/* * Move.h * * Created on: 7 Dec 2014 * Author: David */ #ifndef MOVE_H_ #define MOVE_H_ #include #include "AxisShaper.h" #include "ExtruderShaper.h" #include "DDARing.h" #include "DDA.h" // needed because of our inline functions #include "BedProbing/RandomProbePointSet.h" #include "BedProbing/Grid.h" #include "Kinematics/Kinematics.h" #include #include #if SUPPORT_ASYNC_MOVES # include "HeightControl/HeightController.h" #endif // Define the number of DDAs and DMs. // A DDA represents a move in the queue. // Each DDA needs one DM per drive that it moves, but only when it has been prepared and frozen #if SAME70 constexpr unsigned int InitialDdaRingLength = 60; constexpr unsigned int AuxDdaRingLength = 5; const unsigned int InitialNumDms = (InitialDdaRingLength/2 * 4) + AuxDdaRingLength; #elif SAM4E || SAM4S || SAME5x constexpr unsigned int InitialDdaRingLength = 40; constexpr unsigned int AuxDdaRingLength = 3; const unsigned int InitialNumDms = (InitialDdaRingLength/2 * 4) + AuxDdaRingLength; #else // We are more memory-constrained on the SAM3X and LPC const unsigned int DdaRingLength = 20; const unsigned int NumDms = 20 * 5; // suitable for e.g. a delta + 2-input hot end #endif // This is the master movement class. It controls all movement in the machine. class Move INHERIT_OBJECT_MODEL { public: Move() noexcept; void Init() noexcept; // Start me up void Exit() noexcept; // Shut down [[noreturn]] void MoveLoop() noexcept; // Main loop called by the Move task void GetCurrentMachinePosition(float m[MaxAxes], bool disableMotorMapping) const noexcept; // Get the current position in untransformed coords void GetCurrentUserPosition(float m[MaxAxes], uint8_t moveType, const Tool *tool) const noexcept; // Return the position (after all queued moves have been executed) in transformed coords int32_t GetEndPoint(size_t drive) const noexcept; // Get the current position of a motor float LiveCoordinate(unsigned int axisOrExtruder, const Tool *tool) noexcept; // Gives the last point at the end of the last complete DDA void MoveAvailable() noexcept; // Called from GCodes to tell the Move task that a move is available bool WaitingForAllMovesFinished() noexcept; // Tell the lookahead ring we are waiting for it to empty and return true if it is void DoLookAhead() noexcept SPEED_CRITICAL; // Run the look-ahead procedure void SetNewPosition(const float positionNow[MaxAxesPlusExtruders], bool doBedCompensation) noexcept; // Set the current position to be this void ResetExtruderPositions() noexcept; // Resets the extrusion amounts of the live coordinates void SetXYBedProbePoint(size_t index, float x, float y) noexcept; // Record the X and Y coordinates of a probe point void SetZBedProbePoint(size_t index, float z, bool wasXyCorrected, bool wasError) noexcept; // Record the Z coordinate of a probe point float GetProbeCoordinates(int count, float& x, float& y, bool wantNozzlePosition) const noexcept; // Get pre-recorded probe coordinates bool FinishedBedProbing(int sParam, const StringRef& reply) noexcept; // Calibrate or set the bed equation after probing void SetAxisCompensation(unsigned int axis, float tangent) noexcept; // Set an axis-pair compensation angle float AxisCompensation(unsigned int axis) const noexcept; // The tangent value bool IsXYCompensated() const; // Check if XY axis compensation applies to the X or Y axis void SetXYCompensation(bool xyCompensation); // Define whether XY compensation applies to X (default) or to Y void SetIdentityTransform() noexcept; // Cancel the bed equation; does not reset axis angle compensation void AxisAndBedTransform(float move[], const Tool *tool, bool useBedCompensation) const noexcept; // Take a position and apply the bed and the axis-angle compensations void InverseAxisAndBedTransform(float move[], const Tool *tool) const noexcept; // Go from a transformed point back to user coordinates void SetZeroHeightError(const float coords[MaxAxes]) noexcept; // Set zero height error at these bed coordinates float GetTaperHeight() const noexcept { return (useTaper) ? taperHeight : 0.0; } void SetTaperHeight(float h) noexcept; bool UseMesh(bool b) noexcept; // Try to enable mesh bed compensation and report the final state bool IsUsingMesh() const noexcept { return usingMesh; } // Return true if we are using mesh compensation unsigned