/* * DDA.h * * Created on: 7 Dec 2014 * Author: David */ #ifndef DDA_H_ #define DDA_H_ #include #include "DriveMovement.h" #include "StepTimer.h" #include "MoveSegment.h" #include "InputShaperPlan.h" #include #include // for class RawMove #ifdef DUET_NG # define DDA_LOG_PROBE_CHANGES 0 #else # define DDA_LOG_PROBE_CHANGES 0 // save memory on the wired Duet #endif class DDARing; // Struct for passing parameters to the DriveMovement Prepare methods, also accessed by the input shaper struct PrepParams { struct PrepParamSet { float accelDistance; float decelStartDistance; float accelClocks, steadyClocks, decelClocks; float acceleration, deceleration; // Calculate the steady clocks and set the total clocks in the DDA void Finalise(float topSpeed) noexcept; // Get the total clocks needed float TotalClocks() const noexcept { return accelClocks + steadyClocks + decelClocks; } }; // Parameters used for all types of motion PrepParamSet unshaped; PrepParamSet shaped; // only valid if the shaping plan is not empty InputShaperPlan shapingPlan; #if SUPPORT_CAN_EXPANSION // Parameters used by CAN expansion float initialSpeedFraction, finalSpeedFraction; #endif // Parameters used only for delta moves float initialX, initialY; #if SUPPORT_CAN_EXPANSION float finalX, finalY; float zMovement; #endif const LinearDeltaKinematics *dparams; float a2plusb2; // sum of the squares of the X and Y movement fractions // Set up the parameters from the DDA, excluding steadyClocks because that may be affected by input shaping void SetFromDDA(const DDA& dda) noexcept; }; // This defines a single coordinated movement of one or several motors class DDA { friend class DriveMovement; friend class AxisShaper; friend class ExtruderShaper; friend class PrepParams; public: enum DDAState : uint8_t { empty, // empty or being filled in provisional, // ready, but could be subject to modifications frozen, // ready, no further modifications allowed executing, // steps are currently being generated for this DDA completed // move has been completed or aborted }; DDA(DDA* n) noexcept; void* operator new(size_t count) { return Tasks::AllocPermanent(count); } void* operator new(size_t count, std::align_val_t align) { return Tasks::AllocPermanent(count, align); } void operator delete(void* ptr) noexcept {} void operator delete(void* ptr, std::align_val_t align) noexcept {} bool InitStandardMove(DDARing& ring, const RawMove &nextMove, bool doMotorMapping) noexcept SPEED_CRITICAL; // Set up a new move, returning true if it represents real movement bool InitLeadscrewMove(DDARing& ring, float feedrate, const float amounts[MaxDriversPerAxis]) noexcept; // Set up a leadscrew motor move #if SUPPORT_ASYNC_MOVES bool InitAsyncMove(DDARing& ring, const AsyncMove& nextMove) noexcept; // Set up an async move #endif void Start(Platform& p, uint32_t tim) noexcept SPEED_CRITICAL; // Start executing the DDA, i.e. move the move. void StepDrivers(Platform& p, uint32_t now) noexcept SPEED_CRITICAL; // Take one step of the DDA, called by timer interrupt. bool ScheduleNextStepInterrupt(StepTimer& timer) const noexcept SPEED_CRITICAL; // Schedule the next interrupt, returning true if we can't because it is already due void SetNext(DDA *n) noexcept { next = n; } void SetPrevious(DDA *p) noexcept { prev = p; } void Complete() noexcept { state = completed; } bool Free() noexcept; void Prepare(uint8_t simMode) noexcept SPEED_CRITICAL; // Calculate all the values and freeze this DDA bool HasStepError() const noexcept; bool CanPauseAfter() const noexcept; bool IsPrintingMove() const noexcept { return flags.isPrintingMove; } // Return true if this involves both XY movement and extrusion bool UsingStandardFeedrate() const noexcept { return flags.usingStandardFeedrate; } bool IsCheckingEndstops() const noexcept { return flags.checkEndstops; } DDAState GetState() const noexcept { return state; } DDA* GetNext() const noexcept { return next; } DDA* GetPrevious() const noexcept { return prev; } int32_t GetTimeLeft() const noexcept; #if SUPPORT_CAN_EXPANSION uint32_t InsertHiccup(uint32_t whenNextInterruptWanted) noexcept; #else void InsertHiccup(uint32_t whenNextInterruptWanted) noexcept; #endif #if SUPPORT_REMOTE_COMMANDS # if USE_REMOTE_INPUT_SHAPING bool InitShapedFromRemote(const CanMessageMovementLinearShaped& msg) noexcept; # else bool InitFromRemote(const CanMessageMovementLinear& msg) noexcept; # endif #endif const int32_t *DriveCoordinates() const noexcept { return endPoint; } // Get endpoints of a move in machine coordinates void SetDriveCoordinate(int32_t a, size_t drive) noexcept; // Force an end point void SetFeedRate(float rate) noexcept { requestedSpeed = rate; } float GetEndCoordinate(size_t drive, bool disableMotorMapping) noexcept; bool FetchEndPosition(volatile int32_t ep[MaxAxesPlusExtruders], volatile float endCoords[MaxAxesPlusExtruders]) noexcept; void SetPositions(const float move[]) noexcept; // Force the endpoints to be these FilePosition GetFilePosition() const noexcept { return filePos; } float GetRequestedSpeed() const noexcept { return requestedSpeed; } float GetTopSpeed() const noexcept { return topSpeed; } float GetAcceleration() const noexcept { return acceleration; } float GetDeceleration() const noexcept { return deceleration; } float GetVirtualExtruderPosition() const noexcept { return virtualExtruderPosition; } float AdvanceBabyStepping(DDARing& ring, size_t axis, float amount) noexcept; // Try to push babystepping earlier in the move queue const Tool *GetTool() const noexcept { return tool; } float GetTotalDistance() const noexcept { return totalDistance; } void LimitSpeedAndAcceleration(float maxSpeed, float maxAcceleration) noexcept; // Limit the speed an acceleration of this move // Filament monitor support int32_t GetStepsTaken(size_t drive) const noexcept; float GetProportionDone(bool moveWasAborted) const noexcept; // Return the proportion of extrusion for the complete multi-segment move already done float GetInitialUserC0() const noexcept { return initialUserC0; } float GetInitialUserC1() const noexcept { return initialUserC1; } void MoveAborted() noexcept; uint32_t GetClocksNeeded() const noexcept { return clocksNeeded; } bool IsGoodToPrepare() const noexcept; bool IsNonPrintingExtruderMove() const noexcept { return flags.isNonPrintingExtruderMove; } #if SUPPORT_LASER || SUPPORT_IOBITS LaserPwmOrIoBits GetLaserPwmOrIoBits() const noexcept { return laserPwmOrIoBits; } bool ControlLaser() const noexcept { return flags.controlLaser; } #endif #if SUPPORT_LASER uint32_t ManageLaserPower() const noexcept; // Manage the laser power #endif #if SUPPORT_IOBITS uint32_t GetMoveStartTime() const noexcept { return afterPrepare.moveStartTime; } IoBits_t GetIoBits() const noexcept { return laserPwmOrIoBits.ioBits; } #endif uint32_t GetMoveFinishTime() const noexcept { return afterPrepare.moveStartTime + clocksNeeded; } #if HAS_SMART_DRIVERS uint32_t GetStepInterval(size_t axis, uint32_t microstepShift) const noexcept; // Get the current full step interval for this axis or extruder #endif void CheckEndstops(Platform& platform) noexcept; void DebugPrint(const char *tag) const noexcept; // print the DDA only void DebugPrintAll(const char *tag) const noexcept; // print the DDA and active DMs static void PrintMoves() noexcept; // print saved moves for debugging // Note on the following constant: // If we calculate the step interval on every clock, we reach a point where the calculation time exceeds the step interval. // The worst case is pure Z movement on a delta. On a Mini Kossel with 80 steps/mm with this firmware running on a Duet (84MHx SAM3X8 processor), // the calculation can just be managed in time at speeds of 15000mm/min (step interval 50us), but not at 20000mm/min (step interval 37.5us). // Therefore, where the step interval falls below 60us, we don't calculate on every step. // Note: the above measurements were taken some time ago, before some firmware optimisations. #if SAME70 // Use the same defaults as for the SAM4E for now. static constexpr uint32_t MinCalcInterval = (40 * StepClockRate)/1000000; // same as delta for now, but could be lower static constexpr uint32_t HiccupTime = (30 * StepClockRate)/1000000; // how long we hiccup for in step timer clocks #elif SAM4E || SAM4S || SAME5x static constexpr uint32_t MinCalcIntervalDelta = (40 * StepClockRate)/1000000; // the