXPANSION if (activeDMs == nullptr) { state = completed; } #endif } #if SUPPORT_CAN_EXPANSION afterPrepare.drivesMoving.ClearBit(drive); if (afterPrepare.drivesMoving.IsEmpty()) { state = completed; } #endif } // This is called when we abort a move because we have hit an endstop. // It stops all drives and adjusts the end points of the current move to account for how far through the move we got. // The caller must call MoveCompleted at some point after calling this. void DDA::MoveAborted() noexcept { if (state == executing) { for (size_t drive = 0; drive < MaxAxesPlusExtruders; ++drive) { StopDrive(drive); } } state = completed; } // Return the proportion of the complete multi-segment move that has already been done. // The move was either not started or was aborted. float DDA::GetProportionDone(bool moveWasAborted) const noexcept { // Get the proportion of extrusion already done at the start of this segment float proportionDoneSoFar = (filePos != noFilePosition && filePos == prev->filePos) ? prev->proportionDone : 0.0; if (moveWasAborted) { // The move was aborted, so subtract how much was done if (proportionDone > proportionDoneSoFar) { int32_t taken = 0, left = 0; for (size_t extruder = 0; extruder < reprap.GetGCodes().GetNumExtruders(); ++extruder) { const DriveMovement* const pdm = FindDM(ExtruderToLogicalDrive(extruder)); if (pdm != nullptr) // if this extruder is active { taken += pdm->GetNetStepsTaken(); left += pdm->GetNetStepsLeft(); } } const int32_t total = taken + left; if (total > 0) // if the move has net extrusion { proportionDoneSoFar += (((proportionDone - proportionDoneSoFar) * taken) + (total/2)) / total; } } } return proportionDoneSoFar; } bool DDA::HasStepError() const noexcept { #if 0 //debug if (hadHiccup) { return true; // temporary for debugging DAA } #endif for (size_t drive = 0; drive < NumDirectDrivers; ++drive) { const DriveMovement* const pdm = FindDM(drive); if (pdm != nullptr && pdm->state == DMState::stepError) { return true; } } return false; } // Free up this DDA, returning true if the lookahead underrun flag was set bool DDA::Free() noexcept { ReleaseDMs(); state = empty; return flags.hadLookaheadUnderrun; } void DDA::LimitSpeedAndAcceleration(float maxSpeed, float maxAcceleration) noexcept { if (requestedSpeed > maxSpeed) { requestedSpeed = maxSpeed; } if (acceleration > maxAcceleration) { acceleration = maxAcceleration; } if (deceleration > maxAcceleration) { deceleration = maxAcceleration; } } // Update the movement accumulators to account for the move that has just finished. // Only drives that correspond to extruders need to be updated, but it doesn't matter if we update them all. // This is called with interrupts disabled. void DDA::UpdateMovementAccumulators(volatile int32_t *accumulators) const noexcept { // To identify all the extruder movement, we can either loop through extruder numbers and search both DM lists for a DM for that drive, // or we can iterate through both DM lists, checking whether the drive it is for is an extruder. #if 1 // Loop through DMs, checking whether each associated drive is an extruder and updating the movement accumulator if so. // We could omit the check that the drive is an accumulator so that we update all accumulators, but we would still need to check for leadscrew adjustment moves. const size_t numExtruders = reprap.GetGCodes().GetNumExtruders(); if (numExtruders != 0) { const unsigned int firstExtruderDrive = ExtruderToLogicalDrive(numExtruders - 1); for (const DriveMovement* dm = activeDMs; dm != nullptr; ) { const uint8_t drv = dm->drive; if ( drv >= firstExtruderDrive // check that it's an extruder (to save the call to GetStepsTaken) && drv < MaxAxesPlusExtruders // check that it's not a direct leadscrew move ) { accumulators[drv] += dm->GetNetStepsTaken(); } dm = dm->nextDM; } for (const DriveMovement* dm = completedDMs; dm != nullptr; ) { const uint8_t drv = dm->drive; if ( drv >= firstExtruderDrive // check that it's an extruder (to save the call to GetStepsTaken) && drv < MaxAxesPlusExtruders // check that it's not a direct leadscrew move ) { accumulators[drv] += dm->GetNetStepsTaken(); } dm = dm->nextDM; } } #else // Loop through extruders const size_t numExtruders = reprap.GetGCodes().GetNumExtruders(); for (size_t extruder = 0; extruder < numExtruders; ++extruder) { const size_t drv = ExtruderToLogicalDrive(extruder); accumulators[drv] += GetStepsTaken(drv); } #endif } #if SUPPORT_LASER // Manage the laser power. Return the number of ticks until we should be called again, or 0 to be called at the start of the next move. uint32_t DDA::ManageLaserPower() const noexcept { Platform& platform = reprap.GetPlatform(); if (!flags.controlLaser || laserPwmOrIoBits.laserPwm == 0) { platform.SetLaserPwm(0); return 0; } const uint32_t clocksMoving = StepTimer::GetTimerTicks() - afterPrepare.moveStartTime; if (clocksMoving >= clocksNeeded) // this also covers the case of now < startTime { // Something has gone wrong with the timing. Set zero laser power, but try again soon. platform.SetLaserPwm(0); return LaserPwmIntervalMillis; } const float accelSpeed = startSpeed + acceleration * clocksMoving; if (accelSpeed < topSpeed) { // Acceleration phase const Pwm_t pwm = (Pwm_t)((accelSpeed/topSpeed) * laserPwmOrIoBits.laserPwm); platform.SetLaserPwm(pwm); return LaserPwmIntervalMillis; } const uint32_t clocksLeft = clocksNeeded - clocksMoving; const float decelSpeed = endSpeed + deceleration * clocksLeft; if (decelSpeed < topSpeed) { // Deceleration phase const Pwm_t pwm = (Pwm_t)((decelSpeed/topSpeed) * laserPwmOrIoBits.laserPwm); platform.SetLaserPwm(pwm); return LaserPwmIntervalMillis; } // We must be in the constant speed phase platform.SetLaserPwm(laserPwmOrIoBits.laserPwm); const uint32_t decelClocks = (topSpeed - endSpeed)/deceleration; if (clocksLeft <= decelClocks) { return LaserPwmIntervalMillis; } const uint32_t clocksToDecel = clocksLeft - decelClocks; return lrintf((float)clocksToDecel * StepClocksToMillis) + LaserPwmIntervalMillis; } #endif // End