/* * DDARing.h * * Created on: 28 Feb 2019 * Author: David * * This class represents a queue of moves, where for each move the movement is synchronised between all the motors involved. */ #ifndef SRC_MOVEMENT_DDARING_H_ #define SRC_MOVEMENT_DDARING_H_ #include "DDA.h" class DDARing INHERIT_OBJECT_MODEL { public: DDARing() noexcept; void Init1(unsigned int numDdas) noexcept; void Init2() noexcept; void Exit() noexcept; void RecycleDDAs() noexcept; bool CanAddMove() const noexcept; bool AddStandardMove(const RawMove &nextMove, bool doMotorMapping) noexcept SPEED_CRITICAL; // Set up a new move, returning true if it represents real movement bool AddSpecialMove(float feedRate, const float coords[MaxDriversPerAxis]) noexcept; #if SUPPORT_ASYNC_MOVES bool AddAsyncMove(const AsyncMove& nextMove) noexcept; #endif uint32_t Spin(SimulationMode simulationMode, bool waitingForSpace, bool shouldStartMove) noexcept SPEED_CRITICAL; // Try to process moves in the ring bool IsIdle() const noexcept; // Return true if this DDA ring is idle uint32_t GetGracePeriod() const noexcept { return gracePeriod; } // Return the minimum idle time, before we should start a move. Better to have a few moves in the queue so that we can do lookahead float PushBabyStepping(size_t axis, float amount) noexcept; // Try to push some babystepping through the lookahead queue, returning the amount pushed void Interrupt(Platform& p) noexcept SPEED_CRITICAL; // Check endstops, generate step pulses void OnMoveCompleted(DDA *cdda, Platform& p) noexcept; // called when the state has been set to 'completed' bool ScheduleNextStepInterrupt() noexcept SPEED_CRITICAL; // Schedule the next step interrupt, returning true if we failed because it is due immediately void CurrentMoveCompleted() noexcept SPEED_CRITICAL; // Signal that the current move has just been completed uint32_t ExtruderPrintingSince() const noexcept { return extrudersPrintingSince; } // When we started doing normal moves after the most recent extruder-only move int32_t GetAccumulatedMovement(size_t drive, bool& isPrinting) noexcept; uint32_t GetScheduledMoves() const noexcept { return scheduledMoves; } // How many moves have been scheduled? uint32_t GetCompletedMoves() const noexcept { return completedMoves; } // How many moves have been completed? void ResetMoveCounters() noexcept { scheduledMoves = completedMoves = 0; } float GetSimulationTime() const noexcept { return simulationTime; } void ResetSimulationTime() noexcept { simulationTime = 0.0; } #if HAS_SMART_DRIVERS uint32_t GetStepInterval(size_t axis, uint32_t microstepShift) const noexcept; #endif DDA *GetCurrentDDA() const noexcept { return currentDda; } // Return the DDA of the currently-executing move, or nullptr float GetRequestedSpeed() const noexcept; float GetTopSpeed() const noexcept; float GetAcceleration() const noexcept; float GetDeceleration() const noexcept; int32_t GetEndPoint(size_t drive) const noexcept { return liveEndPoints[drive]; } // Get the current position of a motor void GetCurrentMachinePosition(float m[MaxAxes], bool disableMotorMapping) const noexcept; // Get the current position in untransformed coords void SetPositions(const float move[MaxAxesPlusExtruders]) noexcept; // Force the machine coordinates to be these void AdjustMotorPositions(const float adjustment[], size_t numMotors) noexcept; // Perform motor endpoint adjustment bool LiveCoordinates(float m[MaxAxesPlusExtruders]) noexcept; // Fetch the last point at the end of the last completed DDA if it has changed since we last called this void SetLiveCoordinates(const float coords[MaxAxesPlusExtruders]) noexcept; // Force the live coordinates (see above) to be these bool HaveLiveCoordinatesChanged() const noexcept { return liveCoordinatesChanged; } void ResetExtruderPositions() noexcept; // Resets the extrusion amounts of the live coordinates bool PauseMoves(RestorePoint& rp) noexcept; // Pause the print as soon as we can, returning true if we were able to skip any #if HAS_VOLTAGE_MONITOR || HAS_STALL_DETECT bool LowPowerOrStallPause(RestorePoint& rp) noexcept; // Pause the print immediately, returning true if we were able to #endif #if SUPPORT_LASER uint32_t ManageLaserPower() const noexcept; // Manage the laser power #endif void RecordLookaheadError() noexcept { ++numLookaheadErrors; } // Record a lookahead error void Diagnostics(MessageType mtype, const char *prefix) noexcept; bool SetWaitingToEmpty() noexcept; GCodeResult ConfigureMovementQueue(GCodeBuffer& gb, const StringRef& reply) THROWS(GCodeException); #if SUPPORT_REMOTE_COMMANDS # if USE_REMOTE_INPUT_SHAPING void AddShapedMoveFromRemote(const CanMessageMovementLinearShaped& msg) noexcept; // add a move from the ATE to the movement queue # else void AddMoveFromRemote(const CanMessageMovementLinear& msg) noexcept; // add a move from the ATE to the movement queue # endif #endif protected: DECLARE_OBJECT_MODEL private: bool StartNextMove(Platform& p, uint32_t startTime) noexcept SPEED_CRITICAL; // Start the next move, returning true if laser or IObits need to be controlled uint32_t PrepareMoves(DDA *firstUnpreparedMove, int32_t moveTimeLeft, unsigned int alreadyPrepared, SimulationMode simulationMode) noexcept; static void TimerCallback(CallbackParameter p) noexcept; DDA* volatile currentDda; DDA* addPointer; DDA* volatile getPointer; DDA* checkPointer; StepTimer timer; // Timer object to control getting step interrupts volatile float liveCoordinates[MaxAxesPlusExtruders]; // The endpoint that the machine moved to in the last completed move volatile int32_t liveEndPoints[MaxAxesPlusExtruders]; // The XYZ endpoints of the last completed move in motor coordinates unsigned int numDdasInRing; uint32_t gracePeriod; // The minimum idle time in milliseconds, before we should start a move. Better to have a few moves in the queue so that we can do lookahead uint32_t scheduledMoves; // Move counters for the code queue volatile uint32_t completedMoves; // This one is modified by an ISR, hence volatile volatile int32_t numHiccups; // Modified in the ISR unsigned int numLookaheadUnderruns; // How many times we have run out of moves to adjust during lookahead unsigned int numPrepareUnderruns; // How many times we wanted a new move but there were only un-prepared moves in the queue unsigned int numNoMoveUnderruns; // How many times we wanted a new move but there were none unsigned int numLookaheadErrors; // How many times our lookahead algorithm failed unsigned int stepErrors; // count of step errors, for diagnostics float simulationTime; // Print time since we started simulating volatile int32_t movementAccumulators[MaxAxesPlusExtruders]; // Accumulated motor steps, used by filament monitors volatile uint32_t extrudersPrintingSince; // The milliseconds clock time when extrudersPrinting was set to true volatile bool extrudersPrinting; // Set whenever an extruder starts a printing move, cleared by a non-printing extruder move volatile bool liveCoordinatesValid; // True if the XYZ live coordinates in liveCoordinates are reliable (the extruder ones always are) volatile bool liveCoordinatesChanged; // True if the live coordinates have changed since LiveCoordinates was last called volatile bool waitingForRingToEmpty; // True if Move has signalled that we are waiting for this ring to empty }; // Start the next move. Return true if laser or IO bits need to be active // Must be called with base priority greater than or equal to the step interrupt, to avoid a race with the step ISR. inline bool DDARing::StartNextMove(Platform& p, uint32_t startTime) noexcept pre(getPointer->GetState() == DDA::frozen) { DDA * const cdda = getPointer; // capture volatile variable if (cdda->IsNonPrintingExtruderMove()) { extrudersPrinting = false; } else if (!extrudersPrinting) { extrudersPrinting = true; extrudersPrintingSince = millis(); } currentDda = cdda; cdda->Start(p, startTime); #if SUPPORT_LASER || SUPPORT_IOBITS return cdda->ControlLaser(); #else return false; #endif } #if HAS_SMART_DRIVERS inline uint32_t DDARing::GetStepInterval(size_t axis, uint32_t microstepShift) const noexcept { const DDA * const cdda = currentDda; // capture volatile variable return (cdda != nullptr) ? cdda->GetStepInterval(axis, microstepShift) : 0; } #endif // Schedule the next step interrupt for this DDA ring // Base priority must be >= NvicPriorityStep when calling this inline bool DDARing::ScheduleNextStepInterrupt() noexcept { DDA * const cdda = currentDda; // capture volatile variable return (cdda != nullptr) && cdda->ScheduleNextStepInterrupt(timer); } #endif /* SRC_MOVEMENT_DDARING_H_ */