int GetNumProbedProbePoints() const noexcept; // Return the number of actually probed probe points void SetLatestCalibrationDeviation(const Deviation& d, uint8_t numFactors) noexcept; void SetInitialCalibrationDeviation(const Deviation& d) noexcept; void SetLatestMeshDeviation(const Deviation& d) noexcept; float PushBabyStepping(size_t axis, float amount) noexcept; // Try to push some babystepping through the lookahead queue GCodeResult ConfigureAccelerations(GCodeBuffer&gb, const StringRef& reply) THROWS(GCodeException); // process M204 GCodeResult ConfigureMovementQueue(GCodeBuffer& gb, const StringRef& reply) THROWS(GCodeException); // process M595 GCodeResult ConfigurePressureAdvance(GCodeBuffer& gb, const StringRef& reply) THROWS(GCodeException); // process M572 float GetPressureAdvanceClocks(size_t extruder) const noexcept; #if SUPPORT_REMOTE_COMMANDS GCodeResult EutSetRemotePressureAdvance(const CanMessageMultipleDrivesRequest& msg, size_t dataLength, const StringRef& reply) noexcept; #endif float GetMaxPrintingAcceleration() const noexcept { return maxPrintingAcceleration; } float GetMaxTravelAcceleration() const noexcept { return maxTravelAcceleration; } AxisShaper& GetAxisShaper() noexcept { return axisShaper; } ExtruderShaper& GetExtruderShaper(size_t extruder) noexcept { return extruderShapers[extruder]; } void Diagnostics(MessageType mtype) noexcept; // Report useful stuff // Kinematics and related functions Kinematics& GetKinematics() const noexcept { return *kinematics; } bool SetKinematics(KinematicsType k) noexcept; // Set kinematics, return true if successful bool CartesianToMotorSteps(const float machinePos[MaxAxes], int32_t motorPos[MaxAxes], bool isCoordinated) const noexcept; // Convert Cartesian coordinates to delta motor coordinates, return true if successful void MotorStepsToCartesian(const int32_t motorPos[], size_t numVisibleAxes, size_t numTotalAxes, float machinePos[]) const noexcept; // Convert motor coordinates to machine coordinates void AdjustMotorPositions(const float adjustment[], size_t numMotors) noexcept; // Perform motor endpoint adjustment const char* GetGeometryString() const noexcept { return kinematics->GetName(true); } bool IsAccessibleProbePoint(float axesCoords[MaxAxes], AxesBitmap axes) const noexcept; // Temporary kinematics functions bool IsDeltaMode() const noexcept { return kinematics->GetKinematicsType() == KinematicsType::linearDelta; } // End temporary functions bool IsRawMotorMove(uint8_t moveType) const noexcept; // Return true if this is a raw motor move float IdleTimeout() const noexcept; // Returns the idle timeout in seconds void SetIdleTimeout(float timeout) noexcept; // Set the idle timeout in seconds void Simulate(SimulationMode simMode) noexcept; // Enter or leave simulation mode float GetSimulationTime() const noexcept { return mainDDARing.GetSimulationTime(); } // Get the accumulated simulation time bool PausePrint(RestorePoint& rp) noexcept; // Pause the print as soon as we can, returning true if we were able to #if HAS_VOLTAGE_MONITOR || HAS_STALL_DETECT bool LowPowerOrStallPause(RestorePoint& rp) noexcept; // Pause the print immediately, returning true if we were able to #endif bool NoLiveMovement() const noexcept { return mainDDARing.IsIdle(); } // Is a move running, or are there any queued? uint32_t GetScheduledMoves() const noexcept { return mainDDARing.GetScheduledMoves(); } // How many moves have been scheduled? uint32_t GetCompletedMoves() const noexcept { return mainDDARing.GetCompletedMoves(); } // How many moves have been completed? void ResetMoveCounters() noexcept { mainDDARing.ResetMoveCounters(); } HeightMap& AccessHeightMap() noexcept { return heightMap; } // Access the bed probing grid const GridDefinition& GetGrid() const noexcept { return heightMap.GetGrid(); } // Get the grid definition #if HAS_MASS_STORAGE || HAS_SBC_INTERFACE bool LoadHeightMapFromFile(FileStore *f, const char *fname, const StringRef& r) noexcept; // Load the height map from a file returning true if an error occurred bool SaveHeightMapToFile(FileStore *f, const char *fname) noexcept; // Save the height map to a file returning true if an error occurred #endif const RandomProbePointSet& GetProbePoints() const noexcept { return probePoints; } // Return the probe point set constructed from G30 commands