smallest sensible interval between calculations (40us) in step timer clocks static constexpr uint32_t MinCalcInterval = (40 * StepClockRate)/1000000; // same as delta for now, but could be lower static constexpr uint32_t HiccupTime = (30 * StepClockRate)/1000000; // how long we hiccup for in step timer clocks #elif defined(__LPC17xx__) static constexpr uint32_t MinCalcInterval = (40 * StepClockRate)/1000000; // same as delta for now, but could be lower static constexpr uint32_t HiccupTime = (30 * StepClockRate)/1000000; // how long we hiccup for in step timer clocks #else // SAM3X static constexpr uint32_t MinCalcInterval = (60 * StepClockRate)/1000000; // same as delta for now, but could be lower static constexpr uint32_t HiccupTime = (40 * StepClockRate)/1000000; // how long we hiccup for in step timer clocks #endif static constexpr uint32_t MaxStepInterruptTime = 10 * StepTimer::MinInterruptInterval; // the maximum time we spend looping in the ISR , in step clocks static constexpr uint32_t WakeupTime = (100 * StepClockRate)/1000000; // stop resting 100us before the move is due to end static constexpr uint32_t HiccupIncrement = HiccupTime/2; // how much we increase the hiccup time by on each attempt static constexpr uint32_t UsualMinimumPreparedTime = StepClockRate/10; // 100ms static constexpr uint32_t AbsoluteMinimumPreparedTime = StepClockRate/20; // 50ms #if DDA_LOG_PROBE_CHANGES static const size_t MaxLoggedProbePositions = 40; static size_t numLoggedProbePositions; static int32_t loggedProbePositions[XYZ_AXES * MaxLoggedProbePositions]; #endif static uint32_t lastStepLowTime; // when we last completed a step pulse to a slow driver static uint32_t lastDirChangeTime; // when we last change the DIR signal to a slow driver #if 0 // debug only static uint32_t stepsRequested[NumDirectDrivers], stepsDone[NumDirectDrivers]; #endif private: DriveMovement *FindDM(size_t drive) const noexcept; // find the DM for a drive if there is one even if it is completed DriveMovement *FindActiveDM(size_t drive) const noexcept; // find the DM for a drive if there is one but only if it is active void RecalculateMove(DDARing& ring) noexcept SPEED_CRITICAL; void MatchSpeeds() noexcept SPEED_CRITICAL; void StopDrive(size_t drive) noexcept; // stop movement of a drive and recalculate the endpoint void InsertDM(DriveMovement *dm) noexcept SPEED_CRITICAL; void DeactivateDM(size_t drive) noexcept; void ReleaseDMs() noexcept; bool IsDecelerationMove() const noexcept; // return true if this move is or have been might have been intended to be a deceleration-only move bool IsAccelerationMove() const noexcept; // return true if this move is or have been might have been intended to be an acceleration-only move void EnsureUnshapedSegments(const PrepParams& params) noexcept; void DebugPrintVector(const char *name, const float *vec, size_t len) const noexcept; #if SUPPORT_CAN_EXPANSION int32_t PrepareRemoteExtruder(size_t drive, float& extrusionPending, float speedChange) const noexcept; #endif static void DoLookahead(DDARing& ring, DDA *laDDA) noexcept SPEED_CRITICAL; // Try to smooth out moves in the queue static float Normalise(float v[], AxesBitmap unitLengthAxes) noexcept; // Normalise a vector to unit length over the specified axes static float Normalise(float v[]) noexcept; // Normalise a vector to unit length over all axes float NormaliseLinearMotion(AxesBitmap linearAxes) noexcept; // Make the direction vector unit-normal in XYZ static void Absolute(float v[], size_t dimensions) noexcept; // Put a vector in the positive hyperquadrant static float Magnitude(const float v[]) noexcept; // Get the magnitude measured over all axes and extruders static float Magnitude(const float v[], AxesBitmap axes) noexcept; // Return the length of a vector over the specified orthogonal axes static void Scale(float v[], float scale) noexcept; // Multiply a vector by a scalar static float VectorBoxIntersection(const float v[], const float box[]) noexcept; // Compute the length that a vector would have to have to just touch the surface of a hyperbox of MaxAxesPlusExtruders dimensions. DDA *next; // The next one in the ring DDA *prev; // The previous one in the ring volatile DDAState state; // What state this DDA is in union { struct { uint16_t endCoordinatesValid : 1, // True if endCoordinates can be relied on isDeltaMovement : 1, // True if this is a delta printer movement canPauseAfter : 1, // True if we can pause at the end of this move isPrintingMove : 1, // True if this move includes XY movement and extrusion usePressureAdvance : 1, // True if pressure advance should be applied to any forward extrusion hadLookaheadUnderrun : 1, // True if the lookahead queue was not long enough to optimise this move xyMoving : 1, // True if movement along an X axis or the Y axis was requested, even it if's too small to do isLeadscrewAdjustmentMove : 1, // True if this is a leadscrews adjustment move usingStandardFeedrate : 1, // True if this move uses the standard feed rate isNonPrintingExtruderMove : 1, // True if this move is an extruder-only move, or involves reverse extrusion (and possibly axis movement too) continuousRotationShortcut : 1, // True if continuous rotation axes take shortcuts checkEndstops : 1, // True if this move monitors endstops or Z probe controlLaser : 1, // True if this move controls the laser or iobits hadHiccup : 1, // True if we had a hiccup while executing a move from a remote master isRemote : 1, // True if this move was commanded from a remote wasAccelOnlyMove : 1; // set by Prepare if this was an acceleration-only move, for the next move to look at }; uint16_t all; // so that we can print all the flags at once for debugging } flags; #if SUPPORT_LASER || SUPPORT_IOBITS LaserPwmOrIoBits laserPwmOrIoBits; // laser PWM required or port state required during this move (here because it is currently 16 bits) #endif const Tool *tool; // which tool (if any) is active FilePosition filePos; // The position in the SD card file after this move was read, or zero if not read from SD card int32_t endPoint[MaxAxesPlusExtruders]; // Machine coordinates of the endpoint float endCoordinates[MaxAxesPlusExtruders]; // The Cartesian coordinates at the end of the move plus extrusion amounts float directionVector[MaxAxesPlusExtruders]; // The normalised direction vector - first 3 are XYZ Cartesian coordinates even on a delta float totalDistance; // How long is the move in hypercuboid space float acceleration; // The acceleration to use float deceleration; // The deceleration to use float requestedSpeed; // The speed that the user asked for float virtualExtruderPosition; // the virtual extruder position at the end of this move, used for pause/resume // These vary depending on how we connect the move with its predecessor and successor, but remain constant while the move is being executed float startSpeed; float endSpeed; float topSpeed; float proportionDone; // what proportion of the extrusion in the G1 or G0 move of which this is a part has been done after this segment is complete float initialUserC0, initialUserC1; // if this is a segment of an arc move, the user X and Y coordinates at the start uint32_t clocksNeeded; union { // Values that are needed only before Prepare is called struct { float accelDistance; float decelDistance; float targetNextSpeed; // The speed that the next move would like to start at, used to keep track of the lookahead without making recursive calls float maxAcceleration; // the maximum allowed acceleration for this move according to the limits set by M201 } beforePrepare; // Values that are not set or accessed before Prepare is called struct { // These are calculated from the above and used in the ISR, so they are set up by Prepare() uint32_t moveStartTime; // clock count at which the move is due to start (before execution) or was started (during execution) #if SUPPORT_CAN_EXPANSION DriversBitmap drivesMoving; // bitmap of logical drives moving - needed to keep track of whether remote drives are moving static_assert(MaxAxesPlusExtruders <= DriversBitmap::MaxBits()); #endif // These are used only in delta calculations #if !MS_USE_FPU int32_t cKc; // The Z movement fraction multiplied by Kc and converted to integer #endif } afterPrepare; }; #if DDA_LOG_PROBE_CHANGES static bool probeTriggered; void LogProbePosition() noexcept; #endif // These three could possibly be moved into afterPrepare DriveMovement* activeDMs; // list of associated DMs that need steps, in step time order DriveMovement* completedDMs; // list of associated DMs that don't need any more steps MoveSegment* shapedSegments; // linked list of move segments used by axis DMs MoveSegment* unshapedSegments; // linked list of move segments used by extruder DMs }; // Find the DriveMovement record for a given drive even if it is completed, or return nullptr if there isn't one inline DriveMovement *DDA::FindDM(size_t drive) const noexcept { for (DriveMovement* dm = activeDMs; dm != nullptr; dm = dm->nextDM) { if (dm->drive == drive) { return dm; } } for (DriveMovement* dm = completedDMs; dm != nullptr; dm = dm->nextDM) { if (dm->drive == drive) { return dm; } } return nullptr; } // Find the active DriveMovement record for a given drive, or return nullptr if there isn't one inline DriveMovement *DDA::FindActiveDM(size_t drive) const noexcept { for (DriveMovement* dm = activeDMs; dm != nullptr; dm = dm->nextDM) { if (dm->drive == drive) { return dm; } } return nullptr; } // Force an end point inline void DDA::SetDriveCoordinate(int32_t a, size_t drive) noexcept { endPoint[drive] = a; flags.endCoordinatesValid = false; } // Schedule the next interrupt, returning true if we can't because it is already due // Base priority must be >= NvicPriorityStep when calling this inline __attribute__((always_inline)) bool DDA::ScheduleNextStepInterrupt(StepTimer& timer) const noexcept { if (state == executing) { // Calculate the time when we want the next interrupt. // This must be after the move is due to start, because if the interrupt is too early then DDA::Step will just reschedule the interrupt again. // This leads to the ISR looping, eventually inserting ever-larger hiccups, and the print stalls. uint32_t whenDue; if (activeDMs != nullptr) { whenDue = activeDMs->nextStepTime + afterPrepare.moveStartTime; } else if (clocksNeeded > DDA::WakeupTime) { whenDue = clocksNeeded - DDA::WakeupTime + afterPrepare.moveStartTime; } else { // This case occurs when we have a very short null movement whenDue = afterPrepare.moveStartTime; } return timer.ScheduleCallbackFromIsr(whenDue); } return false; } // Return true if there is no reason to delay preparing this move inline bool DDA::IsGoodToPrepare() const noexcept { return endSpeed >= topSpeed; // if it never decelerates, we can't improve it } inline bool DDA::CanPauseAfter() const noexcept { return flags.canPauseAfter #if SUPPORT_CAN_EXPANSION // We can't easily cancel moves that have already been sent to CAN expansion boards && next->state != DDAState::frozen #endif ; } #if SUPPORT_CAN_EXPANSION // Insert a hiccup, returning the amount of time inserted // Note, clocksNeeded may be less than DDA:WakeupTime but that doesn't matter, the subtraction will wrap around and push the new moveStartTime on a little inline __attribute__((always_inline)) uint32_t DDA::InsertHiccup(uint32_t whenNextInterruptWanted) noexcept { const uint32_t ticksDueAfterStart = (activeDMs != nullptr) ? activeDMs->nextStepTime : clocksNeeded - DDA::WakeupTime; const uint32_t oldStartTime = afterPrepare.moveStartTime; afterPrepare.moveStartTime = whenNextInterruptWanted - ticksDueAfterStart; return afterPrepare.moveStartTime - oldStartTime; } #else // Insert a hiccup // Note, clocksNeeded may be less than DDA:WakeupTime but that doesn't matter, the subtraction will wrap around and push the new moveStartTime on a little inline __attribute__((always_inline)) void DDA::InsertHiccup(uint32_t whenNextInterruptWanted) noexcept { const uint32_t ticksDueAfterStart = (activeDMs != nullptr) ? activeDMs->nextStepTime : clocksNeeded - DDA::WakeupTime; afterPrepare.moveStartTime = whenNextInterruptWanted - ticksDueAfterStart; } #endif #if HAS_SMART_DRIVERS // Get the current full step interval for this axis or extruder inline __attribute__((always_inline)) uint32_t DDA::GetStepInterval(size_t axis, uint32_t microstepShift) const noexcept { const DriveMovement * const dm = FindActiveDM(axis); return (dm != nullptr) ? dm->GetStepInterval(microstepShift) : 0; } #endif #endif /* DDA_H_ */