DDARing& GetMainDDARing() noexcept { return mainDDARing; } float GetTopSpeed() const noexcept { return mainDDARing.GetTopSpeed(); } float GetRequestedSpeed() const noexcept { return mainDDARing.GetRequestedSpeed(); } float GetAcceleration() const noexcept { return mainDDARing.GetAcceleration(); } float GetDeceleration() const noexcept { return mainDDARing.GetDeceleration(); } void AdjustLeadscrews(const floatc_t corrections[]) noexcept; // Called by some Kinematics classes to adjust the leadscrews int32_t GetAccumulatedExtrusion(size_t drive, bool& isPrinting) noexcept; // Return and reset the accumulated commanded extrusion amount #if HAS_MASS_STORAGE || HAS_SBC_INTERFACE bool WriteResumeSettings(FileStore *f) const noexcept; // Write settings for resuming the print #endif uint32_t ExtruderPrintingSince() const noexcept { return mainDDARing.ExtruderPrintingSince(); } // When we started doing normal moves after the most recent extruder-only move unsigned int GetJerkPolicy() const noexcept { return jerkPolicy; } void SetJerkPolicy(unsigned int jp) noexcept { jerkPolicy = jp; } #if HAS_SMART_DRIVERS uint32_t GetStepInterval(size_t axis, uint32_t microstepShift) const noexcept; // Get the current step interval for this axis or extruder #endif #if SUPPORT_ASYNC_MOVES AsyncMove *LockAuxMove() noexcept; // Get and lock the aux move buffer void ReleaseAuxMove(bool hasNewMove) noexcept; // Release the aux move buffer and optionally signal that it contains a move GCodeResult ConfigureHeightFollowing(GCodeBuffer& gb, const StringRef& reply) THROWS(GCodeException); // Configure height following GCodeResult StartHeightFollowing(GCodeBuffer& gb, const StringRef& reply) THROWS(GCodeException); // Start/stop height following #endif static int32_t MotorMovementToSteps(size_t drive, float coord) noexcept; // Convert a single motor position to number of steps static float MotorStepsToMovement(size_t drive, int32_t endpoint) noexcept; // Convert number of motor steps to motor position #if SUPPORT_LASER || SUPPORT_IOBITS [[noreturn]] void LaserTaskRun() noexcept; static void CreateLaserTask() noexcept; // create the laser task if we haven't already static void WakeLaserTask() noexcept; // wake up the laser task, called at the start of a new move static void WakeLaserTaskFromISR() noexcept; // wake up the laser task, called at the start of a new move #endif static void WakeMoveTaskFromISR() noexcept; static const TaskBase *GetMoveTaskHandle() noexcept { return &moveTask; } #if SUPPORT_REMOTE_COMMANDS # if USE_REMOTE_INPUT_SHAPING void AddShapeddMoveFromRemote(const CanMessageMovementLinearShaped& msg) noexcept // add a move from the ATE to the movement queue { mainDDARing.AddMoveFromRemote(msg); } # else void AddMoveFromRemote(const CanMessageMovementLinear& msg) noexcept // add a move from the ATE to the movement queue { mainDDARing.AddMoveFromRemote(msg); } # endif #endif protected: DECLARE_OBJECT_MODEL OBJECT_MODEL_ARRAY(queue) #if SUPPORT_COORDINATE_ROTATION OBJECT_MODEL_ARRAY(rotationCentre) #endif private: enum class MoveState : uint8_t { idle, // no moves being executed or in queue, motors are at idle hold collecting, // no moves currently being executed but we are collecting moves ready to execute them executing, // we are executing moves timing // no moves being executed or in queue, motors are at full current }; void BedTransform(float xyzPoint[MaxAxes], const Tool *tool) const noexcept; // Take a position and apply the bed compensations void InverseBedTransform(float xyzPoint[MaxAxes], const Tool *tool) const noexcept; // Go from a bed-transformed point back to user coordinates void AxisTransform(float xyzPoint[MaxAxes], const Tool *tool) const noexcept; // Take a position and apply the axis-angle compensations void InverseAxisTransform(float xyzPoint[MaxAxes], const Tool *tool) const noexcept; // Go from an axis transformed point back to user coordinates float ComputeHeightCorrection(float xyzPoint[MaxAxes], const Tool *tool) const noexcept; // Compute the height correction needed at a point, ignoring taper const char *GetCompensationTypeString() const noexcept; // Move task stack size // 250 is not enough when Move and DDA debug are enabled // deckingman's system (MB6HC with CAN expansion) needs at least 365 in 3.3beta3 static constexpr unsigned int MoveTaskStackWords = 450; static Task moveTask; #if SUPPORT_ASYNC_MOVES DDARing rings[2]; DDARing& auxDDARing = rings[1]; // the DDA ring used for live babystepping, height following and other asynchronous moves AsyncMove auxMove; volatile bool auxMoveLocked; volatile bool auxMoveAvailable; HeightController *heightController; #else DDARing rings[1]; #endif DDARing& mainDDARing = rings[0]; // The DDA ring used for regular moves SimulationMode simulationMode; // Are we simulating, or really printing? MoveState moveState; // whether the idle timer is active float maxPrintingAcceleration; float maxTravelAcceleration; unsigned int jerkPolicy; // When we allow jerk unsigned int idleCount; // The number of times Spin was called and had no new moves to process uint32_t whenLastMoveAdded; // The time when we last added a move to the main DDA ring uint32_t whenIdleTimerStarted; // The approximate time at which the state last changed, except we don't record timing->idle uint32_t idleTimeout; // How long we wait with no activity before we reduce motor currents to idle, in milliseconds uint32_t longestGcodeWaitInterval; // the longest we had to wait for a new GCode float tangents[3]; // Axis compensation - 90 degrees + angle gives angle between axes float& tanXY = tangents[0]; float& tanYZ = tangents[1]; float& tanXZ = tangents[2]; bool compensateXY; HeightMap heightMap; // The grid definition in use and height map for G29 bed probing RandomProbePointSet probePoints; // G30 bed probe points float taperHeight; // Height over which we taper float recipTaperHeight; // Reciprocal of the taper height float zShift; // Height to add to the bed transform Deviation latestCalibrationDeviation; Deviation initialCalibrationDeviation; Deviation latestMeshDeviation; Kinematics *kinematics; // What kinematics we are using AxisShaper axisShaper; ExtruderShaper extruderShapers[MaxExtruders]; float latestLiveCoordinates[MaxAxesPlusExtruders]; float specialMoveCoords[MaxDriversPerAxis]; // Amounts by which to move individual Z motors (leadscrew adjustment move) uint8_t numCalibratedFactors; bool bedLevellingMoveAvailable; // True if a leadscrew adjustment move is pending bool usingMesh; // True if we are using the height map, false if we are using the random probe point set bool useTaper; // True to taper off the compensation #if SUPPORT_LASER || SUPPORT_IOBITS static constexpr size_t LaserTaskStackWords = 100; // stack size in dwords for the laser and IOBits task static Task *laserTask; // the task used to manage laser power or IOBits #endif }; //****************************************************************************************************** // Get the current position in untransformed coords inline void Move::GetCurrentMachinePosition(float m[MaxAxes], bool disableMotorMapping) const noexcept { return mainDDARing.GetCurrentMachinePosition(m, disableMotorMapping); } // Get the current position of a motor inline int32_t Move::GetEndPoint(size_t drive) const noexcept { return mainDDARing.GetEndPoint(drive); } // Perform motor endpoint adjustment inline void Move::AdjustMotorPositions(const float adjustment[], size_t numMotors) noexcept { mainDDARing.AdjustMotorPositions(adjustment, numMotors); } inline void Move::ResetExtruderPositions() noexcept { mainDDARing.ResetExtruderPositions(); } inline float Move::GetPressureAdvanceClocks(size_t extruder) const noexcept { return (extruder < MaxExtruders) ? extruderShapers[extruder].GetKclocks() : 0.0; } // Get the accumulated extruder motor steps taken by an extruder since the last call. Used by the filament monitoring code. // Returns the number of motor steps moves since the last call, and sets isPrinting true unless we are currently executing an extruding but non-printing move inline int32_t Move::GetAccumulatedExtrusion(size_t drive, bool& isPrinting) noexcept { return mainDDARing.GetAccumulatedMovement(drive, isPrinting); } #if HAS_SMART_DRIVERS // Get the current step interval for this axis or extruder, or 0 if it is not moving // This is called from the stepper drivers SPI interface ISR inline __attribute__((always_inline)) uint32_t Move::GetStepInterval(size_t axis, uint32_t microstepShift) const noexcept { return (simulationMode == SimulationMode::off) ? mainDDARing.GetStepInterval(axis, microstepShift) : 0; } #endif #endif /* MOVE_H_ */